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New Specification

Exams May 2025 +

Mastering the
Scientific Investigation
Proven Strategies and Insider Advice for
Maximising Your Investigation Score

PUBLISHING By Sally Weatherly
There’s a reason that Sally’s previous book on IB Physics
was a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. Read the reviews here:

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ISBN 13: 9798870306322

Introduction 7

Common Myths About The Scientific Investigation 9

How to Choose Your Perfect Topic 21

100 Ideas For Your Physics Scientific Investigation 31

12 Investigations You Can Do At Home 42

10 Questions To Ask Yourself About A Physics Simulation 52

The EXACT Subtitles You Should Use In Your Report 54

Marking Criteria 63

Do’s and Don’ts Of Your Scientific Investigation 73

Where To Get Extra Help From Sally 78


Welcome to a pivotal journey in your IB Physics adventure,

one that holds the key to unlocking not just knowledge, but
20% of your final grade!

Yes, you read that right.

Your Physics Scientific Investigation is a significant

milestone, one that can dramatically impact your overall
score. This book is designed to ensure you're not just
prepared, but poised to excel.

If you're a high school student, this book is your beacon of

clarity and confidence. Since 2004, I've been a dedicated
companion to thousands of IB students, guiding them
through the highs and lows of IB Physics. My approach is
not just based on theory; it's a tried and tested formula that
has consistently delivered results.

This journey we're about to embark on together is rich with

insights and practical advice. From debunking common
myths to providing a treasure trove of 100 ideas for your
investigation, this book is your roadmap to success.

We'll delve into experiments you can conduct at home,
demystify Physics simulations with key questions, and even
provide you with the exact structure for your investigation.
But that's not all. You'll also get a glimpse into the
examiner's mind with the marking criteria, and learn 16
crucial facts that can give you an edge in your exams.

And here’s the best part: this book is just the beginning.
For those who thirst for more, my online programme, TrIBe
Physics, offers even more detailed help and support. It’s a
community and a resource, tailored to propel you towards
excellence in IB Physics.

Remember, the Scientific Investigation is not just an

academic requirement; it's an opportunity to significantly
boost your final grade. With the right guidance, strategies,
and mindset, you can turn this challenge into a triumphant
step towards academic success.

So, let's get started on this exciting journey together. Turn

the page, and let's dive into a world of Physics that's
enlightening, empowering, and yes, even enjoyable!

Trust me…

Common Myths About The
Scientific Investigation

MYTH 1: You Need a Completely Original Topic

Has your teacher said this to you?

"You aren’t supposed to do your IB Physics

Scientific Investigation on a topic that
someone else has done already.”
- Random Science Teacher…

Please let me ease your concerns here… YOU DON'T


Every year there are around 25,000 IB Physics students and

every student will submit a scientific investigation.
Everybody’s investigation has to be within the scope of the
IB Physics syllabus. Soooooo, it is pretty much impossible
to get a topic/research question that is completely original.

"You will not lose marks in your Physics

Scientific Investigation if you choose a topic
that is not completely original to you."
-Sally Weatherly
Now you know the truth!

You can choose a topic quickly, it doesn't have to be

original and it won't have a significant effect on your

MYTH 2: SL and HL Investigations Are Graded


I have honestly lost count of the emails I receive saying


Please believe me when I tell you that there is no difference
between an SL and HL Scientific Investigation.

The examiner's are not told what level you are studying
AND the marking criteria is the same for both.

Please don’t waste time trying come up with an “HL idea”.

Ideas to Avoid (for both SL and HL)

The only ideas you really want to avoid are standard

experiments that you'd find in the syllabus.

Examples include:

- How does the length of a pendulum affect the time


Finding the specific heat capacity of Iron
Determining ‘g’ from a simple pendulum

Keep It Simple (Even in HL!)

A seemingly simple idea will still get you full marks. It's all
about how you approach the experiment and write it up.

So you might think if you’re an HL student, you should

widen the investigation and study two independent
variables instead of one.For example, you might choose
this research question:

An investigation into how the tension, length, diameter, and

mass all affected the frequency of a musical string

There are four independent variables here (tension, length,

diameter, and mass) and one dependent variable
(frequency). This is a bad idea…

Stick to one independent variable and one dependent


Here's some examiner feedback:

Weaker investigations often had two or more

independent variables and often attempted
too much; in fact, they were multiple
investigations rolled into one: for example, an
investigation into how the tension, length,
diameter, and mass all affected the frequency
of a musical string. Such an experiment could
not provide the depth and quality needed for
a well-focused investigation.

Avoid these!

Stay away from topics like:

- Simulating the double pendulum:

requires numerically integrating the appropriate
differential equations without using the linear
approximation. A tough ask for most high school

- How does the length of a wire affect the wire’s

resistance? Too simple.

MYTH 3: Your Investigation Should Be 12 Pages

Or Less

That's not strictly true.

The IB have issued guidance, saying that the maximum

overall word count for the report is 3,000 words.

The following are not included in the word count:

Charts and diagrams

Data tables

Equations, formulas and calculations
Citations/references (whether parenthetical, numbered,

footnotes or endnotes)


To produce an internal investigation of the quality the
examiners are looking for - you can produce 3000 words
within 12 pages.

However, if it's 13 pages or 14 pages, that's okay. As long

as you're not repeating things, as long as you're not
blabbering on or being vague.

If you write with precision, the examiner will read more

than 12 pages.

Don’t Lie…

You must state your word count at the start of the report.
You might think that examiners will not check this.
However, the way that artificial intelligence is moving,
examiners will soon have a very quick tool to measure the
word count exactly (including all the exceptions above).

Please ensure that you stick to the word count.

MYTH 4: You Need A Title Page And Contents

I’ll be blunt.

There is no requirement to include a cover page or a

contents page.

All you need to include at the start of the report is:

Title of the investigation
IB candidate code (alphanumeric, for example, xyz123)
IB candidate code for all group members (if applicable)
Number of words

This information can be given in as little as 4 lines of text.

