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Social Responsibility Project

Diyan Charitable Trust
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration

CHRIST (Deemed to be University)


Raghav Jhanwar (2223230)

Ashwin Kinger (2223212)

Mitansh Raj Singhal (2223226)

Animesh Baranwal (2223207)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Gowri Shankar

School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be University)




This is to certify that Raghav Jhanwar (2223230), Ashwin Kinger (2223212), Mitansh Raj
Singhal (2223226) and Animesh Baranwal (2223207) are student of Bachelor of Business
Administration (Hons) of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru and they have prepared
and submitted the Social Responsibility Project, titled “Social Responsibility Project Undertaken at
Diyan Charitable Trust in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru,
for the academic year 2022-23.

Place: Bangalore
Dr. Rashmi Rai
Head of the Department
School of Business and Management
BGR Campus


This is to certify that the project report, titled “Social Responsibility Project Undertaken at Diyan
Charitable Trust” submitted to CHRIST (Deemed to be University), in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) is a record of
original study undertaken by Raghav Jhanwar (2223230), Ashwin Kinger (2223212), Mitansh Raj
Singhal (2223226) and Animesh Baranwal (2223207) during the period 2023 in the School of
Business and Management at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, under my supervision
and guidance. The Social Responsibility Project report has not formed the basis for the award of any
Degree/ Diploma/ Associate ship/ Fellowship or other similar title of recognition to any candidate of
any University.

Date: Dr. Gowri Shankar

Assistant Professor
School of Business and Management
BGR Campus


We Raghav Jhanwar (2223230), Ashwin Kinger (2223212), Mitansh Raj Singhal (2223226) and
Animesh Baranwal (2223207), hereby declare that the Social Responsibility Project report, titled
“Social Responsibility Project Undertaken at Diyan Charitable Trust,” submitted to CHRIST (Deemed
to be University), in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration (Finance & International Business) is a record of original and independent
study undertaken by me during March, 2023 under the supervision and guidance of Dr.Gowri
Shankar, School of Business and Management and it has not formed the basis for the award of any
Degree/ Diploma/ Associate ship/ Fellowship or other similar title of recognition to any candidate of
any University.

Date: RAGHAV JHANWAR (2223230





I express my special thanks to Dr. Gowri Shankar, Assistant Professor, School of Business and
Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru for taking time to guide and mentor me.
His expert advice and constant motivation helped me to conduct the study in a systematic and orderly

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to “Diyan Charitable Trust” for giving me the opportunity
to conduct my Social Responsibility Project. I would like to thank Mr.Dilip Sarang M.R, Founder &
Mentor, Diyan Charitable Trust, Bangalore, for taking the time and effort to support and guide me in
carrying out this study.

I would also like to thank Dr.(Fr) Joseph C C, Vice Chancellor, CHRIST (Deemed to be University),
Bengaluru, for having provided an opportunity to carry out this internship as part of my curriculum of
Bachelor of Business Administration Honours.

I would like to convey my gratitude to Fr Biju K C, Director, Dr Jyothi Kumar, Dean, Dr. Rashmi Rai,
HOD, School of Business and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru for
providing me the opportunity and the support to carry out this internship.

I would like to also sincerely thank all the individuals involved in this project. Their time and valuable
conversations were extremely helpful in providing the required knowledge to make this project a great

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and friends for their constant help and support. Their
motivation and advice were very helpful in enabling me to conduct the internship and bring it to




Chapter 1 Introduction
● Introduction to Social Responsibility 10
● Individual Social Responsibility 11
● Corporate Social Responsibility 12-13
● Student Social Responsibility 14-15

Chapter 2 NGO Profile

● Introduction to the NGO 17-18
● Activities of the NGO 19

Chapter 3 Activities
● Schedule of Daily Activities 21-30

Chapter 4 Learning Outcome

● Personal Experience 32-35
● Learning Outcome 36-40

Chapter 5 Findings and Suggestions

● General Findings 43
● Specific Findings 43
● Challenges 44
● Suggestions and Recommendations 45

Chapter 6 Annexures
• Bibliography 47
• Picture Gallery 48-52



Social responsibility refers to the idea that individuals, organizations, and businesses have
a responsibility to act in the best interests of society and to make positive contributions to
their communities. This includes taking steps to address social and environmental issues,
such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and human rights abuses. There are different
ways that individuals and organizations can demonstrate social responsibility. For example,
they may engage in philanthropy by donating money, time, or resources to charitable
causes. They may also adopt sustainable business practices, such as reducing their carbon
footprint or using ethically sourced materials. Social responsibility is important because it
helps to promote a more equitable and sustainable society. By addressing social and
environmental issues, individuals and organizations can help to create a better world for
everyone. It can also enhance an organization's reputation and create a more positive image
in the eyes of customers, employees, and other stakeholders. However, social responsibility
is not always easy to achieve. It often requires making difficult decisions, such as balancing
the interests of different stakeholders or investing in sustainable practices that may not
provide immediate financial benefits.

Nevertheless, by taking a long-term view and prioritizing the needs of society and the
environment, individuals and organizations can play an important role in creating a better
future for all.

