Cleaning fMRI Griffanti L 20170612

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Vancouver, June 25, 2017

Educational Course
Advanced methods for cleaning up fMRI time-series

How-to use ICA

for de-noising
Ludovica Griffanti
FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom
• Why ICA to clean fMRI?
• How to use ICA to clean fMRI?
• How to perform components classification?
• Characteristics of signal and noise: features

• Hands-on: signal or noise?

• Automated approaches
• Factors that impact IC characteristics
• Effect of ICA-based cleaning
Why ICA to clean fMRI?
• Data-driven separation (no need of external
recordings or priors)
space components space

Scan #k
spatial maps
FMRI data =

Why ICA to clean fMRI?
• Data-driven separation (no need of external
recordings or priors)
→ no info on which IC is signal
and which is noise

• Multiple noise classes (motion, physiological,

→ no info on what sub-class of
noise it belongs to

• Subject-specific
→ heterogeneity of ICs across
How to use ICA to clean fMRI?
fMRI dataset (after basic preprocessing)

1) ICA algorithm

ICA-based de-noising
ICs (time series + spatial maps)

2) ICA classification
(manual, semi-automated,

Signal ICs Noise ICs

3a) non-aggressive 3b) aggressive

cleaning cleaning

Denoised fMRI dataset

How to perform component
“An expert manual classification of components as either artifact or unlikely
artifact was performed”

“…this is time consuming and highly subjective, and therefore automatic noise
component identification would be preferable…”

“…the training data consisted of independent component
pairs classified by an expert …”

“…performance can be summarised by its accuracy … in
comparison with labels as provided by the experts…”
Who is “the expert”?

• No absolute ground truth

• Very little description in literature about how to
classify components
• Need of a consensus rather than an expert

[Kelly et al., 2010; Griffanti et al., 2016a]

Characteristics of signal and
noise: features
SPATIAL Features Signal IC characteristic Noise IC characteristic

Clusters # and dimension Low number of large clusters Large number of small clusters
Clusters’ peaks in GM and
Indiscriminate overlap with non-
overall good overlap of the
Overlap with GM GM tissues, or clusters’ peaks in
clusters with GM, similarity with
common RSNs
Overlap with WM, CSF,
Very low or absent overlap High overlap with one or more
blood vessels
Very low or absent overlap with
Overlap with brain brain boundaries. Clusters Ring-like or crescent shape or
boundaries or areas close to follow known anatomical (e.g. stripes near the edges of the field-
the edges of the FOV. structural/ histological) of-view
Location near area of Located within the region of signal
Generally located away from
susceptibility induced signal loss (e.g. areas of air-tissue
these areas
loss interface)
Characteristics of signal and
noise: features
TEMPORAL Features Signal-IC characteristic Noise-IC characteristic
Overall aspect of the time Fairly regular/oscillatory Large jumps and/or sudden change
series time course of oscillation pattern.
Predominantly low
frequency (resting state: at
Distribution of power in Predominantly high frequency, very
least one strong peak within
frequency domain low frequency, or pan frequency
0.01 – 0.1 Hz), or frequency
of the stimulus (task)
Correlation with motion
regressors (realignment Low correlation High correlation

Correlation with task-related

High correlation Low correlation
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
TOF image - courtesy of Tom Okell
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?
Hands-on: signal or noise?

More examples in: Griffanti et al., 2016a

Recap: how to look at the
• Underlay different modalities (highres T1, EPI)
• Change threshold (peaks, anatomy)
• Look at different planes
• Compare with realignment parameters (or task stimuli)
• Smooth data (or components, for visualisation only)

• Look at both positive and negative clusters

• Look at components in surface space
• Expect high proportion of noise components
Recap: how to look at the
• Set priorities:
1) spatial map, 2) time series, 3) power spectrum
• Main aim is to retain as much signal as possible:
“Innocent until proven guilty”
• No hard-rule or ground truth: multiple loops
• Be consistent and describe what you do
Automated approaches
Any (automatic) help for IC classification?
• Good visualisation tool [FSLeyes “melodic view”, workbench, etc.]
• Quantify features to help classification
• Amount of overlap with GM/WM/CSF
• Fraction of power spectrum in different frequency bands
• Identification of outliers/spikes (DVARS, FD, etc.)
[Kelly et al., 2010; Allen et al., 2011; Cardinale et al., 2013; Vergara et al., 2016]

• IC-fingerprints [DeMartino et al., 2007]

Automated approaches
Freely available tools
Approach Purpose #features Classifier type
SOCK multiple k-means clustering, 5
[Bhaganagarapu et l., sources of 4 combinations of NO
2013] noise conditions
FIX multiple Hierarchical fusion
[Salimi-Khorshidi et sources of >180 (kNN, decision tree, YES
al., 2014] noise SVM)
Sparse Logistic
Sochat et al., 2014 sources of 246 YES

AROMA Noise if exceeds at

Motion 4 NO
[Pruim et al., 2015] least one of 3 criteria
Factors that impact ICs characteristics
Acquisition (data quality and type)
• Spatial and temporal resolution → # and quality of ICs
• Scanner/sequence specific artefacts → know your
acquisition parameters (MB factor, TR)
• Multi-echo
• Smoothing
• Multi-stage cleaning
• Patients → specific alterations, more motion
• Task-based fMRI → task-specific components
Effect of ICA-based cleaning
• Better group-ICA components

Feis et al., 2015

Smith et al., 2013

Effect of ICA-based cleaning
• Better discrimination with study-specific training dataset

Study-specific training

Griffanti et al., 2016b

Thank you
Ludovica Griffanti

Gwenaëlle Douaud
Sean Fitzgibbon
Janine Bijsterbosh
Robert Westphal
Stefania Evangelisti
Davide Carone
Fidel Alfaro-Almagro
Christian F. Beckmann
Matthew F. Glasser
Stephen M. Smith
Eugene P. Duff

References • Kelly et al., 2010, J Neurosci Methods 189, 233-245.

• Griffanti et al., 2016a, Neuroimage (in press) • Pruim et al., 2015, Neuroimage 112, 267-277.
• Allen et al., 2011, Front Syst Neurosci 5, 2 • Rodionov et al., 2007, Neuroimage 38, 488-500.
• Bhaganagarapu et l., 2013, Front Hum Neurosci 7, 343. • Salimi-Khorshidi et al., 2014, Neuroimage 90, 449-468.
• Cardinale et al., 2013, JAMA Psychiatry 70(9), 975-82. • Smith et al., 2013, Neuroimage, 80, 144-68.
• De Martino et al., 2007, Neuroimage 34, 177-194. • Sochat et al., 2014, PLoS One 9, e95493.
• Demertzi et al., 2014, Cortex 52, 35-46. • Soddu et al., 2011, Funct Neurol 26, 37-43.
• Feis et al., 2015, Front Neurosci. 9, 395. • Vergara et al., 2016, Neuroimage, 145(Pt B), 365-376
• Griffanti et al., 2016b, Neuroimage, 124(Pt A), 704-13. • Zerbi et al., 2015, Neuroimage 123, 11-21.

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