You should not waste space, time and energy on creating a
title page and contents.

In fact, I’d say that a title page and contents are a

distraction to the examiner.

The investigations are marked digitally. If they have to keep

scrolling back to the title page to remind themselves of the
research question, it would be annoying.

Myth 5: Working In Groups Is Not Allowed

One of the most common misconceptions about the IB

Physics Scientific Investigation is the idea that you must go
it alone. However, the reality is more collaborative and,
frankly, more exciting! The new rules for the 2025 IB
Physics syllabus offer a refreshing twist on traditional
approaches to scientific inquiry.

Under these new guidelines, you are not only allowed but
encouraged to work in small groups of up to three
students for the data collection phase.

This collaborative approach reflects real-world scientific

research, where teamwork and data sharing are often key
to breakthroughs. However, it's crucial to understand the
boundaries of this collaboration to ensure that your
investigation remains uniquely yours.
While you can work together to collect data, each member
of the group must investigate a different independent
variable. This ensures that while you share a common
experimental setup or theme, your research question and
focus remain distinct. For example, if you're investigating
the properties of a pendulum, one student might focus on
the length of the pendulum, another on the angle of
release, and a third on the mass of the pendulum bob. This
way, you're all exploring different facets of the same

It's also important to note that each student must gather

their own set of raw data. Sharing data might seem like a
shortcut, but it undermines the integrity and individuality of
your investigation. The IB values personal engagement and
independent analysis, so while your initial setup might be
the same, your data, conclusions, and report must be your
own work.

Lastly, remember that your teacher plays a crucial role in

guiding this collaborative process. They are there to ensure
that every student is fully engaged and understands the
requirements of conducting an individual investigation
within a group setting. However, don't expect them to
direct your investigation. The journey from question
formulation to conclusion is yours to navigate.

Myth 6: You need to show real life application

Ugggghhhhhh! There’s literally nothing worse than


“I’m passionate about bungee jumping and the last time I

stood on top of a bridge, about to leap, I suddenly thought
that I could combine my fascination for SHM with bungee
jumping. So I decided to investigate….”

As soon as the examiners see the words; passionate,

fascinated, etc - they switch off.

In the old specification, there were 2 marks awarded (out of

2 4 ) f o r Pe r s o n a l E n g a g e m e n t . M a n y s t u d e n t s
misunderstood this and felt they had to write a statement
saying why they were engaged in the experiment.

These marks have disappeared from the marking criteria.

However, examiners are still looking to see that you are
engaged in your investigation. What that means is showing
independent thinking, interest and curiosity into the write-
up of the report. By doing this you might want to modify a
traditional experiment OR conduct a ‘preliminary
experiment’ to find out the range of independent variable -
something that sets your investigation to be different from
the rest.

Myth 7: My Teacher Is Not Allowed To Help Me

This is the exact opposite of the messaging from the IB.

They have stated that it is not the intention that you should
decide upon a title or topic and be left to work on the
internal assessment component without any further
support from your teacher.
Your teacher should play an important role during both the
planning stage and the period when you are working on
the internally assessed work.

It is the responsibility of your teacher to ensure that you are

familiar with:

- the requirements of the type of work to be internally


the Sciences experimentation guidelines publication
the assessment criteria. You must understand that the
work submitted for assessment must address these
criteria effectively.

Teachers and students must discuss the internally assessed

work. You should be encouraged to initiate discussions
with the teacher to obtain advice and information, and you
must not be penalised for seeking guidance.

Teacher Feedback On Your Report

As part of the learning process, your teacher should read

and give advice on your first draft of the report. Your
teacher should provide oral or written advice on how the
work could be improved, but not edit the draft. The next
version handed to the teacher must be the final version for

Myth 8: Your report Will Be Scanned For


Your report will be scanned for plagiarism! BUT the reality

is so much more than that.

It is the responsibility of your teacher to ensure that you

understand the basic meaning and significance of
concepts that relate to academic integrity, especially
authenticity and intellectual property. Your teacher must
ensure that your work for assessment is prepared
according to the requirements. Simply, your work must be
entirely your own.

Where collaboration between students is permitted, it must

be clear to you what the difference is between
collaboration and collusion.

First your teacher will discuss your work with you, then your
teacher will scrutinise:

your initial proposal

the first draft of the written work

the references cited
the style of writing compared with your usual style

Only THEN will your teacher submit the report to a web-
based plagiarism detection service such as

It’s going to be very difficult to use someone else’s work

and get away with it…

How to Choose Your
Perfect Topic

Let’s dive straight into my 4 simple steps to choosing your

perfect IB Physics Scientific Investigation topic.

(P.S. If you don’t want to use this method - I’ll give you 100
ideas to choose from in the next chapter ! )

STEP 1: Choose an Area of Interest

It's likely that you'll spend around 10-12 hours on your

Physics Scientific Investigation. It would be great if you
could be even mildly interested in the topic! Don't
overthink the questions below, just brainstorm some ideas.


Have any parts of your lessons sparked interest?

Do you have a hobby / passion?
Have you watched any TV programmes or YouTube
videos recently that you have found interesting?


I’m 41 and I still remember a

lesson about geostationary
satellites from school. So in
this case, my general topic of
interest would be:

Geostationary satellites


I get around 3-4 emails a day

from IB Physics students -
one student just loves
football. His general topic of
interest would be:


Hopefully these examples have helped you decide on a

general area of interest. If you still can’t think of a topic that
interests you, here are some interesting topics of general

Bungee Jumping

Super Moons

Doppler effects


Resonance in a wine glass

Depth and buoyant force
Pendulum damping
STEP 2: Choose Variable X

To get great marks in your Physics Scientific Investigation,

you need to have a focussed research question. This
research question will be in the following format:


Variable X is the independent variable in your experiment.

It is the variable that you choose to change. It should be
easily changeable and measurable. The following variables
are suitable. Do any of these relate to your topic of













Cross-sectional area




These are discreet variables and will force you to draw a
bar chart. You need to draw a scatterplot graph - so these
variables will not work.