There are many different aspects to social responsibility, including corporate social
responsibility, environmental sustainability, community development, and ethical
behaviour. For individuals, social responsibility might involve volunteering, making
charitable donations, or supporting causes that promote social justice and equality. Social
responsibility is becoming increasingly important in today's world, as people are becoming
more aware of the impact of their actions on others and the environment. Many businesses
are also recognizing the importance of social responsibility, and are incorporating it into
their operations and decision-making processes. Ultimately, social responsibility is about
recognizing our interconnectedness as members of society, and taking responsibility for the
impact of our actions on others and the world around us. By acting in socially responsible
ways, we can help to create a better, more sustainable future for everyone.


Individual social responsibility refers to the ethical obligations that individuals have to act
in ways that benefit society as a whole. It involves recognizing the impact of one's actions
on others, and taking steps to promote positive social and environmental outcomes.
Individual social responsibility can take many different forms.

For example, individuals can participate in community service, volunteer their time and
skills, donate to charitable causes, reduce their carbon footprint by conserving energy and
resources, and support businesses that prioritize social responsibility. Individuals can also
practice social responsibility in their personal relationships and interactions with others.
This might involve treating others with respect and kindness, speaking out against injustice
and discrimination, and promoting a culture of inclusivity and equity.


• Promoting positive change: By taking responsibility for our actions and making an
effort to promote positive social and environmental outcomes, we can help to create
a more just, equitable, and sustainable society.
• Building stronger communities: Individual social responsibility can help to build
stronger communities by promoting trust, cooperation, and a sense of shared
responsibility for the well-being of others
• Fostering personal growth: Engaging in socially responsible behaviour can also help
individuals to grow and develop as people, by promoting empathy, compassion, and
a sense of purpose.
• Protecting the environment: Taking responsibility for our environmental impact by
reducing our carbon footprint and using environmentally friendly products can help
to protect the planet for future generations.

Overall, individual social responsibility is about recognizing the power that each of us has
to make a positive difference in the world, and taking action to promote the well-being of
our communities and the planet.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a company's responsibility to operate in an

ethical and sustainable manner, taking into account its impact on society and the
environment. It goes beyond the financial bottom line to encompass social and
environmental considerations. CSR is important for businesses because it can help to
enhance their reputation and brand image. In an age of increasing transparency and
accountability, consumers and stakeholders are becoming more aware of a company's social
and environmental impact. A commitment to CSR can help to attract and retain customers
and employees who value socially responsible behaviour. It can also help to mitigate risk
by ensuring that companies are operating in ways that are sustainable and socially
responsible, and by avoiding negative impacts on stakeholders and the environment.

There are several key areas where companies can focus their CSR efforts:

• Environmental sustainability: Companies can implement environmentally

sustainable business practices, such as reducing their carbon footprint, conserving
energy and resources, and using environmentally friendly products and materials.
They can also take steps to reduce waste and pollution, and to promote biodiversity
and conservation.
• Philanthropy: Companies can make charitable donations to support social and
environmental causes, such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and
disaster relief. They can also engage in volunteerism and community service, and
encourage their employees to do the same.
• Ethical business practices: Companies can promote ethical behaviour by adhering
to high standards of business ethics, transparency, and accountability. They can also
ensure that their supply chains are free from unethical practices such as forced
labour, child labour, and environmental degradation.
• Diversity and inclusion: Companies can promote diversity and inclusion by
ensuring that their workforce is representative of the communities they serve, and
by fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace culture.

• Community development: Companies can support community development by
investing in local infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, and transportation, and
by creating job opportunities and economic growth in the communities where they

There are several challenges associated with implementing CSR initiatives. First, it can be
difficult to measure the impact of CSR initiatives, which can make it difficult to evaluate
their effectiveness and justify the resources invested in them. Second, there may be conflicts
between a company's financial goals and its social and environmental goals, which can
create tension and difficult trade-offs. Third, there may be challenges associated with
aligning the interests of different stakeholders, such as employees, shareholders, and the
wider community. To overcome these challenges, companies need to take a strategic and
integrated approach to CSR that aligns their values and goals with the needs and
expectations of society. This involves engaging with stakeholders to understand their needs
and expectations, setting clear and measurable goals for CSR initiatives, and integrating
CSR into the company's overall strategy and operations. In conclusion, CSR is an important
aspect of modern business that involves companies taking responsibility for their impact on
society and the environment. While there are challenges associated with implementing CSR
initiatives, it can contribute to the long-term sustainability and success of the company by
building trust and legitimacy with stakeholders, promoting positive social and
environmental outcomes, and aligning the company's values and goals with the needs and
expectations of society.


Student social responsibility is an important aspect of education that focuses on promoting

ethical and responsible behaviour among students. It refers to the obligations that students
have to act in ways that benefit society as a whole, beyond their academic responsibilities.
By engaging in activities that benefit society, students can develop a sense of social
responsibility and civic engagement that will help them to become responsible and engaged
citizens in their communities and beyond.

