LessonsFromTheFront V4 NB

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Frequently Asked Questions

March 2024

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March 2024

During the time that the fourth edition of Flames Of War has been out, players have asked questions about
the game. The questions and their answers have been gathered into this document. Please note that this is
an on-going project. To help players who have read earlier versions of Lessons From the Front, new material is
marked with a line in the left margin. — Phil Yates, Game Designer

FORCES, The Command Leadership rules give have one, or the Formation Commander
re-rolls if the Formation Commander has been Destroyed), it continues to fight
FORMATIONS, UNITS, is close enough and in Line of Sight. on. It no longer benefits from Command
AND TEAMS Do friendly teams block Line of Sight Leadership re-rolls, but is otherwise
What’s a Sherman Team? Is it a single for command? unaffected.
vehicle or a group of vehicles? No. Ignore friendly teams when deter-
There are four levels in Flames Of War: mining Line of Sight for Command MOVEMENT
• Force - everything you have in the purposes. Some Movement Orders only affect
game (a Force card is where you find teams in Line of Sight of the Unit
Can my Formation Commander give
Support Units). Leader. Do friendly teams block Line
Command Leadership re-rolls if he is
• Formation - a Western company or of Sight for Movement Orders?
in a Transport?
Soviet battalion, the core of your No. Ignore friendly teams when deter-
Yes. Whether a Formation Commander is
Force (a Formation card tells you mining Line of Sight for Movement
in a Transport or not has no effect.
which Units you can have in the Orders.
Formation). Can my Formation Commander give
If my Unit fails a Blitz Move movement
• Unit - a Western platoon or Soviet Command Leadership re-rolls if his
order, does it have to Move, or can it
company, the smallest grouping of tank is Bailed Out?
remain where it is and Go to Ground?
stuff (a Unit card tells you what Yes. Whether the Formation Commander
Yes it can Go to Ground. It doesn’t have
Teams are in the Unit and what is Bailed Out or not has no effect.
to Move further, and if it doesn’t, it’s Blitz
their characteristics are). Movement is ignored.
Most Command Leadership re-rolls
• Team - a single playing piece, either require the Formation Commander to
a single vehicle or a fire team of When a team moves using a Blitz Move
be close to the Unit Leader. However,
infantry. movement order, do they follow all
when Remounting a Bailed Out tank,
the normal Movement rules? Are they
What is an Artillery Unit? the rules say the tank itself has to be
actually moving?
It is a Unit with a weapon capable of close to the Formation Commander. Is
this right? Yes. A team using a Blitz Move movement
firing a Bombardment, i.e. one with a order doesn’t suddenly teleport to the new
ROF of Artillery or Salvo. Yes it is. If the Formation Commander
location. It moves 4”/10cm as normal,
wants to motivate a Bailed Out tank to
following all the rules for moving. Then,
MEASUREMENT Remount, they have to be close to that
once it has finished its movement, it no
tank, rather than the Unit Leader.
Is it possible for my team to be an exact longer counts as having moved.
distance from another team, say exactly Does the Command Leadership re-roll This means that it must take any Cross
4”/10cm, so neither less than 4”/10cm apply to the Remount test needed when tests necessary, roll to cross Minefields as
or more than 4”/10cm? a Bailed Out Tank is Bailed Out again? usual, and leaves any Foxholes it has dug
If your team is the exact distance from Yes. It applies to all Remount tests for any behind.
another team it is within the distance reason.
bracket, such as 4”/10cm in this example. I pass a Blitz Move movement order
Your teams will always only be within If a Team is Out of Command, if it and move 4”/10cm, then I move at
4”/10cm or further away than 4”/10cm. moves, it suffers a +1 penalty on its Tactical speed. Do I suffer the +1 to hit
rolls To Hit when shooting. Does this penalty?
+1 penalty apply to assaults as well? No. The +1 to hit penalty only occurs if
No. The penalty for being Out of you fail a Blitz Move movement order,
If a team ended its Movement so
Command only applies to shooting. in which case it applies to your shooting
that it was In Command at the
whether you move or not.
end of the Movement Step, does it What happens if my Formation does
remain In Command until its next not have a Formation Commander? If I move through several pieces of
Movement Step? If your Formation lacks a Formation Difficult Terrain, do I have to take a
Yes. In Command is defined by its posi- Commander (whether because, like a Cross check for each of them?
tion at the end of the Movement Step. Soviet Mixed Tank battalion, it can’t Yes.

If I moved into a wood last turn (and Can a Passenger Dismount using a What if the Tanks they were riding
took my Cross check then), do I need Shoot and Scoot movement order from Moved more than 10”/25cm at Tactical
to take another Cross check this turn a Transport vehicle that did not move Speed or used a Movement Order other
to move out of it? in the previous Movement Step? than Follow Me?
Yes. If you start your Movement in No. You can only Mount and Dismount Since that would stop them from
Difficult Terrain, you need to take a in the Movement Step. Charging into Contact if they had done
Cross check at that time. it, they cannot do so.
Can I use a Movement Order to
If a Unit Leader issues a Cross Here Dismount my infantry from a
order, can they use it to cross multiple Transport after it has moved?
pieces of Difficult Terrain? Why does a heavy Gun team like an
No. Teams cannot Dismount after their
8.8cm AA gun have a Moving ROF of
Yes they can. Any team from the Unit Transport has moved.
1 when it doesn’t have a Tactical speed?
crossing any of the Difficult Terrain
within 6”/15cm of where the Unit Can Passengers in a Transport take or When it is Pinned Down it shoots using
Leader crossed will benefit. dispute an Objective? its Moving ROF rating, getting only one
Yes they can. shot. Likewise, at the start of a Meeting
Does a Dig In or Mine Clearing move- Engagement, if the 8.8cm gun belongs to
ment order prevent teams that are not The Unit Transport rule requires that the first player, it will shoot as moving,
digging foxholes or clearing mines a Transport Attachment’s Unit Leader i.e. using its Moving ROF, so it will get
from moving? remain within 6”/15cm of the Infantry one shot in this case as well.
No. Teams that are not using the Unit’s Leader. What happens if the
Transport Attach­ ment’s Unit Leader My M4 Sherman tank has three
Movement Order can act as they wish.
can’t do this? machine-guns. The .50 cal AA MG has
Can a team move through a friend- Then the Transport Attachment has to ROF 3, while the other two only have a
ly team? be Sent to the Rear (see page 45 of the combined ROF 2. Why is that?
No. The Moving Through Gaps rule rulebook). Adding more machine-guns after the
applies. If the gap isn’t big enough, then first has diminishing returns. The first
you can’t move through it. Does the Unit Transport rule apply to machine-gun has the most effect, while
the Formation HQ transports? each additional machine-gun adds a
Remember, Infantry ignore their base
when using this rule, so Tank teams can Yes. They must remain near the smaller increment.
easily move between Infantry teams if Formation Commander.
there is even a small gap as the infantry CONCEALMENT
Can a Pinned Down infantry unit
simply move to the edges of their base to Do the general Concealment rules
Mount their Transport?
let the tanks pass. for Tall terrain apply to Hills and
Yes they can. However, they can’t move
Buildings? Is my tank concealed simply
Can my models end their movement towards visible enemy while doing so.
by being on a hill?
on top of other models? That means that their Transports need
Hills and Buildings do not follow the
No. to be behind them so they can fall back
rules for Tall Terrain as they have their
into them.
own rules for Concealment.
TRANSPORT If an infantry unit is Mounted
Are Transport Teams Tank Teams? Does a team need to be fully in or
in Transports, does it remain
Yes. All Teams are either Tank, Infantry, behind Short Terrain (such as a wall or
Pinned Down?
Gun, or Aircraft Teams. Transport hedge) to be Concealed? Is a team half
Yes, it remains Pinned Down. However,
Teams are Tank Teams with additional behind Tall Terrain (such as a tree line
this does not stop the Transports from
capabilities. or woods) Concealed?
moving towards the enemy, but when the
Unlike with Buildings and Hills, teams
My Formation HQ doesn’t have infantry Dismount, they will have to do
must be entirely within or behind Short
Transports, but my Infantry Units so away from the enemy if they are still
or Tall Terrain to be Concealed.
do. Can the infantry teams of my Pinned Down.
Formation HQ ride in the Infantry Does a team need to be fully in or
Some infantry (such as Soviet
Unit’s transports? behind Smoke to be gain the +1 To Hit
Tankodesantniki) are allowed to
Yes they can. If there is enough space in penalty when shot at?
Dismount to Charge into Contact
the Transports, the Formation HQ can in the Assault Step. Can they do this Teams must be entirely within or behind
squeeze in with the Infantry Unit. after the Tank they are riding moved at Smoke to gain its protection.
Dash Speed? Infantry teams that are stationary in
If a Unit is being carried as Passengers,
can they use the Blitz Move movement No. They have effectively moved at Dash Flat Terrain are Concealed. Teams in
order to Dismount? Speed themselves, so cannot Charge into Short Terrain are Concealed unless
Contact. the team looking at them is on a Hill
Yes, as long as all the rules for Dismounting
(such as you can’t do it after the Transport or other high ground. Is an Infantry
has moved) are obeyed.

