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City name (:MATHIUS:)

city back story

Mathius was a city with a population of 2,405 people. Founded in the year 245.
it had shops homes to live in and settle down it Seamed like a nice city, and it was. But under every nice
thing is a curse so evil it could kill an entire town, a man with the name of Chack went mad and got cast out
of the town because of his religious rambling about a deity coming to punish them all, you see this town
had a secret it was keeping a holy artifact beneath the city to keep everyone happy to ensure that no crime
would come afoot, so deep down in the tunnels lays a stone of red and blue Coloring descending into a mist
of etch other. So after he got kicked out, he laid a curse on the town, he said “ILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS
YOU WILL REGRET IT.” And he started chanting in a mix of elvish and draconic “this town shall be damned
for all eternity the amulet in the tunnels shall start its true purpose for way too long you have lied dormant
arise and wake and take this town to ruins” a bright light erupted in the tunnels and the man slit his own
throat scattering blood on the ground. A few days after the town started to recive a bad omen… they called
him crazy but was he really. As the days passed people started to go more and more insane. On the fifth
day the first murder incident happened he was standing in the street while a herd of people walked up to
him and slit his throat and carved out is organs. on the sixth day a cult formed and started to sacrifice
people that Didn’t worshiped the eternal stone as they called it. They hanged them in the street on wooden
crosses and hung them in the gallows with street lamps and the lucky ones were killed, the rest got taken
into the city, see wars and the fat end up to be eaten. On the tenth day a dark mist ascended on the town
due to a ritual of isolation.

Introduction: Hello adventures… I like money and I need you to help me get money and you will all get a
percentage of the cut. But it comes at a cost you must make your way into the town of Mathius it went
dormant about 2 Years ago and I got word of a stone… a magical stone kept in the tunnels of the city worth
3,000 gold after the task is done you will all be granted a generus 500 gold etch, but you have to watch out
a cult is ruling the town now and a thick mist has engulfed the town. Adventure and hero’s if you’re reading
this I need your help.

“Hello Adventures I’m so glad you’ve chosen to work with me, thru this forest is the city with our stone,
Now I don’t dare go in there the town creeps me out… But you you brave adventures you can go in there
and retrive my, I mean our stone…”

you walk towards the town in the mist of the darkened forest following the path, closely, you come to a
split rode with a sign pointing in two directions the one to the left says town well the other is blanked out
with an unknown liquid you cant quit make out what it is in the dark.

(WELL: you walk right to the well as the path narrows one of you notice a small well in the distance and at
the back is a little shack. The closer you get the more you can make out. It’s a wooden shack to be exact
and there is a latter in the well. You stand at the edge of the path.

(Looking down the well) the well is dark but a small lantern is standing on the ground. The well was empty
in the well is a small collection of body parts it reeks of death.
(Going down the well) you carfuly make your way down the lader as it creeks. The bottom is a mix of dead
body parts and water mixed with blood up the sides.
(The shack) you walk over to the wooden shack. And open the door creeks open. There is a nice carpet on
the floor with stains on it and the walls are decorated with propeply animal heads its to hard to make out in
the dark, Only the alter is lit up. there is a set of two doors one near the alter and another right infront of

(The Door in the front) you creek the door open inside is a small kitchen with dirty dishes stacked up on the
counters, there is also a fire place with a big kuldren in it and on the countertop is one plate with a dead
rat on it.

(the kuldren) you look inside the kuldren to see a sludge of some kind it reeks.
(Inspecting the kuldren) you find it’s a mix of rats and other kind of animals and intestans.
(the dishes) you inspect the dirty dishes there is a brown supstance it reeks of molden eggs
(Checked out the room.) you hear the floor bords creek outside of the the kitchen. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING
IN MY HOUSE” a thin to the bone man stands in the doorway holding a knife. he jumps at you with the

(you look inside the room next to the alter) inside is a bed and someone is sleeping in it. There is a night
stand and a closet.
(Checking out the bed) you check out the bed and the man wakes up he lundges at you and grabs your
throte strangeling you. (The bed has nothing)
(the closet) the closet is full of cloth and two knives

(look in thru a window) inside is an alter with mulltibel nooses hanged up around an image of a stone. lit up
by small candels.