There are several reasons why student social responsibility is important. First, it can help
to develop responsible citizens who are aware of the social and environmental issues facing
their communities and who take an active role in addressing them. By engaging in activities
such as volunteering, participating in social campaigns, and practicing ethical behaviour,
students can develop a sense of civic responsibility and contribute to the betterment of
society. This can help to create a more engaged and responsible citizenry that is committed
to positive social change. Second, student social responsibility can help to create a positive
learning environment that promotes respect, tolerance, and cooperation among students. By
engaging in activities that promote diversity and inclusion, such as respecting different
cultures and religions, students can develop a sense of empathy and understanding that can
help to create a more harmonious and respectful learning environment. This can foster a
culture of respect and cooperation among students, which can improve the overall quality
of education and promote positive social outcomes. Third, student social responsibility can
help to promote the well-being of individuals and communities by fostering a sense of social
responsibility and civic engagement. By engaging in activities that promote social justice,
human rights, and environmental sustainability, students can develop a sense of
responsibility and commitment to the well-being of others. This can help to create a more
compassionate and caring society that is committed to promoting the well-being of all its

To promote student social responsibility, educational institutions can provide opportunities

for students to engage in social and environmental initiatives, provide training and guidance
on ethical behaviour and values, and create a positive learning environment that fosters
social responsibility and civic engagement. This can involve partnering with community

organizations and non-profits to provide students with opportunities to engage in
community service and social campaigns. It can also involve providing training and
guidance on ethical behaviour and values, such as honesty, integrity, and respect for others.

Finally, it can involve creating a positive learning environment that promotes respect,
tolerance, and cooperation among students, such as through promoting diversity and
inclusion and creating opportunities for student leadership and engagement.

There are several challenges associated with promoting student social responsibility. First,
it can be difficult to engage students who may not see the relevance or importance of social
responsibility. This can require creative approaches, such as incorporating social
responsibility into the curriculum or creating engaging and meaningful opportunities for
students to engage in social and environmental initiatives. Second, it can be challenging to
create a positive learning environment that promotes respect, tolerance, and cooperation
among students, particularly in contexts where there may be social or cultural divides. This
can require ongoing efforts to promote inclusion, diversity, and understanding among
students. Finally, it can be challenging to evaluate the impact of social responsibility
initiatives, which can make it difficult to justify resources and justify the effectiveness of
these initiatives.

In conclusion, student social responsibility is an important aspect of education that

promotes responsible citizenship, positive learning environments, and well-being of
individuals and communities. By engaging in activities that benefit society as a whole,
students can develop a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement that will help
them to become responsible and engaged citizens in their communities and beyond. While
there are challenges associated with promoting student social responsibility, it is a vital
aspect of education that can contribute to positive social outcomes and promote the well-
being of all members of society.




• Year of Establishment: 2022

• Location: 714, 80 feet main road, Royal Park residency Layout 1, JP Nagar, 9th
Phase, Avalahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560062
• Founder : Mr. Dilip Sarang
• Contact no. : 63630 85160 / 74066 66478
• Website :
• Email Address :

Mission: To provide opportunities to underprivileged children for their overall

development and empowerment.

Vision: To create a society where every child has equal access to opportunities,
irrespective of their social and economic background.


• Giving underprivileged kids education support will enable them to realize their
academic potential and end the cycle of poverty.
• Providing regular health camps and medical aid to vulnerable communities to provide
healthcare services.
• Ensuring that every child has access to a healthy diet, which is crucial for their overall
growth and development, by offering nutrition support.
• Providing youth with vocational training to aid in their development of skills and aid
in their search for fulfilling employment opportunities.
• Raising community awareness of various social issues, including, among others, child
marriage, child abuse, and child labor.
• The organization's overall goal is to improve the lives of underprivileged children and
give them the tools they need to realize their full potential.


Diyan Charitable Trust is a legally recognised non-profit with its main office in Bangalore,
India. The organisation, which was founded in 2022 by Mr. Sarang, aims to empower and
encourage poor children by providing them with chances for total growth. The fundamental
objective of the organisation is that every kid should have access to equal chances in society,
regardless of their social or economic situation. With a range of programmes and projects that
are centred on education, healthcare, nutrition, and vocational training, Diyan Charitable Trust
is dramatically bettering the lives of poor children and their families. Due to its commitment
to enhancing the lives of poor children, the organisation has been known as one of Bangalore's
finest NGOs.

In order to further its objective, The Trust has implemented a variety of projects and
programmes, with a particular emphasis on training in the areas of employment, health, and
nutrition. Via their educational initiatives, it also promotes the education of poor kids by paying
for things like tuition, books, and school supplies. The healthcare programme of the Diyan
Charitable Trust strives to provide monthly medical check-ups, health camps, and medical aid
to impoverished populations, including marginalised groups like street children, orphanages,
and slum residents. Via its nutrition programme, which lays a heavy focus on giving these
youngsters substantial meals, the trust also offers a healthy diet.

Its objective is to help the poor and needy women, children, elderly people, and persons with
disabilities who require assistance living virtuously. Also, the organisation does not classify
people according to their gender, race, caste, or religious convictions. Their major objective is
to aid the poor and needy by providing them with support in the areas of social development,
health, and education. They also make use of state-of-the-art, first-rate nursing care technology
to ensure that their patients heal as quickly and effectively as possible while also providing
them with unwavering love and delight.