team that is stationary in Short Terrain If I have a team on a high hill trying to ROTATE TO FACE
Concealed to a team looking at it from shoot at a team on the far side of a low Do all Teams need to rotate to face?
a Hill? building, can It do so? What about Infantry teams that have
Yes. While the Hill cancels the benefit of The height of a hill is exactly the height it an all-round field of fire?
the Short Terrain (essentially making it is modelled. The only way to know what All Teams, including Infantry teams,
the same as Flat Terrain), it doesn’t make you can see from that hill is to get down need to rotate to face their target.
stationary Infantry teams any more visi- to the level of the model and see if there is The purpose of the rule is to make it look
ble. They are still Concealed. a Line of Sight over the building or other like your toy soldiers are actually shooting
intervening obstacle to the opposing team. at their target, so they need to turn to
Does Smoke provide Concealment?
No. Smoke has its own effects separate A shooting team has line of sight to face them.
from Concealment, which is only provid- a window into a building containing How does this work when firing MG
ed by terrain. several infantry teams. Which ones can weapons on Tank teams?
I shoot at?
Do not rotate the team to face if the
GONE TO GROUND You can’t shoot through walls, so you’ll only weapon firing is a Self-defence AA
Is there any benefit to having my teams need to see the target team through a door weapon, or the tank does not have a turret
Gone to Ground if I’m not Concealed? or a window to be able to hit it. but the weapon is not Forward Firing.
No. Only teams that are Concealed The Terrain Table has a bit of an oddity Otherwise, rotate the turret or team like a
benefit from the additional +1 to be hit where it says that doors and windows are normal turreted or forward-firing team.
(taking the bonus from +1 to +2) for Short Terrain while the walls they are
being Gone to Ground. in are Tall Terrain. It makes more sense After rotating to face my target, other
to view the doors and windows as Tall enemy teams are now in my field of
So why can my teams be Gone to fire. Can I shoot at them now?
Terrain too.
Ground in the middle of an open field?
That means that you’ll be able to see any No. You determine your field of fire before
Suppose you have a tank behind a hedge. you pick your target. The rotation does
teams in the building that you have line
It doesn’t want to shoot or move, so is not change this.
of sight to through a door or a window,
Gone to Ground. To teams looking at it
and that are within 2”/5cm of the door What do I do if there isn’t enough space
from across the hedge, it is Concealed,
or window. to rotate a team to face the target?
so gets the +2 bonus to be hit for being
Concealed and Gone to Ground. The converse applies for teams looking out If the team can rotate by moving slight-
of the building at your troops too. ly away from the obstacle, then do so.
On the other hand, a team that is behind
the hedge looking at it will see it sitting If I shoot Smoke at a team in the upper Otherwise, it just rotates as far as it can
in the open in the middle of the field, storey of a building, where do I place and shoots anyway.
without concealment. In this case, there the Smoke Marker?
is no benefit from being Gone to Ground, DANGER CLOSE
As per the rules, you place the Smoke
and the team shoots at it with no penalty. Marker on the target team, in the Do Aircraft prevent other Aircraft from
building. firing at targets near them?
Can my Tank teams be Gone to No. Aircraft can shoot at targets within
Ground? Can a Team on a hill or in the upper the Danger Close range of Aircraft from
Yes. Infantry, Gun, and Tank teams can story of a building see over a Smoke their own Unit
all be Gone to Ground. In the case of a Marker?
Tank team, this represents the crew find- No. Teams beyond a Smoke Marker MIXED TARGETS
ing the best concealment available and always benefit from the effect of the smoke. My tanks are shooting at a unit of three
doing things like covering their tank in The only exception is Aircraft, which are enemy tanks, one standing in the open,
branches to make it harder to see. only affected by Smoke Markers within one concealed at the edge of a wood,
4”/10cm of the teams on the ground. and one out of sight behind the woods.
LINE OF SIGHT What score do I need to hit them if
Do the general Line of Sight rules For a Tank team, Line of Sight is drawn they are within 16”/40cm and have a
for Tall terrain apply to Hills and from the weapon mount. What if I’m Is Hit On number of 3+?
Buildings? firing an MG that has no obvious
If your tanks target the tank in the open,
No. The specific Line of Sight and weapon mount on the model?
they’ll need 3+ to hit. They could target
Concealment rules for Hills cover the In that case, draw the Line of Sight from the tank in the woods (needing 4+ as it
special case of Hills. the tank’s main gun. is Concealed), but would normally gain
How high are hill on the table? Are What if the Tank team has multiple little from doing so.
they infinitely high, or can they be MG mountings, such as a tank with
seen over? a co-axial MG beside the main gun in
The height of a hill is exactly the height it the turret and a bow gun in the front
is modelled. If you are on a higher point of the hull?
you can see over them. Choose one of the weapon mountings and
use that.

I’ve just scored three hits rolling 3, KILLING COMMANDERS If my Anti-aircraft team is in the
3, and 5. How are my hits allocated? If my Formation Command team is middle of a wood, can it still shoot at
Which hits can I allocate to the tank Destroyed, but succeeds in switching Aircraft?
in the woods? Can I allocate hits to the to a Team from another Unit, does the Yes, although the Aircraft will be
tank behind the woods? Formation HQ Unit still exist? Concealed. Nothing ever blocks Line of
The score you rolled to get the hit has no Since the Formation HQ Unit is defined Sight to Aircraft. Presumably the Anti-
impact on how the hits are allocated. as the Formation Command team (and aircraft Unit is set up in a small clearing.
Think of it this way. The hardest part of possibly other teams as well), and the
hitting a target on the modern battlefield Does Smoke ever block Line-of-Sight
Formation Commander still exists, the to and from Aircraft?
is finding it without being hit first. A HQ Unit still exists.
lone tank sitting in the open is a dead No. Smoke is in effect treated as Tall
giveaway. Where there’s one, there’ll be If my Formation Commander was Terrain for the purpose of Line-of-Sight
more. Now that you know where the Destroyed, but switched to a Team to Aircraft, meaning that an Anti-
enemy are, it’s a lot easier to find the rest from another Unit, does that Unit aircraft team or target within 4”/10cm
of the unit that’s trying to hide. count the Team taken by the Formation will have the +1 penalty for shooting
So, in game terms, having figured out Commander as being Destroyed? through Smoke .
where the enemy is, you’ve scored three No. That Team is simply is no longer part Does my Sherman have to point its
hits. The first hit has to go to the target of the Unit. The Unit continues on with turret at a Aircraft to shoot its AA
tank, and all hits have to be allocated one less Team. MG at it?
to valid targets, so the tank behind the What if the Unit no longer has any No. The AA MGs can engage targets in
woods can’t be hit. That leaves two more Teams left because the Formation different directions from the main 75mm
hits to be allocated. They have to be allo- Commander switched to the last Team gun. Since they cannot easily be reposi-
cated evenly, so one has to go to the tank in the Unit? Is the Unit Destroyed? tioned on the model and would have no
in the woods, leaving you the choice of effect if you could, you do not need to
A Unit that has no Teams left is not a
which of the two will take the second hit. point them at the target.
Unit, so yes, it is Destroyed.
What if the transport vehicle was
Destroyed by a Repeat Bombardment
(which also requires any Infantry teams When multiple Armoured Tank teams What ROF do Anti-aircraft weapons
that it hits to re-roll successful Saves). get Destroyed in a small area, the use when shooting at Aircraft in the
resulting area of Wreckage can make it enemy turn?
Yes. The Repeat Bombardment also
forces the Passengers to re-roll their difficult to position Teams to Launch They use their full ROF. If shooting in
Infantry Saves. Assaults, Hold Objectives, or Repel their own turn, this is whatever ROF they
Attacks. How do I handle this? would normally have, Moving ROF or
MISTAKEN TARGET The best way to handle this is to move Halted ROF depending on whether they
You have to assign one of the hits from aside or remove a wreck to make space moved if Dedicated AA, otherwise 1 die.
a shooting team to the team that it was for your Team. When your Team moves In the enemy turn, the fire with their
targeting. Does this restriction also away, place the wreck back where it came best ROF. That is normally their Halted
apply to the opponent when they use from. You can mark the position of the ROF, but if they have no Halted ROF,
the Mistaken Target rule? wreck by a base roughly the size of the that will be their Moving ROF, but
No. It is possible to use the Mistaken wreck or a token once again, with ROF 1 if they are not
Target rule to swap hits between the Dedicated AA.
target team and a team that had no hits PINNED DOWN
Anti-aircraft weapons shooting in the
assigned, resulting in the targeted team Do hits when firing Smoke count
enemy turn shoot immediately before
not having any hits on it. towards the number of hits needed to
the Aircraft shoots. Can you be more
Pin Down the target Unit?
As it says, the AA weapon shoots imme-
Does an Infantry team need to be
ANTI-AIRCRAFT SHOOTING diately before the Aircraft, so whenever
immediately behind a stone wall or
If a Tank Team shooting at Aircraft is the player declares that they are going to
similar bulletproof terrain to be in
at the very edge of a wood, does it see shoot with their Aircraft, the AA player
Bulletproof Cover?
the Aircraft unconcealed, as it would can jump in and try to shoot them down
No. So long as it is Concealed by the first. You can wait to shoot your Aircraft
bulletproof terrain, it is in Bulletproof an enemy tank?
until after your tanks have knocked out
Cover and the opponent needs to make a Yes, terrain works the same for Aircraft
the enemy AA weapons if you want to,
Firepower test to Destroy it. as for any other team, with the excep-
which would limit the amount of AA fire
tion that all Short Terrain and any Tall
they would take.
Terrain more than 4”/10cm from the
ground Team is ignored.