(Town Path) You walk to the left heading towards the town. You can’t help to notice the feeling of being
watched as you walk in the dark.

(You check) A pair of eyes stare back at you from behind a tree. Suddenly a man wearing wethered
common cloth jumps at you with a sickle.

Three more walk out from the tree line one holding a pitch fork and another holding a shovel and one a
machete. They’re wearing worndown common cloths and look thin.

(You killed them) they lay on the ground where they died slowly withering away their blood now stain this

(You died) you black out. You wake up in a cell.

(path to the town) You make it to the edge of the town. The moon is lighting up a big church tower to the
right of the town. its somewhat magicel all the way In the back elevated by a hill. The town streets are
narrow and lit up by lanterns the houses where wooden and old.
A group of people with sickles and lanterns walk by you they don’t notic you they’re talking about a ritual
taking place in the church, they also mention a stone.

(The town) on the left and right of you are houses and a few shops and taverns they look well kept but
somewhat not kept at all on light posts are hanged people instead of lamps their bodys have the words
haretict on them.

You walk thru the street and notice that windows are being closed around. Theas people want nothing to
do with you or is something following you. the more you walk towards the church the more the feeling of
dread gets bigger.

You reatch a fountin with crows sitting on it and feasting on something. on a round path empty deprived of
people. what once was is long gone but then again not so mutch. This path splits in two directions and goes
in between buildings. To the back of you is the bath you came from infront is another path and to the right
another and the left another. The streets are labeld with signs but you can’t make out what they say in the

(Right) the sign is wooden with the text church.

(Left) the sign is labeld with paint chack street
(Infront) the sign I wooden and label town hall and town cent- the rest of the word is smered out with

Fountin you walk over to the fountin it reeks of death, the water is red and baybeys fill the fountin they’re
dead and there throt’s slit or there stomechs turned inside out. One of them is still moving and looks alive.

(The beginning) suddenly the church bells start to ring as a light almost hevanly lights up the the entire
town. And people start walking out of their houses. And it decends into mist. A tall lady with a sharp cross
taller then her. walks by you. her cloths are made out of flash her cane out of metal with tissue hanging on
it showing the result of death. She turns around to face you she says “Get out before we make you thers
things int this world you will never understand this is your last chance no one has ever returned out of this
town alive…” she continues to walk. And the mist gets thicker

As front doors start to open at the houses and shops around you. and people step outside wearing cloaks
made of human tissue and blood you get a feeling you should hide ther’s to many of them.

(left Chack street.) You head right down chack street you walk down a street primarly just with housing. In
wooden wheel barrels lay dead chopped up rotting corpses. And as you walk along the windows close. As if
they don’t want anything to do with you or as if something is following you. You walk to a split road with
signs saying butcher pointing to the right and farm pointing to the left.

butcher right. You walk down the road and here the houses are marked with red x’s and no light come from
inside them. At the end of the path is a big bulding a bit bigger then the rest. Its plain and made out of
another kind of wood the door to it is also a bit bigger it’s a doubel door and there’s light and shadows
inside. And a big sign on the bulding saying butcher.
(looking inside the window of the butcher) you look inside to see a fat man with a clever and a apron made
out of what looks to be humen flesh stitched together he is standing and talking to 2 men.

“You best get going out of here before you become food for the ceremony diddent you see the sing out
fornt we’re closed for the day.” they walk out towards the door.

to the left and right of you are houses marked with x’s and one of the doors are gaped open.

(the butcher.) you open the door to the butcher. Inside is a desk and on the walls are animal heads and on
display is human heads and legs perfectly preserved. the butcher now gone the room is lit up the planks on
the ground are old and creaky. Ther is a door behind the counter gaped open and the sound of grunting
and something hitting a wet but hard surface. And a small cash register. On the walls are hanged actual
animals tho mutilated beyond recognision.