Don’t choose these variables…

Type of surface

These are discreet variables and will force you to draw a

bar chart. You need to draw a scatterplot graph - so these
variables will not work.


The following variables may be changed about a

geostationary satellite:

Radius of satellite

Cross-sectional area of satellite

Mass of satellite
Temperature of satellite


It is easy to change the following things about a football:

Pressure of a football

Angle of kick of a football
Radius of a football

STEP 3: Choose an Easily Measurable Variable Y

Variable Y is the dependent variable that changes as a

result of variable X being changed. Your Variable Y
(dependent variable) should be easily measurable. The
following variables are easily measurable in Physics. Do any
of these relate to your general topic of interest?

Terminal velocity

Range of projectile

Rebound height



Initial acceleration

Time Period




Don’t choose these variables…

Variable Y has to be easily measurable (e.g. frequency,

resistance, rebound height, etc). The internal energy of a
gas is impossible, the time period of a fly’s wings is
impossible too! Don’t choose these for Variable Y.


The following variables are

easily measured for a

geostationary satellite:


Time period


It is easy to measure the

following things about a


Rebound height

Terminal velocity

STEP 4: Write Down Your Research Question

How does ..(your Variable X).. affect.. (your Variable Y)?

It is as simple as this!

Write your research question down and check that it makes


Don’t write this down….

How does the volume and radius affect the resistance of

electrical putty?

This research question means that two sets of data will be

required. The resulting investigation will lack the depth of
analysis needed to earn high marks. Focus only on one
Variable X.


How does the radius affect the time period of a satellite?

How does the mass affect the frequency of a satellite?
How does the temperature affect the velocity of a

I’ll want to choose a research question that will actually

work. In this example, the best research question would be:

How does the radius affect the time period of a



- How does the pressure of a football affect the rebound

height after one bounce?
How does the angle that a football is kicked affect the

range of the football?
How does the radius of a football affect the terminal
velocity of the football?

Make sure you can predict roughly what might happen. In

this example, the best research question would be:

How does the pressure of a football affect the rebound

height after one bounce?


You should now have a research question for your Physics

Scientific Investigation. It should be in the format of:

How does *Variable X* affect *Variable Y*?

It will allow you to:

- identify the independent and dependent variables

organise your method into fewer steps (less than 10

bullet points is advised)
identify which graph should be plotted focus your
background theory

If you are still not happy, see the next section…

100 Ideas For Your Physics
Scientific Investigation

If you just need to pick one (and that's totally fine!) then
pick from the list below.

Remember that there are 25,000 students completing their

Physics Scientific Investigation every year. It is impossible to
find a totally original Scientific Investigation topic - so don't
stress out on that.

Also, the Examiner Report for May 2022 confirmed that it’s
ok to use a idea you find online for your Scientific
Investigation - you just have to reference it. This means you
don’t have to agonise over finding a ‘personal’ or ‘original’


1. How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the

coefficient of restitution of the tennis ball?
2. How does the length of a bridge affect the sag of a
bridge when a constant mass is applied to the centre
of the bridge?
3. How does the breadth of a flat bridge affect the
vertical depression/sag produced when a known
mass is added?
4. How does the mass of falling coffee filters affect the
terminal velocity of the coffee filters?
5. How does the mass of a toy parachute affect the
terminal velocity?
6. How does the radius of a toy parachute affect the
terminal velocity?
7. How does the angle of release of a golf club affect the
distance travelled by the ball?
8. How does the volume of an object affect the
bouyancy when fully submerged in water?
9. How does the angle of release of a single pendulum
affect the deviation of time period from that predicted
by a simple pendulum?
10. How does temperature affect the spring constant of a
11. How does the temperature affect the range of flight of
an elastic band?
12. How does temperature of a copper wire affect the
Young Modulus?
13. How does the cross-sectional area of blades affect the
lift force of a toy helicopter?
14. How does the angle of blade affect the lift force of a
toy helicopter?
15. How does the number of blades affect the lift force of
a toy helicopter?
16. How does the cross-sectional area of a football affect
the terminal velocity?
17. How does the cross-sectional area of a sail on a toy
boat affect the initial acceleration?
18. How does the radius of a football affect the impulse
on the football when kicked?
19. How does the mass added to an inflated balloon
affect the terminal velocity of the falling balloon?
20. How does the paddle area of a waterwheel affect the
efficiency of the waterwheel when converting into
electrical energy?
21. How does the temperature of grease affect the depth
of crater created when a mass is dropped from a
known height?
22. How does the height of a ramp affect the time taken
for a cylinder to roll down the ramp?
23. How does the angle of a ramp affect the time taken
for a block to reach the bottom of the ramp?
24. How does the mass of a block affect its recoil distance
after being impacted by a constant external force?

25. How does the temperature of rubber affect the
coefficient of static friction between the rubber and a
26. How the temperature of a lubricant applied to the
bottom of a solid affects the coefficient of dynamic
friction when the solid is pulled along a surface?
27. How does the mass of a ball bearing affect the energy
loss in a pendulum system when it is released from 90
degrees and collides with a wall?
28. How does the mass of a bullet in a ballistic pendulum
affect the maximum height reached by the pendulum,
once the bullet has embedded?
29. How does the diameter of a canonball affect the time
taken to reach the ground, assuming a constant drag
coefficient? (good for simulation)
30. How does the diameter of a ball in freefall affect the
coefficient of restitution after one bounce on a hard
surface? (good for simulation)
31. How does the angle of initial release of a pendulum
affect the subsequent calculation of ‘g’ from the
32. How does the rotational velocity of a basketball affect
the horizontal travel distance when the basketball is
released in freefall? (Magnus Effect)
33. How does the pressure of a tyre affect the coefficient
of dynamic friction?
34. How does the distance that an external force is
applied to a cantilever affect the vertical depression
of the cantilever?

