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An internet/network connection to source data is

1. Data, Information, Data may be less accurate since it is produced very
quickly, so it may contain errors.
Knowledge and Processing
1.3. Quality of information
1.1. Data, Information and Knowledge
Accuracy: Data must be accurate.
Data: A collection(string) of text, numbers, symbols, Relevance: Information must be relevant to its purpose.
images or sound in raw or unorganized form that has no Age: Information must be up to date.
meaning on its own. Level of detail: Good quality information required the right
Information: Data that has been processed and given amount of information.
context and meaning and can be understood on its own. Completeness: All information required should be
Knowledge: The acquisition by a person or medium of present.
information, such as facts or information, requires Presentation: All information should be presented in an
understanding, such as how to solve problems. understandable manner.
Knowledge base: the amount of information a person or
medium knows that it often expands over time with the 1.4. Coding, encoding and encrypting
addition of new information.
1.2. Sources of Data Coding: representing data by assigning a code to it for
classification or identification.
Static data: data that does not normally change and
Advantages of coding data:
remains constant.
Data can be presented in small space
Dynamic data: data that changes automatically without
Less storage space is required
the user's intervention.
Speed of input increases
Direct data source: Data collected first-hand for a specific
Data can be processed faster
Validation becomes easier
Collected data will be relevant to the purpose.
Increases confidentiality
Original source is verified.
Increases consistency
It may take a long time to collect, and taking large data
Disadvantages of coding data:
samples is difficult.
Limited number of codes
Data will be up to date.
Interpretation may be difficult
Data collected can be presented in the required
Similarity may lead to errors (O and 0)
Efficiency decreases if user does not know the code
Data is more likely to be unbiased.
Some information may get lost during coding
Indirect data source: data collected from a secondary
Encoding: Storing data in a specific format
source; originally collected for a different purpose.
Text can be encoded with numbers that is then
Required data may not exist, or Additional and
represented by a binary number.
irrelevant data may exist, which requires sorting.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Original source is not verified.
Interchange) is a common method for encoding text.
Data is immediately available, and large samples for
Images are encoded as bitmaps through various
statistical analysis are more likely to be available.
parameters (such as width/height, bit count, compression
Data may not be up to date.
type, horizontal/vertical resolution and raster data.)
Data is likely to be biased due to unverified sources.
Images are often encoded into file types such as:
Extraction may be difficult if in a different format.
JPEG/JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
Static information source: Sources where information
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
does not change regularly.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
Information can go out of date quickly.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Information can be viewed offline since no live data is
Sound is encoded by storing the sample rate, bit depth
and bit rate.
It is more likely accurate since information will be
When sound is recorded, it is converted from analogue to
validated before being entered.
digital format, which is broken down into thousands of
Dynamic information source: Information is automatically
samples per second.
updated when source data changes.
The Sample rate or frequency, is the number of audio
Information most likely to be up to date.
samples per second. Measure in Hertz (Hz)