(the butchers room) you open the door into the butcher revealing a large room filled with hanging body
parts and skinned bodys on the walls are knives and other utensils the ground flooded with blood, its not
wooden but stone. in the corner at a large table stands the butcher a fat man with a clever and an apron
made out of what looks to be human flesh stitched together. He is hammering away at the bones of an arm
to separate the wrist. He dosent notice you yet.

(the farm) you walk to the left heading towards the farm. As you walk you notice that every house is
marked with red x’s

as you walk the houses now gone when you look bac you can only make out the mist of the bulding you
reatch a horse carriage bloking your path the horses have there throte slit and reek and are in verius stages
of rotting.

(The farm land) infornt of you is a large corn field. With a path going thru it leading up to a semi big farm
house on the side of the path are people impaled by sticks thru the ass and hoisted up like scare crows. The
siloet of the house dosent contain light.

As you walk towards the house the corn raddels and you feal something is close.

you creek the door open into the house revealing a large room heading into 4 other rooms and a stair case
in the middle of the hall. The floor bords are old and rotten and the roof is coverd in mold and showng a
few cracks

The first door on your left contains a living room with a few knocked over shelves the room on your right
contains a big table and paintings more well kept then the other room.

you walk up to the next set of rooms and you see that the one on the left contains the same living room
and the other to the right is a hall way winding into the back of the house.

you walk upstairs into a hallway going left and right. On the right side of the hallway light flows out from 4
of the rooms.
to the left not that mutch is going on it’s a vacant hallway with painting leading up to a window on the left
and right are doors labeld pantry and kitchen.

you walk straight Ahead heading towards the town hall. On eatch side of the path are houses with lanterns
and every one of the houses close their windows as you walk by you come to a large open space with
pepole walking around with lanterns patrolling a big building. They have make shift spears and lanterns.
Lighting up the mist. You have a gut fealing you shouldn’t be there and should leav and stick to your
mission the patrolling guards sniff around the place arounds stalls and look inside windows of houses its
only a matter of time before you get spotted if you don’t make a move. Out of the big bulding made out of
stone steps a big tall man out wearing red and black cloths and and rings with a small bell. The people loo
over to him. “Folks the ceremony of Chack is about to begin head to the church of the free gods there we
shall find salvation today”

they gather up their things and start heading towards you. 7 guards wearing Common cloths.

they walk towards the church talking about how they’re going to see the stone today

(right. Church) you walk the path to the church and windows on houses are closing as if they don’t want
anything to do with you or as if something is following you.

as you get closer to the church fences start to replace the houses. The path is narrow and as you walk a
group of people start coming up behind you a posse of 7 with makeshift spears and lanterns they notice
you and yell out “WHO GOES THERE”

they start running towards you. theirs pale and thin with common cloths and a cape seemingly made out of

you retch the front entrance of the church the stairs up are crocket and made of wood the fance gets
shorter and down the side is large patches of grass. On poles are hanged corpses with signs on them saying
welcome to salvation. the church of the broken gods.

(The church) You walk into the church revealing another set of dubel doors. The church is white with
paintings black and red are hanged up in golden frames there’s a table to the left with red an gold cloth
over it and candels in human skulls. Thers light and mermering voices coming from the other side of the
dubel door. There is a hallway to your right that goes left again so you can only see a wall. And a window.

You go into the hallway turning left revealing a set of stairs going down to a door. On the sides of the walls
are indents of corses with candels in them the wax druping down. As you walk down you retch a room with
cages inside these cages are people locked up like dogs their retelling and trying to get free one says
“No leav LEAV LEAV THIS PLACE” some are locked up in cages to small for them other 2 in one cage. On the
other side of the cages is a desk with a letter and a key the cages blocking the way. The rom is small and if
you don’t stand on the stairs you will almost be tutching the cages.
you go over to grab the key and the hands of the people in the cages tutches you and try to grab onto you
you get the key and one of them says “don’t leav us help us unlock the cages pleas”

you walk up the stairs and the rusteling of the cages gets worse. You retch the entrance to the church, the
voices from inside the church have now stopped.