Thermal Physics

35. How does the distance between panes of glass in

double glazing affect the rate of heat loss?
36. How does the number of panes of glass in double/
triple/quadruple glazing affect the rate of heat loss?
37. How does the change in temperature of a copper rod
affect it's length of extension?
38. How does the concentration of salt in water affect the
specific heat capacity?
39. How does the temperature of an ideal gas affect the
average rate of wall collisions within a container?
(good for simulation)
40. How does the volume of water affect the rate of
cooling when subjected to a controlled breeze?
41. Determine a numerical value for the gas constant

Waves and Oscillations

42. How does light absorption through a glass plate

change when more glass plates are added?
43. How does the thickness of factor 30 SPF affect the
intensity of UV light after it has penetrated through a
constant thickness plexiglass screen?
44. How does sugar concentration affect the refractive
index of sugar water solution?
45. Prove that the inverse square law is true for a point
source light bulb and not true for a directional light
46. How does temperature affect the speed of sound in a
solid (or liquid)?
47. How does the length of a guitar string affect the
sustain time of producing a sound, when the string is
plucked with a constant force?
48. How does the temperature of a guitar string affect the
frequency produced when plucked at a constant force
and left to vibrate freely?
49. How does the diameter of a string effect the
fundamental frequency?
50. How does the density of a string effect the
fundamental frequency?
51. How does the refractive index of a material affect the
intensity of light reflected from the boundary? (Good
for simulation)
52. How does distance from a speaker affect the sound
intensity level?
53. How is the slit spacing produced from a laser
dependent on the distance from the screen?
54. How does the density of a liquid affect the angle
subtended by the diffracted waves when the liquid is
passed through a single slit in a ripple tank?
55. How does the temperature of water in a wine glass
affect the resonant frequency of sound produced
when the wine glass is struck and the rim begins to
freely vibrate?
56. How does the volume of water in a wine glass affect
the resonant frequency of sound produced when the

wine glass is struck and the rim begins to freely
57. How does the cross-sectional area of card attached to
a vibrating mass affect the displacement of the mass
after twenty oscillations?
58. How does the diameter of a wire affect the damping
constant of a pendulum?
59. How is the time period of oscillation of a solid sphere
on a curved track affected by the radius of the solid
60. How does the slit width of a single slit affect the
maximum angle of visible diffraction for a
monochromatic source?
61. Does a pendulum obey the rules of SHM at large
angles of release?
62. How does light intensity vary when passed through a
polaroid filter at different angles?
63. How does the angle of incidence of p-polarised light
affect the reflectivity of light?
64. Determine the width of human hair using single slit

Electricity and Magnetism

65. How does the temperature affect the internal

resistance of a battery?
66. How does the height of a water tube (5 different
measurements of height) affect the power delivered
by the falling water in an electrical energy generator?
67. How does the magnetic field strength of magnets
affect the efficiency of an electric motor?
68. How does the number of coils affect the efficiency of
an electric motor?
69. How does temperature affect the magnetic field
strength of a permanent magnet?
70. How does the diameter of coil on a battery copper
coil train affect the speed of train?
71. Confirm the relative permeability of free space by
varying the current of a solenoid and measuring the
resulting magnetic field
72. How does the magnetic field strength of a permanent
magnet affect it’s levitation height when placed above
another permanent magnet?

Circular Motion and Gravitation

73. How does the rate of rotation of Foucault's pendulum

depend on the latitude position of the pendulum?
74. How does the magnetic field strength of the bar
magnets in a DC Motor affect the angular velocity of
the motor?

Energy Production

75. How does temperature affect the output voltage of

photovoltaic cells?
76. How does the thickness of cellophane covering a
solar panel affect the efficiency of the solar panel?
77. How does the frequency of electromagnetic radiation
(in the visible spectrum) affect the output energy from
a solar panel?


78. How does the distance between two charged parallel

plates affect the area of uniform electric field lines
(taking into account distortion due to the edge
79. Use Coulomb’s Law to determine the number of
excess electrons on a charged balloon
80. Determine the mass of the electron experimentally,
using an electron deflection tube.
81. Determine the electric charge through the Millikan

Electromagnetic Induction

82. How is the e.m.f, ε(V ), induced in a coil is affected by

the height, s(m) the magnet is dropped through it?
83. How does varying the frequency of rotation of a
simple a.c. generator affect the induced peak e.m.f.
84. How does the radius of a copper pipe affect the time
taken for a magnet to drop through it?
85. How does the voltage applied to a helmholtz coil (laid
flat on the table) affect the period of a pendulum
oscillating freely within the loop?

86. How does the temperature affect the efficiency of a
87. How does the resistivity of a metal pipe affect the time
taken for a magnet to drop through it?
88. How does the diameter of coil on a battery copper
coil train affect the speed of train?
89. Investigate the effect of connecting capacitors in
series on the voltage across a discharging capacitor.
90. How does the voltage across a capacitor affect the
energy stored in the capacitor?
91. How does temperature affect the efficiency of a diode
bridge rectification circuit?

Quantum and Nuclear Physics

92. Determine the spacing between the planes in the

atomic lattice of graphite, using the de Broglie
93. Determine the work function of a given metal

Engineering Physics

94. How does the density of an object fully immersed in

water affect the time take to reach equilibrium, once
95. How does the volume of an object immersed in water
affect the buoyancy of the object?
96. How does the mass of a body submerged in a fluid
affect the volume displaced?
97. How does the cross-sectional area of the pipe in a
siphon affect the volumetric flow rate of the water in
the siphon?
98. How does the drop height of a water droplet affect
the rebound height upon contact with a water
99. How does temperature affect the viscosity of castor
100. How does the moment of inertia affect the final
velocity of a cylinder rolling down an inclined slope?

12 Investigations You Can
Do At Home

If you cannot perform experiments at school, but still need

to complete a PERFECT Physics Scientific Investigation -
these ideas will help.

Idea #1
How does the temperature of water in a wine glass affect
the resonant frequency of sound produced when the wine
glass is either struck or a wet finger runs around the rim
and the rim begins to freely vibrate?

