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❖ Questions to be answered:

Q1: Identify types of Plastics, provide examples?

Q2: Clarify the difference between monomers and polymers, what are the types of polymers?

Q3 : How to identify the unknown plastic material , clarify the ways with examples .

Q4: Clarify the plastic additives and the impact of each one at plastic materials?

Q5: Identify the following: -


8 wastes & cost of poor quality and how to avoid it


Takt time

Difference between 5 whys & Cause and effect analysis

Q6 : what is the difference between annealing process and plasma treatment for plastic materials ,
types and when we use each one ?

Q7 : When we use the following tools :-

-Quick changeover


-Line balancing


-Single piece flow

-Quality & error proofing

-Value stream future status

Q8: What are the polyolefins?

Q9: Identify the time management process, clarify some tools?

Q10: Identify the manage quality tools?


Estimated time for the pervious task is 07/04/2024

❖ Answer the following questions according to attached charts:

Problem 1:


• Available time for process = 7 hr/shift

• The time given in chart per 1 piece


(Case A): Assume that the process with no rework.

1- After how long time will the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pieces be obtained?
2- How many products will be produced at the end of the shift according to given inputs?

(Case B): Assume that the process with rework.

1- After how long time will the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pieces be obtained (with rework for 1st &2nd pieces and with no
rework for 3rd piece)?
2- How many products will be produced at the end of the shift according to given inputs and considering that
the first 10 products in the process will be reworked?


Estimated time for the pervious task is 07/04/2024

Problem 2:

Finished Product



• Available time for process = 7 hr/shift

• The process time of every step as shown per products
• Note that: every sink consists of list of products as shown as they are placed together at the same stage.


1- How many products will be produced at the end of the shift according to given inputs?


Estimated time for the pervious task is 07/04/2024

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