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The otters live near rivers and make their homes from small pieces of wood. Not many
people have seen them, as they usually come out of their homes at night. Otters are very
good in the water and can swim at more than 10 kilometres per hour. They have thick
brown hair and this keeps them warm in the water.
Why can’t many people see otters?
A. Because they come out at night.
B. Because they always swim.
C. Because they live near rivers.
D. Because the thick hair covers their body.

Thousands of people in Britain have a new hobby – line dancing. In almost every town, you
will find clubs and classes for this new activity. When did line dancing begin? Most people
think it started about fifteen years ago when American country music became famous in
What is NOT true about line dancing?
A. It is practiced in many places in Britain.
B. It is a new hobby of the modern British.

C. Its origin was the Country music in Britain.

D. It started fifteen years ago in Britain.
Her mother made a big chocolate _____ with ‘Happy
birthday’ on top.
A. dish
B. cake
C. food
D. meal

He save some biscuits and an apple for his _______.

A. meat
B. lunch
C. sweets
D. vegetables
One can take the fish and _____ outside, and people
take plates to take them home.
A. biscuits
B. fries
C. coke
D. chips

Did you remember to _____ wine into the other glass? Remember that you can’t use this
glass, it’s too old and dirty!
A. spray
B. sprinkle
C. pour
D. drop
He put a tray of ______ bread into the oven and the
amazing smell filled the room.
A. onions
B. tomato
C. pasta
Jann Mardenborough has loved cars since he was
D. garlic
given a toy one as a baby. He loved them so much that
when he was eight his father took him to a place where
children race small cars called karts. Staff at the kart
centre told Jann he drove so well, he might one day
become a racing driver. Unfortunately, the kart centre
closed soon afterwards, and there wasn't another one
near enough to his home that he could get to. Jann
What wasrace
main anymore.
reason why Jann couldn't race
karts anymore?
A. The children didn't race karts with him.

B. He couldn't find another kart centre in his area.

C. Staff at the kart centre stopped saying nice things to
D. He didn't want to be a racing driver in the future.
She _____ her neighbors intensely. They always play music loud at night and are very rude
to people in the neighborhood.
A. loves
B. dislikes
C. regrets
D. likes
When suddenly someone shouted 'Dolphins!', all I could see were fins everywhere - there
were more than a hundred dolphins, all swimming towards our boat! Many of them were
jumping around in the water as if they were asking us to come and play. Everywhere I
looked, all I could see was dolphins, swimming under me and round me. Then I
remembered the guide had told us to make sounds in the water to attract them. So I did and
actually heard them making similar sounds, as if they were trying to answer me.
What happened when Paul saw the dolphins?
A. Dolphins were inviting Paul and others to join them in
the water.
B. Dolphins copied what Paul did.
C. Paul failed to communicate with dolphins.
D. Dolphins tried to answer Paul but he couldn't
Waiter: Can I bring you a drink?
Chris: ________
A. That’s all right. Can we see the menu, please?

B. Yes, we’ll have two glasses of mineral water.

C. I'd like a salad and a main course.
D. Right. Where can we leave our coats?
He always ______ her to do the right thing. He is such a good brother!
A. discourages
B. courageous
C. encourages
D. courage
Today we have ice cream for ______. Which flavor would you like to try?
A. dessert
B. eat
C. appetizer
writes about the life in his village and on the farms near it. His fifth book is his favorite:
The Sheepdog is about a farmer and the dog that helps him. ‘I have always liked animals’,
says Bill, ‘and dogs are so clever, they learn very quickly’.
The general content of The Sheepdog is about _______.
A. the farm
B. the dog and his owner
C. the animal
D. the clever dogs
Twenty years ago, there were few otters in Great Britain. The water in the rivers was so
dirty that many fish and insects died and the otters couldn't find anything to eat. But today
there is lots of food for them because the rivers are clean again.
What was the main problem with otters in the past?
A. The insects were not many.
B. The rivers were clean.
C. They lost the food source.
D. There were a few individuals.
Dear Class,
I’m writing to remind you that tomorrow morning we’ll be having “Show & Tell”. You’ll
need to bring a special object from home that you’ll show to the class. You can bring a toy,
game, book, or something else that has special meaning to you.
For example, a student once brought an old movie ticket to “Show & Tell”. She explained
that it was special to her because she went to the movei with her favorite cousin, who she
doesn't see very often. The class liked it very much.
What does the teacher suggest about someone bringing an old movie ticket?
A. It wasn't interesting to the class.
B. It was a good idea.
C. It was an accident.
D. It was a very long time ago.
You will actually gain the ______ experience instead of just theories in books and stuff like
A. creative
B. imaginative
C. qualified
D. hands-on
Stephen: Sleeping well is very important. When I can get home to my mother’s house, I
sleep for ten hours. But I find it very difficult sleeping at night after a concert because my
head is full of music.
What is true about Stephen?

