Child Labor TTS

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**Child Labour: Understanding and Addressing the Issue**

1. **De nition and Scope**

- Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives them of their
childhood, potential, and dignity, and that is harmful to their physical and mental development.
- It encompasses work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally dangerous and harmful to
children, interfering with their schooling.

2. **Extent of the Problem**

- Despite e orts, child labour remains prevalent, with approximately 152 million children globally
engaged in it, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).

3. **Causes**
- Poverty: Families in poverty often rely on children's income, prioritizing immediate needs over
long-term well-being.
- Lack of Education: Limited access to quality education perpetuates poverty and child labour.
- Cultural Factors: Norms and traditions may encourage child labour, viewing it as a means of
teaching responsibility.

4. **Consequences**
- Education Deprivation: Child labour deprives children of education, perpetuating illiteracy and
limiting future opportunities.
- Health Risks: Children in hazardous work face injuries, exposure to toxins, and long-term
health issues.
- Cycle of Poverty: Child labour perpetuates poverty by depriving children of education and
trapping families.

5. **E orts Towards Elimination**

- Legal Framework: International conventions and national legislation set standards and laws to
eliminate child labour.
- Education Initiatives: Increasing access to education and providing support to vulnerable
families can reduce reliance on child labour.
- Advocacy: Raising awareness and advocating for policy changes mobilize support for
eliminating child labour.

**Strategies to Combat Child Labour**

1. **Education Promotion**
- Access to Quality Education: Providing free, quality education reduces the economic need for
child labour.
- Incentives: Free meals, uniforms, and transportation encourage school attendance.

2. **Social Protection**
- Cash Transfer Programs: Providing nancial support to vulnerable families reduces reliance on
child labour.
- Social Safety Nets: Healthcare and unemployment bene ts mitigate poverty risks.

3. **Legislative Measures**
- Strengthening Laws: Enforcing laws prohibiting child labour and setting minimum age
requirements is crucial.
- Penalties: Implementing penalties for violators deters employers from engaging in child labour

4. **Community Empowerment**
- Community-Based Interventions: Engaging communities in addressing root causes fosters
sustainable solutions.
- Awareness Campaigns: Raising awareness about child labour's harmful e ects garners
community support.

5. **Corporate Responsibility**
- Supply Chain Monitoring: Companies can monitor supply chains to ensure products are not
produced using child labour.
- Ethical Sourcing: Supporting ethical sourcing practices contributes to eliminating child labour
in global supply chains.

6. **International Cooperation**
- Multilateral Collaboration: Collaborative e orts between governments, organizations, and civil
society are vital for global child labour eradication.
- Financial Support: Providing aid to countries facing challenges in combating child labour
facilitates e ective interventions.

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