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and technique in
Method In Tefl
Approach in tefl
Approach refers to the general approach or philosophy used by
educators to teach English to non-native English speakers. This
approach directs the way a teacher views the language learning
process and forms a framework for their teaching practice. The
approach in TEFL provides general guidance about how English
should be taught and learned, as well as outlining the principles and
values ​underlying language teaching.
Various approaches
1. Communicative language teaching
2. A Task-based approach
3. Content-based instruction
4. Lexical approach
5. Audio-lingual method
6. Humanistic Approach
7. Cognitive Approach
Method in tefl
Method is a general description/plan of
presenting systematic language learning
and is based on the chosen approach.
Example of methods
1. Communicative Language 4. Total Physical Response (TPR)
Teaching (CLT) 5. The Direct Method
2. Suggestopedia 6. Grammar-Translation
3. Silent Way 7. Audio-Lingual
8. Task-based Language Learning
Technique in tefl
Definition Some example of
techniques :
A technique is implementational, 1. Repeat and re-phrase
meaning that a technique is 2. Cooperative Groups
something that actually takes place in 3. Visual aides, realia, maps, pictures, and
language teaching or learning in the multimedia
classrom. All activities that take place 4. Listening game as a fun technique
in a language class are technique 5. Telling a story as an Interesting teqniques
Approaches are positions, assumptions, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs
about the nature of language and the nature of language learning as
well as the application of both in pedagogical contexts; everything must
be grounded in sound theory. The method is a practical realization of
the approach. The method includes decisions about the types of
activities, the roles of teachers and students, the variety of suitable
materials, as well as several models of organizing the syllabus. A
technique is implementational, meaning that a technique is something
that actually takes place in language teaching or learning in the

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