• Education Support: Diyan Charitable Trust offers sponsorship for underprivileged

children's education, covering costs such as tuition, textbooks, and school supplies.

• Health: The organization offers medical aid to underprivileged communities,

including marginalized groups like street children, orphanages, and slum dwellers. It
also organizes health camps and regular medical check-ups.

• Nutrition: To ensure that disadvantaged children have access to a healthy diet, which
is crucial for their overall growth and development, Diyan Charitable Trust provides
nutritious meals to these kids.

• Vocational Training: To assist young people in acquiring the skills necessary to

support themselves financially and live independently, the organization provides
vocational training programs.

• Campaigns to Raise Awareness: The Diyan Charitable Trust runs a number of

campaigns to raise community awareness of a range of social issues, including child
labor, child abuse, and child marriage, among others.

• Child Rights Protection: The group fights for the rights of disadvantaged children
and works to protect children's ri



Volunteering at Diyan Charitable Trust was one of the most engaging, exposing and
fulfilling experience of our lives. We contributed to a large variety of activities all helped
at aiming and pleasing the children of the foundation. We witnessed their way of living,
their capabilities, their stories. They experience of hence ground breaking an offered us
with a lot of insight.

We performed a variety of activities on the request of our mentor. They schedules are just
an overview of what we truly experienced and felt.

We volunteered from 20/2/23 till 25/3/23 and completed our 25 hours over a span of 6 days.








Date – 20/3/23
Day – Monday
Time slot – 3:15 PM to 7:15PM (4 hours)


3:15PM – 4:00 PM Meeting with MR. Dilip Sarang and the

team of NGO.

4:00PM – 6:30PM Interaction, Introduction Session with

kids, Ice breaking session
6:30PM – 7.15PM Talk with Mentor about their needs and
volunteer services planned for week.

3:15PM – 4:00 PM

This was our first visit to the NGO. On reaching we were directed to Mr. Dilip, the founder
of Diyan Charitable Trust. He welcomed us with great warmth and introduced us to the
supporting team. We met and interacted with the NGO team and had an introductory session
with them.

After that we were shown around the premises and had a look at different achievements and
awards the NGO has secured over the years. We got familiar with the mentors and the
premises and saw they different spaces – the kitchen, dining, office, common hall,
study areas, etc.

4:00PM – 6:30PM

This was our first interaction with the kids, we got a mixed reaction on our arrival, which was
natural. Some were too excited to see new people coming in, while some were not so open
and outgoing. Some started to jump on us as soon as we reached. We were overwhelmed by
there reaction and the way they received us. There were about 20-30 kids. We settled and
started to have conversations with them, their names, schools, classes.
We introduced ourselves, what we were there for. The kids started showing us their
belongings, we started to chit chat and play little games with them.

6:30PM – 7.15PM

Next after departing from kids we met Mr. Dilip and had a talk with him on the requirements
they currently have. He emphasised that the kids have exams coming so we focus on their
studies and help them with it. He told us about the kids, the situation of the NGO. Based on
his requirements and needs we planned the further activities for the week.


Date – 21/3/23
Day – Tuesday
Time slot – 3:40 PM to 7:40 PM (4 hours)


3:40 PM – 5 PM Drawing & Crafts

5 PM – 7:40PM Studying

3:40 PM – 5 PM

We conducted a drawing and arts session with the kids. They were really creative and
showed us their small hidden artists. They showed us their copies, books, u, what they have
done and what they want us to make for them. Some asked for pictures to be drawn and
given to them while some asked for us to come and guide and teach them, some asked for
tigers, some asked for flowers.

5 PM – 7:40PM

We had a study session with them, we started with getting to know their syllabus and
curriculum. We divided ourselves and got with students of different classes. We helped
them with questions, taught them sums and questions and introduced newer topics to them.
It was a very fruitful a productive session. We prepared them for their upcoming exams and
helped them to cope. We saw that they lacked at many places and did our best to help them.


Date – 22/3/23
Day – Wednesday
Time slot – 1 PM to 7 PM (6 hours)


1 PM – 2:30 PM Greetings & Ugadi

2:30 PM – 4 PM Cricket & Other Games

4 PM – 4:30 PM Break & Interaction Session

4:30 PM – 7 PM Magic Teaching Session & Drawings

1 PM – 2:30 PM

The day was of Ugadi, they vibe and the auro of the NGO was completely different on that
day. Everything was decorated with flowers, there was a big Rangholi outside the main
gates. They children were wearing new, traditional clothes.

We were greeted, shown around. The kids showed us the rangholi which they made. They
looked were happy and blessed. We went around the NGO interacted with them,
complimenting them, sometimes playing with them.

2:30 PM – 4 PM

After the celebrations, we played cricket with the children. It was one of the
best experiences of out whole SRP project. The children were amazing, some
were hitting sixes, some were holding bats for the first time. One significant
feedback, they were all very competitive while playing, we had to struggle a
bit to manage them and keep them all together.