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

The bit depth is the number of bits (1s and 0s) used for superseded SSL but they are both referred to as SSL.
each sound clip. Asymmetric encryption is used for SSL, and once SSL has
The bit rate is the number of bits processed every second. established an authenticated session, the client and
bit rate= sample rate x bit depth x number of channels server will create symmetric keys for faster secure
bit rate is measured in kilobits per second (kbps) communication.
Uncompressed encoding uses WAV (Waveform Audio File Disk encryption is used in hard disks and other storage
Format) media such as backup tapes and Universal Serial
There are two types of compression: Bus(USB) flash memory. It encrypts every single bit of
lossy compression: reduces files size by reducing bit data stored on a disk, and data is usually accessed
rate, causing some loss in quality through a password or using a registered fingerprint.
lossless compression: reduces the file size without HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is the
losing any quality but can only reduce the file size to encryption standard used for secure web pages and uses
about 50% SSL or TLS to encrypt/decrypt pages and information sent
Video encoding requires storage of both Images and and received by web users.
sound. When a browser requests a secure page, it will check the
Images are stored as frames with standard quality video digital certificate to ensure that it is trusted, valid and that
normally having 24 frames per second(fps) while High the certificate is related to the sire which it originates. The
definition (HD) uses 50-60fps on average. browser then uses a public key to encrypt a new
fps is directly proportional to quality and storage space symmetric key that is sent to the web server. The browser
required. and web server can then communicate using a symmetric
HD video will have an image size of 1920px wide and encryption key, which is much faster than asymmetric
1080px high. Image size is also proportional to storage encryption.
space. Email encryption uses asymmetric encryption. Encrypting
The bit rate for videos combines both the audio and an email will also encrypt any attachments.
frames that need to be processed every second. Encryption only scrambles the data so that if it is found, it
Higher frame rate requires higher bit rate. cannot be understood. It does not stop the data from
Lossy Compression of video usually involves reducing: being intercepted, stolen or lost.
image size 1.5. Checking the accuracy of data
bit rate
MP4 is a common lossy compression format, which is a Validation: the process of checking data to make sure it
codec made by MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group). matches acceptable rules.
Digital video (DV) is a lossless compression method. Proof reading: checking information manually.
Advantages of encoding data include reduced file size and Presence check: used to ensure that data is
enabling different formats to be used. entered(present).
Disadvantages of encoding data include the variety of Limit check: ensures that data is within a defined range.
encoding methods which results in a large variety of file Contains one boundary, either the highest possible value
types meaning more codecs need to be installed and or the lowest possible value.
compatibility issues. Range check: ensures that data is within a defined range.
Encryption: the scrambling of data so it cannot be Contains two boundaries, the lower boundary and the
understood without a decryption key so that it is upper boundary.
unreadable if intercepted. Encryption is a type of Type check: ensures that data must be of a defined data
encoding. type.
Cipher: A secret way of writing/code. It is a special type of Length check: ensures data is of a defined length or within
algorithm which defines a set of rules to follow to encrypt a range of lengths.
a message. Format check: ensures data matches a defined format.
Caesar Cipher: A.k.a shift cipher because it selects Lookup check: rests to see if data exists in a list. Similar to
replacement letters by shifting along the alphabet. referential integrity.
Symmetric encryption: requires both the sender and Consistency check: compares data in one field with data in
receiver to possess the secret encryption and decryption another field that already exists within a record, to check
key(s). Requires the secret key to sent to the recipient. their consistency.
Asymmetric encryption: A.k.a public-key cryptography. Verification: the process of checking whether data
Includes a public key which is available to anyone sending entered into the system matches the original source.
data, and a private key that is known only to the recipient. Visual checking: Visually checking the data if it matches
The key is the algorithm required to encrypt and decrypt the original source, by reading and comparing, usually by
the data. the user.
Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is the security method used for Double data entry: Data is input into the system twice and
secure websites; Transport Layer Security(TLS) has checked for consistency by comparing.

