It-1 Answer Script - HM

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CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 4. Outline the components of functions of hospital administration.

CO1 L2
PART - A (7 x 2 = 14)
1. Define hospital. CO1 L1
Hospital is an institution for the care, cure and treatment of the sick and wounded,
forthe study of diseases and for the training of doctors and nurses.
Hospitals are classified as general, specialty, or government depending on the
sourcesof income received.
Hospitals are usually funded by the public sector, health organizations (for profit
ornon-profit), health insurance companies, or charities, including direct charitable
donations. 5. Explain the profile of HRD manager. CO2 L2

2. What are the challenges in hospital administration? CO1 L1 Human resource managers are particularly remembered when the hospital
 Business and professional leaders who were initiated into the hospital scene as administrationis in trouble either due to strike/demonstration threat given by the
 trustees of voluntary hospitals; employees/their unions.
 The large number of physicians who are especially worry about the facilities i. Whenever any replacement or extra person is required in any department,
andservices available for the care of their patients; ii. Requisition for recruitment of personnel properly approved by the hospital
 Professional organizations which prescribe various standards of hospital iii. administrator if forwarded to the human resource department,
operationwhile granting approval to the hospitals; iv. Primarily responsible to notify the vacancy in the employment exchange or
 Academicians who are concerned about matching what they teach with the v. to place an advertisement in the newspapers.
requirements of the patients and hospital administration; vi. Conduct interviews and complete necessary formalities with regard to the
 Labour demanding standards of employment and working conditions. vii. appointment.
6. Outline the various aspects of training for hospital employees. CO2 L2
3. List out the Principles of Hospital Planning. CO1 L4
 Protection from unwanted and unnecessary disturbances to help speedy
 Separation of dissimilar activities
 Control the nurse’s station should be positioned strategically to enable proper
monitoring of visitors entering and leaving the ward, infants, and children
should be protected from theft and infection, etc.
 Circulation all the departments, yet keep the mall together; separate types of
 traffic, yet save steps for everybody; that is all there is to hospital planning
7. List the Objectives of human resource management. CO2 L4 OR

 Obtaining and developing the right personnel, b.Explain the components of the functions of Hospital Administration. 13 CO1 L2
 Providing effective motivation and leadership.
 Give the information on components of functions of Hospital administration.
 Paying attractive remuneration and treating them like brothers and sisters,
 A work flow diagram:
 Effective utilization of human resources in the achievement of
organizational goals.
PART - B (02 x 13 = 26)
8.a.Explain about the hospital management system functions. 13 CO1 L2

1. Write the main functions of the hospital management system.

○ Managerial functions
i) Planning
ii) Organizing
iii) Staffing o
iv) Directing
 the view point of a system and following lines explain the input, process and
v) Controlling
output part of Hospital Administration as Health Care Delivery System.
vi) Coordinating
○ Operational functions/ Functional areas
9.a. Explain about human resource inventory. 13 CO2 L2
i) Manpower planning
ii) Recruitment and selection  Definition of Human Resource Inventory
iii) Training and development  Human Resources Management plays an important role.
iv) Marketing of health services
v) Appraisal of staff members
vi) Law and ethics
vii) Public relations
2. Classification of Hospitals (Explain about each type of hospital with net

(a) Ownership (f) Level of Care

(b) Therapy System (g) Teaching Facilities
(c) Hospital Directory (h) Accreditation
(d) Size (i) Gender
(e) Clinical Criteria (j) Length of Stay.
 Human Resource Records and Forms
○ Reasons for human resource records
 Categories of Forms
 Permanent Records
○ Permanent records concerned with employees
○ Permanent Records concerned with the Position
 Forms which Become Permanent Record
 Temporary Forms
 Importance of Staffing NOTES:
Components of function
staffing Human Resource Management
provides the following in Health Care.
 They fulfil different types of functions:
1. Efficient Performance
o Strategic components
2. Use of Latest Technologycomponents
o operational
3. Development of Manpower
o support functions components
4. Optimum UseOR of Manpower
5. Proper Motivation
b. Explain the human
6. Higher Moraleresource management. 13 CO2 L2
 Elements of Staffing Process
 Definition
The scope ofof staffing
Human Resources Management
is very wide. in Hospital
The elements, steps or sub-activities of
staffing process are as follows: ii) Explain about the functional planning in hospital. 10 CO1 L2

1. Manpower Planning  Definition of Functional planning.

2. Recruitment  Important of Functional Planning with strategic Principle.
3. Selection  Functional Responsibility.
4. Placement of Personnel 1) Departmental coordination and innovation
5. Orientation or Induction Orientation 2) Managing teamwork.
6. Remuneration 3) Improving health care via lean management.
 A Brief History of Human Resource Management
7. Training  Seven steps to Functional planning via Strategic Planning (Explain about each
 Objectives of Human Resource Management
8. Development steps with roles)
PART - C (01 x 10 = 10) OR
10.a. i) Explain about the equipment planning in hospital.10 CO1 L2
b. Explain about the man power planning. 10 CO2 L2
 Definition of equipment planning.
 Definition of Man Power Planning
 Equipment planning process.
 Staffing
 Explain each steps with roles.
 Nature of Staffing
The nature of staffing are as follows:
1. Managerial Responsibility
2. Manpower Forecasting
4. Focusing Experts
5. Business Diversification

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