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522/24, 851 AM 5 bt Mate H Plant medicines BEFORE READING 11 what kind of medicine do you usually take fora headache, a stomach ache, or pain? 2 The plants inthe photos are al used to treat illnesses. Do you ever use any plants or herbs when you are unwell? The healing power of plants Some of the best known medicines come from a plat. People have used plants to trea illnesses for thousands ‘of years, and scientists today ae searching in jungles and tropical rain forests for plants that may contain substances to ‘ure cancer and other serious diseases Aspirin The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates econded the use ofthe bark ofthe willow tree as an efotve remedy for headaches, pains, and fever Willow bark had been used in this way in many cultures for ‘centutes, In 1829, German scientist Johann Buchner lenifed the specific pan-rlieving substance of willow bark. Buchner found that ts special ingredient was an acid, which was extracted and used asa medicine, Unfortunately the acid upset the stomach and doctors found that many oftheir patients could toler. Tn 1853, a French chemist called Charles Frederic Gerhard was able to neutralize the acid He added an ingredient that reduced the irtation caused by the acid. Fortunately this ingredient did not diminish its healing power, but Gethard had no interest in marketing his discovery Tn 1899, a Geeman chemist named Felix Hofmann became Interested in the willow bark medicine, Hoffman's father suffered from arthritis and he found tat the aid ofthe willow ‘his pain. Hoffman convinced his employer, Bayer to market the ‘acid, Bayer agreed, nd in 1900, aspirin was patented and sold tothe public. 0 Units You're cued {tipi conv tnunitipvbasi Osfond - Aim High 5 Stakent_s Book Pages 150 - Fj PDF Download| Flip IMLS THIS UNIT INCLUDES © LOE When scanning a text for specific information, decide what type of nformation you need to find. If the information you need is a fact, adate, ora name, scan the text for key nouns, usual proper nouns. the information you need isto identity the cause forthe result something, identify where the key noun ofthe topic isin the text, then consider carefuly the meanings ofthe adjectives and verbs used around the noun to find your answer WOuinine is found in the bark ofthe cinchona te. Since the 1600s it has been used to treat malaria a potentially deadly disease carried by mosquitoes. ‘According to one legend a Native American with a high fever vas losin an Andean jungle. When he drank from a pool of water, he was surprised by is very iter taste. Realizing the water had been contaminated bythe surrounding cinchona trees, he thought hh ad been poisoned. However, his fever abe, and he returned 10 his village to share his experience, ‘Buropeans who visited the Andes in 1630 learned of the Native can’ treatment for malaria. Soon another legend ofthe “iscovery of quinine spread throughout Europe. involved the ‘Countes of Chinchon, a BobleWMa rom Spain, who had visited Peru. While in Per, the countess allegedly contracted a fever which veas cue by the bark of a tree. The legend sys that she returned to Spain in 1638 ith the bark, thereby introducing quinine to ‘Burope. In 1742 a Swedish scientist vised Peru and named inchons in honour o not accurate beeause the Co died in Colombia before ever returning o Spain. '522/24,8:51 AM READ 1. Read the. Look at the photos andr Which plant (A) is used to cure. 1 malaria? 2 heart problems? — 3 headaches? the text quickly. 2 @ (2.02) Read the text, Which medicine, asprin, quinine, oF dota, 1 comesftom a tower? 2 ‘teas disease caused by mosquitoes? 3 canbe used to teat arth? 4 as fist used in Peru? 5 was brought to the public by a German company? 