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

By using both validation and verification, the chances of Cloud computing: refers to anything where computer
entering incorrect data are reduced. services are hosted over the internet and not in the same
physical location as the computer being used. Data stored
on banks of servers are accessed remotely.
2. Hardware and Software Costs are usually a subscription charge that varies
depending on supplier.
2.1. Hardware Running sots are included within the subscription
Hardware: A physical component of a computer system. Speed depends on the broadband bandwidth of the
Device: a hardware component of a computer system user and that offered by the supplier.
consisting of electronic components. Pen drive: nickname for a thumb-sized USB flash drive
Output Devices: a device used to communicate data or that stores data on flash memory and includes an
information from a computer system. integrated USB interface. Portability means that they may
Input Device: a device that allows data to be entered to a get damaged and need replacing.
computer system. Designed for portability, so the cost per MB varies on
Storage Device: a device used to store data on a storage size.
medium. Power only when in use.
Storage medium: a medium on which data is stored. Speed depends on whether the drive uses a USB 2.0
Central Processing Unit (CPU): the CPU carries out the or USB 3.0 port. USB 3.0 is faster.
calculations, executes instructions and processes data. Monitor: Output device. Connected to the computer using
The CPU consists of an ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) and a graphics card port.
the CU (Control Unit). Keyboard: consists of several buttons used to input text or
Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU): Performs Calculations and control parts of an interface. Its main limitation is the
logical operations. number of keys available.
Control Unit: The CU runs the fetch-execute cycle which Mouse: A pointing device which allows objects to be
fetches instructions from memory and executes them. selected and manipulated on the screen. The mouse
Motherboard: Printed circuit board (PCB) that connects controls a pointer which is displayed on the screen.
the main components of a computer. Printer: A printer produces a hard copy(printout) from a
RAM (Random Access Memory): Memory used to store the computer usually onto paper.
currently active programs and volatile data. Laser printer: Laser printers negatively charge a
ROM (Read-Only Memory): The memory that, once written cylindrical
to cannot be removed and can only be read (involatile). Fastest of all printers ranging from 50-200ppm (pages
ROMs usually store the BI/OS of a system. per minute)
Graphics Card: A.k.a Video card/graphics adapter. A PCB Typically, it is twice the cost of a similar featured inkjet
that controls the output to a display screen. printer
Sound Card: an expandable component that enables the Toner cartridges are expensive but last longer and
use of audio components in a computer. cost less per page.
HDD (Hard Disk Drive): Most common form of secondary Highest quality of all printers
storage for a computer due to its relatively low cost per Used for letters, bulk printing, general office and
MB (megabyte). Data stored on an HDD is non-volatile. home printing
The drive includes a read-write head which sits at the end drum, and attracting electrically charged toner
of an access arm and magnetizes sectors on the disk (powdered ink). The toner is then heated so that it
(platter). Moving parts increase chance of failure melts onto the paper.
Cheapest cost per MB Inkjet printer: Cartridges full of ink in four different
Requires constant supply of electricity when the disk is colours: black, cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMYK) are
spinning. used to ‘squirt’ ink onto the paper to form the required
Speed of access depend on SATA connection used. printout.
HDDs be Internally connected to the computer using a Speeds of 15-20 ppm in monochrome, but colour
Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) or speeds are slower.
Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) cable. Cheapest of all printer types available.
SSD (Solid State Drive): Contains no moving parts and Inkjet cartridges vary in price, but compatible versions
data is stored onto flash memory(non-volatile). Non- can be bought at a lower price than manufacturer
magnetic and largely unsusceptible to damage. versions.
More expensive per MB than a hard disk Good quality, but ink can show through thin paper, and
Does not require constant source of power as only smudges can occur.
needed when in use. Used for photographs, charts, small maps, general
More than 20% faster access speed than HDD. office work, and home printing.

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

Dot matrix printer: A type of impact printer that uses a set Barcode reader: used to detect the width of lines and
of pins being driven onto a ribbon, which then transfers its gaps that form a barcode using a laser and a photodiode.
ink to the paper. Blu-ray disc: an optical storage medium the same shape
Very slow compared to other printers. and size as a compact disc (CD) and digital versatile disc
Used to be very cheap but now expensive because (DVD) and also stores more data than both.
they are not mass-produced. Memory card: flash memory on a small card typically
Very low running costs as the ink ribbon lasts a long used in digital cameras, digital video cameras and
time. phones. The most common formats include Secure Digital
Quality is usually poor. (SD) and microSD.
Used for: Invoices or receipts requiring duplicate or
triplicate paper such as ATMs. 2.2. System, application and user
Plotter: Used to create vector drawings on large sheets of
paper by moving the paper backwards and forwards and interface software
drawing using pens. Today, plotters are mainly Inkjet
printers designed to be used with large sheets of paper Software: Programs, which give instructions to the
(A2, A1 and A0). computer.
The time per page to print is slow due to the large User interface: communication between the user and the
area. computer system.
Most expensive type of printer. System software: Programs that are designed to maintain
Same running costs as an Inkjet printer. or operate a computer system are known as system
Same running costs as an inkjet printer. If pens are software.
used, the quality of line drawings will be high. Operating system is the software that operates the
Used for Architectural drawings, large maps, canvas computer hardware.
prints and signs. Programs that are used to maintain a computer
CMYK: refers to the format of four inks used in colour system are known as utility system.
printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). Operating systems manage hardware by:
Light-emitting diode (LED) plotters are used for faster allocating memory to software
black and white printouts. sending data and instructions to output devices.
Speaker: used to provide sound output from a computer. responding to input devices such as when a key is
These can be as simple as pairing stereo speakers to full pressed.
surround sound. opening and closing files on storage devices.
Camera: used to capture still or moving images (movies). giving each running task a fair share of processor time
A digital still camera is optimized for capturing still sending error/status messages to apps or users.
images but can also capture movies. Dealing with user logons and security.
A digital video camera is optimized for capturing movies Device drivers: software that comes with external
but can also capture still images. hardware components and sends customized instructions
Webcam: a camera connected to the computer to capture to those specific components.
still or move images while using a computer. Usually, it is Application software: Programs intended for productivity
not as high quality as a dedicated digital or digital video or to carry out a task for the user.
camera. Word processors: primary function to process words and
Scanner: A scanner captures two-dimensional (2D) word processing software features include:
documents as an image. Similar to a digital camera, but Tables
specifically designed to take close-up images of 2D Headers and footers
documents. Footnotes and endnotes
Optical character reader (OCR): a device that enables Sections
characters on a document to be identified and understood Formatting text
by the computer as letters, numbers, characters and Styles
words. Spellchecker
An optical character reader is not a device but a scanner Bullets and automatic numbering
combined with software that performs optical character Automatic contents page
recognition (also OCR). Tracking changes
Optical mark reader (OMR): detects the marks that are Frames for images
made on a multiple-choice document such as a multiple- Text alignment
choice answer paper for an examination. Test wrap
Magnetic ink character reader (MICR): magnetic ink is Indentation and tabs
used to print numbers at the bottom of checks, which are Spreadsheet software: mainly used for performing
printed using the MICR E-13B or CMC-7 font. calculations and modelling like handling financial and
statistical information.