Independent Variable: Temperature of Water

Dependent Variable: Resonant Frequency of sound
Control Variables: Volume of water, density of glass, cross-
sectional area of glass rim, humidity/temperature of
surrounding air

Top Tip - You can use the free SpectrumView app to

measure the frequency of sound produced

Idea #2
How does the cross-sectional area of card attached to a
vibrating mass affect the displacement of the mass after
twenty oscillations

Independent Variable: Cross-sectional area of damping

Dependent Variable: Displacement of mass after 20
Control Variables: Mass, Initial displacement of oscillating
mass, spring constant of spring, (there's more - I'm sure!)

Top Tip - Set up could look a bit like this…

Idea #3
Investigate the factors affecting the terminal velocity of a
paper helicopter

Independent Variable: No. of paperclips OR length of

helicopter rotor OR width of helicopter rotor
Dependent Variable: Terminal velocity of helicopter
Control Variables: Depends on which independent
variable you have chosen

Top Tip - You can ‘google’ a template for a paper


Idea #4
How does the angle of blade of a toy helicopter affect the
lift force on the helicopter?

Independent Variable: Angle of helicopter blades

Dependent Variable: Lift force of helicopter
Control Variables: Number of helicopter blades, width of
helicopter blades, rotational speed of blades, weight of
helicopter (keep going...)

Top Tip - the helicopter should be taped to the electronic

scales for this to work

Idea #5
How does the mass of a ball bearing affect the energy loss
in a pendulum system when it is released from 90 degrees
and collides with a wall.

Independent Variable: Mass of ball bearing (could

choose other variable e.g. angle of release)
Dependent Variable: Energy loss (calculated using
measurements of height of ball bearing)
Control Variables: Height ball bearing is released, density
of ball bearing, density of wall surface....

Top Tip - the set up could look something like this
Idea #6
How the temperature of grease affects the depth of crater
created when a mass is dropped from a known height

Independent Variable: Temperature of grease

Dependent Variable: Depth of crater
Control Variables: mass of ball bearing, height dropped,

Top Tip - your personal engagement marks will depend on

how you solve the tricky issues of measuring the depth of
the crater.

Idea #7
How does the distance between panes of glass in double
glazing affect the rate of heat loss?

Independent Variable: Distance between panes of glass

Dependent Variable: Rate of heat loss
Control Variables: outside temperature, inside
temperature, thickness of glass, ambient wind speed, etc.

Top Tip - You should plot a graph of distance between

panes on the x-axis and rate of heat loss on the y-axis.

Idea #8
How does the cross-sectional area of the pipe in a siphon
affect the volumetric flow rate of the water in the siphon?

Independent Variable: Cross-sectional area of pipe

Dependent Variable: Volumetric flow rate
Control Variables: height between columns of water,
temperature of water, velocity of water

Top Tip - The equation you should be using is really

simple: Volumetric Flow Rate = (Cross-Sectional Area of the
Pipe) x Velocity

Idea #9
How does the height of a ramp affect the time taken for a
cylinder to roll down the ramp?

Independent Variable: Height of ramp

Dependent Variable: Time taken for cylinder to roll down
the ramp
Control Variables: Radius of cylinder, length of ramp

Top Tip - when considering the underlying theory, don't

forget rotational kinetic energy.

Idea #10
How does the distance between two towers sustaining a
flat metallic bar affect the vertical depression/sag
produced when a known mass is added?

Independent Variable: Distance between two towers

Dependent Variable: Depression / sag
Control Variables: mass added, position of mass added,
Young modulus of metallic bar, breadth of metallic bar,
depth of metallic bar, temperature of metallic bar

Top Tip - Basically, the sag should be directly proportional

to the cube of distance between the towers !

Idea #11
How does the radius of the exoplanet affect the apparent
brightest of a star, as the exoplanet transits across the star?

Independent Variable: Radius of sphere that mimics the

Dependent Variable: Largest Change in Apparent
Brightness from the lamp that mimics the star
Control Variables: Actual brightness of lamp, distance to
“exoplanet” from “star, etc

Top Tip - you can model the exoplanet experiment with a

set up similar to below. You can measure light level using
iPhone app LuxMeter Pro

Idea #12
How does the length of a violin/guitar string affect the
sustain time of the violin/guitar string after being plucked
with a constant force?

Independent Variable: Length of guitar string

Dependent Variable: Sustain time of string after being

Control Variables: force applied to string, temperature of
string, humidity and density of air

Top Tip - You'd need to use an iPhone app to measure

sound volume AND make sure you have a completely
silent room. You could try Decibel X PRO: dBA Noise Meter

10 Questions To Ask
Yourself About A Physics

If you are considering using a simulation for your Physics

Scientific Investigation, it is vital that your simulation is
suitable and will give you measurable data to produce an
excellent Physics Scientific Investigation.

Part of completing your Physics Scientific Investigation will

be to find a simulation that is as true to an experiment as
possible. It is not expected that a simulation will be perfect
(it won't) but this checklist will help you decide the
suitability of your simulation.

1. Do the variables reflect those that would be

encountered in a real-life situation?

2. Do the variables generate data that conforms to

standard, recognisable units?

3. Are visualisations misleading in any way?

4. Is the simulation freely available to a moderator or


5. Does the simulation allow for a suitable range of values
for each of the variables in the investigation?

6. Are there enough variables with enough detail to draw

meaningful conclusions?

7. Does the simulation or database provide enough data


8. Does the simulation or database allow for multiple


9. Is there variation in the results with each repeat run?

10. Can the data be processed independently by students?

IMPORTANT NOTE: if the simulation you choose to use

does not answer "YES" to all these questions above - that's
ok! Your method or evaluation in the investigation report
should show that consideration is given to the above
points and that creative solutions to make good any
shortcomings in the simulation are considered. In fact, it
could be considered that a less-than-perfect simulation is
more useful than a perfect one as it allows you to find
creative and personal solutions.

The EXACT Subtitles You
Should Use In Your Report

Once you've collected your data for your IB Physics

Scientific Investigation - you're going to have to complete
your report and write it up.....