(Inside the church) you open the big dubel door its hinges old creeking as you open the door. Inside are
rows of seats wooden on a stone floor. Infront of you at the end of the church is an alter and a stone on a
petestole on the side is a man hammered to a cross with the words Chack on him his body is rotten and you
can see bones lke he has been there for a long long time. In the middle of the alter is a pedstole and behind
thet is a a a wall with a man hammerd to it he is deprived of food and in his skin is carved the words
haretict but it looks like he is still breathing a magical line between him and the stone a dark and misty line
going into his hart. He looks up and sees you and says with his last words “GET OUT OF HERE THEY SHOW
NO mercy LEAV PLEAS” he kunjolts and hangs limp. A small droplet of blood hits your head from the cealing

You look up and see hundreds of lifless hanged naked men and wemon concealing the cealing Above you

(The Stone) you walk over to grab the stone and you feal an evil energy almost overwhelming like a
thusend suns bair down open you but you muster thru and you put your hand on the stone your head
snaps back your eyes turning white and you get knocked back by a magical force.

(The priest entrance) from behind the alter steps a man in black and blue clock matching the stone. He is
carrying a big walking stick as tall as him with a round hole on it. his appearance is pale and filled with scars
on his face. his eyes has a blueish glow his hands a thinned down to the bone. He steps next to the stone
and picks it up putting it into a hole in his cane. “Hello my children and welcome to salvation my name is
father Michal and welcome to the church of salvation. Now I reccomand you leav and don’t try to take this

his voice gets unhumanly loud. “YOU HAVE BEEN HERE FOR TOO LONG NOW BE GONE OF HERE”

(Sister Marta) the door behind you bursts open you all turn arud to look there stands a towering and
menacing figure, draped in blood-soaked religious robes. Her face is obscured by a hood, and her eyes
radiate a white glow. She wields a massive, Cross as tall as her the edges are sharp and thick the pole is big
and sharp. As she stands bent over like she has a bad back the cross towers over her. She stands up right
showing her menacing figure twice the size of you “BE GONE HARETICT’S” she lifts her cross and bangs it
into the ground making the church shack her eyes no longer white now glow a hellish red the cross now
has sparks gong up it. And then she lundges at you with the tip of the cross.

Its going to well. You hear the sound of people running and 3 pepole come in one with a pitch for the two
other with sickels. “GET THE FUCK OUT THIS TOWN” They charge and the lady follows.

As the last strike hits she falls to the ground trying to catch herself with the cross it lundges itself in
theground uttering the words “forgive me father for I have faild you”
Her cross now facened in the ground stands tall.

(The cross) you Walk over to the cross and attempt to pick it up. Its securely facened in the ground

there is a path going behind the alter.

(Behind the alter) you walk behind the alter revealing a wooden door. And 2 windows you look out and you
see that its raining. But the sky is red.

(Outside the church) as you open the door. And the rain falls on you but this wasen’t rain its blood. Infront
of you is a path that’s winding over to a hill. there is a statue of a man holding a rock. The path leading
down is filled with fences for what once was backyards for normal people. you walk down over to the
statue. And a large group of people in coats made of human tissue run by towards the hill. they’re carrying
wepons and they talk about a priest. There is a sign pointing the way they went with the text mine. But
there is a sign hanged on it with it saying forbidden haretics roam the mines. cult of the freeromers live
there. And another sign saying town square.

(The mines) you walk the way towards the mines and the path is blocked of by a large gate with the words
no entry on it. And a big lock lay on the blood socked ground and a chain. And the port is half opened.

you hear people talking then uprupted by a man saying “Shush my children… Today we will take control of
theas heretics” a crowd erupts in war cries “Shush my children The haretics that roamed this town
moments before have been taken care of by our sister marta so I promis you men this day is a lucky day this
is the day of VICTORY. And il follow you in to the mine to return the stone to its rightful place
underground.” You hear footsteps running. And people yelling.

(The mine) you walk up to the mines it’s a tunnel with lanterns inside it and pillers on the walls there is
stairs going down into the erth. And you cant see the bottom. On the pillers are hung chains.