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

Contain cells which form the intersection of rows and PIP (picture in picture)
columns. Transitions
Work on the basis of –input-process-output whereby Adding extra sounds
formulas allow output to change depending on input. Communications software: cover a range of tasks
Database management software (DBMS): used for including instant messaging, audio conferencing, video
viewing and editing data within a database. A DBMS conferencing and email.
features: Audio conferencing uses VOIP (Voice over internet
Data entry screens/input forms protocol)
Filters and queries An Email client usually features:
Reports Address book of contacts
Graphs Send and receive emails
Security features Signatures
Relationships to link related tables Prioritization
Graphics manipulation software: designed to manipulate Delaying delivery of emails
graphics of either bitmap or vector format. Features Delivery and read receipts
include: Adding attachments
Drawing shapes Calendar integration
Changing canvas size encrypted messages
Resizing images multiple account support
Adding layers email specific rules
Adding text Web authoring software: use for creation and editing of
Selecting colour based on picking an existing colour websites. Features include:
Features of Bitmap graphics manipulation software can common navigation bar
include: preview web pages
Filling an area with a colour ability publish individual files or sites to a webserver.
Moving part of the image Basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) features
Resizing part of the image Metadata management
Erasing parts of an image Forms and form fields and their validation
Features of Vector graphics manipulation software can Templates
include: Interactive features
Filling a shape with colour WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) or HTML
Changing features of the border of a shape such as Code view or both
thickness and colour Control software: Control software is used for controlling
Combining shapes together into a group devices not part of the computer system.
Moving a shape or groups of shapes Measuring software: used to measure values from
Resizing a shape or group of shapes sensors including but not limited to:
Aligning objects pressure
Photo editing software: a specific type of graphics moisture
manipulation software focused on editing photographs. temperature
Features include: wind speed
Cropping parts of the photo distance
Changing colour balance pH (acid/alkaline) levels
Adjusting the brightness or contrast lights
Red eye correction motors
Cloning parts of the photo sound
Resizing the canvas heating
Effects and filters Apps: another name for a program. A piece of software
Softening (blurring) and sharpening that can run on a desktop computer/phone or over the
Identifying common areas of an image internet.
Recorded videos are known as ‘raw’ video files (footage). Applets: a small program that is designed to carry out a
Video editing software: software focused on editing specific task. Cannot be run on its own and must be
videos. Features include: executed from within another piece of software. Often
Importing or capturing raw video known as add-ons or extensions.
Clipping the beginning/end or sections of a video An interface is the boundary between two systems.
Adding titles and credits User Interface (UI) is the boundary between the user and
Changing speed the computer system.
Rotating footage. Command line interface (CLI): allows users to enter text
Using more than one video track commands to which the computer system will respond by

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

producing results in text.

