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The burglars ____________________ (NOT DO) so much damage if you had locked all the
2. If he had slipped, his ankle ___________________________(TWIST).
3. If I were you, I ___________________(CALL) her at night.
4. If I ____________________ (BE) you, I wouldn’t go there.
5. I could repair the roof myself if I ____________________ (HAVE) a ladder.
6.You´ll get a cold if you ____________________ (NOT CHANGE) your wet clothes.
7.When I wake up in the morning, I ________________________(BRUSH) my teeth.
8.You ____________________ (NOT BE) of any use to me unless you learn to type.
9. If you ring the bell, somebody ____________________ (ANSWER) it.
10. I will give you a piece of cake as soon as you _______________(FINISH) your lunch.
11.As long as you say the truth,the police __________________(NOT BOTHER) you.
12. Our dog always ____________(BARK) loudly if a stranger comes to the house.
13.Should he ______________(HELP) me,I will owe him a favor.
14.Were the sun ______________(DISAPPEAR),Earth would no longer be able to support life.
15.Had we _______________(LOSE) that match, it would've been a disaster.

Fill in the correct words to express a condition.Choose one of the following:suppose,providing

that,on condition that,in case,in case of,otherwise

1. ___________ you _____________(HAVE) enough money to go on holiday with your

friends,where would you go?
2.You can borrow my tablet _____________ you ____________(PROMISE) to take care of it.
3.The teacher explained how to exit the building ____________ emergency.
4.Leave now!_____________ you may miss the concert.
5.You should bring an umbrella ____________ it rains.
6.You will win the race _____________ you train a lot.

1.If only I ____________(GO) hiking on Saturday but I have to study for exams.
2.I wish you _______________(STOP) complaining all the time!
3.If only I _______________(STUDY) better for the exam that we did last Tuesday.
4.Lana wishes she ______________(LIVE) closer to the beach.
5.We wish we ______________(GO) to the concert,but the tickets are so expensive.
6.We wish we ______________(HAVE) a bigger salary from our jobs.

Fill in the correct inversion form.

1.Never__________________(BE/I) so happy to see someone.

2.No sooner _________________(LEAVE/WE) than we heard an explosion.
3.Only if you go into the desert,_________________(REALIZE/YOU) how hot it can get.
4.Little___________________(REALIZE/PEOPLE) how hard it is to be a professional chef.
5.Not until you read all the book,_____________________(UNDERSTAND) the plot.
6.Under no circumstances ___________________(YOU/GIVE/SHOULD) food to a wild animal.
7.Hardly____________________(SIT DOWN/WE) when we were told to evacuate the building.

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