If my Anti-aircraft weapon shot in If my Artillery Battery fails to Range Range In on a new target. Can I use
my previous turn, can it shoot at an In, can it Shoot with direct fire? Can it the same team as the Spotting team for
Aircraft in the enemy turn? still be Gone to Ground? both Bombardments?
Yes it can. You don’t need to predict when No. It fired ranging shots for the Yes you can. However, although the
enemy Aircraft will appear. However, Bombardment, preventing it from Repeat Bombardment automatically
once it shoots at an Aircraft in the enemy Shooting and revealing its position. Ranges In on its first attempt, that
turn, it cannot shoot in its own next turn. still counts as the Spotting Team’s first
If I fail all my attempts to Range In Ranging In attempt. You can then use
If my Anti-aircraft weapon shoots at an with a One Use weapon, can I try the Spotting team’s second (and third if
Aircraft in the enemy turn, the rules say again later? necessary) attempt to Range In the other
the Weapon cannot shoot in Defensive Yes you can. Until you actually fire the Artillery Battery.
Fire or Assault in its next Assault step? Artillery Bombardment, you still have
How does that affect a Team? the ammunition to try again. Can I do it the other way around, with
If the weapon cannot shoot, the Team The same applies with other artillery the Spotting team Ranging In the new
can fire its other weapons in Defensive limitations such as the 30cm Nebelwerfer Artillery Bombardment first?
Fire. For example, a Sherman shoots its Command Card’s three Bombardment No. You must use the first attempt for
.50 cal AA MG at some aircraft, then is limitation. If you don’t actually fire Ranging In the Repeat Bombardment.
assaulted by some enemy infantry. It can the Bombardment, you don’t use the
shoot its MG in Defensive Fire, but not My Spotting team is Ranging In two
its .50 cal AA MG. Repeat Bombardments, then attempt-
My infantry unit has a mortar in it. ing to Range In a third Artillery
However, because one of its weapons
Does the mortar lose its Ranged In Battery. How does this work?
shot at an Aircraft in the enemy turn,
the Sherman cannot Assault in its next marker when the other, non-Artillery, Each time they Range In uses up one
Assault Step. teams move? of their attempts, so they’d use the first
No. Only remove the Ranged In marker two attempts Ranging In the Repeat
My Anti-aircraft team fires during if an Artillery team moves. Other teams Bombardments (remembering that both
the enemy turn at some aircraft, then can move without causing you to lose the Repeat Bombardments still count as
doesn’t do anything in their own next Ranged In marker. having Ranged In on their first attempt,
turn, are they Gone to Ground in the Infantry teams with Smoke Pots, such so have no penalty when rolling To Hit),
next enemy turn? as Soviet Engineer Sappers, do not leaving their third attempt to try to
No, it effectively grabbed its shooting remove the Ranged In marker of mortars Range In the third Artillery Battery with
from its own next turn. and other artillery in the unit when a +2 To Hit if they succeed.
The basic concept is it can’t be Gone to they move.
Ground if it shot in or since its last turn.
An Artillery Battery started with game Do tanks get a +1 to their Armour Save
with its Ranged In marker on the for being more than 16”/40cm from an
ARTILLERY table. Does it force enemy teams to Artillery Battery that hit them with an
Mortars like the 3-inch mortar don’t re-roll their Saves using the Repeating Artillery Bombardment?
have a direct-fire line. Does that mean Bombardments rule on the first turn. No. That bonus only applies to Armour
that they can only fire bombardments?
Yes it does. It is firing on its existing Saves from Shooting, not to Artillery
Yes it does. Ranged In marker, so it is a Repeated Bombardments.
Do Aircraft prevent you from firing an I successfully Ranged In with an
If I’m attempting to fire a Smoke
Artillery Bombardment near them? Artillery Battery on the first attempt.
Bombardment (and it’s a once per
Yes. Pilots really don’t like their own I then use the same Spotting Team to
game option) and fail to Range In, can
side firing explosive projectiles into their attempt to Range In a second Artillery
I try again later?
airspace. Battery, succeeding straight away.
Yes you can. Until you actually fire the
What are the To Hit penalties for these
RANGING IN Smoke Bombardment, you still have the
ammunition stocks to try again.
A Spotting team must have Line The first Battery was Ranged In on the
Of Sight to the Aiming Point when Spotting Team’s first attempt, so has no Can I use an existing Ranged In
Ranging In. Do friendly teams block penalty. The second Battery was Ranged marker from a previous turn to fire a
Line of Sight for spotting? In on the Spotting Team’s second attempt, Smoke Bombardment without needing
No. Ignore friendly teams when determin- so suffers the usual +1 To Hit penalty for to Range In again?
ing Line of Sight for Spotting purposes. Ranging In on the second attempt. Yes you can.
Can a Transport team that is part of the I have an Artillery Battery that is firing Can a Team on a hill or in the upper
Formation HQ Spot for an Artillery a Repeat Bombardment. I also have story of a building see over a Smoke
Bombardment? another Artillery Battery that I want to Screen from a Bombardment?
No. An HQ Transport cannot Spot for an No. The only things that can see or be seen
Artillery Bombardment. over a Smoke Screen are Aircraft, since
nothing blocks Line of Sight to Aircraft.

Do Smoke Bombardments Pin Down If I can just get a corner of my team of them if fewer) are Bailed Out or
target Units? into Contact is that enough? Destroyed by Defensive Fire, regardless
No, they do not. No. The rules require the front edge to be of the number of hits they take.
in contact, not a corner. This means that all Armoured Tank
ASSAULTS Do I have to Contact the front edge
teams, even those with Top Armour 0,
require two vehicles to be Bailed Out
CHARGE INTO CONTACT of the enemy team, or can I contact it or Destroyed to prevent them from
An Infantry team has Contacted the anywhere? assaulting.
enemy if ‘its front edge is as close as it You can Contact any part of the enemy
can get to the enemy team’ or ‘its front team with the front edge of your team, If my Infantry teams are stationary in
edge is as close as it can get to another the front, side, or rear of its base, or even Flat Terrain, and therefore Concealed,
Infantry team from its own Unit that a corner of its base. can they use the Sneaking Up on Tanks
is directly in Contact with an enemy rule to prevent the Tank teams that
team.’ What does the phrase ‘as close as Do I need to be square to the enemy they are Assaulting from performing
it can get’ mean? team’s base when I Contact them? Defensive Fire?
This phrase is used to cover all the phys- No. You stop when you Contact them, No. The Infantry must be Concealed by
ical things that can prevent a team from and may or may not be square on to them Short or Tall Terrain.
being placed physically in contact with at that point.
another, such as a wall or hedge between If one of my Infantry teams is already
Can a Tank contact the enemy by In Contact with an enemy Tank team,
them, or even irregularities in the table moving into contact with another tank
surface. Basically, if you can’t fit them any can I move a team less than 4”/10cm
that is in Contact with the enemy? from that team out of Concealing
closer together than they are, then they
No. Only Infantry teams can Contact Terrain and into Contact with the rear
are in Contact.
the enemy through a friendly team, of my Infantry team and then use the
I want to assault an enemy Team and only if that friendly team is also an Sneaking Up on Tanks rule to prevent
behind a hedge or wrecked tank. How Infantry team. the Tank from using Defensive Fire?
close to the enemy Team do I need to No. It’s impossible to sneak up on a tank
Do I have to Charge into Contact with
be to launch the Assault? when another team has already charged
the closest enemy team?
There’s no set distance for this. You must into contact with it and alerted it to your
No you don’t. You can Charge into
be able to move into Contact with the presence.
Contact with any enemy team that is
enemy Team by moving 4”/10cm or If there is any doubt, move all the teams
close enough, but you must take the short-
less. If there is nothing between the your that are Sneaking Up on Tanks before
est route to Contact that team.
Assaulting Team and the Team being moving any teams that are not.
charged, then your Assaulting Team If an enemy team Charged into
would need to be within 4”/10cm of the Contact with the rear of my team, is Does getting Pinned Down by some-
enemy Team to Charge into Contact. that team in Contact with the team thing like being hit by a Minefield or
In the case where there is an obstacle that Charged it when I Counterattack? the Defensive Fire of a Flame-thrower
physically preventing your Assaulting Does the team move when Charging force my assaulting Unit to Fall Back
Team from actually touching the enemy into Contact? and end the assault?
Team, then your Assaulting Team would If an enemy team is in Contact with No. The only thing that forces you to Fall
only need to be within 4”/10cm of the your team, then your team is already Back is taking a sufficient number of hits
obstacle, since after moving 4”/10cm in Contact with that enemy team. from Defensive Fire. A single hit that
while Charging into Contact it would be That means that it does not move when Pins Down a Unit will not do that.
in Contact with (as close as it can physi- Charging into Contact. If a tank charges a gun with the
cally get to) the enemy Team. Forward Firing rule from slightly off to
When I assault troops in a building,
Does that allow an Infantry team that do I have to go through the doors and the side, it will hit the front at an angle
is 4”/10cm behind another Infantry windows? and, because a small part of the tank is
team that is already in Contact to behind the front of the gun, it will now
Yes. The walls are Impassable Terrain, so
Charge into Contact? technically be out of the gun’s Field of
you can’t move or fight through them.
Yes. As long as its 4”/10cm move brings Fire, preventing the gun from shooting
it into Contact with the enemy (wheth- DEFENSIVE FIRE in Defensive Fire. Is this right?
er directly or by Contacting a fellow The reprinted (Late War) rulebook has While it is technically correct, it makes
Infantry team), it can charge. a change to how Defensive Fire forces no sense as it would essentially prevent
back Armoured Tank teams. The rule Forward Firing weapons from shooting
If my Infantry team doesn’t have now reads: in Defensive Fire in most situations.
enough movement to physically touch
If all the Assaulting teams are A better interpretation of the rule is that
the enemy team, but moves as close
Armoured Tank teams, they only Fall if the tank was a valid target at the start
as it can given its charge move, is it in
Back if two or more of them (or all of its Charge into Contact, and is still
No. It is still not as close as it can possi- at least partly in front of the team’s base
bly get to the enemy team, so it is not in when it makes Contact with a defend-
Contact. ing team, then the team can shoot in
Defensive Fire.