2.4. Custom written software and off-
use very little memory
can carry out complex operations the-shelf software
can be difficult to learn and use
Graphical user interface (GUI): most common type of Custom-written: software that is written to meet the
interface and includes Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers requirements of a client.
(abbreviated to WIMP) Expensive because entire development cost is
Uses more memory depending on complexity of the covered by client
GUI Takes longer time to develop
Intuitive, so easy to learn Requirements of the client can be met precisely
Restrictive for technical users Developers will ensure compatibility with the client’s
Dialogue interface: using spoken word to communicate to hardware, software and data
a computer system. Bugs are likely since it is not used widely
hands-free Client will have access support from the developer
ability to recognize and understand spoken word will company
vary and can be limited. Off-the-shelf: general purpose software available to a
Require users to know what commands are large market.
understood by the interface. Development cost spread between all the customers
Gesture-based interface: recognizes human motion, who purchase it at a specific price, reducing overall
which may include eyeball/lips tracking, identifying hand cost
signals or whole-body movement. Immediately available
Provides more mobility but may be hard to control User requirements may not be precise/unnecessary
Accuracy problems features
When designing UI, it is important to ensure that it is May have compatibility issues
accessible and efficient for the user. Important things to Large number of users means lesser bugs due to
consider include: patches released after identification of bugs
Colour Wide range of support both from the developing
Layout company and externally
Font size
Quantity of information 2.5. Compiler and interpreter
Mental model: a person’s understanding of how Compiler: translates a program written in a high-level
something works which may differ from person to person. programming language (HLL) into machine code.
Translates code all at once in advance of execution
2.3. Utility Software Compiled code will only work on the operating system
it has been compiled for
Utility software: software that performs some sort of Object code ready to be executed without delay
maintenance on the computer system Compiling takes a lot of time
Two main functions of an Anti-virus: Not for on-the-fly testing
Anti-virus monitor continually monitors the system for Interpreter: also translate a program from HLL into
viruses and malware. machine code.
Check for viruses or malware that may already be on Translates code one line at a time
the system, this is known as scanning. Source code can be translated into object code for
Backup utilities create a second copy of data and more than one operating system
programs that are in storage. Object code has to be generated, so additional time is
Data compression: reduces the original size of files so added to the execution time.
they use up less storage space. Only the required code needs to be interpreted
Disc defragmentation: defragments and reorganizes Efficient for on-the-fly testing
fragmented gaps of files left after usage on a drive so that The file with the machine code is known as the executable
each file is contiguous. file or the object file.
Formatting: the process of organizing the tracks on the The original HLL file is known as the source file.
disc into sectors. When a used disc is formatted, all data is Linker: combine different object files within a program
erased. together to form a single executable file.
File-copying utilities allow users to have more control over
which files are copied and how they are copied.
Deleting utilities can overcome restrictions set by an
3. Monitoring and control
operating system and enable permanent deletion of files.