A. He thinks a lot about music after a concert.

B. He suffers from a sleep-related disease.
C. He always sleeps for a long time.
D. He likes to sleep at his mother’s house.
Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back only the boat. Although I
had enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was very cold. As I got dry I
noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realized what a very special moment we'd
had I'll never forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in my
How did Paul feel after one hour of swimming?
A. Paul wanted to swim more with dolphins.
B. Paul was pleased when the guide finally called them
C. Paul smiled with everyone on board.
D. Paul did not think of Kaikoura as a special experience.
The pupils of Grangetown High have been busy getting to know their newest and tallest
classmate - a 7-metre-tall giraffe outside their school. The giraffe is a huge metal sculpture
made by a local artist. The school's headmaster noticed the sculpture in the artist's garden
as he drove past one day, and thought it would be perfect for his school. He decided to write
a letter to the artist, asking how much it would cost to buy the giraffe. He was very kind and
got it ready to deliver in six weeks - all for nothing!
What is true about the metal giraffe?
A. It is a model used for learning at Grangetown High.
B. It is very friendly and expected to make friend with
C. The headmaster chose it from samples in the artist’s

of got the years
Now, thirteen metallater,
giraffe free
he has of charge.
written more than 80 books. Every day, he gives the work to his
wife and read. ‘She tells me when she doesn't like something’, says Bill. ‘My ten grandchildren don't live near
How but theylearn
did Bill also the
my stories and say
favorite if they
book are good or bad.’ And so Bill has learned what young children
A. By writing as many books for children as he could.
B. By thinking about his previous job as a teacher.
C. By asking his wife for writing books for him.
D. By asking his grandkids for suggestions.
She ______ the horse for several hours through the desert.
A. rode
B. drive
C. ride
D. driven
To open the door of your room, put the card into the door with the key symbol facing you. When you hear the
bell, remove the card and turn the handle.
You can use your key card to get into the hotel between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Put the card into the hotel main
entrance door with the key facing away from you. The door will open automatically when the bell rings. You do
not need to push the door.

We hope you enjoy your stay at the Eden Hotel.

Which of the following information is correctly mentioned in the hotel instruction?
A. You must push the hotel entrance door when you hear the bell.
B. The same key card can be used for your room and the hotel
C. It is better to not go out after 11 p.m and before 6 a.m.
D. The key symbol must be shown to the room door.
Then they bought some _____ of cola to drink and a big bag of sweets.
A. plates
B. cans
C. bowls
D. cups

The Ketogenic diet has become popular and brought many advantages. Some ______ foods to eat on a
ketogenic diet include seafood, low-carb vegetables and cheese.

A. healthy
B. strange
C. unhealthy
D. strict
went for a holiday there. We started with a week in the city she grew up in. Atter that, we toured around for a
while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, a small town on the coast. The first evening it seemed a rather
Whatplace, but
is true the next
about day
Paul’s I remembered
family trip? what I'd read about it - that it was often possible to see dolphins and
A. Paul has family connections with the place he first visited in New
B. The trip was mainly to see dolphins and wales.
C. Paul and his family didn't like Kaikoura much.
D. Paul and his family choose to go to Kaikoura as part of their tour.
Trả lời

mes from small pieces of wood. Not many

ut of their homes at night. Otters are very
10 kilometres per hour. They have thick

Because they come out at night.

bby – line dancing. In almost every town, you

. When did line dancing begin? Most people
American country music became famous in

Its origin was the Country music in





r glass? Remember that you can’t use this



He couldn't find another kart centre in

his area.

ys play music loud at night and are very rude


all I could see were fins everywhere - there

ming towards our boat! Many of them were
sking us to come and play. Everywhere I
g under me and round me. Then I
unds in the water to attract them. So I did and
s if they were trying to answer me.

Dolphins copied what Paul did.

Yes, we’ll have two glasses of mineral

e is such a good brother!


avor would you like to try?


he farms near it. His fifth book is his favorite:

hat helps him. ‘I have always liked animals’,
ery quickly’.

the dog and his owner

eat Britain. The water in the rivers was so

tters couldn't find anything to eat. But today
s are clean again.

They lost the food source.

ning we’ll be having “Show & Tell”. You’ll

you’ll show to the class. You can bring a toy,
meaning to you.
ovie ticket to “Show & Tell”. She explained
he movei with her favorite cousin, who she
bringing an old movie ticket?

It was a good idea.

nstead of just theories in books and stuff like

n I can get home to my mother’s house, I
sleeping at night after a concert because my

He thinks a lot about music after a


lled us to get back only the boat. Although I

ater by then as I was very cold. As I got dry I
nd I realized what a very special moment we'd
koura will always have a special place in my

Paul was pleased when the guide

finally called them back.

sy getting to know their newest and tallest

school. The giraffe is a huge metal sculpture
r noticed the sculpture in the artist's garden
d be perfect for his school. He decided to write
d cost to buy the giraffe. He was very kind and
The school got the metal giraffe free
of charge.
e than 80 books. Every day, he gives the work to his
thing’, says Bill. ‘My ten grandchildren don't live near
od or bad.’ And so Bill has learned what young children

D. By asking his grandkids for suggestions.

A. rode

or with the key symbol facing you. When you hear the

11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Put the card into the hotel main
oor will open automatically when the bell rings. You do

ed in the hotel instruction?

B. The same key card can be used for your

room and the hotel entrance.

bag of sweets.