6 reduces swelling caused by heart trouble? '3-Read the text again, Then choose the best answers, 1 Johann Buchner discovered that acid extracted from wilow bark coud relleve pain but aso caused {stomach ache. headaches € swelling 4 artis 2 The German company Bayer started seling aspirin tothe public 82 when Gerhard discovered how to neutralize the bb because they realized it was a good product to market. because they wanted to patent i 4 ‘because the pubic demanded it 3 Water with quinine init 2 is extremely poisonous. causes tebe fevers, cured a nablewoman of malaria 4 doesn’ tase nice ‘nnps/iphn convtnunfipavbasic ‘Oxford - Aim High 5 Students Book Pages 1-50 Flip PDF Dowload FipHTMLS 4 According tothe legend, quinine was taken to Europe by 2 Native Americans from the Andes, bb a noblewoman called the Countess of Chinchon € a Swedish scientist in 1742 4 Europeans who had visited Per inthe 18" century '5 Wiliam Withering discovered that foxsiove 2 could be poisonous. gave the most effective medicine. € could be used to treat swelling caused by heart problems. 4 rows best in people's gardens. 6 Today doctors who prescribe digitalis 2 stl have dificulty knowing the correct dose, bare stil researching foxglove to find out how to make Insafer € donot have dificulty determining the correct dose. 4 donot give ito people with heat problems. UNDERSTANDING IDEAS ‘Answer the questions. Look atthe text, and use your own words | and ideas. 1 Which ofthe three medications has been the most Important? Why do you tink so? 2 What other medical conditions do you know of that can be tueated with medicines made from plants? 3 Do,ou agree with the introduction tothe text that there may be curs for other serous diseases from plants found in jungles oan forests? VOCABULARY The healing power of plants "Match the highlighted words in the text with these definitions. 1 Deadly oF fata 2 To be affected by something without being harmed. 3 Became less strong. 44 Anupper-class woman with a special title, 5 Aspecific amount. 6 To be removed from something. 7 Acute fora disease or illness. 8 Impure, made dangerous because ofthe addition of another substance. 9 Make something smaller or weaker 10 Removed of reduced pain. 11. Breaking up somethi pressing hard. 12 Stop something from having any eect. 13 Becomes bigger duet illness or injury. 14 Obtained exclusive rights to use or sella product or Invention 15 Away of solving a problem using different methods until successful to smaller pieces or powder by Units + You're cured at ams '522/24,8:51 AM Mere TUNG The healing power of plants ACTIVATE Complete these sentences with the correct form ofthe words from the box. with harmful chemical 1 Many rivers in Europe ae. waste products from factories. 2 Oilsare rom rare plants found in the Amazon, jungle to make new medicines. 3 Dueto the ny eye looks much bigger than normal 44 The scientist couldn't fin the solution to the problem but he solved it eventually through 5 My grandmother believes that hot lemon with honey isa good forthe fy. 6 Toseason ths dish, always. ‘some gartic with salt, pepper and lemon juice before adding it tothe mixture. 7. Alotof the world’s natural resources are. ata much faster rate than ever before. & Stop! Don’t eat those mushrooms! They are they look safe, but they are deadly. 9 The Duchess of Aba isa 20 The inventor had to his rights. 11 ft have a bad headache, take aspidn to 12 if you don’t fet better, you can take another. medicine in twelve hours. 33: My body can't wheat have to have a gluten-free diet 14 We can’t drive home until the sandstorm dangerous. 15 We must intervene to. the dispute between the two ‘governments; we can't have any tension whatsoever EXTEND Word formation 11 Find the noun form ofthe following verbs taken from the ‘reading text. 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form ofthe word, ‘noun or verb, from exercise 1. 41 Many cre for fatal diseases and conditions have been discovered in the twentieth century. 2 John goes to see his physiotherapist every Thursday to get for his back injury 13 Hot water, honey and lemon is good to symptoms of the common cold from Spal his invention to guarantee the pain. of Ws too the 42 Unit «You're cured! ‘np: convtnangpavasic ‘Oxford - Aim High 5 Stadent_s Book Pages 1-50 - Flip PDF Download| FipTMLS ‘ofthe earth's oceans is leading tothe extinction of many marine species. 