5 EKO - Poverty and Diseases

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Understanding Poverty and Disease

• not having basic things like good healthcare, clean water, and healthy food
• when people don’t have these things, they’re more likely to get sick and have a hard
time getting better
• especially in poorer countries, poverty makes it worse because:
▪ people can’t afford HIV tests or medicine
▪ poor conditions lead to risky behaviors like unsafe sex and drug use
▪ people with HIV/AIDS often face discrimination, which makes it
harder for them to get help
2. Malaria
• another disease closely linked with poverty, particularly in tropical regions
• poor housing, lack of mosquito control, and limited access to healthcare all
contribute to the spread of malaria in impoverished communities
3. Tuberculosis (TB)
• thrives in crowded, unsanitary conditions often found in poor areas
• limited access to healthcare and malnutrition weaken immune systems,
making people more susceptible to TB infection
4. Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
• common in regions with poor sanitation
• these diseases cause significant suffering and disability, further perpetuating
the cycle of poverty
Strategies for Intervention and Prevention
1. Improving healthcare access
• investing in healthcare infrastructure, training healthcare workers, and making
essential services affordable can improve access to treatment and prevention
programs for HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, and other diseases
2. Health Education and Promotion
• educating communities about disease prevention and promoting healthy
behaviors are critical steps in reducing the burden of disease
• health literacy programs can empower individuals to take control of their
health and make informed decisions
3. Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development
• creating economic opportunities, providing vocational training, and supporting
small businesses can lift communities out of poverty and improve overall
health outcomes
• economic empowerment can reduce vulnerability to disease and improve
access to healthcare
4. Social Inclusion and Advocacy
• fighting stigma and discrimination is essential for ensuring that everyone
receives equal treatment and support
• advocacy efforts can raise awareness, challenge harmful attitudes, and
promote social inclusion for those affected by poverty and disease

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