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

Pharming: when a person phishes a user by installing

3.1. Sensors
malicious code into a system or server that redirects the
Sensor: An input device that records data about the user to a fraudulent, but legitimate looking, replica
website, without their consent.
surrounding physical environment.
Smishing: SMS Phishing, similar to phishing but carried
Input device: a device that allows data to be entered into a
out using SMS text messaging rather than email.
computer system.
Microprocessor: an integrated circuit used in monitoring Vishing: Voice phishing. The act of using a telephone call
and control technologies. to try and scam a user into divulging personal data with
the scammer usually pretending to be a legitimate
Actuator: this is a type of motor that controls a
business calling the victim.
mechanism or system.
Trojan Horse: a malicious computer program that
Infrared: a wave of light emitted by an object that is
invisible to the naked human eye. disguises itself as another application which will
Microwave: an electromagnetic wave of energy. delete/corrupt files when the application is run.
Worms: a small computer program that uses computer
Piezoresistance: a specific level of electrical charge that is
networks and finds security holes to replicate itself
linked to a specific level of resistance or pressure.
Humidity: the amount of water in the atmosphere. Can exploit a security hole in a piece of software or
Photoresistor: a light controlled resistor. operating system
Motion sensors: detects movement. Often clogs up bandwidth when replicating and make
things run slowly
Passive motion sensors read the energy in its surrounding
Spyware: covers a broad range of malware refers to any
environment and detects changes caused by movement.
(Infrared sensor) technology used to gather data about a person without
Active motion sensors emit energy into the surrounding their knowledge.
environment to detect any movement. (Microwave A key logger records key presses from a keyboard and
will allow the person who installed it to gather
personal data about the person.
Pressure sensors: measure pressure, normally of a liquid
or a gas. The measure is of pressure is based upon the Adware: Adware is short for advertising-supported-
force it takes to stop a liquid or gas from expanding. Most software and used to display adverts that are targeted at
modern pressure sensors use a principle called the user.
Rootkit: A computer program that enables a person to
gain administrator access to a victim’s computer.
Moisture and humidity Sensors: monitor and measure the
humidity in the air. The percentage of moisture present in A bot is an application that is automated and used to carry
the air at a certain temperature is expressed as the level out simple and repetitive tasks. Malicious bots include:
of humidity. SPAM bots which bombard people’s email inboxes
with spam emails.
Capacitive measurement: Moisture collects on a non-
Chatter bots will pretend to be humans on sites such
conducting film between two electrical conductors and
changes the level of voltage between the electrical as social networking and dating sites.
conductors and the measurement of the change in Zombie bots/Sleeper bots are used to create bot
networks and each bot will lay dormant on a computer
voltage is converted into a measurement of humidity.
until an attack is launched; in which case the computer
Temperature sensors: monitor and measure the
will be connected with lots of other computers that
temperature of an environment by measuring the heat
present in the surroundings. have been compromised by zombie bots to launch a
Light sensors: monitor and measure light. large-scale attack on an organization.
Ransomware: a type of malware that encrypts and
Monitoring systems are continual and also removes
restricts a user’s access to their computer system and
possibility of human error in measurements.
files. The ransomware usually demands a user to pay a
ransom in order to regain access to their computer, and
4. E-safety and health and usually imitates a law enforcement agency.

safety 4.2. Health and safety

Repetitive strain injury (RSI): pain, numbness or weakness
4.1. E-safety
that occurs in the hands, arms, shoulders and neck.
Caused by repetitive movements and actions. Can be
Malicious code: code that is intended to harm the
triggered by poor posture.
Good posture, avoiding doing the same action without
Phishing: when an unauthorized person attempts to
gather personal data masquerading as a trustworthy taking regular breaks and usage of wrist rests can
help prevent RSI.
person or organization.

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: pain, numbness, tingling The digital divide refers to the technology gap between
sensation in the hands or fingers. different countries, demographic groups and economic
Caused by compression of a major nerve in the hand areas and is a technical, social and economic issue, which
that passes over the carpal bones in the hand. Due to covers the difference in availability and use of modern
repetitive and continual movements. technology and can depend on many factors such as age,
Similar preventive actions to RSI status and geographic location.
Back ache and muscle spasms
caused by poor posture and from sitting in the same Access to E-commerce, education, employment
position for long periods of time opportunities and entertainment experiences are all
preventive measures include sitting on an adjustable affected by the digital divide.
chair to correct position. A divide can occur between areas as small as two
Eye strain: causes sore, tired eyes or blurred vision. different houses to entire countries.
Caused by looking at a monitor for long periods of
Regularly looking away from the screen, sitting at the
6. Using networks
correct distance, and usage of monitors with eye care
protection settings can help reduce eye strain. Network: a set of computers and devices connected
together so they can communicate and share resources.
Deep vein thrombosis: when blood clots occur, usually in a
user’s legs. Network architecture: the design of a network.
Caused by sitting in a chair that puts pressure on the Advantages:
back of a user’s legs, behind the knees. Users can share their data
Preventive measures include regularly standing and Users can access their data from different computers
File servers can be used to store data.
moving around when using a computer for long
periods of time. Application software can be used to store software in
Fatigue: when a user feels very tired and lethargic. Often a central location.
alongside stress. Internet connections and other hardware peripherals
can be shared.
Caused by overworking
Taking regular breaks and working for shorter periods
of time when working can reduce levels of stress and Setting up a larger network can be expensive,
fatigue. especially with cabling.
Fire can occur when computers overheat or due to an Security risks
High amount of traffic may cause a network to run
overloaded plug socket.
slowly and cause delays.
A computer should be used in a ventilated and fairly
cool room. A whole network could fail if one element of the
In case of fire occurring, a CO2 fire extinguisher network fails.
should be in any room that has a computer.
Plug sockets should not have too many devices 6.2. Video and web conferencing
plugged into them, especially devices that require a lot
of power. Basic requirements to set up video conferencing:
Trailing wires, could cause a safety concern possibly A desktop computer or laptop
making people trip. A webcam
Make sure wires are secured in some way, such as by A microphone
cable management system. Speakers
Spilt drinks can cause shorts and food stuck between Network (and the internet)
keyboards can cause difficulties. Video conferencing software
Eating and drinking at a computer should be avoided Video and web conferencing requires a reasonable data
where possible. transmission speed.
Spill proof keyboards or covers should be used. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN): a networking
technology that allows data to be transmitted digitally
over analogue copper wire.
5. The Digital Divide Transmission speeds of up to 64kbps per channel.
With two channels used in parallel up to 128kbps
Demographic: a particular section of population Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL): also known
Broadband: a method of faster data transmission that can as broadband, most common type of connection to the
carry several channels at once. internet.
Bandwidth: the amount of data that can be transmitted at Typical transmission speeds of around 100Mbps.
one time. ADSL download speeds are far greater than upload