5 The police have 200. for any crime or violene 6 The sale or copy ofthe innovative new device was protected by 7 Coal in the UK has diminished tothe extent that ow onlya few mines are in operation. 8% ‘an acid, you need an alkaline. The body and medical conditions 3 Label the pats ofthe body. ce toes 4 Match the conditions and diseases withthe definitions. 1 an infectious disease in which swellings appear on the lungs tubers 2 sore inside or outside the body, typically in the mouth ‘or stomach 3 when blood travels around the body too quickly ‘4 condition caused when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blocked '5 abrain condition when someone loses part oral of thei memory 6 a condition due toa lack of insulin 7 aconditon that makes it dificult to breathe 8 severe pains inthe stomach or intestines 4213 '522/24,8:51 AM Oxford - Aim High 5 Stade ey Preparatory it as subject EXPLORE 1 Read the text. What happened to Andrew? How does he stay healthy now? nies stent Anew gy tes ‘wind he humourin the wordarcund him is ease ear ‘urn pene oes tine tees ‘ety, Whe Ande was 20 ad a stroke Hewson isa tas When ‘ood vesetn hs ain elo dew ‘lap, andit wasortarat tate was dco hry tera ws ab ly tht th ues hosp wa 50 net Datos wee eo ‘eat him iy and save bis. Ande sai ater Teen lng ine. Sine tat ther wee ay wring Ss suns be stuck dv by th condo at ah young ge ven wasn gc beth ehh habe wae abut an etre tht twas godin sty roa on ent er, ‘eaytolsetn ft. Oe of hist aad abut the thal fects of ses om terse heathy pele The ese showed tat Inge cel ec poner bes bea teased esn Atough nay etal Ande venta dcowred lee es amis then sae sete rus of tes stats. 15 aang how much ete fey laughing more sends now: Fev te sophisti te made wt satin how te we about the bai. 2 Find three examples inthe text of preparatory it followed by clause, and three examples of preparatory ifllowed by an Infinitive expression. (ode clans tw ornate tat he a dacovee eh sfonde 3 Read the Learn this! box. Find two more examples from the text of preparatory i+ clause or infinitive expression. ‘Explain how the eight structures from exercises 2 and 3 are diferent from the other sentences inthe text starting with i LEARN THIS! ‘nnps/iphn convtnunfipavbasic ‘Book Pages 1-50 Flip PDF Dowload FipTMLS EXPLOIT | Penaratoryitis generally not used when the subjects a | noun phase We ay Herne ares ray beutl, NOT ts realy beout hhernen cess) 1 Read the Look out! box. Then decide which sentence in each Pair sounds more natural. 1A It's great how quickly you picked up French. I's great that quickly you picked up French. Their new house is wonderful I's wonderful their new house, There's a lot of cake left. To waste iis apy There's alot of cake Left's a pty to waste It. Iwas annoying that he didn't recognize me. twas annoying to he didn't recognize me. I's atways strange when hear the sound of your own I's always strange to hea the sound of your own voice. The old cinema is going to close down, I's going to close down the old cinema. It’s going to rain. would bea good idea to cary 5 umbrl I's going tori ‘an umbrella I's interesting to agree with Peter about this. 1's interesting that you agree with Peter about thi. 2 Ihwould be a good idea that you cary 2 Correct each sentence by changing or deleting one word only. The night before an exam, its advisable that to steep wel, The party was great, so ita pity that Joe couldn't come. Idoesn’t wory me what that he thinks about the situation. you want to save money, it'snot a good idea you to buy clothes. think is easy to lear anything if you practise regulary. It kel to that we'llbe away for you birthday. Hove this beach. I's nice that see so many people here, tsa strange feeling that when you thnk you've met someone before '3 nite sentences from the prompts, using preparatory it followed bya clause or infinitive expression. 1 essential / prepare / thorough for ajob interview 2 incedibie/ how hot / the weathers atthe moment 3 given the day 've had / surprising /1 still have / any energy let 4 Important / you / take your time when reading the exam questions 5. atthis time of day, / unusual / see / so many people around {6 norma / eel / nervous before your diving test 7 on Saturdays / reat / have / lien 8 aftr faling so far, / amazing / she got up / and walked away unhurt Unit «You've cured! 