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Passender Cartoon z.B. unter:

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aber hier findet sich bestimmt ein passender cartoon:

1. Description: In the first step, describe all elements and details of the cartoon,
including people, objects, actions, the scenery and written features. It is helpful if
you follow a certain sequence, e.g. go from left to right or from fore- to
background. Just describe what you see, do not analyze the cartoon yet.

2. Analysis and interpretation: In the next step, further explain the elements you
just described. If possible, identify commonly known people or places and link
them to each other. Also describe whether certain elements carry symbolic
meaning. After that, you can go on with interpreting the cartoon: What is the
message of the cartoon? What does it criticize and how is the criticism achieved?
Which problem is described? Does the cartoon take a certain position? What is
the intention of the author?

3. Comment: Only give your own opinion on the cartoon or its topic if you are
explicitly asked to do so! In a comment, you can draw on further knowledge about
a topic and include connected aspects that you regard as important. Decide on
your own view on the topic and give arguments that support it.

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