B. cans

ny advantages. Some ______ foods to eat on a


A. healthy

city she grew up in. Atter that, we toured around for a

own on the coast. The first evening it seemed a rather
about it - that it was often possible to see dolphins and
A. Paul has family connections with the place
he first visited in New Zealand.
STT Câu hỏi TRẮC NGHIỆM Trả lời

Tamara was really curious about this girl that looked

like her, Adriana. She asked someone for Adriana’s
email address. When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she
found out that they both had the same birthday, they
looked the same and both of them were from Mexico.
Tamara and her sister were both born _________.
A. in different countries
B. in Mexico B. in Mexico
C. on different days
D. in America

Is he really (interest)________ in her? He barely looks

at her, and seems to just care about his own look.
2 A. interesting
B. interestive
C. interest
D. interested D. interested

______-time jobs are preferred in this area. People

earn quickly and easily, and they don't need to work
for too many hours.
3 A. long
B. all
C. short
D. part D. part
Northacre College

If you prefer the arts, look at the courses of

Woodwork, Art and much more at Northacre College.
This college also provides many vocational studies. You
can do a 1-year or 2-year certificate in subjects like
4 Electrics, Plumbing, Architecture and Hairdressing.
Harry wants to be a builder. What subject can he
choose to study?
A. Woodwork
B. Electrics
C. Architecture C. Architecture
D. Plumbing
The paragraph in Question 18 is followed by this
Still interested? Find out more at the Jobs Fair!
What could the next paragraph be about based on this
A. The information about company plans
B. The suggestions on building hobbies
C. The information about employment
C. The information about employment opportunities opportunities
D. The information about learning courses

The truth was found out. As Tamara’s parents could

not look after the girls, they went to live with different
families in the US. When they were twenty, they
happened to study at the same university.
Tamara’s parents ________.
A. moved from Mexico to USA
B. sent her away B. sent her away
C. are her foster parents
D. stayed in America for a long time
“Real job” training

If you don't want to study at college, you can get a job

training program in a local company. This type of
training is really enjoyed by both young people and
employers. You will get certificates and start earning.
But be quick – places are not many!
What is the problem with training programs in
A. They are expensive.
B. It is hard to find a job after taking part in these
C. They don't give you any certificates.
D. There are only a few available. D. There are only a few available.
Wyle River Academy

If you’re interested in going into Business, check out

Wyle River Academy. This school focuses on subjects
like Business Studies, Management and
Economics.Other than that, such studies as Farm
Mechanics and Animal Farming are also available for
8 people who prefer to work outdoors.
Anna wants to work with horses. Which course would
be suitable for her?
A. Economics
B. Animal Farming B. Animal Farming
C. Farm Mechanics
D. Business Studies
My mom had to ______ me her keys. I lost them on my
way to school yesterday.
A. bring
B. lend B. lend
C. put
D. borrow

It was so crowded that I couldn't see the singer! I

heard that an ______ of 2000 people attended the
show last night.
10 A. full
B. example
C. whole
D. average D. average

$500 dollars for a simple shirt? You need to learn to

manage your _________. This is not the first time you
have thrown your money away without thinking
A. payment
B. borrowing
C. expenses C. expenses
D. income

The apartment you are living in with your classmate

looks pretty and well decorated. How much do both of
you spend on ______ monthly?
12 A. rent A. rent
B. cleaning
C. staying
D. apartment

When Esther left school at the age of sixteen, her aunt

Flory gave her $500 for her birthday. Most of Esther’s
friends decided to go to college, but Esther used her
aunt’s money to start her own business. She bought
fruit, sugar and some glass jars and began making her
13 own jam. She sold the jam for $1 a jar to her friends
and she soon doubled her aunt’s $500.
Why did Esther make jam?
A. She wanted to make money. A. She wanted to make money.
B. She liked to increase her aunt’s money.
C. She liked to eat it.
D. She had a lot of fruit.

When Howard was a teenager, he often went to

restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing
this so much that he decided not to buy various clothes
and CDs; instead, he used his money to visit France and
eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French
and English cookbooks – he says he has more than two
14 hundred and fifty!

Where does Howard’s love for cooking come from?

A. His childhood memory of eating out
A. His childhood memory of eating out with family. with family.
B. His trips to France using his own money.
C. His eating experience in another country.
D. His English and French cookbooks.
The smoke is swallowed, and is _________ through
both the mouth and the nose.
A. consumed
B. exhaled B. exhaled
C. inhaled
D. breathe in

Something very strange happened to Tamara. She

never knew she had a twin sister until she started
university. One day when she was walking home from
class, a student smiled at her. “Hello Adriana!” said the
16 student. “I’m not Adriana,” said Tamara. This
happened to Tamara again and again.
Tamara didn’t know _______.
A. that she had a sister A. that she had a sister
B. that she was Mexican
C. what day her birthday was
D. which class she studies in
I’m afraid that I don't have enough cash here. Can I pay
with a ______card?
A. gift
B. credit B. credit
C. blue
D. play
Knowle Grammar School

Knowle Grammar School is a state school, so there are

no fees, and it has excellent teaching quality. It is a
boys’ school from the ages of 11-16, but not from 16-
18. However, not everyone can study there. You have
18 to achieve a good test score to get in.
You can only attend Knowle Grammar School if you
A. pass an exam A. pass an exam
B. are interested in state schools
C. can afford the school fee
D. are a boy