43 '522/24,8:51 AM cTdTae Sensations VOCABULARY 1 Which adjectives from the box would you use to describe the items in the lst 1-7 below? Match four ofthe adjectives withthe photos (A-D). 1 damp clothing 2 bright sunshine 3 raw squid 4 strong cofee 5 6 7 died heros freshly-baked cake crashing waves By p 2 Read the sentences and study the expressions in bold Which feelings are they describing? Match the expressions (4-5) with feelings (a-e) 1 Karen fll ightheaded when she stood up, so we helped her back into a chalrin case she fainted 2 Shelly has got butterflies In her stomach because she's {going to give her speech infront ofthe class. 3 They were feeling queasy ate eating oysters ~ perhaps they werent very fresh, 4 Gavin was under the weather yesterday, but he s fine today, sit obviously wasa’t anything serious 5 need to buy a packet of tissves because I've got the sniffies 2 feeling stightiy i bb arunnynose € feelingnervous 4 feeling nauseous Feeling dizzy 3 Write five questions using the expressions In exercise 2. Ask and answer the questions with your partner. hen do you opt butlers a your oak? tae fe nay Workbooks page 39 Units You're cued ‘nnps/iphn convtnunfipavbasic ‘Oxford - Aim High 5 Students Book Pages 1-50 Flip PDF Dowload FipHTMLS LISTEN 1 Whats happening in photos (AB)? Describe them usin words and expressions from Vocabulary exercises 1 and 2.0 vou think these activites are good for your health? 2) GD Listen to the conversation at a heaith spa describing the therapies shown in photos (A-B). What are the benefits and the drawbacks ofeach treatment? 3) @ GBD tisten to the conversation again and answer the avestions 1 Whats done othe mud to make it mote comfortable? 2 What should you doi you feel faint? 3. Why are companies using spas? 44 What isthe challenge in re walking? 55 What should you do before walking onthe coals? SPEAK Discuss the following questions with a partner and report your answers to the cass. 1 Would you eve try fre walking ora mul bath? Why? Why not? 2 Read the descriptions about two alternative medicines, aromatherapy and acupuncture. With your partner, discuss what you think are the benefits and drawbacks of these alternative medicines. 3 Would you ever ry aromatherapy or acupuncture? Why? Why not? Aromatherapy ‘Aromatherapy is an alternative health therapy that uses substances such as plant ils and extracts to help a petso’s relaxation, powers of concentration and overall health. Depending on the substance, aromatherapy can be administered through infusions, breathing i oil through ‘pour, or through massages and baths. Typical ols include lemon, eucalyptus and sweet almond. The effectiveness of aromatherapy i til largely unproven by scientific research ‘Acupuncture i form of alternative medicine that has ‘ben practised for thousands of years originating in China. IRinvolves sticking sterilized needles into the body and. ‘manipulating them to relieve pain. While itis difclt to research the benefits of acupunctre, some medical authorities ‘believe tht there ie enough positive evidence to increase the tne ofthis alternative medicine and to encourage further scientific studies. ans Preparatory it as object EXPLORE 1 ead the text and identify the two types of doctors that are described. Which type of doctor do you prefer seeing? Why? HERBAL MEDICINE Atip othe doctor’s surgery can be frustrating for people ‘eho believe that herbal medicine can cure a variety of illnesses. Many doctors make it clear that herbal medicine i not part of ther treatment plan Some ofthese doctors admit that they did't always fel this way, and they remember {her grandparents using plants as medicine. However, these doctors find it problematic to accept these natural remedies after years in medical school. (On the other hand, there ae a numberof doctors who do tse herbal medicines in thei treatment. Even after years ‘of medical school, these doctors find it unnecessary to ‘give up these