Can the team then use its Anti-tank COUNTERATTACK Unless the defenders Consolidate away
rating against the tank’s Side Armour I have passed my roll to Counterattack. from your second Unit (so that it can
rating when it counterattacks, or does Can I add additional teams into the no longer Charge into Contact), it can
it have to use the default Anti-tank Assault, or am I limited to those teams launch its own assault once the first
2 against Top Armour? already involved? is over.
Again, while the tank is not technically You are limited to those teams already An enemy Tank Unit assaults my
in its Field of Fire (the requirement for involved in the assault. That means only infantry and forces them to Break
using the gun’s Anti-tank rating), if the the teams that originally assaulted on the Off. I have tanks within 6”/15cm of
tank was in the team’s Field of Fire for attacker’s side and those originally within the assaulting teams, do my tanks also
Defensive Fire and still has at least part 8”/20cm of them on the defender’s side. need to Break Off?
of the tank in front of the gun’s base, then
it should be in the team’s Field of Fire for If my defending Unit passes its Yes they do. As the defender in the assault,
this purpose as well. Motivation test to Counterattack, can all of your teams within 8”/20cm of an
it Charge into Contact with teams assaulting team are part of the assault.
ASSAULT COMBAT from other Units on the attacking That makes your tanks part of the assault
If I have two teams in Contact with player’s side? (and thus able to shoot in Defensive Fire)
two enemy teams and both of enemy No. Neither player may bring additional even though the assaulting tanks cannot
teams score hits, can I allocate both teams into the assault. On the attacking directly attack them. So, when their
hits to the same team? player’s side, only the teams that initially infantry support falls back, they do too.
No. You must spread the hits around if assaulted are in the fight. On the defend- My tanks failed their Counterattack
there are multiple teams that are eligible er’s side, only those within 8”/20cm of test and are Breaking Off. Directly
targets. them at the start of the assault are in behind them there is a hedge, but just
the fight. off to the side is a gate. Do they have to
If I have an Infantry team and a Tank
When my Unit Counterattacks, can I go back over the hedge and risk failing
team, both in Contact with an enemy
move teams that have been Contacted their Cross test and getting captured,
rifle team and an enemy bazooka team,
by the enemy? or can they detour through the gate”
can I allocate the bazooka hit to the
Infantry team and the rifle team’s hit to No. A team that is in Contact with the The rules are deliberately somewhat soft
the Tank team? enemy, either because the enemy Charged on the matter. It would be silly to require
into Contact with them, or because the the tank to cross the hedge if it could
Yes. Presumably the Infantry team were
team Charged into Contact with the move a few millimetres to the side and go
attempting to protect the Tank team from
enemy, cannot move. It is already in through the gate, for instance.
the bazooka, and kept it away from the
Tank team, but died in the process. Contact with the enemy (because the If a team can dodge an obstacle, it may
enemy is in Contact with it), and must if you want it to. Whichever choice you
My Bazooka anti-tank teams have fight the enemy it is in Contact with make, though, it must take the shortest
the Assault 6 special rule. What does before seeking out other targets. path to do so.
this mean?
My Tank assaulted two Infantry teams, Can I use my Teams to build a wall
It means that instead of hitting on a 5+
one inside a building and one outside. around an enemy Team to prevent it
in Assaults like the larger M1 Garand
They destroyed the team that was Breaking Off and force it to surrender?
rifle teams, the small Bazooka teams hit
on a roll of 6. outside. Have I won the assault since No. If a Team is unable to Break Off
there are no more teams that they can due to its potential paths to safety being
How do my infantry kill tanks in Contact with a 4”/10cm move (since blocked by enemy Teams, move those
assaults? the building is Impassable to my Tank)? enemy Teams by the minimum distance
Infantry that hit a tank in an Assault Yes. There are no more teams that you can necessary to allow the Team to Break Off.
may either use their normal Anti-tank assault, so you have won the assault. My Infantry Unit has to Break Off after
rating against a tank’s Side armour or
being assaulted by a Tank. They are all
Anti-tank 2 against its Top armour. BREAKING OFF
in a Building, which is Impassable to
Using weapons like the Bazooka can I have two Units ready to launch
the Tank, so do they have to run out of
be very effective against lighter vehicles assaults on an enemy Infantry unit. My
the building?
like the Panzer IV, but have limited first Unit assaults and is forced to Break
effect against heavy tanks like the Tiger. No. When Breaking Off, you must move
Off. My other Unit is within 6”/15cm
Against these infantry in the open can until you are 6”/15cm from all Assaulting
of the victorious defending Infantry
only endure and hope the tanks break off teams. However, if you are in, or enter a
unit. Does it have to Break Off as well,
before the infantry’s own determination place where no Assaulting teams could
or can it still launch its own assault?
to counterattack fails. reach you with a 6”/15cm move due to
Only Units that were part of the assault
Impassable Terrain, you do not need to
can be forced to Break Off. Since you
move further away.
cannot assault with two Units at the
same time, your second Unit cannot have If I Counterattack against a team in a
been part of the assault, so does not need Minefield, do I risk getting hit by it?
to Break Off. Yes, even if the models didn’t move, they
are still moving around in a minefield.

CONSOLIDATION A Transport Unit with just one team the first attempt. Normally, they would
Can an Infantry Unit that is Pinned remaining would need to take a Unit now move on to their second attempt and
Down Consolidate towards visible Last Stand test at the start of each turn. try to Range In another battery.
enemy teams? Does it still need to do so if I Send it Instead, the Mike Target rule allows them
Yes it can. The restriction against moving to the Rear? to make another first attempt to range In
towards visible enemy teams while Yes. They are still disturbed by the another battery. Let’s say that they fail to
Pinned Down does not apply while number of casualties they’ve taken and Range In that battery. Now, having used
Consolidating. are likely to be reluctant to return to the the bonus attempt allowed by the Mike
front when called upon. Target rule, they move on to their second
BUILDINGS attempt.
A Formation is In Good Spirits if it has
How should I handle multiple storey Let’s say they fail again, and move on
two Units still in existence. Can the
buildings? to their third attempt. This time they
HQ be one of those?
The easiest way to handle it in the case succeed and Range In the second battery,
Yes it can, although it doesn’t have to be. which will suffer a +2 penalty to hit for
of small buildings is just treat them as
one space that can fit more Teams than a Do the Units need to be In Good having Ranged In on the Spotting Team’s
single-storey building. Spirits to keep their Formation In third attempt.
If the building is particularly large, you Good Spirits? Having successfully Ranged In another
might want to break it up into a series of No, they just have to still be in existence. battery, the Mike Target rule comes into
rooms, treating each room as a separate effect again, allowing the spotter to make
building that can either be reached direct- Can Independent Teams be part of a another third attempt to Range In the
ly from the outside (although moving into Formation? Can you count them as last battery. Again they succeed, so the
an upstairs room from outside will not Units to keep the Formation In Good third battery is also Ranged In on the
normally be possible) or from the rooms Spirits? third attempt and suffers the +2 penalty
beside, above, or below it. No, they are never part of a Formation. to hit.
The Artillery Bombardments are then
LAST STAND SPECIAL RULES resolved in the order in which they were
I have a Unit that started the game BRITISH RULES Ranged In.
with one tank. When does it have to The British Night Attack rule stops When I Range In additional Artillery
take a Unit Last Stand test? Units that don’t have the Night Attack Batteries using the Mike Target spe-
A Unit only needs to take a Last Stand rule from moving out of their deploy- cial rule, do they need to use the same
Test at the start of a turn when it had at ment area. Isn’t this a rather harsh Aiming Point?
least one team Destroyed or Bailed Out. restriction on the opponent? No. They can use any valid Aiming Point.
So, your Unit would only need to test if The rule only applies to the player making
the tank was Bailed Out and failed to a Night Attack. Any of their formations Can I use the Mike Target special rule
Remount. that can’t Night Attack have to wait until to Range In a Unit without that rule,
dawn to move forward to support the such as a Mortar Platoon?
The phrase ‘only count teams that are
attack. Their opponent’s Units are free to No. You can only use the Mike Target
In Command’ under In Good Spirits
move as they like. rule to Range In an Artillery Battery that
in Unit Last Stand only refers to the
also has the Mike Target rule.
second part of the rule that lists how I have a Commando Section as
many teams you need to be In Good a Formation Support Unit. The GERMAN RULES
Spirits if you’ve taken casualties, Commando Troop Formation has The German Stormtroopers rule allows
correct? Night Attack. If I have a Formation them to attempt a second Movement
Yes. Driving away from them doesn’t (such as a Rifle Company) that can Order after succeeding in the first. Can
make the morale effect of the casualties Night Attack, can this Unit move out I use this to take a Blitz Move and then
go away. of the deployment area? Dig In?
Yes. Since the Unit is from a Formation No. You cannot Dig In if you’ve moved
My unit had three tanks at the end of
with Night Attack, it can advance with using a Blitz Move order.
my last Movement Step and they were
the main Night Attack Formation.
all In Command. My opponent shot The Mounted Assault rule gives
two of them, leaving just one alive. I have a spotter who is attempting to German half-tracks a bonus for their
Are the two Destroyed tanks still In Range in three 25 pdr Field Troops. Passengers when assaulting. If the half-
Command? Do they stop me from These artillery batteries have the Mike track is Bailed Out and the Unit fails
needing to take a Last Stand test? Target special rule that allows the its Counterattack roll, so has to Break
They aren’t In Command, they’re dead! spotter to immediately roll to Range Off, can the Passengers dismount and
The unit only has one tank In Command, In another battery when they succeed Break Off, or are they stuck in the half-
so needs to take a Last Stand test. in Ranging In another. How does track and Destroyed?
this work?
A Bailed Out half-track cannot Break
An example might be the best way to Off, so it is Destroyed. Passengers in a
explain this. Let’s say that your spotter Transport that is Destroyed in an Assault
succeeds in Ranging In the first battery on are also Destroyed.

