Unit 3 AS

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Unit 3 AS

1. Marketing objective - goals set for the marketing department to help business acheive
its overall objective
2. Marketing - management task of identifying and meeting the needs of customers
profitability by getting the right product at the right price to the right place at the right
3. Corporate objective - well defined and realistic goals set for the whole company
4. Equilibrium price - the price level where demand equals supply
5. Demand - quantity of g/s that consumer are willing and able to buy given price in
specific time period
6. Supply - the quantity of g/s that producer are willing and supply at given price in specific
time period.
7. Market segment - a subgroup of a whole market in which consumer have similar
8. Industrial market - the selling of product by business to toher business/ B2B
9. Consumer market - selling of product by businesses to final end user also known as B2C
10. Customer orientation - an outward looking approach that bases product decision on
consumer demand by market research.
11. Product orientation - inward looking approach that focuses on making product that can
be made or have been nade for a long time then trying to sell them
12. Market size - the total value of sales of all producer within a market within a given time
13. Market growth - percentage change in the total size of the market
14. Brand leader - the brand with the highest share in the market (market share)
15. Mass marketing - selling standardized products or ranges of product in the same way to
the whole market
16. Niche marketing - identifying and exploiting a small segment of a larger market by
developing diffrentiated product to suit that segment
17. Market segmentation - identification of diffrent market groups with common needs,
within the market and the different marketing products or services to customer group
18. Consumer profile - quantified picture of a business consumer showing data about their
age group,income level,location,gender and social class.
19. Customer relationship marketing - using marketing activities to build relationship so
loyalty customer existing can be maintained.
20. Market research - process of collecting, recording and analysing data about customer
competitors and the market.
21. Primary research - collection of first hand data that directly related to the needs of the
22. Secondary research - the use if existing data that was originally collected for another
23. Qualitative data - non numerical data which provides insight into the detailed motivation
of consumer and help explain their buying behavior
24. Quantitative data - numerical results from research that can be statistically analysed.
25. Sampling - process of selecting a group if respondent from a larger population
26. Sampling bias - sample is not a good representation of the whole population due to
choosen in ways which give people a greater chance of being selected.
27. Marketing mix - four components which are product,price,place and promotion.
28. Brand - identifying symbol name image or trademark that signify a product from its
29. Intangible attributes - subjective opinion of customer about a product which cannot be
measured or compared easily
30. Tangible attributes - measurable features of a product which can be easily compared
with other product.
31. New product development - the design, creation and marketing of new g/s
32. Unique selling point (USP) - special feature of product that makes its different from
competitors product.
33. Product differentiation - the unique qualities of a product that lead to diffrence between
the product and competitors product
34. Product positioning - consumer views of a product or services compared to its
35. Product portfolio analysis - analysing the range of existing product of business to allocate
resources efficiently between them.
36. Product life cycle - the pattern of sales for a product from launch to withdrawal from the
market (introduction to decline)
37. Extension strategy - a marketing plan to extend the maturity stage of the product before
a completely new one is launch.
38. Boston matrix - a method of analysing a product portfolio of a business in terms of
market share and market growth.
39. Mark-up pricing - adding a fixed mark up for profit to the unit cost of buying a product.
40. Cost plus pricing - setting a price by calculating total cost of the product and adding a
fixed profit mark up.
41. Contribution cost pricing - setting price based on the variable cost of making a product in
order to make contribution towards fixed cost and profit.
42. Competitive pricing - making pricing based on competitor prices
43. Price discrimination - charging diffrent group of consumer diffrent prices for the same
44. Dynamic pricing - offering product at a price that changes according to the level of
demand and customer ability to pay.
45. Penetrations pricing - setting a relatively low price to achieve a high volume of sales.
46. Market skimming - setting high prices for a new product when firm has diffrentiated
product with low elasticity of demand.
47. Psychological pricing - setting a price at level which matches consumer views about a
product perceived value
48. Promotion - the use of advertising,sales promotion, personal selling,direct mail trade
fairs and etc.
49. Informational advertising - adverts that gives information about a product to potential
purchaser rather than create a brand image
50. Persuasive advertising - adverts create a distinctive image or brand identity for the
product to attract potential customer.
51. Digital promotion - the promotion of product using digital tech mainly on the internet
but also mobile phones.
52. E-commerce - buying and selling of g/s by business and consumer through electronic
53. Channel of distribution - the chain of intermediaries a product passes through from
producer to final consumer
54. Direct selling - selling from producer directly to customer
55. One intermediaries channel - has a single intermediary, usually from the manufacturer
to the retailer to the consumer
56. Two intermediaries channel - has two intermediary from manufacturer to wholesaler
then retailer then finally to consumer.
57. Digital distribution - the delivery or distribution of digital media content such as
audio,video,tv programme and etc.
58. Physical distribution - activities combine to achieve the efficient movement of finished
product from the end of production operation to the consumer.
Integrated marketing mix - the key marketing decision complement each other and work
together to give customer a consistent message about the product.

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