We tried to other games with them like Dog and the bone, the children were
enjoying the study break very much and they found the games to be very

We taught them how to play as a team, co-ordinate, plan and the importance
of team building.

4:30 PM – 7 PM

The kids were in for a treat. We had planned a magic workshop for them. The
kids were too excited to learn new tricks, some failed, some succeeded buy we
all laughed. We thought them tricks which were easy to understand and they
started to get the hang of it and participated actively with us.


Date – 23/3/23
Day – Thursday
Time slot – 4 PM to 7 PM (3 hours)


4 PM – 5 PM Session on Cleanliness

5 PM – 7 PM Stationery segregations, organising of

belongings, books, school bags, etc

4 PM – 5 PM

We conducted a session on cleanliness for the kids, we made them all gather and sit. Then,
we first made them experience the surrounding, how messy they have become. We talked
about the importance of a clean, hygienic, organised environment. How these things will
help them to be more productive, how it will glow up the place and also reduce they changes
of losing items.

5 PM – 7 PM

During the cleanliness session, we first tried to organise the children’s belongings.

Each one had their own school bags, boxes, colours, copies. They space they had for storage
was cramped. We first made the children to bring all their stationery and started to segregate
them. Useless times were thrown, we sharped pencils, cleaned boxes and assembled the
items in order in respective boxes.

Next we moved to the books shelf, although there were a lot of books, it was not in an
orderly manner. We started off by dividing the books in different sections like English story
books for kids, maths books, Kannada Books, etc.

After segregating and cleaning the books, we started to organise them on the shelves with
the help of the children. After it was done the area looked much better and the books became
more accessible to the children.

We helped them to organise their school bags and also to clean them.

We threw away the waste and cleaned the rest of the area and the results were astonishing.
They place had such an amazing glow up. They children were all happy and satisfied with
they work we all together did.

After this we said our goodbyes for the day.


Date – 24/3/23
Day – Friday
Time slot – 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM (4 hours)


3:30 PM – 6 PM Teaching, Introducing new topics

6 PM – 7:30 PM Doubts Solving Session

3:30 PM – 6 PM

We had a teaching session with the kids in which we taught them different subjects, helped
them with sums, introduced new topics in their syllabus. We gave our best to their
preparation for exams.

6 PM – 7:30 PM

We solved doubts related to their exams and question papers.


Date – 25/3/23
Day – Saturday
Time slot –2 PM to 6 PM (4 hours)


2 PM – 3 PM Distributing Food, feeding them

3 PM – 6 PM Final Interactions, Goodbyes, Pictures

6 PM – 7:30 PM

We distributed food prepared by the NGO kitchen and fed them.

Also taught them table manners and proper way to eat food.

3 PM – 6 PM

Said our final goodbyes, interacted with mentor and took photos.



Raghav Jhanwar

One of the most refreshing and life-enriching experiences I've ever had was the time I spent
volunteering at Diyan Charitable Trust. In addition to learning a lot about myself, working
and contributing on various fronts has taught me a lot about the world and the people in it.

The experience was incredibly rewarding as I got to see the hope and excitement in the
children's eyes. We learned that using our position to empower others and contribute back
to society is one of the most noble things we can do. he endeavour also taught me how
tough it can be to work for a good cause, but how fulfilling it can be because it aids poor
children who will grow up to be the nation's future leaders. Those kids, to see the shine in
their eyes, to see them talk, to see them laugh, that was the moment that made all this effort
worth. It was truly beautiful – playing with them, drawing cartoons, dragons, teaching them,
running with them.

A bond was created in 6 days which will last much more than 25 hours. I was amazed by
how dedicated the volunteers were towards the students. Their passion and commitment
towards helping children were truly inspiring. I have never seen such devotion towards
education and helping others, and it made me feel proud to be part of the team.

One of the most rewarding and important experiences of my life has been working with this
organisation. I now understand the importance of accessibility, the part that the community
plays in enhancing the lives of people with disabilities, the efficacy of empathy, and the
importance of understanding

I took several key factors from this internship, the importance of right education, the
difference between us the privileged and the mis fortunate. How a society comes together
to take care of our own people.

No matter what the activity, the kids were quite excited about it. Voice modulation was
used to tell stories, songs were sung in loud choruses, and games were played with friendly

At the end of the day, I am thankful for the chance I was given to volunteer at Diyan
becauseit helped me put my life into perspective and made me realise how fortunate I really
Ashwin Kinger