TANKODESANTNIKI & Can passengers in a Transport take or AMBUSH
TANK ESCORTS dispute an Objective? When I place a Gun Unit in Ambush
The Tankodesantniki and Tank Escorts Yes they can. with its Transport, do the Gun teams
rules allow Passengers to Dismount have to be Mounted when they are
when Charging into Contact. Does DEPLOYMENT placed from Ambush?
this allow them to Charge into Contact In missions like Free-for-All that have Yes. Like Infantry teams, Gun teams
at the same time as the Tank Unit they alternating deployment, can I ‘deploy’ ambushing with their Transports must
are riding? my Aircraft to effectively skip my turn be Mounted. If they don’t want to
No. The rule allows them to Dismount to deploy? Ambush mounted in their Transports, the
when Charging into Contact, but does No. Aircraft must be your last deployment Transports must be Sent to the Rear.
not change the times when they can after all other Units have been deployed.
Charge into Contact. RESERVES
HOLDING OBJECTIVES How do I work out my Reserves if I
Assaults are launched by one Unit at
Can I place an Objective partly under a have spent less then the permitted
a time. If the Tank Unit launches an
building or a hedge? maximum points on my force?
Assault, the Passengers remain aboard,
unable to do anything. If the Passengers No. An Objective must be placed flat The important point to remember is that
launch an Assault, they Dismount and on the table or on a piece of terrain. It you are allowed 60% of the permitted
Charge into Contact, leaving the Tanks cannot be placed under terrain. maximum points value on table at the
behind to assault separately later. The reprinted (Late War) rulebook has start of a game with Reserves. So, if your
a change to how Holding Objectives force is smaller, it just means that your
Do the Tankodesantniki and Tank Reserves will be less than the remain-
Escorts rules allow Passengers to works. The rule now reads:
ing 40%.
Dismount when the Tank Unit You are Holding an Objective if you
Counterattacks? start your turn with a Tank, Infantry, If I have a Unit that counts as 0 points
No. The Passengers cannot Charge into or Gun team within 4”/10cm of an for Reserves (such as an FFI Platoon
Contact as they are not an Assaulting Objective, and end it with no opposing supporting a D-Day American force),
Unit (the only Assaulting Unit is the Tank, Infantry, or Gun teams within how does this work?
Tanks they are riding). Since they are 4”/10cm of that Objective. You can have 60% of your points on
not Charging into Contact, they cannot This is the same method of taking and table, so if the game is 100 points, you
Dismount. Holding Objectives that was introduced can have 60 points on table. Since this
in More Missions in 2017. Unit is counted as 0 points, you can have
If a Tank Unit with Passengers that it and 60 more points on table.
have the Tankodesantniki or Tank When do you check if a Unit is
Escorts rule launches an Assault, Holding an Objective? Can a Team How do my troops arrive from
can it be Forced Back by five Hits in that started the turn Bailed Out, but Reserves? Can I just place them on the
Defensive Fire? then Remounted Hold an Objective? edge of the table and begin shooting?
No. The Passengers are not an Assaulting A Team triggers the Holding the Teams arriving from Reserve move on
Unit, only the Tank Unit is Assaulting. Objective rule after you have Checked from the edge of the table. Simply pick a
The Passengers are only along for the ride. Victory Conditions. If its still there and point on the table edge and measure their
It is better to either dismount the not Bailed Out, then you’ve met the first movement from there.
Passengers in the Movement Step before criteria of starting the turn with a Team
on the Objective. Now all you need to How does a Unit of Guns enter the
the Tank Unit assaults, or use their spe- table from Reserves if it doesn’t have a
cial rule to Dismount and Charge with do to Hold the Objective is end the turn
with no opposing teams within 4”/10cm Tactical speed?
the Passengers before later assaulting with
of the Objective. It must move onto the table at Dash
the Tank Unit, as being a Passenger on
speed. In addition, some Gun teams have
a Tank in an Assault is dangerous (since The Holding Objectives rule says that a Tactical speed that is too slow to allow
every defensive fire hit on a Tank will also a Team that moved at Dash speed them to move onto the table, so they too
hit all of its Passengers, and all passengers cannot take an Objective nor prevent need to move at Dash speed.
are Destroyed if the Tank is Destroyed). the enemy from taking it. How does If a Unit is unable to move at all (such as
this work? a Gun that has been converted to a Nest
MISSIONS What it means is that an opposing Team by a Command Card), it cannot move
All infantry are in Foxholes at the start that only came within 4”/10cm of the onto the table, so putting it in Reserve
of the game. Does this include infantry Objective in its turn by moving at Dash is equivalent to having it Left Out of
that deployed in No Man’s Land using speed cannot stop you from Holding the Battle.
the Spearhead rule? Objective in your turn. If you end your
Yes it does. turn with no other enemy teams within
4”/10cm, you Hold the Objective.