natural remedies. They believe that there thould be a balance between herbal medicine and moder ‘medicine. This atitude makes tease for people to follow a treatment. With a balanced approach, patients feel tht they ae contributing to both thei recovery and wellbeing Read the Leorn this! box and read the tex aga. Find two sentences in the text using preparatory tas the object. We can use preparatory it to introduce the object of a sentence, The object must be an infinite or clause. We say: ‘Many doctors moke it clear that herbal medicine is not art of ther treatment pian, [NOT That herbal medicine isnot port oftheir treatment plan many doctors make clear} We use: [subject] + main ver] + it] +fadlective or noun ‘hvasel + [infinitive or clause) found it hard to follow bis speech. [NOT To follow his speech I ound hard) Note that we generally do not use preparatory it when there ‘sno noun oradjective complement after the main ver. [NOT remember itthat the sun always shone when we were young) ‘ngps:/ipn.convtnanigavbasic ‘Oxford - Aim High Stadents Book Pages 1-50 Flip PDF Download| Flip IMLS, EXPLOIT 1. Which sentences need i Add itwhere necessary in these 1 Many people have made clear that they are unhappy wth thelr medica care. 2 Some people forget that thelr first vist to anew doctor was alte frightening. 3 Alotof medical students find difficult to believe that alternative medicines can work in some cases, 4 Most doctors expect that traditional medicine will work better than herbal medicine. 5 Some parents find worrying to send ther children to schootwhen they are il {6 Many teachers accept that they can become il from the infections that their students Bring into clas, 2 Complete the sentences (1-8) with the verbs from the box. Decide ifthe object clause requires or that admit believe find make recall think 1 Doctors iffiult to believe that thie patents are knowledgeable about herbal medicines. 2 Older people their diets were poor and lacking in nutrition when they were young. 3 Many experts clear that most people do not know how to lookafter ther health propery 4 Many scents ‘some altemative medicines have proven bes 5 Many peopl in China effective treatment 6 Some doctors. a waste of time to study alternative remedies such as aromatherapy, ‘acupuncture can be an Workbook page a0 ) Units You're cued! aS 4sni3 '522/24,8:51 AM A blog READ 1 Read the test. Why does Sally call her bloga strange encounter? Out and about in Tokyo — a strange encounter by Saly Smit 12M 2010, ‘Last woek, my fami a | vst Japan forth ist time. Everything was so diferent rom England ~ it was tke being on another planet. My eyes were tke sponges, absorbing new sights wit each glance. We wet shopping for clothes. The young ppoople wo sau wore Ike pictures ftom a magazine! They wore \woating al sors of fashions and they had obvously pu @ lot of cert into thei hai anc make-up. We wad ftom store to store fora very ong time unt we had runout of steam. All my energy had completely disappeared, ‘Then my sstr noticed an oxygen bar We had never seen one bore. People were stancing around sal tks of water, wearing face masks with hoses attached to the tanks, he some 20t of alien eroatues from a scence fio fi - thoy were breathing pure oxygen, Apparently, breathing pure open ‘enhances your heath and wel:being, can hep you overcome ‘tress and increase your energy levels. Athough pure oxygen has ‘no taste of eral ths oxygen had boon fascured by bubbling the oxygen through botes containing aromatic solutions. We cided o ghe it a try twas expensive, bul was worth every jenny. We chose fru cocktal- a mixture of apple, peach leon | ‘and banana. It was tke taking doep breaths in an orchard fl of fru. Ater twenty mites, with our batteries ty recharged, we were ready for anothor wa around the shops again Travels fod fr thought ‘and our tp to Japan was ‘no exception. Have any of you out there tred an ‘ovygen bar? Leave a comment: 2. What do you think about Sally's experience? What comment would you leave on her blog? 46 ni + You're cured! ‘nnps/iphn convtnunfipavbasic ‘Oxford - Aim High 5 Students Book Pages 1-50 Flip PDF Dowload FipHTMLS PREPARE (LE EEE We often use metaphors and similes to make our writing ‘more interesting. Smiles compare things or people using 2s or like: ‘My eyes were lke sponges. ‘Metaphors describe a thing or person by calling it something else directly. = we had run out of steam, 1 Read the Writing tip. entity two more smiles and two metaphors in the text. Explain why the author has chosen them, 2 - Match the beginnings andthe ends of the sentences to make metaphors and simile. 