When Tamara went to live with the family in

Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with
a family there. Now, it has to be true! Adriana and
Tamara must be twins! “What a daydream!”, Tamara
said to herself because she used to imagine having a
19 The compound word “daydream” here means
A. a dream you have as you sleep during the day
B. a dream of a sleepwalker
C. an exciting feeling of meeting someone
D. a pleasant thought about something that you would D. a pleasant thought about something
like to have that you would like to have
“Real job” training

If you don't want to study at college, you can get a job

training program in a local company. This type of
training is really enjoyed by both young people and
20 employers. You will get certificates and start earning.
But be quick – places are limited!
The job training courses of companies _________.
A. are challenging experiences
B. receive high expectation B. receive high expectation
C. are unprofessional
D. let you earn money while learning

In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and

travelled to Asia with some other climbers. She found
that life on Mount Everest is hard. ‘You must carry
everything on your back’, she explained, ‘so you can
only take things that you will need. You can’t wash on
the mountain, and in the end I didn't even take a
21 toothbrush. I am usually a clean person but there is no
water, only snow. Water is very heavy so you only take
enough to drink!’
Rebecca didn’t take much luggage because she
A. didn't have many things
B. had to carry it herself B. had to carry it herself
C. was a dirty person
D. had a bad back

Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh,

the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinburgh
Festival. For three weeks every August and September
the city is filled with actors and artists from all over the
world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts
festival in Britain. During this time the streets are alive
with music and dance from early morning until late at
22 night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the
streets. One of the best parts of the Festival is the
“Fringe”, where students do comedy shows in small
hats and cafés.

Why do many people come to Edinburgh each year?

A. Because the comedy shows are too interesting.
B. Because the music is played till midnight.
C. Because the city has the biggest arts festival in the C. Because the city has the biggest arts
country. festival in the country.
D. Because there is a lively music show.

Joan and Mary lives together in a small flat. They don’t

earn much, so they have to really ______ to their
23 A. attach
B. follow
C. look
D. stick D. stick

Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to

see new movies and plays and hear music played by
famous musicians. This year, you can see over five
hundred performances with actors from more than
forty countries.

Of course, it is usually easier to see your favorite star

in Edinburgh than it is in London, not to mention the
cheap tickets – which is a plus point. So come to
Edinburgh next summer, but remember it can be
24 difficult to find a room, so why not book your hotel

What is the main reason to be part of the festival?

A. You can get the ticket very easily.
B. You can book a room to stay anytime in the year.
C. You can watch the five hundred movies performed by
different actors.
D. You can see well-known artists all over
D. You can see well-known artists all over the world. the world.

Stephen and Jenny Blackler are the owners of

Corryvale Farm. They raise cows and chickens, collect
milk and eggs, but most of their income comes from
Jenny’s sheep. She has 50 sheep and each one has
enough wool for six sweaters. Every six months,
Stephens cuts this wool off so the sheep won’t be in
scorching heat. Five years ago, Jenny made some
sweaters with the wool and tried to sell them at
country markets. Her products were released right in
25 the summer, so not many people buy that as the
weather was too hot. She then made some socks.
Everybody loved them because they were cheap, long-
lasting and easy to wash.
Why did Jenny and Stephen have to change the initial
item sold in markets?
A. Because the item was not suitable to use at that A. Because the item was not suitable to
time. use at that time.
B. Because they ran out of wool.
C. Because they needed to sell the wool as fast as
D. Because customers prefer something long-lasting and
I don't want to ______ you anything. I will get a job
and earn money soon. Don't worry for me.
A. owe A. owe
B. rent
C. lend
D. own

He save some biscuits and an apple for his _______.

A. vegetables
B. meat
C. lunch
D. sweets
She ______ the horse for several hours through the
A. driven
B. rode
C. ride
D. drive
If you are _______, you can get a drink bar upstairs.
A. dirty
3 B. hungry
C. thirsty
D. wet
The cake was so soft and moist. It just _____ in my
A. burns
B. runs
C. melts
D. freezes
Are you ______ this Sunday afternoon? I need you to
complete several tasks for me.
A. go
B. free
C. well
D. fine
Tamara was really curious about this girl that looked like her, Adriana. She asked someone for Adriana’s emai
Tamara and her sister were both born _________.
A. in Mexico
6 CheckCircleIcon
B. on different days
C. in different countries
D. in America

______-time jobs are preferred in this area. People earn

quickly and easily, and they don't need to work for too
many hours.
A. part
B. long
C. short
D. all
Tamara was really curious about this girl that looked like her, Adriana. She asked someone for Adriana’s emai
How did the sisters meet?
8 A. A friend introduced them.
B. Adriana contacted Tamara.
C. They met each other accidentally.
D. Tamara contacted Adriana.
The Ketogenic diet has become popular and brought many advantages. Some ______ foods to eat on a ketoge
A. strange
9 B. unhealthy
C. strict
D. healthy
He put a tray of ______ bread into the oven and the amazing smell filled the room.