As the war progresses, the definition When deploying a Unit in the area The Unit is fine as long as it remains
of a tank changes. The Deep Reserves around a Spearhead Unit, what does in its foxholes. However, if it moves or
rule needs to change to match this as the rule prohibiting placing the unit in counter­attacks if assaulted, it will have
follows: a place that the Spearhead Unit cannot to test for casualties like any other Unit
In a mission with Deep Reserves, you may go mean? crossing a Minefield.
only place one Battle Tank Unit or one Units deploying around the Spearhead
If a Unit deployed in a Minefield, how
Aircraft Unit on the table at the start of Unit need to be able to move from the
does it go about clearing it?
the game. All remaining units of these Spearhead Unit’s location to their deploy-
types must be held in Reserves. ment location. So you can’t deploy your It moves ‘into’ the Minefield (i.e. out of
Unit across impassable terrain like a its carefully prepared defences) testing to
In Late War, a Battle Tank Unit is one
river or cliff. do so as normal. Then in the next turn
with Front Armour of 4 or more. In Mid
(having moved into the Minefield on a
War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with
If my Spearhead Unit were armoured previous turn as required by the rules),
Front Armour of 3 or more. In Early
cars (which cannot enter a building), the Unit Leader issues a Mine Clearing
War, a Battle Tank Unit is one with Top
can I place an Infantry Unit in a build- order and the Minefield is removed.
Armour 1 or 2 that is not a Transport.
ing beside the Spearhead Unit?
Regardless of their armour, Observer If I Counterattack against a team in a
Teams are never Battle Tanks. Yes. Although the armoured cars cannot
Minefield, do I risk getting hit by it?
actually enter the buildings, infantry
Are Formation HQ Units affected by following their spearhead can deploy in Yes, even if the models didn’t move, they
the Deep Reserves special rule? the buildings. are still moving around in a minefield.
Yes. The restriction applies to all Units
(apart from Observer Teams), regardless MINEFIELDS NIGHT
of their function. If a Team starts its Move in a Minefield Do I add +1 to the Score required To
(as opposed to moving into it), does it Hit for Night if shooting Defensive
My opponent has ended up with Fire in an Assault?
still need to roll a Skill test?
Infantry teams all along the area where
my Reserves arrive, leaving no room Yes. Any time a Team Move into, through, Yes.
for my Reserves to arrive without going or out of a Minefield, it needs to roll a
within 2”/5cm of their teams. What Skill test to avoid being Hit by it. CITY FIGHTING RULES
happens to my Reserves? When a team moves using a Blitz Move How does Smoke work when targeting
Since the battlefield doesn’t suddenly end movement order, do they still need to city buildings?
at the edge of the table, the obvious solu- take Cross tests and test to see if they Direct-fire smoke just affects one team
tion is to move some of the opposing teams got hit by a Minefield? in the building, and only as long as it
back just enough to allow the Reserves on Yes. All the normal movement rules apply remains in the same room.
to the table so that they can try to fight while making a Blitz Move. The only Smoke Bombardments affect a single
their way through the infantry. difference is that once you’ve finished the room (regardless of how many weapons
Blitz Move, you don’t count as having are firing). Line of Sight in or out of
STRATEGIC WITHDRAWAL moved for things that happen afterwards. that room is restricted to a maximum of
When in the Starting Step do I with- 6”/15cm.
draw a Unit in a game of Rearguard? When a team removes a Minefield
Can I still withdraw it if it failed a Last (instead of Moving) using a Mine
Stand Check? Clearing Order, is that Minefield
removed right away or at the end of the
Withdraw Units after Checking Victory
Movement Step?
Conditions. If a Unit is still on table at
that point, you can withdraw it. It is removed immediately.
When I place Minefields, can I overlap
SPEARHEAD them to make a Unit trying cross them
A Spearhead Unit was deployed in roll a Skill test for each Minefield?
No-Man’s Land close to another No. Teams also only roll one Skill Test
Spearhead Unit, rather than moving to cross the Minefields safely. However,
there from it’s Deployment Area. Can a Team who successfully removes a
other Units use the Spearhead rule to Minefield, only removes one, even if they
deploy near it? are in several.
Yes. The Spearhead rule does not remem-
ber how a Unit got where it is when Can I deploy a Unit in a Minefield? If
deploying further Units. so, what happens?
Yes you can. Presumably they are dug in
with minefields surrounding their posi-
tion, and the paths through the minefield
that they use for supply and other neces-
sary activities are too difficult to negotiate
under fire.

Before a game, you need to pick the Formations and Units one Unit from each grey box. All of these Units are part of
that will make up your force. the Formation.


If you are playing a pick-up game with a friend, you Each Unit entry tells you the possible strengths and the
can agree to a points limit before the game. The total cost for each of them. Choose a configuration of teams
points value of all of your Units can be no more than the from the options available and pay the associated points.
agreed amount. A force of say 50, 75, 100, 125, or even Units can also have options that can be added to the basic
150 points makes a great game. configurations. You can add any or all of the options at the
As a guide a small 50-point game will be fairly quick to associated cost. Some options cost a set number of points
play, while a 100-point game will take a couple of hours. A to take the option, while others have a cost for each Team
bigger game is likely to take a whole afternoon or evening. affected.


Once you have an agreed points limit, pick a Force In addition to the Units in your Formations, you can add
Diagram from a book. Your chosen Force Diagram deter- specialist Units as Support. These are things like recon-
mines the Support options that you have available. naissance, heavy tanks, and artillery that are held by the
divisional commander and allocated out as needed. These
PICK FORMATIONS Units are never part of any Formation, rather they support
Next pick your Formations. Your Force must contain at the entire Force.
least one Formation, but you can field as many Formations There are four ways to get support for our force: Support
as your points allow. You can take Formations from three Units, Formation Support, Allied Support, and Wildcards.
sources: Formations in the same book, Formations in a One point to note is that while Support Units are very
different book, and Formations from Command Cards. powerful additions to your force, they don’t count towards
• The most common place to take Formations from is Formation Last Stand tests. So if you run out of Units in
the same book as your Force Diagram. This will usu- your Formations, your Support Units will quit the field
ally produce a historically-themed force. and the game is over.
• You can also take Formations from other books for the
same nationality in the same time period (Early War,
Mid War, or Late War). This allows you to create less You can field one Unit from each box in the Support area
common forces without having every book duplicate of your Force Diagram. This may allow you to take mul-
all of the Formations found in other books or try out tiples of the same Unit if they are in more than one box,
what-if combinations. or force you to choose between entries with a similar role
in the same box.
• Some Command Cards create new varieties of
Formations. You can only use these Formations As you may only select one Force Diagram for your force,
with the Force Diagram from the same book as the regardless of how many Formations you have, you are
Command Card. limited by that Force Diagram as to the Support Units
You can take as many of a Formation as you like. The
exception is that a Formation built using a Limited FORMATION SUPPORT
Command Card is limited to a single instance of that Formation Support represents a higher commander
Formation. reinforcing your Formations with additional Units from
COMPILATIONS other Formations that aren’t in your Force. Your infantry
Compilations such as the North Africa book combine multiple
company may receive a tank platoon as an example. This
books into a single volume. In this case, treat each nationality’s is an easy way to get some support from a combat unit
part of the compilation as a separate book. without needing to add an entire additional Formation
to your force.
FIELDING A FORMATION You can take any compulsory Units (other than the HQ
Each Formation is made up of an HQ Unit and a number Unit) from other Formations in your Force. You may only
of combat Units as displayed in the Formation diagram. have one of each type of Unit as Formation Support, and
The Units are grouped in black or grey boxes. You may only if you don’t already have it in one of your Formations
only take one Unit from each box. You must field the HQ or as Support.
Unit and one Unit from each black box, and may field Even if a Unit is available as part of multiple Formations,
you may only field one of that Unit in your Force. If you

want two of the same Unit, add their HQ Unit and make You can take one compulsory Unit (other than the HQ
them into an extra Formation. This will give you more Unit) from an Allied Formation as an Allied Support
Command Leadership re-rolls and make your Force more Unit, and one entire Allied Formation as an Allied
resilient than just having a lot of separate Support units. Formation. You can only ever be supported by one Allied
You cannot field two Units that differ only in the first part nation.
of the name, such as a M4 Sherman Tank Platoon and a An Allied Unit or Formation obeys all the rules for its
Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Platoon, and that have the own nationality. It can only benefit from the Command
same equipment, differing only in their ratings. Another Leadership of its own Formation Commander, and
example would be the Universal Carrier and Desert Rats its Formation Commander cannot give Command
Universal Carrier Patrols. Although they are available in Leadership to other Support Units. If all of your own
four different Formations, you can only take one of them Formations are Destroyed, your Force will break, even if
as Formation Support. you still have an active Allied Formation, since they are
You cannot take a Formation Support Unit from a Support to your Force.
Formation Diagram given in a Command Card.
ALLIED SUPPORT Some Units in books are Wildcards. This allows them to
Often allied forces fought side by side, and sometimes be used in the Wildcard slot on your Force Diagram. Your
assisted each other. Good examples of this are the way Force may include up to one of each Wildcard available
British and American units cooperated in the Battle of to your nationality from the book your are fielding your
Normandy. Force from.

Command Cards add variety to the forces you can make, place of another (in this case, a German Ju 87 Stuka Dive
giving you access to less common forces in addition to the Bomber Flight at 9 points, for a grand total of 10 points,
core forces in the book. instead of the CR.42 Falco Assault Section on your Force
Some Formation cards create new formations using exist-
You can spend your points on command cards in the
ing units in new combinations. Pay the base cost of the
same way you would add units to your force from a book.
card (if any), then create the new formation as normal.
Simply pay the required points and your force gains the
If the formation command unit is made up of individual
command card.
teams from a unit card, they have the normal ratings of
Most command cards can be taken as many times as you that unit, just a different organisation.
like, paying the cost each time, gaining the stated benefits
Units in the formation can use unit command cards that
for a different unit or formation each time. The exceptions
apply to its units as normal. As an example, an Armoured
to this are Limited and Warrior cards. You may only have
Fist New Zealand Divisional Cavalry card creates a for-
one of each Limited card and only a single Warrior card
mation of Honey Armoured Troops and Universal Carrier
in your force.
Patrols. You could use the Scout Tanks card to upgrade
FORCE, FORMATION, & UNIT CARDS the Honey Units. The same applies to formation command
Command cards can be Unit, Formation, or Force cards. units formed from individual teams. If a command card
A Unit card must be assigned to a particular unit when can be used with the unit they were formed from, it can be
you add it to your force. Its effect only applies to that unit. used with the formation command unit.
A Formation card must be assigned to a particular forma- Formation cards that reference the new formation or have
tion when you add it to your force. Its effect only applies a generic type (such as Tank) that applies can be used with
to that formation. Force cards apply to your whole force. the formation.
You must reveal which of these command cards you have
and the units or formations they apply to when displaying COMMAND CARDS AND RESERVES
your force. In missions with the Reserves rule, the type of command
card determines whether or not it is included in the 60%
COST PER UNIT OR TEAM of your force that can be on table.
For cards that modify a unit, you have to have paid the Force cards are always included in the 60% of the force on
cost of the unit to be able to use the card with that unit, so table, since they are always in effect.
the Fighting First Regulars By God card costs 7 points and The base points for a Formation card are included in the
changes the ratings of an Armored Rifle Platoon. If that 60% of the force on table if any part of the formation is on
Armored Rifle Platoon was at full strength, you would pay the table as they are in effect in that case. If a Formation
15 points for the base unit, then another 7 points for the card has additional points per unit or per team, these are
card, for a total of 22 points for the unit. only included in the 60% of the force on table for the units
Some Formation cards have a base cost for the card, then on table as they are in effect in that case. The exception to
an additional cost per unit or team. These work in the this is that Formation cards with a negative value (such as
same way in that you pay the normal cost for the unit, the British White Knees card) are only part of the 60% of
then the extra cost shown on the card. the force on table if all of the units that are affected by the
card are on the table.
Unit cards are included in the 60% of the force on table if
For cards that create a new unit, such as the D-Day:
any part of the unit is included as they are in effect in that
American FFI Platoon, you pay that cost and take the
case. In the case of cards (such as Pakfront)that split a unit
unit. If the size of the unit is not specified, then you can
into independent teams, although each team is deployed
take it at full strength for that cost. Any options you want
and fights separately, if any team from the unit is on table,
need to be paid for on top of this base price.
then the full points of the unit are on table. The points
SUBSTITUTION CARDS paid for the Unit cannot be divided amongst the teams,
For cards that substitute one unit for another, such as the they are an indivisible whole.
Avanti Stuka Support card, you pay the cost of the card (in
this case 1 point). This then allows you to take a unit in