Follow the EXACT structure of subheadings that I list below

and you'll increase your chances of obtaining full marks in
your Scientific Investigation for IB Physics.

1. Report Details
2. Introduction
3. Theory and Hypothesis
4. Variables
5. Diagram
6. Apparatus
7. Method
8. Raw Data
9. Processed Data
10. Graph
11. Analysis and Conclusion
12. Evaluation
13. References

This can be a pretty daunting prospect, but have no fear,
below I'll give you a brief explanation on how to tackle
each sub-section.

1. Report Details

At the top of the first page, write the following:

Title of the investigation

IB candidate code (alphanumeric, for example, xyz123)

IB candidate code for all group members (if applicable)
Number of words

It should not be in fancy font! Just the same font as the rest
of the report!

2. Introduction

Your introduction should be brief and to the point. Please

don't write hundreds of words here. If you really don't
know what to write, you can watch over my shoulder
(almost literally!) as I write an introduction from scratch and
give you the exact formula to follow when writing your
introduction. This video tuition is found inside my online
program, TrIBe Physics, where you’ll get FULL support on
all aspects of your Scientific Investigation (NOTE: this is a
paid course)

3. Theory and Hypothesis

This section is where you discuss the physics theory behind

your research question, which ultimately allows you to
formulate an educated hypothesis on what is likely to
happen with your results. This part of your investigation can
be really tricky. It's important that you get the correct
physics background and theory, as your hypothesis (and
ultimately your conclusion and evaluation) will be based
upon it.

You should include a hypothesis and should predict what

will happen to your dependent variable (Variable Y) when
you change your independent variable (Variable X). It
should predict a mathematical relationship - if possible. A
sketched of the predicted graph is recommended.

4. Variables

In this section, write down explicitly what your variables


Independent Variable: the variable you are changing,

Variable X
Dependent Variable: the variable that changes as a result
of the independent variable being changed, Variable Y
Control Variables: everything you need to keep constant
to ensure a fair test.

5. Diagram

You should include a labelled diagram of your apparatus. I

recommend you use Google Drawings to create this
diagram (just google "Google Drawings").

The diagram should be simple but clearly show how to set
up the apparatus.

6. Apparatus

This should be a bullet point list of apparatus needed.

Don't go into too much detail here. A simple and quick list
is fine.

7. Method

Again I recommend you have a simple list of numbered

bullet points here - no more than ten bullet points!

Add any points about safety in this section.

"You don't need to include things like, "Set up

the apparatus" or "Collect the sellotape".
Treat the reader like they are intelligent
enough to look at the apparatus and the
diagram to set it up themselves from that!"
- Sally Weatherly

8. Raw Data

You'll include a data table here.

- DO only include the data you collected during the

experiment (or simulation).
DON'T include processing of data (e.g. averaging,

squaring, processed uncertainties, etc).
DO include the reading error on the apparatus If you
need to justify the reading error on the apparatus, just
write a short sentence underneath the raw data table.

"Your report should not include appendices.

Don't include screeds of data in the appendix.
You need to find a way of representing your
raw data clearly and concisely."
Sally Weatherly

9. Processed Data

This section will include a separate data table. You'll show

your processed data table here. You may need to calculate
averages, combine uncertainties and further manipulate

Remember to include the correct labels and units in each

column of the table.

Underneath the processed data table, you should give an

example of any calculations you have made.

10. Graph

Your graph does not have to be processed on the

computer. If you are struggling with using particular
software, you can just draw the graph on graph paper.
However, this is a skill worth mastering for IB and beyond.

Also, graphing software can be useful for finding:

- The best line of fit for the data points

- The mathematical relationship between your two


The numerical value of gradient
The numerical value of intercept

It's also easier to draw error bars and your max/min line
using graphing software.

You should generally be looking to plot a straight line

graph and you may need to manipulate your data to
achieve that.

This graph shows all the features you should try to include:

11. Analysis and Conclusion

This is where you analyse the quality of your data and form
a conclusion based on what your graph shows. The new
specification (for first exams in 2025) have placed a
significant importance on the conclusion and evaluation of
the data. It accounts for 50% of the total marks for the
Scientific Investigation (or 10% of your FINAL IB grade - if
you want to look at it that way.)

You should try to include the following:

A brief recap of your hypothesis

Describe the pattern or trend shown on the graph
Comment if the line of best fit goes through the origin -

did you expect it to?
Relate the trend shown back to you hypothesis - does it

The uncertainty in the gradient gives you an idea of

reliability of your results and how precise they are?
Comment on the spread of points around the line of

best fit for an indication of reliability of results.
Are there any anomalies? Circle them on the graph and

Can you calculate a quantity from the gradient? (e.g.

gravitational field strength, mass, etc)
Is there a consistent intercept on the y or x axis? If so,
this could be an indication of a systematic error in the

12. Evaluation

This is where most students lose steam..... Try to include the


- Comment upon the design and method of the

List the weaknesses of the experiment and how

significant each weakness is (aim for three weaknesses)
Directly address each weakness with an improvement.

"It's not enough to write "carry out more trials"

or 'use a more accurate ruler". These
weaknesses are not sophisticated enough!"
Sally Weatherly

See my comments in the next chapter for more help on the


Marking Criteria

Let's look through some of the assessment criteria for this

investigation and figure out how to get 24/24



This criterion assesses how well you communicate your

research question and methodology.

To get full marks, you need to do this:

- Be specific and precise when describing your research

Your research question should be given in the

appropriate context.
You should be thoughtful and detailed when
communicating your variables and method; they should
be associated with collecting relevant and sufficient data

to answer your research question.
Your description of the methodology for collecting or
selecting data allows for the investigation to be
reproduced by someone else with a scientific

Your research question should contain reference to the
dependent and independent variables or two correlated
variables. It should include a concise description of the
system in which the research question is embedded, and
include background theory of direct relevance.

Your Variables section should clearly include the selection

of the methods for measuring the dependent and
independent variables. Make sure you don’t forget… the
identification of control variables and the choice of method
of their control.