The personal experience at the Diyan Charitable Trust was both enlightening and rewarding.
It was my first experience working with a non-profit group, and it taught me a lot about the
world and gave me a wider range of perspectives. An NGO called Diyan Charitable Trust works
to empower underprivileged children by giving them My access to chances for education and
employment. To improve people's living circumstances, they are also attempting to resolve a
number of environmental problems. I firmly identify with the organisation's mission and the
issues it supports. It was an honour for me to be able to work for a larger cause and benefit
society by joining the NGO. As well as participating in an orientation workshop led by one of
the Diyan Charitable Trust's founders, who served as our guide throughout the entirety of the
Social Responsibility Project, we examined the NGO's previous activities and projects on an
individual level. About 20–25 children of various ages were present when I interacted with
them. We instructed them in a variety of subjects, including dictation, which covered the titles
of various nations, foods, cities, and Indian states. We taught them many things like dictation
which included names of different countries, food items , cities and state of India. We also
taught them basic maths and drawings of different things like lotus, tiger , and cartoon
characters like doremon , cindrella etc. We also played games like cricket with the kids; it was
great joy to play with them and watch them get so fired up. They were pursuing the ball and
debating between bowling and batting, which brought back memories of my youth. One
experience that stands out in my memory is when a young boy approached me and asked,
"Anna, can I show you a magic?" I was shocked when he performed the magic on me because
it was so original and creative. Additionally, I showed them some magic acts, which they
quickly mastered and began to perform among one another. It was exciting to clear up their
questions and get them ready for the future, which required them to review previous ideas and
facts. The NGO offered us pointers on how to proceed more skillfully in the future, which
facilitated my learning. As I got closer to the end of my journey, I understood how lucky and
fortunate I am compared to many children who had horrible lives, which helped me value and
be content with what I currently have.

Animesh Barwanwal

My visit to Diyan charitable Trust was one of the most enriching and heart-warming
experiences of my life. It wasn’t the first time I have ever volunteered in a NGO, the first time
was 5 years down the line and it was just a one day visit to the NGO in Dehradun which I went
to. Our person in charge was a very humble, frank person and he guided us well with the
teachings approach for the children. On meeting him for the first time, he briefed us about the
various tasks we will have to do. My visit to Diyan Charitable Trust was one of the most
enriching and heartwarming experiences of my life.

Our first job was teaching, enthusiastic as they were, all huddled up with their notebooks,
pencils and other stationery and gathered around me to get their drawings made. They asked
me to draw the beautiful lotus, the national animal tiger, the animated cinderella with a happy
birthday cake for a girl who’s birthday was actually on the 22nd March. Afterwhich the 7-year
old kid gifted the girl this drawing of cinderella and the cake which was very wholesome.

Greatly looking forward to the next day, I was given the opportunity to teach a bunch of
about 7-10 students. I was first allocated to students of class 1 and 2, where I had to help the
students revise their physics syllabus which was to help them translate pictures to words,
identify the daily objects and help them in spellings for dictation. Couple hours ended and now
on the holiday of Ugadi Pooja we played cricket with the children and taught few magic tricks
which made them awestruck. The happiness they showed for every little things made me
actually dwell in the beauty of those little happiness which I myself could intake from my

Finally, cleaning the library so that the children could resume utilizing it left me with a
feeling of satisfaction and content, fulfilling the objective of this Project. I truly felt that I could
contribute to the lives of others by just making a small effort. Further, talking to the founder of
the institution provided me with insight into a person whose life is dedicated to the cause of
others and still manages to be extremely humble. My volunteering experience was nothing
short of exemplary.

Mitansh Raj Singhal

Volunteering at Diyan charitable trust gave me some life experiences and learnings, which I
will never forget. Dyaan Charitable Trust is an Organisation that seeks to empower poor
children by providing them with opportunities for education and jobs. I strongly endorse the
organization's mission and the topics it promotes. It was an honor for me to be able to work for
a wider cause and assist society by joining the NGO for the kids; it was a lot of fun to play with
them and see how excited they got seeing us come there. The benefits of the NGO's flexible
schedule allowed me to work whenever I had time, even if all of my obligations were offline.
This perk enhanced my productivity because I could work whenever I wanted and with a clear
mind. The ability to play with the children, spend time with them, and teach them valuable life
skills made the experience immensely rewarding. We taught them several things, such as
dictation, which contained the names of many nations, food items, towns, and states in India.
We also taught them basic arithmetic and how to draw various objects like a lotus, a tiger, and
cartoon characters like Doremon and Cinderella. We played cricket with the kids and showed
them some magic tricks during the Ugadi Puja festival. The joy they had for the smallest of
things helped me genuinely linger in the beauty of those small joys that I could absorb from
my surroundings. It was a great joy to play with them and watch them get so fired up. What I
saw here was that the children were mature for their age. They must perform their duties, wash
their clothing, tidy their rooms, and assist the carers without grumbling. Nothing beats
seclusion in their life. Many children sleep in the same room. Personal baggage does not have
locks. They share their clothes and belongings with their buddies. They also understand the
genuine worth of things. They build great bonds with the other children that live with them
because they are their only family. Working with Diyan as an intern provided us with the
opportunity to form true connections with children who would later act as a critical source of
stability and support in their life. Therefore, for me, it was a magnificent voyage that, sadly,
has ended. When it came time to depart, it was tough for me to say goodbye since I honestly
liked every second I spent with these little children.


Raghav Jhanwar

There are numerous learning outcomes that I attained on this journey-

Teamwork- We as a team may have occasionally conflicting interests, but we have reconciled
and adjusted with each other for the sake of the group.

Understanding the importance of community involvement- Working closely with local

communities helped to a create positive change. Through volunteering, I learnt about the
importance of community involvement in decision-making and how it can lead to more
sustainable and effective solutions.