A. onions
B. garlic
C. tomato
D. pasta
Jann Mardenborough has loved cars since he was given a toy one as a baby. He loved them so much that whe

What was the main reason why Jann couldn't race karts
A. The children didn't race karts with him.
B. He couldn't find another kart centre in his area.
C. Staff at the kart centre stopped saying nice things to

D. He didn't want to be a racing driver in the future.

Keith: Sport is important. Before I had a car accident, I was at the sports centre two and a half hours a day, fiv
What is true about Keith?
A. She doesn't go to the gym after the accident.
12 B. Her accident happened last year.
C. She has to reduce her time for exercising.

D. She goes to the sports centre five days a week now.

Dear Colleagues,
This is to let you know that I will be on holiday in sunny Malta for two weeks between August 31st and Septe
Have a good summer, everyone!
With best wishes,
13 Decide which information is INCORRECT?

A. Julia will be away from the office in three weeks.

B. Julia cannot be reached by e-mail in Malta.
C. Julia will take several pictures in Malta.

D. Julia will sell pictures to colleagues at her office.

Knowle Grammar School
Knowle Grammar School is a state school, so there are no fees, and it has excellent teaching quality. It is a boy
You can only attend Knowle Grammar School if you ________.
A. pass an exam
B. are interested in state schools
C. are a boy
D. can afford the school fee
The paragraph in Question 18 is followed by this subheading:
Still interested? Find out more at the Jobs Fair!
What could the next paragraph be about based on this subheading?
A. The information about company plans
B. The suggestions on building hobbies
C. The information about learning courses

D. The information about employment opportunities

Northacre College
If you prefer the arts, look at the courses of Woodwork, Art and much more at Northacre College. This college
Carol wants to work in a beauty salon. What subject can she choose to study?
16 A. Woodwork
B. Electrics
C. Hairdressing
D. Art
She _____ her neighbors intensely. They always play music loud at night and are very rude to people in the ne
A. likes
17 B. dislikes
C. regrets
D. loves
My family have always been huge fans of New Zealand – my mum comes from the capital - so we saved up an
What is true about Paul’s family trip?
A. Paul and his family choose to go to Kaikoura as part of
their tour.
B. Paul has family connections with the place he first
visited in New Zealand.
C. The trip was mainly to see dolphins and wales.
D. Paul and his family didn't like Kaikoura much.
The artist, Tom Bennett, was a university professor of chemistry before he retired in 2006 and only took up m
What was Tom’s experience with metalwork?
A. He started making medal objects while he was working
at university.
19 B. He thinks that he did an excellent drawing on his first
day at school.

C. He made a metal bicycle for himself and his wife.

D. He did some metalwork in his lessons on chemistry at
St. Leopold’s School
St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the area. It has various subjects in the hum
You can only get in St. Leopold’s School if you ___________.
20 A. can afford the school fee
B. pass an exam

C. study both humanities and sciences

D. are hard-working
Today we have ice cream for ______. Which flavor would you like to try?
A. cook
B. appetizer
C. dessert
1 D. eat
Bill writes about the life in his village and on the farms near it. His fifth book is his favorite: The Sheepdog is a
The general content of The Sheepdog is about _______.
A. the clever dogs
B. the animal
C. the farm
2 D. the dog and his owner
Last year, the book was made into a film with real animals and actors. The film-makers used the latest compu
What did Bill love about the movie?
A. The animals could actually speak.
B. The content was the same as of the book.
C. The director applied latest technology.
3 D. The movie had real animals and actors.
‘Line dancing is easy to learn. If you have two feet and can walk, then you can do it!’ Fiona, a teacher, says. ‘Y
Why can people make more friends when practicing line dancing?
A. Because they dance in groups.
B. Because they can be noisy.
C. Because there are many young people.
4 D. Because there are many old people.
My name is Anna King and I was born in a small town called Madison in Wyoming in the centre of the USA. W
What is true about Anna King?
A. She spoke with a young man who wanted to buy a new

B. She was mistaken with the man’s girlfriend, Michelle.

C. She left home and took a gap year.
D. She left home and began working in a department
5 store.
I’m afraid that I don't have enough cash here. Can I pay with a ______card?
A. blue
B. play
C. credit
6 D. gift
Is he really (interest)________ in her? He barely looks at her, and seems to just care about his own look.
A. interestive
B. interesting
C. interest
7 D. interested
If you are home________, you feel unhappy because you are away from home and are missing your family an
A. lost
B. owner
C. sick
8 D. town
You will actually gain the ______ experience instead of just theories in books and stuff like that.
A. imaginative
B. qualified
C. creative
9 D. hands-on
Did you remember to _____ wine into the other glass? Remember that you can’t use this glass, it’s too old an
A. sprinkle
B. spray
C. pour
10 D. drop
Then they bought some _____ of cola to drink and a big bag of sweets.
A. cups
B. plates
C. bowls
11 D. cans
I’d also like to remind you that you cannot bring pets to “Show & Tell”. I understand that your pets are specia
Why does the teacher say that students should not bring pets?
A. Not everyone has a pet to bring.
B. They are distracting.
C. Students like them too much.
12 D. They are noisy and dirty.
She ______ some perfume into the air, then closed her eyes, slowly breathed in and felt a sense of relaxation
A. sprinkled
B. sprayed
C. smelled
13 D. threw
“Real job” training
If you don't want to study at college, you can get a job training program in a local company. This type of train
What is the problem with training programs in companies?
A. They are expensive.
B. It is hard to find a job after taking part in these programs.
C. There are only a few available.
14 D. They don't give you any certificates.
The truth was found out. As Tamara’s parents could not look after the girls, they went to live with different fa
Tamara’s parents ________.
A. sent her away
B. stayed in America for a long time
C. moved from Mexico to USA
15 D. are her foster parents
You’re 16 and finally you can leave school! By now, you’re probably sick of teachers, desks, tests and exams. Y
The paragraph advises readers who want a professional career to _________.
A. stay at the same school for two more years
B. go to university and get a Master’s degree
C. go to university immediately
D. go to high school for two more years, then get a
16 degree
The pupils of Grangetown High have been busy getting to know their newest and tallest classmate - a 7-metre
What is true about the metal giraffe?
A. It is very friendly and expected to make friend with