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

Synchronous Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL): same data data is vital.

transmission technology as ADSL. Master file: a collection of fields that store data which are
Download speeds and upload speeds are balanced more permanent in nature.
Video conferencing software use various codecs to Transaction file: the data stored in a transaction file is
compress the video to allow for faster transmission. used to update the master file, and is more temporary in
Teleworking: working from home using technologies to nature.
keep in contact with an employer.

8. Spreadsheets
7. Expert systems and other
Spreadsheets are used to manipulate numbers, perform
types of processing calculations, present summary data and make
Diagnosis: identifying a problem or illness by analysis of Cell: a rectangle within a spreadsheet where data can be
the symptoms positioned.
Artificial intelligence: computer systems that perform Range: a set of one or more cells.
tasks that normally require human intelligence. Worksheet: a set of rows and columns.
Chaining: combining together instructions A workbook may contain a number of worksheets.
Transaction: a collection of data that is exchanged Formula: a mathematical calculation using +, -, x or /
Field: an individual item of data in a database, for example Orientation: the direction of text, for example, horizontal
a first name. or vertical.
An expert system is a computerized system that attempts Alignment: positioning text so that it is in line, for example
to reproduce the decision-making process of an expert on the left, right or center.
human being. They are designed to try and replicate the Function: a ready-made formula representing a complex
judgement of a human that has expert knowledge in a calculation. Example =PRODUCT(D10:E10)
certain field. By doing this they can be used to replace or Validation: the process of checking data matches
assist a human expert. acceptable rules.
Expert systems use a knowledge base and a set of The four different types of test data include:
rules to provide a diagnosis or a recommended Valid (normal/acceptable data): Data that should pass
course of action. the validation rule.
Gathers data by asking the user questions about the Invalid (erroneous/unacceptable data): Data that
problem. should generate an error message.
Building an expert system is known as knowledge Extreme valid: Data that will only just pass the
engineering and is composed of three main components: validation rule because it is on the boundary of
The knowledge base: a database that allows the acceptable data.
storage and retrieval of the knowledge provided by a Extreme invalid: Data that will only generate an error
collection of experts and contains knowledge about message because it is on the boundary of
the specific area for which the expert system can be unacceptable data.
used. A model is a computer representation of a real-world
The inference engine: the part of the expert system process. A model is created through mathematical
that makes judgement and reasoning using the analysis of the real-world process. Modelling software is
knowledge base and user responses and is designed used to create a model. Spreadsheets can be used to
to produce reasoning based on a set of rules. create computerized models, but there are also custom-
The user interface: the way the user interacts with the written solutions that are used to model specific
expert system. Often GUI. processes.
A batch processing system is a system that processes Modelling software usually feature:
batches of data at set time intervals. Data is collected the ability to change variables within the software
from inputs and stored together in what is known as asking what-if questions to see what the result of
batches. These batches of data are stored until a set time changing variables might be
when they will be processed and an output(s) are created. formulae and functions to carry out the mathematical
An online processing system is a type of processing calculations that form the basis of the model.
system that deals with data in transactions. A certain Automatic recalculation of formulae and functions
amount of data is input as a transaction. This amount of Rules that define how the model behaves
data is usually small. Once the data for the transaction is Layers of abstraction so that different parts of the
collected it is processed and the next transaction can model can be viewed and analysed separately.
occur. Simulation: the use of a computerized model to predict
Real-time processing systems process data as soon as it how a real-life system might behave.
has been input. They are used when the immediacy of the