Developing empathy: Working with children from different backgrounds and experiencing the
challenges helped me to develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the issues they face.
This can be an important skill for building meaningful relationships and creating positive

Broadened our thinking- When we work for ourselves, we don't give these people a second
thought; nevertheless, when we work for others, we must take them into account as well. This
broadened my perspective and encouraged me to continually think like a member of a group.
Both hard talents and soft capabilities are crucial. I found that no matter how smart you are,
you won't advance very far until you use your soft skills, therefore cultivating these abilities
early in life is essential.

Appreciation and Gratefulness- Working with Diyan Charitable Trust and learning about their
programmes to aid people in need taught me to recognise and be grateful for the benefits in my
life. This experience also taught me to be grateful for my blessings and advantages, which
allowed me to be satisfied with what I had.

Ashwin Kinger

I learned a lot from my visit to the Diyan Charitable Trust, which gave me a better knowledge
of the societal concerns that their community and the rest of the globe are dealing with. These
are a few learnings I made as a result of my visit to an NGO.

1. Better understanding of social concerns: I was able to better grasp the social challenges
affecting their society, such as poverty, child welfare, education, and health, after visiting the
Diyan Charitable Trust.

2. Empathy and compassion: I was able to develop empathy and compassion for those in need
thanks to encounters with people who had overcome enormous obstacles.

3. Gratitude: By observing the difficulties others encounter, I am better able to appreciate what
they have and foster a spirit of thankfulness for their own blessings.

4. Understanding the impact of volunteering: Visiting NGOs or charities motivated me to

provide my time, talents, or finances to improve the lives of others. It aided me in the
development of organisational skills because working with children is, in my opinion, a
difficult profession.

5. Improvement of leadership abilities: The NGO assisted me in improving my leadership

abilities, including teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, which I can use in other
aspects of my life. It was challenging to teach those, which taught me the value of discipline in
daily life.

6. Exposure to diverse cultures and lifestyles: Visiting a can extend one's perspective and
comprehension of the world by exposing them to diverse cultures and lifestyles. I also learned
about the highly spiritual and tranquil ugadi puja.

Overall, my visit to an NGO was a transformative educational experience that motivated me to

get more active in local communities and change the world.

Animesh Baranwal

The volunteering experience at Diyan Charitable Trust was an extremely insightful exercise
that has left me with everlasting lessons that I will remember for the rest of my life. Learning
is rarely quantifiable; however, the following points clarify the main points.

The overall learning outcome of the episode. My learning outcomes have been physical,
intellectual, and emotional in nature.

Another attribute I developed greatly is compassion. After teaching the children and
volunteering at Diyan Charitable Trust I greatly developed a sense of compassion for the kids
there. I noticed how these kids embraced their disabilities and were proud of themselves. These
kids always smiled and were happy with the way their lives were, without complaining about
their life.

My visit from this NGO showed me how fortunate I truly was and how I should enjoy and
cherish the things that I have and acknowledge the fact I am fortunate than a lot more people
and I should thank god and my parents for the life that I have.

A key skill that I learned during this period was time management. I had to plan out and
manage my time effectively to balance the project, his academics, and extracurricular activities.
I made an effort to avoid distractions and increase his productivity, which helped him complete
his tasks within the given deadline.

Working with Diyan Charitable Trust and learning about their endeavors to aid
underprivileged individuals instilled in me an appreciation for the blessings I have received in
life. This experience also facilitated the comprehension of my fortune and privilege, allowing
me to be content with what I have.

Throughout this time, I became very adept at time management. In order to balance the
project, my schoolwork, and extracurricular activities, I had to efficiently organise and manage
my time. I’ve mastered the ability to take ownership of my work’s results and manage duties
with a sense of responsibility. This essential quality has a huge impact on our lives. It is crucial
to accept responsibility for one’s assignments and the results of those assignments.

Mitansh Raj Singha

It is very rightly said that a practical experience can teach one a lot more things than one can
learn from reading books. For instance, a person who takes up some practical experience,
he/she tends to learn things like life skills, technical skills, communication skills, etc more
effectively that one may learn through books. There are numerous learning outcomes that I
attained on this journey of working with diyan charitable trust

Teamwork: Completing tasks at diyan allowed us the opportunity to divide them among
ourselves, and it has been incredibly crucial to cooperate with everyone in the group and
work as a team since then. We as a team may have occasionally conflicting interests, but we
have reconciled and adjusted with each other for the sake of the group.

Communication: I was the group's Hindi and English speaker, and it was tough for me to
interact in Kannada; however, one of my team members who was fluent in the language
assisted us. Most of them understood English, which made my job simpler, but I learnt that if
you work in a certain location, you need be knowledgeable of the language, customs, and

Cultural Awareness : Excellent NGOs are not concerned with the caste or religion of the
people for whom they operate. It eventually implies that working with an NGO allows you to
interact with individuals from varied social backgrounds, religions, and cultures, which helps
you learn to adapt to a new culture and working environment. Having significant cultural
understanding and adaptive abilities makes you versatile for the future; hence, wherever or
whoever you work with, you know how to cope with varied scenarios.

