A Report

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A Report

Before you start writing:

● decide what facts and information you will need to include
● note down any ideas you have
● decide what your recommendations and suggestions will be
● divide your ideas up under subject headings and make a plan for your

You can use the outline below to help you write.

Title ● A Report on...

I - Introduction - Paragraph 1 ● The aim of this report is to…

● This report aims to…
This is the introduction. State the purpose / ● The focus of the report is to...
aim of your report

CHE - Content, Heading, ● The main reason is…

Elaboration/Explanation - Paragraphs 2 - ● Another important reason is…
4 ● Firstly,
● Secondly,
This is the main body of your report. Use ● Furthermore / Moreover / In addition
formal language to expand on your ideas, ● For example / For instance / such as
supporting them with examples. Use a
heading for each paragraph.

R- Recommendation - Paragraph 5 ● In my opinion,...

● It is recommended that…
Give recommendations or make suggestions ● In my view, in the future, we should...
about what you think should be done. ● All in all… / To sum up… / In short...

When you have finished writing, check that:

● you have followed your plan.
● you have given your article a title.
● you have used headings and formal language
● you have included recommendations or suggestions

Question 5

Your school has decided to start its own monthly bulletin for students. You have been asked to
write a report about the types of regular features and articles it could include, explaining why
they would be interesting for students.
Suggested outline
Introduction: Say what the aim of your report is.
Heading 1: Describe what regular features could be included, and why.
Heading 2: Describe what regular articles could be included, and why.
Recommendation: Make your recommendation(s).

Sample Answer:

T Report on the School Monthly Bulletin

I Introduction

The aim of this report is to describe the types of regular features and articles that
students at the school would find informative and entertaining.

CHE Regular Features

New students often complain that they are not in the know / well-informed of the
events or programmes held in the school. Thus, a news page could be included as
a regular feature to keep students, especially the new ones updated. They would
not miss any event or programme and would not feel left out. Games and puzzles
could also be featured as they can be fun and enjoyable. This would also attract
students to read our bulletin.

CHE Articles

I would suggest a review column to be featured to increase readers. Besides

helping students in decision making, reviews on gadgets, movies or eateries
would also make our bulletin entertaining.

R Recommendation

I recommend that a good mixture of news, school information and fun and
entertaining columns be published in the monthly bulletin. This will encourage all
students to read and become more involved in the life of the school.

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