B. It is a model used for learning at Grangetown High.

C. The headmaster chose it from samples in the artist’s

17 D. The school got the metal giraffe free of charge.

When suddenly someone shouted 'Dolphins!', all I could see were fins everywhere - there were more than a h
What happened when Paul saw the dolphins?
A. Dolphins were inviting Paul and others to join them in the water.
B. Dolphins tried to answer Paul but he couldn't understand.
C. Dolphins copied what Paul did.
18 D. Paul failed to communicate with dolphins.
Last year my dad got a new job. It was in a town which was 10 kms from our home. Mom and Dad decided we
Why did Megan’s family have to change their living environment?
A. Because her dad got a new job.
B. Because that was her mom’s decision.

C. Because the town was 10 kms from their old home.

D. Because the new place would be closer to her dad’s
19 workplace.
All the window_______ of this house have to be repainted! Can you see how dusty and old they look?
A. shields
B. shopping
C. frames
20 D. mills
The otters live near rivers and make their homes from small pieces of wood. Not many people have seen them
Why can’t many people see otters?
A. Because they live near rivers.
B. Because the thick hair covers their body.
C. Because they always swim.
1 D. Because they come out at night.
He always ______ her to do the right thing. He is such a good brother!
A. courageous
B. encourages
C. discourages
2 D. courage
Are you ______ this Sunday afternoon? I need you to complete several tasks for me.
A. go
B. well
C. free
3 D. fine
Something very strange happened to Tamara. She never knew she had a twin sister until she started universit
Tamara didn’t know _______.
A. which class she studies in
B. what day her birthday was

C. that she had a sister
6 D. that she was Mexican
I’m afraid that I don't have enough cash here. Can I pay with a ______card?
A. gift
B. credit
C. blue
7 D. play
My English is awful! I tried to talk to my neighbor, but she couldn’t understand a single word I said. I was so (e
A. embarrassed
B. embarrassing
C. embarrasingly
8 D. embarrassment
One can take the fish and _____ outside, and people take plates to take them home.
A. biscuits
B. fries
C. coke
9 D. chips
To open the door of your room, put the card into the door with the key symbol facing you. When you hear th
You can use your key card to get into the hotel between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Put the card into the hotel main e
We hope you enjoy your stay at the Eden Hotel.
Which of the following information is correctly mentioned in the hotel instruction?
A. You must push the hotel entrance door when you hear
the bell.
B. The same key card can be used for your room and the
hotel entrance.

C. It is better to not go out after 11 p.m and before 6 a.m.

10 D. The key symbol must be shown to the room door.

Twenty years ago, there were few otters in Great Britain. The water in the rivers was so dirty that many fish a
What was the main problem with otters in the past?
A. The insects were not many.
B. The rivers were clean.
C. They lost the food source.
11 D. There were a few individuals.
The robbers _____ in the bank and stole a large amount of money.
A. came
B. got
C. broke
12 D. went
Northacre College
If you prefer the arts, look at the courses of Woodwork, Art and much more at Northacre College. This college
Harry wants to be a builder. What subject can he choose to study?
A. Architecture
B. Woodwork
C. Plumbing
14 D. Electrics
When Tamara went to live with the family in Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family t
The compound word “daydream” here means _______.
A. a dream you have as you sleep during the day
B. a pleasant thought about something that you would
like to have
C. an exciting feeling of meeting someone
15 D. a dream of a sleepwalker
Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back only the boat. Although I had enjoyed myself
How did Paul feel after one hour of swimming?
A. Paul wanted to swim more with dolphins.
B. Paul smiled with everyone on board.
C. Paul was pleased when the guide finally called them

17 D. Paul did not think of Kaikoura as a special experience.

My family and I set off on a dolphin trip on a cold, grey day with a number of other people on a small boat. Ho
What did Paul feel during his boat trip?
A. He enjoyed the cold weather.
B. He had expected to go swimming closer to land.
C. He felt unhappy about the trip.
19 D. He was excited as they raced acrosse the waves.
St. Leopold’s School
St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the area. It has various subjects in the hum
You can only get in St. Leopold’s School if you ___________.
A. study both humanities and sciences
B. are hard-working
C. can afford the school fee
20 D. pass an exam

Câu 1:
We do not take cheques or credit cards.
What can be inferred from this statement?
A. You must pay with cash.
B. You must destroy your credit card.
C. You can show your cheque.
D. You can keep the product for free.
Trả lời

C. lunch

B. rode

C. thirsty

C. melts

B. free

looked like her, Adriana. She asked someone for Adriana’s email address. When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they b

A. in Mexico

A. part

looked like her, Adriana. She asked someone for Adriana’s email address. When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they b
D. Tamara contacted Adriana.
rought many advantages. Some ______ foods to eat on a ketogenic diet include seafood, low-carb vegetables and cheese.

