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Energy Transition Working Group 3 Meeting

Belo Horizonte, Brazil,

27th May 2024

Opening Remarks (16:20 – 16:50 BRT)

Opening Remarks on the ETWG outcomes (2-3 Minutes)

- Distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen

- I am honored to join you today as we convene for this significant 3 rd Energy

Transition Working Group meeting under the Brazil G20 presidency

- As we gather here, we must ensure that while setting the G20 agenda, aimed
at shaping the future of global energy transitions, we should consider the
complex challenges of energy transition, universal energy access,
technological development and affordable finance, faced by the EMDEs. It
is precisely this diversity that presents us with an opportunity to generate
and offer a more holistic and inclusive solutions, while ensuring that it
respects the priorities and needs of developing economies and their

- We firmly believe that the proposed outcomes by the Brazilian Presidency

would ensure that no one should is left behind, especially the developing
economies in their journey toward progress and development and the path to
this energy transition.

- We once again reiterate our position on the importance of international

cooperation in affordable financing. The ETWG outcomes, aimed at
accelerating financing for the energy transition, including establishment of
the G20 Energy Transitions Finance Initiative (ETFI), Formation of the
Global Coalition for Energy Planning (GCEP) and Development of a
Roadmap to Increase Investment in Clean Energy in EMDEs will definitely
lay a strong foundation to address the pressing issue of finance. We are
hopeful that it would catalyze financing for energy transitions and act as a
framework for a coordinated global effort to boost investments in clean
energy, particularly in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies

- As we gather here today as representatives of the G20 nations, it is

imperative that we address one of the most critical issuesfor EMDEs which
is pertaining to social dimensions of energy transition. In this regard we look
forward to discussing the voluntary principles for just and inclusive energy
transitionsas proposed by the Brazilian G20 Presidency that would
contribute significantly to improving inclusivity and equity in the
implementation of just and inclusive energy transitions.

- Furthermore, India is actively engaging in international collaborations and

partnerships to accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable
fuels. India is committed to this endeavor and Global Biofuel Alliance
(GBA) launched last year on the sidelines of the G20 summit is a testimony
to this. We fully look forward to support the Brazilian presidency to build
upon the consensus on performance-based sustainability assessments and
frameworks to accelerate the development of sustainable fuels.

- All these proposed outcomes require concerted efforts from all G20 nations.
We cannot achieve our goals alone. It is only through international
collaboration, partnership, and solidarity that we can overcome them. This
platformprovides anopportunity for us to come together, share best practices,
forge alliances, and chart a course towards a more sustainable future.

- In the spirit of cooperation, let us approach our discussions with openness,

empathy, and a shared commitment to action. Let us leverage our expertise,
resources, and networks to drive meaningful progress towards a more
sustainable, equitable, and resilient energy future.

- I look forward to productive deliberations and tangible outcomes under

Brazil’s G20 Presidency.
Thank You

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