Work for a cause- In an NGO, you will be given a higher goal, and you will learn that if you
want money, you must work for a cause. You will not be paid unless you provide results. NGO
demonstrates that you may work for both money and social benefit at the same time.

Responsibility: I've mastered the capacity to take responsibility for the outcomes of my work
and handle assignments with a sense of urgency. This crucial attribute has a significant
influence on human survival. Accepting responsibility for one's tasks and the outcomes of those
initiatives is critical.

Combat your insecurities: Every volunteering opportunity is an opportunity to take a step

forward, even if it means helping at a non-profit like Diyan. It aids in the release of insecurities.
Volunteering can assist someone who has had problems opening up to others overcome their
anxiety. Volunteering provides a one-of-a-kind interaction that, on a personal level, helps one
evolve into the best version of themselves.



Volunteering at Diyan Charitable Trust, helped us get insights on the condition of children in
India and brought to light some general findings such as:

NGO is dependent on the community to provide and care for them. The partnership of
community and NGO is very crucial. The community as a whole must come together
to provide for the underprivileged- financial support, volunteer support, resources, etc.
This shows the goodness in the human community and a partnership is created for the
common support of children,


NGO’s are in dire need to people to support them, help them. They need people to
address modern needs such as social media, the need people who can educate, teach,
take care. There is lack of volunteers for social work and this needs to change if we
want growth in our society.


Post Covid there has been shift in the funding and resources which NGO receive. They
have been struggling with the pandemic and funds are really crucial to keep the NGO’s
working in the best conditions. There has been drop in the number of volunteers also
and the effects of Covid-19 still linger.

Children in NGOs in special attention in their education. From what we say, they were
all just sent to a government school nearby and no such other effort was put into their
studies. They were not aware of their syllabus and curriculum. We should aspire them
more, make them aware of opportunities, higher studies. Attention should be given to
their education because it is most important factor to build the child’s future.

We learned about the NGO and its operations during our initial orientation and later
meetings with the NGO, and we recognized that all of these impoverished youngsters
have a huge ability to learn new things


The team at Diyan is fully devoted towards the cause of improving the lives of children
and providing as much as they can. We got to know them, their circumstances, how
they struggle, improvise and tackle problems. They are a team of highly competent and
committed individuals who are giving their lives for the betterment of society.

The interactions between the staff members and the kids were encouraging, kind, and
positive. They exhibited empathy, tolerance, and respect for the kids. This discovery is
essential since it guarantees that the staff provides the kids with a caring and safe
atmosphere, which shows their values and their commitment for students.

Diyan conducts regular awareness programs. It has launched multiple awareness
programs aimed at variety of social issues.


The NGO provided an holistic well rounded care for the children. They look after their
overall well being . Their priority is the health, studies and quality of the child rather
than funds. They give truly selfless service without any self ask.


Finding stable funding for the NGO's activities and the finest care and education for
kids is a difficulty. Given that the organisation relies heavily on donations and that
financing is not always assured, this presents a substantial difficulty.


The NGO's physical space is limited, making it difficult to expand operations and
accommodate more students. The physical space is cramped and it is difficult to sustain
so many children & expansions are very difficult.

There is lack of basic hygiene and cleanliness in the NGO. They are taught it but there
is lack of implementation. This can lead to health issues in the future.


The children are cared for but there is lack of personal attention and care for specific
needs. This applies majorly for their studies. This can lead to a feeling of neglection,
loss of bonds. Their personal needs should be cared for.


To meet the requirements of the children, there is a lack of qualified and experienced
workers. Due to low pay, high levels of burnout, and staff turnover, the Organization
has trouble keeping experienced employees.

Children were subjected to social stigma and prejudice, which limited their access to
social, medical, and educational resources. The stigma also hindered the organization's
ability to attract competent employees, volunteers, and supporters, which further
reduced its ability to offer quality service and care.


Social Media is a crucial tool for any organisation to connect with the world, gain more
followers. It is a tool to promote any cause in todays world. They should invest more
in their social media pages and websites, make them more socially available. This will
attract attention and hence lead to growth of the NGO.

Children should be provided with the best possible education and vocational services,
so that they can excel. This can include academic support, co- curricular, sports, extra


Focus on the hygiene in terms of food and certain facilities so that they the children can
learn and grow in a clean environment without the threat of any disease.


It is impossible to overstate the value of research, which may be used to foresee future
trends, uncover issues, and build thorough answers to those issues.
Particularly when it comes to determining the children's requirements and how they
respond to therapy and their individual learning progress should be tracked so that more
effective strategies may be designed to support the children on a variety of levels,
including conduct, education, and behaviour.

Investment should be made in staff trainings so that they can care the best way possible
for students, help them develop and grow. They need to have high quality skills so that
Can take high quality care of them.




Shetty, Vivek. "Individual Social Responsibility: Be the Change." Forbes India, Network18
Media and Investments Ltd., 11 Dec. 2017

"Social Responsibility." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 31 March 2023

Umana, W. C., & Skitka, J. L. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility as a Source of

Employee Satisfaction. Research in Organizational Behavior,.



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