D. healthy
nd the amazing smell filled the room.

B. garlic

was given a toy one as a baby. He loved them so much that when he was eight his father took him to a place where children race sm

He couldn't find another kart centre in his


ccident, I was at the sports centre two and a half hours a day, five days a week. I can’t do that now so I do about 150 sit-ups a day.

C. She has to reduce her time for exercising.

y in sunny Malta for two weeks between August 31st and September 14th. I will be back in the office on September 21st although yo

D. Julia will sell pictures to colleagues at her


here are no fees, and it has excellent teaching quality. It is a boys’ school from the ages of 11-16, but not from 16-18. However, not
if you ________.
A. pass an exam

his subheading:

d on this subheading?

D. The information about employment


Woodwork, Art and much more at Northacre College. This college also provides many vocational studies. You can do a 1-year or 2-yea
ubject can she choose to study?

C. Hairdressing

ys play music loud at night and are very rude to people in the neighborhood.

B. dislikes

w Zealand – my mum comes from the capital - so we saved up and went for a holiday there. We started with a week in the city she g

B. Paul has family connections with the place

he first visited in New Zealand.

essor of chemistry before he retired in 2006 and only took up metalwork a couple of years ago. But he had always been a keen artis

C. He made a metal bicycle for himself and

his wife.

all the high schools in the area. It has various subjects in the humanities and sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private school, so
A. can afford the school fee
avor would you like to try?

C. dessert

he farms near it. His fifth book is his favorite: The Sheepdog is about a farmer and the dog that helps him. ‘I have always liked anima

D. the dog and his owner

real animals and actors. The film-makers used the latest computer technology to make people think that the animals are speaking.

B. The content was the same as of the book.

feet and can walk, then you can do it!’ Fiona, a teacher, says. ‘You don't need a partner because you dance in groups. It’s the best w
cticing line dancing?
A. Because they dance in groups.

all town called Madison in Wyoming in the centre of the USA. When I was twenty, I moved to the east coast, to a town just south of

D. She left home and began working in a

department store.
Can I pay with a ______card?

C. credit

ely looks at her, and seems to just care about his own look.

D. interested
ecause you are away from home and are missing your family and friends very much.

C. sick
nstead of just theories in books and stuff like that.

D. hands-on
er glass? Remember that you can’t use this glass, it’s too old and dirty!

C. pour

and a big bag of sweets.

D. cans
ng pets to “Show & Tell”. I understand that your pets are special to you, but they may distract other students from listening to the l
d not bring pets?

B. They are distracting.

losed her eyes, slowly breathed in and felt a sense of relaxation.

B. sprayed

get a job training program in a local company. This type of training is really enjoyed by both young people and employers. You will g
n companies?

se programs.
C. There are only a few available.

could not look after the girls, they went to live with different families in the US. When they were twenty, they happened to study a

A. sent her away

now, you’re probably sick of teachers, desks, tests and exams. You really need to think carefully about what to do next. If you want
ofessional career to _________.

D. go to high school for two more years, then

get a degree
y getting to know their newest and tallest classmate - a 7-metre-tall giraffe outside their school. The giraffe is a huge metal sculptur
D. The school got the metal giraffe free of
, all I could see were fins everywhere - there were more than a hundred dolphins, all swimming towards our boat! Many of them we

n them in the water.

't understand.
C. Dolphins copied what Paul did.

wn which was 10 kms from our home. Mom and Dad decided we would have to move, because it was a long way for Dad to travel e
living environment?

D. Because the new place would be closer to

her dad’s workplace.
be repainted! Can you see how dusty and old they look?

C. frames

mes from small pieces of wood. Not many people have seen them, as they usually come out of their homes at night. Otters are very g

D. Because they come out at night.

e is such a good brother!

B. encourages

d you to complete several tasks for me.

C. free

She never knew she had a twin sister until she started university. One day when she was walking home from class, a student smiled
C. that she had a sister

Can I pay with a ______card?

B. credit

bor, but she couldn’t understand a single word I said. I was so (embarrass)_________.
A. embarrassed

people take plates to take them home.

nto the door with the key symbol facing you. When you hear the bell, remove the card and turn the handle.
el between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Put the card into the hotel main entrance door with the key facing away from you. The door will open

y mentioned in the hotel instruction?

B. The same key card can be used for your

room and the hotel entrance.

eat Britain. The water in the rivers was so dirty that many fish and insects died and the otters couldn't find anything to eat. But toda

They lost the food source.

ge amount of money.