I would also include the decisions regarding the scope,

quantity and quality of measurements (e.g. the range,
interval or frequency of the independent variable,
repetition and precision of measurements) in the Variables

If you have chosen to use a database or simulation, you

should include why you selected this particular one in the
method section.

Your method section should have bullet points of the

precise procedural steps you took to collect your data,
while avoiding unnecessary or repetitive information, so
that the reader may readily understand how the
methodology was implemented and could in principle
repeat the investigation.

You’ll also want to include the recognition of any safety,

ethical or environmental issues that needed to be taken
into account. Do that in the Method section.


This criterion assesses how well you have recorded,

processed and presented your data in ways that are
relevant to the research question.

To get full marks, you need to do this:

- Be clear and precise when recording and presenting

your Raw and Processed Data.
Shows evidence of an appropriate consideration of
uncertainties in your recorded data, data tables, graphs

and conclusion calculations
Make sure the data you process is relevant to your
research question. Make sure it’s done accurately and

It will be difficult to draw an appropriate conclusion if you

just have qualitative data. What does that mean? OK
qualitative data is non-numerical information that describes
the characteristics, properties, or observations of a
phenomenon without using mathematical calculations or
measurements. This type of data is often based on sensory
observation and description, rather than quantifiable

Qualitative Data Example: the LED looked blue.

Technically, you can include qualitative data in your report,
but it’s easier to assess the precision, accuracy and
appropriateness of quantitative data.

Quantitative data in the context of physics investigations

refers to data that can be measured and expressed
numerically. It's about quantifying things—measuring or
counting them. This type of data is crucial in physics, as it
allows for the precise and objective analysis of physical
phenomena. Quantitative data is essential for testing
hypotheses, establishing relationships between variables,
and drawing conclusions based on empirical evidence.

Quantitative Data Example: the LED emits a wavelength

of 435±5nm

When dealing with uncertainties, you need to clearly

communicate the method of processing all data and

The examiners are looking for precise communication

relating to the annotation of graphs and tables or the use
of units, decimal places and significant figures. You’ll be
taught all about this in class.



This criterion assesses how well you answer your research

question with regard to your own data analysis and the
accepted scientific context.

To get full marks, do this:

- A detailed conclusion is described and justified which is

entirely relevant to the research question and fully

supported by the data presented.
A conclusion is correctly described and justified through
relevant comparison to the accepted scientific context.


A conclusion that is fully consistent requires the

interpretation of processed data including associated

Scientific context refers to information that could come

from published material (paper or online), published
values, course notes, textbooks or other outside sources.
The citation of published materials must be sufficiently
detailed to allow these sources to be traceable.



This criterion assesses how well you provide evidence of

evaluation of the investigation methodology and how
reasonable your suggested improvements are.

To get full marks, do this:

- Explain the relative impact of specific methodological

weaknesses or limitations.
Give realistic improvements to the investigation, that are
relevant to the identified weaknesses or limitations, are

OK - this is the hardest section to get marks!

Here’s some advice:

In physics investigations, students often fall into the trap of

citing generic weaknesses and limitations that are too
broad or vague and don't specifically address the
methodology of their investigation. These generic points
tend to lack depth and don't demonstrate a thoughtful
analysis of the specific investigation. Here are some
examples of such generic weaknesses and limitations,
along with brief explanations of why they are not effective
(P.S. Don’t use these!):

- Limited Time for Experimentation: Stating that there

wasn’t enough time to conduct the experiment is a
common but weak limitation. It doesn't address the

quality or the methodology of the investigation itself.
Better Equipment Could Have Been Used: This is too
vague unless specific details are given about how
different equipment would have significantly impacted

the results.
Human Error: Merely mentioning human error without
specifics is too general. It's more insightful to discuss
particular aspects of the experiment where human error

could have had a quantifiable impact.
More Data Points Needed: This is a generic statement
unless accompanied by a clear explanation of how
additional data would have concretely improved the

Limited Access to Resources: While this may be a real
constraint, it doesn’t provide insight into the
investigation’s methodology or the student’s approach

to overcoming these limitations.
Greater Accuracy in Measurements: This is too broad
unless it's tied to specific aspects of the investigation
where measurement accuracy was crucial and could

have been realistically improved.
Environmental Factors Were Not Controlled: This is a
common limitation, but it needs to be specific about
which environmental factors could have influenced the

results and how.
Further Research Required: Stating that the topic
requires further research doesn’t reflect on the student’s
investigation. It's more about what could be explored in
the future rather than what was done in the current

- Small Sample Size: Unless it's explained how a larger
sample would have altered the results or the study's

conclusions, this is too generic.
General Statements About Limitations of Qualitative
Data: Broad statements about the limitations of
qualitative data are not helpful unless directly related to
the investigation's context and how it impacted the

To avoid these generic statements, you should focus on

specific, detailed limitations and weaknesses directly
relevant to your investigation. You should explain how
these factors specifically affected your methodology, data,
and conclusions. This approach demonstrates critical
thinking and a deeper understanding of the investigative
process, which is more likely to be rewarded with marks.

Identifying your Specific Weaknesses and Limitations

For weaknesses, think about the issues regarding the

control of your variables, the precision of your
measurements or the variation in your data.