(Walking into the mine) you take the stairs down and the chains rattel as you go when you come near the
bottom you start to hear people screaming and metal clashing thru the tunnels. There is a split way when
you come down it goes to the right and left and straight ahead

(straight ahead) you walk and on the ground lay 3 dead men 2 with clocks made of flesh and arrows in their
head and one completely naked woman with a bow. She has a cut on her stomach it goes deep and an
organ is stiking out. You come to another split way and you look to the right and you see 5 naked dudes
running thru the hall right leads to they have pickaxes and makeshift clubs.

(The chamber) you come to a part of the mine where the dirt is replced by stone and a hallway littered with
bodys naked and clocked blood stains the ground showing a battle won and lost. At the end is big wooden
door. it flings open as 3 naked wemon and 7 naked men run out only to get sucked back in and blood
scatter the walls and you see limbs flying around. And a bloody Priest walks infront of the door his back
turned. A bunch of flesh hooded people walk up and stand in formation around him to the left of him are
black hooded pepole “Now my brothers and sisters we have taken back what is rightfully ours and now I
will place the stone back in its rightful place.” He walks up to a piller with a book facened to it there is a
hole in the book matching the stone. He hold it up “When I put this stone in I shall become all powerful

(The stone In the alter) He turns around looking at you he waves his hand and the people inside run out to
the side of the room now seemingly gone. “Its to late to stop it now haretics the end times are now and its
time for the nonbelivers to suffer. You will now face my hige council” he takes the stone and places it in the
alter. The stone fully ingolfes itself in a black aura in casing the room in a magical darkness. You get dragged
into the room. And the door behind you shuts. You now stand in complete darkness and can hear foosteps
running around you.
Out of the dark a man shoots a fire at you lighting up to room.

There are 6 pepole sorunding you dressed in an all black cloacks with strange sigils on them, their faces
look yung but unholy. Around them are naked humanoid malgamations their bodys seamingly being held
together by magic.

“Your week haretics”

“This will be the end of you”
“May god forgive you”
“You fught well my child”
“You haretics will pay for that.”
“There is no running from salvation”

(The fog)
The darknes starts to clear up and you see the priest covering in a corner “NO no this cant be how can A
PURE MORTEL DEFEAT A GOD” He leaps for the stone

(He grabs it and fails) He puts his hand on the stone as he dose he screams out in pain his head knocks back
and his arm begins to deteriorate down to the mucel going up and down the body his flesh getting revealed
then he gets knocked back across the floor and hits the ground blood splattering all over the place where
he lands, him now just mucel look up at you his hand stretched out blood dripping onto the floor “I will take
my revenge on you” and he explodes into a mist of blood and organs. The stone starts to turn all blue. And
suddenly the fealing of dread is gone and out of the stone raises a woman in long white roab seamingly
being projected by the stone.

“I thank you for freeing me from the chains put apon me so so long ago I will down forfill my dutuy and the
people of this town shal thrive again in happynes and joy adventures I offer you all 200 gold for your
trubels. So I can forfill my true purpose to keep this town happy.”

(He grabs it and succeeds) The priest grabs the stone and places it in his staff as he does he ground shakes.
“So you want the stone you thifes well come take it you Heretics” he turns into a mist and Teleports to the
back of the room. He Yells “Eldritch blast” and something comes out of the stone in his cane, a mist of
darknes and flames of pure darknes inglufes the air towards you.

(Half helth) He is thrown back onto the ground and starts to vibrate violently like he is having a seziur the
stone is turning blue but the darknes in it purvails and he teleports away to the other side of the room.
“Stay quiet” He says to the stone. His staff lightens up and around him aminates an aura of protection
seems to be an unholy resilience.