LEAVING CARDS OUT a new ability to cross minefields and dig in to a Beach Defence
You can leave any cards that deploy extra stuff or that Grenadier Platoon that had its ratings adjusted by the German
change the way things deploy out of the game (as long 352nd Infantry Division, Eastern Front card.
as they have a positive points cost). As an example, you
could elect to leave the Gammon Bombs unit card out of BUILDING FORCES ACROSS BOOKS
the game to reduce the cost of your Parachute Platoon so You can only use command cards from the same book as
that it can fit within the 60% of your force on the table. your Force Diagram.
Likewise, you could leave your Lucky Force card out of the
game, rather than including it in your force on the table.
You can only use Force cards from the same book as your
However, cards that change the ratings of units, change
Force Diagram. So, as an example, if you are fielding a
their core weapons, or give them a special rule (such as
force from Bagration: German, you can use the Lucky card
Spearhead) must always be taken. So, you could not
from that book, but you cannot use the Old Minefields or
remove the 352nd Infantry Division, Eastern Front card
Own Goal Force cards from D-Day: German.
from your Beach Defence Grenadiers and leave it out of
A Force card that affects force-wide things, such as rolls for
the game, since it changes their ratings. Likewise, you
reserves, applies to the whole force, including formations
cannot leave out Pakfront since it changes the movement
and units from other books and Allied formations and
of the unit by making it immobile.
units. A Force card that only affects part of the force (such
STAT CHANGES as teams near formation commanders) does not affect for-
mations, units, and teams from other books or any Allies.
Cards that replace a unit’s Motivation or Skill block by
showing the new Motivation or Skill block completely FORMATION CARDS
remove the old ratings (including any specific ratings such You can only use Formation cards from the same book as
as Remount and Assault) and replace them with the new your Force Diagram, and can only apply them to a forma-
ones. As an example, the D-Day: German 352nd Infantry tion from the same book. As an example, the 20th Panzer
Division, Eastern Front adds a specific rating for Rally to Division NCO Shortage card must be applied to a
a Beach Defence Grenadier Platoon, changing it from the Panzergrenadier Company from Bagration: German. It
default Confident 4+ to Front Swine 3+. Conversely, the could not be applied to one from D-Day: German.
3rd & 5th SS-Panzer Divisions, SS Panthers card replaces You can only use Formation cards that create a new variety
the Motivation of Confident 4+ and specific Last Stand of of formation (such as the Armoured Car Company card)
Third Reich 3+ with a blanket Fearless 3+. if it is from the same book as your Force Diagram. An
In the same way, changes to the Motivation or Skill block example of this would be the 653rd Heavy Tank Hunter
do not change weapon-specific rules (such as Assault 5+ on Battalion card from Bagration: German. You could not
a Panzerschreck team) unless explicitly stated. use that card with a D-Day: German force for example.
Cards that only change a specific rating without displaying You cannot use any Formation command cards on a
a Motivation or Skill block, such as White Knees which formation taken from a different book than your Force
stating that the Skill rating is now 5+, do not change any- Diagram.
thing else. So, in the case of White Knees, the a unit that
previously had Deadly Assault 3+ still has that. Again, You cannot apply a Formation command card to a Unit taken
these cards do not change weapon-specific rules. as a Formation Support Unit.
Cards that specify the score required for a die roll, such as UNIT CARDS
the D-Day: American Lafayette Poole card that says that You can only use Unit cards from the same book as your
his unit passes Follow Me orders on a 3+, are absolutes and Force Diagram, and can only apply them to a unit from
always apply, regardless of underlying Skill, Motivation, the same book. As an example, the 10.5cm Mountain
or other ratings. Artillery card must be applied to a 10.5cm Artillery Unit
Cards like Armoured Flak Half-track that add Armour from Bagration: German. It could not be applied to one
ratings to an Unarmoured Tank Team do not change any- from D-Day: German.
thing else about the unit. So, unless otherwise stated, the You cannot use any Unit command cards on a unit taken
Unarmoured special rule still applies. as formation support from a different book than your
MULTIPLE CARDS ON A UNIT Force Diagram. As an example, you could field a D-Day:
You may not modify the Motivation or Skill ratings or the To German Panzer IV Tank Platoon as formation support in
Hit number of a Unit with two different cards. However, you a force built using the Bagration: German force diagram,
can add a card that changes other attributes to a unit that has but you could not add the Dug-In Panzer IV Platoon card
modified ratings. As an example, you could modify the ratings to this unit.
of a German Sd Kfz 10/4 Light AA Platoon and also give If a Unit card makes a Unit into Independent teams (such
it the Armoured Flak Half-tracks card to give its half-tracks as D-Day: German Pakfront that makes a Gun Unit into
armour. Likewise, you could add the Pioneer card which adds

separate Gun Nests), each Team becomes an Independent Gun Battery since that is an ‘Assault Gun Battery, not a
team, and as such is its own Unit. ‘Tank Company’, even though it is a formation of Tank
units, and thus a Tank Formation.
This partial list of ‘any (Type)’ formations lists the forma-
The big exception to the requirement that cards be used tions can and cannot be used with them.
with their own book are cards that specifically refer to
• American: any Rifle Company refers to Rifle Company,
another book. An example of this would be the Crocodile
Green Rifle Company, Battle-Weary Rifle Company
Support card in D-Day: British. Despite coming with
and similar variants on a Rifle Company. It does not
that card pack, it is a D-Day: American card as shown
refer to Armoured Rifle Company, Parachute Rifle
by the card back, and can only be used with the D-Day:
Company, or Glider Rifle Company.
American force diagram.
• American: any Tank Company refers to an M4
A different example is the M4 Sherman Tanks card from
Sherman Tank Company, a Green M4 Sherman Tank
Bulge: American. This card takes the characteristics from
Company, a Veteran M4 Tank Company, or an M5
a unit card from D-Day: American and applies them to
Stuart Tank Company and its variants. It does not
a Bulge: American unit. The resulting unit is a Bulge:
refer to an M10 or other Tank Destroyer Company.
American unit.
• German: any Panzergrenadier Company
A final example would be the Romanian Allies cards
refers to Panzergrenadier Company, Armoured
from Bagration: Axis Allies. These cards allow German
Panzergrenadier Company, and variants like Brigade
or Soviet Forces that otherwise would not be able to take
Panzergrenadier Company. It does not refer to
Romanians as Allies to do so.
Reconnaissance Company.
ALLIED SUPPORT • German: any Tank Company refers to Panzer IV
Allied formations and Allied formation support units can Tank Company, Panther Tank Company, StuG Tank
not use command cards. However, Allied units can be Company, and Panzer IV/70 Tank Company. It does
affected indirectly by cards such as Dietrich Von Saucken not refer to Tiger Heavy Tank Company, StuG Assault
that re-roll failed Reserve rolls. As this roll is not tied to Gun Company, or Puma Armoured Car Company.
a particular unit or formation, it would be possible for a Cards that give a bonus to the formation commander
player to bring on a Romanian R-2 Tank Platoon from apply as long as the formation has a formation command
reserve after using Von Saucken’s re-roll. team, even if the original command team was destroyed.