1 Her eyes were 2 as blind asa bat 2 The children were bike an angry ion, 3 That boring show was) €_aslively as playful kittens, 4 Theroom’s dustwas—/ das exciting as watching 5 Without herspectacies, (paint dry. she's «two blue sapphires 6 The storm was f a.grey blanket of ponder. WRITE ‘1 write one simiteand one metaphor foreach picture. Share yur ideas with other people in your class. B= 2 Imagine you have been to one ofthe places inthe pictures Write a blog about your experience there, Use metaphors and similes. The tte of your blog entry is‘A strange encounter Paragraph 1 Describe the place you visited and what you saw there Paragraph 2 Describe a new experience that you had there. ragraph 3. Conclusion 43 '522/24,8:51 AM ‘Oxford - Aim High 5 Stadent_s Book Pages 1-50 - Flip PDF Download| FipTMLS REVIEW DICTIONARY CORNER You're cured! Homophones 1 Checkthe meaning o the homophones inthe bos. Complete the LANGUAGE SKILLS sentences (1-6) with the correct form of the appropriate word. 1 (ZO) complete the dialogue with the words from the colonel / kernel _ complementary / complimentary box. Then listen and check your answers. ouncit/ counsel oot / hte pore / pour stationary / stationery Sy Se teaser ae “A The lawyer gave excelent. tothe government. a 2 Amst get more Ve runout of stapes and postits, 3. Remedies tke acupuncture ae considered tobe to ‘Caro You look great, What's your secret? Tina Well its this new Pm following fr my skin. \Ceauiona mesic ‘though I'm allergic to loads of things, this seems Faia Mecha od eter teed towork t's mud from the Dead Sea. I put iton my ‘overthe book for hours. face and neckfor4-5 mites, the arash, then ut '5 My sister and | both play n the orchestra ~ play the viotn rela and she plays the Carol Mud! that’s disgusting, it must be Uke puting raw ig Aaa feel asa fedast seein squid on you face, really and wet Eee ‘Tina Not at al. tis really soft, soothing and \__~it sels ike deep sea herbs. Words with similar meanings Carol I'm sure thats it says on the label. Tina, don't you read what the experts say? Many scientists 2 _Leokatthe pals of words that are offen confused. Choose the s it clear that thes therapies don't peciaet ete omeeetcne nary workand are not based on any studies, though I must sy, your complesion fs much beter. ‘ina Wel, actualy, the minerals inthe mu the acidity inthe skin. if you have a bad skin condition, Imply infer official /offcious sensible / sensitive cial racist, 1 The TV programme implied / inferred that acupuncture was a seein eae, |e pe i coe oo ane ena ‘Carol I's starting to bother me again, *_'m seeing sn ievreear women Ft aac Es amu eee ete oaseinet msn ian ate mentor enhorres Thu scmusueamenestaesen HE eg, Ra a 1 CAN Eat sedate sey Read the statements. Think about your progress and tick (/) 3. Carol suggests that Tina is quoting the product hey mes. ; ae —— 2 a: ca EE 5 Carol doesn’t feel that her doctor can help her. = 3 Write sentences from the prompts, using preparatory it and medicines. {cause or ninitve expression ‘can use preparatory and end-weghtng 1 strange / see / uncle / television. for emphasis. 2 Ineresing/aternative medicine /have abeter effect | eam describe sensatlons and talk about than conventional medicine media eaten. 3 advsable/ save money when you wan to buya house | Teallse preparation tas an object orfat \ can write. using metaph¢ id 4 pod ides / take an unbreia/ the shy sda ery Reece 5 nice / visit sick people / hospital / cheer them up Worktook Sell check pages 07-03 Unit Youve curedt a7 ‘np: convtnangpavasic ams

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