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Servant Leadership Course Introduction Outline

Time Process Method/Activity Key Points Materials

60 mins How the course Discuss the Course Design, Pre-Assignment, Icebreaker Debriefing on Expectations and Fears Bowl
is designed. During the training Paper
Group Discussion, Reporting and Sharing of the Chapter Pens
Icebreaker Discuss Course Objectives and Workshop House 1. Vision of servant leadership and how it will influence
Rules the culture and dynamics of team.
Introduction 2. Outcomes or improvements as a result of adopting
Icebreaker: Expectations and Fears servant leadership principles
Course 3. Potential risks or negative consequences when
Objectives Reading Activity of the Introduction Chapter transitioning to a servant leadership approach
4. Personal apprehensions on how to embody the
Group Discussion and Sharing servant leadership traits effectively

Recap Part II Discussion

1. The most important point in the introduction

2. Most challenging, inspiring, difficult to understand

 Transitioning to servant leadership aimed to
profoundly impact the team's culture and dynamics
o empowering members
o fostering collaboration
o and prioritizing their needs.
 This shift aimed for a more positive, supportive, and
productive work environment.
 Expected outcomes included improved morale,
increased engagement, better communication, and
more innovative problem-solving.
 Potential risks and negative consequences.
o Could be perceived as a sign of weakness or
o Apprehensions about the ability to effectively
balance the needs of the team with the
organization's objectives
o The challenge of maintaining accountability and
high-performance standards.
o Concerns about own ability to fully embody the
servant leadership traits
o Doubts about whether they could let go of the
traditional command-and-control mindset
 Challenges & Opportunities
o To fully embody the servant leadership mindset,
as it requires a fundamental shift in priorities and
o The approach is hoped to transform
organizational culture and dynamics in profound
o Difficult to understand concepts may include the
nuances of putting the needs of others before
one's own and developing true humility as a

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