C. broke

Woodwork, Art and much more at Northacre College. This college also provides many vocational studies. You can do a 1-year or 2-yea
he choose to study?
A. Architecture

Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family there. Now, it has to be true! Adriana and Tamara must be twins! “W
B. a pleasant thought about something that
you would like to have

lled us to get back only the boat. Although I had enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was very cold. As I got dr

C. Paul was pleased when the guide finally

called them back.

old, grey day with a number of other people on a small boat. However, the sky soon turned blue, and we raced across the waves in

C. He felt unhappy about the trip.

all the high schools in the area. It has various subjects in the humanities and sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private school, so

C. can afford the school fee

Adriana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were from Mexico.

Adriana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were from Mexico.
vegetables and cheese.

to a place where children race small cars called karts. Staff at the kart centre told Jann he drove so well, he might one day become a

so I do about 150 sit-ups a day.

ce on September 21st although you can reach me by email at this address between the 15th and the 21st. In Malta I am planning to

but not from 16-18. However, not everyone can study there. You have to achieve a good test score to get in.
dies. You can do a 1-year or 2-year certificate in subjects like Electrics, Plumbing, Architecture and Hairdressing.

rted with a week in the city she grew up in. Atter that, we toured around for a while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, a smal

t he had always been a keen artist. 'I've always drawn pictures,' he said. 'I can even remember doing it on my first day at school - I d

is, of course, a private school, so may be too expensive for some of you.
ps him. ‘I have always liked animals’, says Bill, ‘and dogs are so clever, they learn very quickly’.

nk that the animals are speaking. Bill was very pleased with the film. ‘Sometimes film-makers change the book, but they didn't chan

ou dance in groups. It’s the best way to make new friends. In my classes, there are young and old people. The boys like it because th

east coast, to a town just south of New York, to start a job in a department store. One day, a young man with short brown hair who w
er students from listening to the lesson. If you want to tell the class about your pet, then bring something that reminds you of the pe

people and employers. You will get certificates and start earning. But be quick – places are not many!

twenty, they happened to study at the same university.

bout what to do next. If you want to gain a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. To do that, you n

he giraffe is a huge metal sculpture made by a local artist. The school's headmaster noticed the sculpture in the artist's garden as he
wards our boat! Many of them were jumping around in the water as if they were asking us to come and play. Everywhere I looked, a

was a long way for Dad to travel every day.

homes at night. Otters are very good in the water and can swim at more than 10 kilometres per hour. They have thick brown hair a

home from class, a student smiled at her. “Hello Adriana!” said the student. “I’m not Adriana,” said Tamara. This happened to Tama
way from you. The door will open automatically when the bell rings. You do not need to push the door.

dn't find anything to eat. But today there is lots of food for them because the rivers are clean again.

dies. You can do a 1-year or 2-year certificate in subjects like Electrics, Plumbing, Architecture and Hairdressing.

na and Tamara must be twins! “What a daydream!”, Tamara said to herself because she used to imagine having a sister.
then as I was very cold. As I got dry I noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realized what a very special moment we'd ha

and we raced across the waves in the sunshine until we finally reached the place where we were supposed to go swimming. To my s

is, of course, a private school, so may be too expensive for some of you.
e from Mexico.

e from Mexico.
e might one day become a racing driver. Unfortunately, the kart centre closed soon afterwards, and there wasn't another one near e

In Malta I am planning to be completely offline and enjoy my holiday! I am taking my digital camera so I will send you some photos
chance in Kaikoura, a small town on the coast. The first evening it seemed a rather dull place, but the next day I remembered what I

my first day at school - I drew a horse. I wanted it to be the best horse picture ever, but I don't think I succeeded!'. Tom's first proje
book, but they didn't change mine and I love the film.’

The boys like it because they can make a lot of noise with their feet during the dances!’

ith short brown hair who was shopping in the store looked at me and asked, 'Are you Michelle Golden?'
that reminds you of the pet. For instance, you could bring your dog’s favorite toy or a can of your cat’s food.

degree. To do that, you need to stay at high school for another two years.

n the artist's garden as he drove past one day, and thought it would be perfect for his school. He decided to write a letter to the arti
ay. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was dolphins, swimming under me and round me. Then I remembered the guide had told us

ey have thick brown hair and this keeps them warm in the water.

a. This happened to Tamara again and again.

aving a sister.
y special moment we'd had I'll never forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in my heart.

d to go swimming. To my surprise, this was more than 40 km from land. I was quite cold by this time, and really starting to wonder w
wasn't another one near enough to his home that he could get to. Jann couldn't race karts anymore.

will send you some photos when I get back.

day I remembered what I'd read about it - that it was often possible to see dolphins and whales there!

ceeded!'. Tom's first project using metal was a bicycle for two that he and his wife could go cycling on together.
o write a letter to the artist, asking how much it would cost to buy the giraffe. He was very kind and got it ready to deliver in six wee
red the guide had told us to make sounds in the water to attract them. So I did and actually heard them making similar sounds, as if
in my heart.

eally starting to wonder why my family had made me come all the way out there.
ready to deliver in six weeks - all for nothing!
aking similar sounds, as if they were trying to answer me.

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