(Killed) AAAH he screams as the rock turns blue a magical energy is going down the staff seamingly
weekening him as the stone turns more and more blue his vains start to glow. He looks up at you all “THIS
is. NO NO THIS CANT BE SHURLY A MORTAL COULDENT.” He gets cut of by a voice of a woman. The stone
now purly blue “You must not kill anymore” “You cant do this I took care of yo-“ He screams out in pain his
head knocks back and his arm begins to deteriorate down to the mucel going up and down the body his
flesh getting torn of reveling mucel then he gets knocked back across the floor and hits the ground
tumbeling blood splattering all over the place where he lands, him now just mucel look up at you
Out of the staff flys the stone and lands in the pedestal and a woman dressed in white roabs steps out
seemingly being projected by the stone. “I thank you for freeing me from the chains put apon me so so long
ago I will down forfill my dutuy and the people of this town shal thrive again in happynes and joy
adventures I offer you all 200 gold for your trubels. So I can forfill my true purpose to keep this town
He yells “Stop” his hand stretched out blood dripping onto the floor “This is all false and trust me I can put
the curse- I mean true purpose back on the stone its worth mutch more then 200 gold adventures just trust
me I just need cotackt to the stone pull my hand onto the stone quick”

(You ignore his request) “Oh adventures I thank you for not being blinded by greed.” Now I will teleport you
out of this mine. HE waves her hands and opens a portal to the left of you

(Outside of the portal) As you fly thru the portal you feal all your wunds getting healed and a fealing of joy
wash over your body as if the horres you saw never happened. You get thrown onto the ground f the
church. Marta the dead sister is detirorating into dust as you rise. Its now day and the sun shines thr the
church doors that are wide open. You go outside and see hundreds of people standing in a line cheering as
they see you walk by and they thank you for braking this curse. And they hand you gold and posesions.

(The forest back) you walk thur a once sinister and dark forest now a forest filled with life. You get to the
end of the path ends turning towards the well and the other way out of the forest. As you walk out you see
the man that sent you in is standing mumbeling to himself.

(You don’t check what he is saying) “YOU DO you have my our stone. With you?”
“Well then suffer” he lundges at you with a sword spinning around as if he has only fught once he is clearly
not expirianced.

(You listen) “DAM IT DAM IT they didden’t take the stone and its back to its normal state this can’t be I
must do something I must kill them for betraying me now I can never become the priest.” He spots you
“YOU DO have my our stone. With you?”
“Well then pay with blood”
he lundges at you with a sword spinning around as if he has only fught once he is clearly not expirianced.
But non the less the sword is heading towards you.

(You take the stone) You grab his arm and drags him across the floor “No NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING” He
groans in pain as you drag him and places his hand on the stone. And he starts chanting. His body is bing
ingolfed in a dark mist and he disappears the hologram projected of the lady is now turned into a hellish
horror to Grotesk to discribe. And it disappears into the stone. The stone nw lays dorment in the alter.

(You pick up the stone) Picking the stone up you feal the screams of a thausend souls. But you manage to
pick it up and out of the cave you walk past dead bodys. You come to the edge of the cave and walk outside
thru the street’s thru the church where sister marta lays lifeless. Outside is a decilit town. You walk to the
fountin but you can hear an angry mob coming from the path to the town hall. “THERE THEY ARE GET THEM
THEY TOOK THE STONE” they run at you hundreds of people with pitch forks makeshift spears tortches and
other wepons. “GIVE US THE STONE BACK HARETICS” you run to the edge of the town they follow you thru
the forest down to the split path of the well and they stop. “WE WILL GET OUR STONE BACK.”

at the edge of the forest stand your man “Ah Adventures welcome back now give me the stone and ill give
you your money” he holds up a bag with gold. “Now just give me the stone.”

(You hand him the stone)

“HAHAHAHAHA you idiots.” He puts the money in his pocket “Now I have become the new priest thank you
for doing the hard work for me. He takes the stone and pulls out his sword and puts it in it and disappears
into a mist. Leaving behind 6 gold nuggets.

(You hesitate and don’t give him the stone)

Make up a conversation
“Why wont you give me the stone”
“Come on give it”
“You give me the stone first that’s how this works”
“What do you mean no”
he lundges at you with a sword but as if he has only fught once he is clearly not expirianced. But non the
less the sword is heading towards you.

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