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

As with modelling, simulations can be used for Parameter: data used within the criteria for query.
training, forecasting and construction. Data types include:
Advantages include: String (text)
Removes the need for creating expensive prototypes Numeric
Changes to the model can be made rapidly and the Boolean
effects can be seen just as quickly Date/time
Alternative models and designs can be used Generic file formats enable data to be transferred
simultaneously much easier to see how they react between software.
differently They do not include any formatting and only include
Unusual situations can be tested without the need to essential data.
wait for them in real life. .txt and .csv are generic file formats
No loss, wear and tear or damage to equipment when Indexed sequential(serial) access: data is accessed based
tested or experimented with on the sequential order it is sorted in.
Dangerous situations can be simulated safety without Direct file access: Data is stored in a random order based
endangerment on a hashing algorithm that determines its storage
Effects of extended periods of time can be tested by location and the same is used to locate it during access.
speeding up the simulation Data dictionary: a document/file that describes the
Disadvantages: structure of the data held within the database, known as
A simulation is only as good as the model it is based metadata.
upon Management information system (MIS): collects data
Simulation software and equipment can be very from a database and present it in the form of reports and
expensive charts. These reports and charts can be produced within
Requires training to use simulation software and the database system itself or they may be part of an
equipment additional piece of software that is used to analyse the
Complex models take a long time to develop data.
depending on how realistic the simulation is An MIS’ essential features:
It is near-impossible to simulate a perfect Data is collated from databases and other sources
representation of a real-world process. Data is interconnected from different sources
Data is analysed to provide the data that is required
Summary reports and charts
9. Database and file concepts When additional software is used to collate data from
more than one database, it is often referred to as an
Database: a structured method for storing data in sets of Executive information system (EIS).
tables. Data integrity: The level of accuracy and reliability of data.
Table: a set of similar data. Data redundancy: Data that is unnecessary.
Record: a common word for entity. Normalization: Organizing data in a database to reduce
Entity: a set of data about one thing. data redundancy and increase data integrity.
Field: common word for attribute. Unnormalized data: Data that is unnormalized may have
Database management software: software used to repeated entries and fields that are not atomic.
manage a database. 1NF: A database that is in 1NF will not have any repeating
Relationship: the way which two entities in two different fields and all the fields in the database will be atomic.
tables are connected. 2NF: A database in 2NF will have the characteristics of
Primary Key: a field that contains a unique identifier for a 1NF. In addition, fields that are related will be separated
record. into different tables, dependent on the primary key of the
Foreign key: a field in a table that refers to the primary table.
key in another table. 3NF: A database in 3NF will have the characteristics of
Normal form: the extent to which a database has been 2NF. In addition, any fields that are not directly related to
normalized. each other are given further separation into tables that
Index: a list of keys or keywords which identify a unique only contain fields that are directly related.
record and can be used to search and sort records more
Flat file: a database stored in a single file. 10. Sound and Video editing
Compound key: two or more fields that form the primary
key. Pixel: a small square area of one colour illuminated on a
Referential integrity: data in the foreign key of the table on display screen. These are combined to create a bitmap
the many side of a relationship must exist in the primary image.
key of the table on the one side of the relationship. Frame: a single still image in a video file
Query: a question used to retrieve data from a database.

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for personal use only by Bikash Jha at Cordoba Institute on 03/06/24.

Rendering: combining the effects created in a video file to Track: a single audio section in a sound or video file.
create an output video file Pitch: the highness or lowness of a tone.
Transition: The movement from one clip to the next Aspect ratio: the ratio of width to the height of a screen.
Filters: an effect, often colour-related, that can be applied
to a clip.

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