For limitations, think about how your conclusion is limited

in scope by the range of the data collected, the confines of
the system or the applicability of the assumptions you

How To Make Suggestions for Improvement

Once you have pinpointed you specific weaknesses and

limitations, do this following:
- Understand the Impact: Reflect on how these
weaknesses or limitations affected your results. Did they
introduce uncertainty? Could they have skewed your
data? Understanding the impact helps in formulating

more effective improvements.
Propose Targeted Improvements: Based on the
identified weaknesses, propose improvements that
directly address these issues. These improvements
should be realistic and feasible within the context of
your investigation. For instance, if your data was affected
by environmental noise, suggest specific ways to

minimise this interference in future experiments.
Detail the Implementation: Explain how these
improvements could be implemented in practice. Be
detailed and precise – if you're suggesting new
equipment, specify the type and how it would enhance
accuracy. If you're proposing a different method,
describe the steps and how they would overcome the

limitations of your original approach.
Consider Feasibility: Ensure that your suggested
improvements are realistic and feasible within a typical
high school laboratory setting. Proposing overly
complex or expensive solutions that are not accessible
in most school environments might not be seen as

Reflect on Outcomes: Discuss how your proposed
improvements would change the outcomes of your
investigation. Would they lead to more accurate data,
clearer results, or more reliable conclusions? This
reflection shows a deep understanding of the
relationship between methodology and results.
- Balance Optimism with Realism: While it’s good to be
ambitious, your improvements should also be grounded
in realism. Acknowledge any potential challenges or
limitations that might come with your proposed

By following these steps, you can demonstrate a thorough

and critical understanding of your investigation, showing
not just where things might have gone wrong, but how
they can be realistically rectified in future work.

Do’s and Don’ts Of Your
Scientific Investigation

- Don't assume that an HL IB Physics Scientific

Investigation has to be "more complicated" than an SL
one. Physics Scientific Investigations are assessed
without consideration of the level you are studying. They
have the same assessment criteria the moderators don't
know which level you are studying. Please don't agonise
over producing a "Higher Level" worthy Scientific
Investigation - it's a waste of your time.

- Don't spend hours agonising over a research topic. Your

topic does not have to be unique and it's ok to use one
you've found on the internet. Just don't copy the actual
report! You have to write and design that yourself…. Oh!
and reference the fact that you found the research
question online. You honestly won’t be penalised for

- Don't include a title page. All you need to do is include

the four pieces of data we discussed in Chapter 2:
Common Myths.

- Do include a single and well-defined independent

variable and a quantifiable dependent variable.

- Don't investigate two independent variables.

- Don't give far too much background physics on material

that is not directly related to the research question in the
Theory and Hypothesis section.

- Don't include a photograph of your apparatus if a clear

sketch would better explain the set-up.

- Do include the quantity, the units and the uncertainty in

the column headings of your data table Don't write your
unit notation in italics...!

- Do know the difference between "ms-¹" and "m s-¹". Units

"ms-¹" actually stand for 'per millisecond' and not
'metres per second'. If you want to give units of velocity
as 'metres per second' please put a half-space between
the letters like this.. "m s-¹" Crazy.... I know…

- Do show samples of more complicated calculations

underneath your processed data table. Samples of
simple calculations are not required (e.g. average

- Don't use a correlation coefficient when analysing your

graph. Correlation coefficients are used to establish a
possible relationship between two variables in
mathematics. In physics, however, we already know
many functions, so the coefficient value is not always

- Don't construct minimum and maximum gradients used

only the extremes of the first and last data-point error
bars. This method exaggerates the range, and in many
cases produces meaningless results.
- Don't write "I am pleased with my results," or, "I proved
my hypothesis," in your evaluation. More than a
qualitative statement (such as Y increases as X increases)
is expected.

- Do keep your report as 12 pages or less and have a

maximum word count of 3000 words.

I’m enjoying this Do’s and Don’ts Section! So I’ve written

some more!

- Do Use Appropriate Scientific Language: Ensure your

report is written in a formal, scientific style. Avoid
colloquial language and ensure your terminology is
accurate and appropriate for the concepts discussed.

- Don't Ignore Safety Considerations: Always mention

any safety precautions or considerations relevant to your
experiment. This shows awareness of practical lab safety
and ethical considerations.

- Do Critically Evaluate Your Methodology: In your

evaluation, critically assess the strengths and
weaknesses of your methodology. Suggest concrete
improvements that could be made in future

- Don't Overlook Error Analysis: Apart from just stating

the uncertainties, analyse their impact on your results
and conclusions. Discuss how these errors could be
minimised in future investigations.

- Do Reference All Sources Properly: Whether it's

background theory or data analysis techniques, ensure

that all external sources are appropriately cited. This is
crucial for academic integrity.

- Don't Use Complex Mathematics Unnecessarily: Only

include complex mathematical processes if they are
relevant and enhance your investigation. Unnecessary
complexity can detract from the clarity of your report.

- Do Clearly Explain Your Reasoning: Whenever you

make a decision about your methodology or analysis,
explain why you chose that particular approach. This
demonstrates your understanding and rationale behind
the investigation.

- Don't Forget to Link Theory with Experiment: Make

sure there is a clear connection between the theoretical
background and your experimental work. This
demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the

- Do Check for Consistency in Formatting: Ensure that

your report is consistently formatted in terms of font,
headings, and spacing. This makes your report
professional and easier to read.

- Don't Neglect the Presentation of Graphs and

Diagrams: Ensure that all graphs and diagrams are
clear, properly labeled, and include necessary
descriptions. Poorly presented graphs can obscure or
misrepresent your data.

- Don't Leave Loose Ends in Your Conclusion: Ensure

that your conclusion ties back to your research question

and hypothesis, summarising your findings succinctly
and clearly.

- Do Proofread for Grammar and Spelling: A well-

written report free of grammatical errors and typos
shows attention to detail and professionalism.
Honestly….? I’d use ChatGPT for that "

Where To Get Extra Help
From Sally

I hope you enjoyed this book as an introduction to

completing your IB Physics Scientific Investigation. I’m sure
your motivation is sky high and that you are expecting your
results to be too!

You may have questions about how to get further help


- How exactly to plan your methodology in your Physics

Scientific Investigation;
How exactly to complete your graph in Excel (including

max/min gradients); or

The exact questions to ask yourself in your conclusion;
How can you get personalised feedback on the 1st draft
of your Physics Scientific Investigation.

You can approach your physics teacher or a physics tutor

for help. We can, of course, part ways and you have plenty
of great stuff to start you down your journey towards your
PERFECT Physics Scientific Investigation….


You can join me for the next step and enrol in TrIBe Physics.
It is ready for you to enrol and work at your own pace until
you maximise your results in IB Physics!

Get Started Instantly!



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