The following keywords describe how a command card Your force can only have one copy of each Limited card.
is used. TITLE
BUILD Title cards represent particular real-life divisions as indi-
Build cards alter the way that a formation or unit is cated above the card name. All Title cards in your force
organised or change its basic rules. must have the same Title. You can have multiple copies
of a Title card, or other Title cards with the same Title in
FORCE your force, just not a card with a different Title.
Force cards affect your entire force, regardless of which If there are multiple cards with the same Title that can
book they come from. The only exception is that they can apply to your force, you must take all of them if you take
not have any direct effect on Allied formations or units. any of them. An example of this is the Bulge: German 12.
Volksgrenadier cards. If your infantry platoons are upgrad-
FORMATION (TYPE) ed, then their weapons and anti-tank platoons must be
Formation command cards are assigned to a particu- as well.
lar formation. If the formation is destroyed, the card is
removed from play. If the Formation card lists a Type, the UNIT (TYPE)
card can only be assigned to a formation of that Type. Unit command cards are assigned to a particular unit. If
If the Type refers to a specific formation (such as Beach the unit is destroyed, the card is removed from play. If the
Defence Grenadier Company), then it must be applied Unit card lists a Type, the card can only be assigned to a
to that type of formation. Some Formation cards use the unit of that Type.
phrase ‘any (type)’ (such as any Tank Company). These If the Type refers to a specific unit (such as Churchill
cards must be applied to a formation that has that exact Armoured Troop), then it must be applied to that type of
phrase in its formation name. In the case of ‘any Tank unit. If the Type refers to a formation (such as a T-34
Company’, it could apply to a Panzer IV Tank Company Tank Battalion), then it must be applied to a unit from
or a Panther Tank Company (since both are named Tank that formation.
Company), but could not be used with a StuG Assault

Some Unit cards use the phrase ‘any (type)’ (such as any so this card is limited to re-rolling your own dice. Cards
Tank Platoon). These cards must be applied to a unit that giving a re-roll can only be used to re-roll a die during the
has that exact phrase in its unit name. In the case of ‘any actual play of the game. You cannot use it to re-roll a die
Tank Platoon’, it could apply to a Panzer IV Tank Platoon before the first turn or to determine the characteristics of a
or a Panther Tank Platoon (since both are Tank Platoons), unit using rules such as Tiger Ace or 8 Million Bayonets.
but could not be used with a Puma Scout Troop since that
is a ‘Scout Troop’, not a ‘Tank Platoon’, even though it is a RESOLUTION ORDER
unit of Tank teams, and thus a Tank Unit. The Diversionary Tactics, Artillery Expert, and
Cards that give a bonus to the unit leader apply as long as Reconnaissance by Combat cards allow both players
the unit has a unit leader, even if the original unit leader to reposition the same Ranged In marker. In this case,
team was destroyed. Artillery Expert or Reconnaissance by Combat are played
first as this allows a player to move their Ranged In marker
UPGRADE anywhere. Then when Diversionary Tactics is played, it
A unit may only have one Upgrade assigned to it. This pre- allows their opponent to move it 6”/15cm from its new
vents incompatible equipment being assigned, such as DD position.
swimming tanks fitted with mine-flails and flame-thrower
Some command cards allow you to field your units as a
WARRIOR different type of equipment, for example the 4.2-inch
Warrior cards add significant leaders and personalities to Chemical Mortars card allows an American player to field
your force. Your force can only have one Warrior card. their Mortar Platoon with more firepower.
You can either field the normal models, just noting that
TECHNICAL QUESTIONS they have the adjusted characteristics, or you can use spe-
This section clarifies how some types of cards can be used. cial order models of the type they are being converted into.
RE-ROLLS If you go with the special order models, they are based on
the bases provided with them, even if they are different
The Pure Luck, Lucky, Hail Mary, and similar cards allow
from the bases of the normal models.
you to re-roll a die. You cannot roll your opponent’s dice,

The Rifle Company, Hero Rifle The Italians and Soviets have Command Some nations have Command Cards
Company, Storm Group, and PTRD Cards that give Infantry Units motor- that give Infantry Units horses as cav-
Anti-tank Company have 50mm cycles. How should I model this? alry. How should I model this?
mortar teams and PTRD AT rifle You have a number of options: You have a number of options:
teams with three weapons mounted on • The simplest option is to place the • The simplest option is to place the
a large base. What should I do if I have Command Card with the Unit to show Command Card with the Unit to show
old 50mm mortar or PTRD AT rifle your opponent that the Unit is mounted your opponent that the Unit is mounted
teams that are based differently? on motorcycles. on horses.
You have a number of options: • If you are a modeller, you can purchase • If you are a modeller, you can purchase
• You could just keep using your old bases motorcycles from the Special Order range. cavalry figures from the Special Order
and space them out a bit more to match As these are significantly larger than range. As these are significantly larger
the new, larger bases. infantry, they are best based with two than infantry on foot, they are best based
• You could stick a large base under your motorcycle and sidecar on a large base to with four cavalry figures on a large base
existing base (or bases in the case of the replace a standard four-figure team on a to replace a standard four-figure team on
50mm mortars) to match the new basing. medium base, or one motorcycle and side- • If you are a modeller, you can purchase
• You could re-base the models on car on a medium base to replace a small cavalry figures from the Special Order
large bases. two-figure team on a small base. range. As these are significantly larger
• You could grab some of the awesome than infantry on foot, they are best based
new sculpts and make some new weapons with four cavalry figures on a large base
teams for your collection. to replace a standard four-figure team on
a medium base, or two cavalry figures on
a medium base to replace a small two-fig-
ure team on a small base.

Late-War Updates
This section has updates to the various Late-War Flames Of War army books and their associated cards.

COMMAND CARDS FRESH M18 TANK DESTROYERS Sherman (late) Tank Platoon with M4
ER This can be used with an M18 Tank Sherman (75mm) tanks from a Veteran
ZOUAVES PORTÉE Destroyer Company or Platoon that is M4 Sherman Tank Platoon (LU160),
part of a D-Day: American Force. those in an M4 Sherman (late) Tank
The Zouaves Portée card only applies to
Company HQ with M4 Sherman
Infantry Units in the Formation. GEORGE S. PATTON JR. (75mm) tanks from an M4 Sherman
ND This is a Formation card. Only Units Tank Company HQ (LU152), and those
INDIAN HEAD from that Formation and Support Units in an M4 Sherman (late) Tank Platoon
This does not change the points value or can gain the Rally or Remount on 2+. with M4 Sherman (75mm) tanks from
ratings of a Veteran M4 Sherman (late) an M4 Sherman Tank Platoon (LU101).
This card cannot be used with the
Assault Gun Platoon that is part of the 3rd Armoured Division ‘Spearhead’ card M36B1 TANK DESTROYER
76mm HYPER-VELOCITY AP This is not an Upgrade card.
The 76mm Hyper-velocity AP card can The Glider 37mm Anti-tank Platoon TANK DESTROYER
also be used on the Veteran M4 Sherman command card costs -1 point for one or HYPER-VELOCITY AP
(late) Tank Company HQ and the M4 two guns and -2 points for three guns. The Tank Destroyer Hyper-Velocity AP
Sherman (late) Tank Company HQ.
card is used on the M18 Tank Destroyer
This is not an Upgrade card. M4 SHERMANS
Platoon, Veteran M10 Tank Destroyer
This card replaces M4 Sherman
DAMNED ENGINEERS Platoon, and 3-inch Tank Destroyer
(late 75mm) tanks in a Veteran M4
This is a Limited card. Platoon.
Sherman (late) Tank Company HQ
This is not an Upgrade card.
with M4 Sherman (75mm) tanks from
a Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Company TANK TELEPHONES
HQ (LU159), those in a Veteran M4 This is not an Upgrade card.

ROCKETS Other options do not change points. (FROM D-DAY BRITISH)
The Rockets rules is the same as the This card is only used on the normal
ASSAULT BOAT SECTION & Rifle Company such as the Veteran Rifle
Bombs rule on page 93 of the rulebook. VETERAN ASSAULT BOAT SECTION
Rockets do not need to re-roll successful Company.
Flame-thrower team has Range 4”/10cm.
To Hit rolls for having 1 or 2 weapons DESERT VETERANS
firing, and only the aircraft can Spot for ARMOURED RIFLE COMPANY HQ HQ and Security Sections have an
their Bombardments. & VETERAN ARMOURED RIFLE Assault rating of Scout 4+.
This Unit has either one M3 half-track
ARMOURED 57MM ANTI-TANK or two Jeeps. The Bombardments are fired by four
PLATOON weapons.
• 2x 57mm gun & 2x M3 half-track COMMAND CARDS
• 3x 57mm gun 5 points You need to be able to field a Mortar When you use these cards, you get a
Other options do not change points. Platoon (LU118), Parachute Mortar Rifle Platoon (LU116 or see page 43 of
Platoon (LU127) or Ranger Mortar D-Day: American). This can be at full
VETERAN ARMOURED 57MM Platoon (LU136) in order to field a strength or reduced strength, whichever
ANTI-TANK PLATOON 4.2-inch Chemical Mortar Platoon. you choose. You can add the options to
• 3x 57mm gun & 3x M3 half-track You do not need to actually field one of this platoon if you wish, paying the usual
(.50 cal MG) 9 points these Units. points to upgrade them.
• 3x 57mm gun 6 points

NORMAN ‘DUTCH’ COTA BEACH DEFENCES Likewise, in Assaults it is treated as an
If the assaulting Unit Falls Back from BUNKERS & NESTS immobile Armoured Tank team, so will
Defensive Fire, it goes back to the Charge get an Armour Save and the assaulting
Bunkers and Nests are Gun teams in all
Into Contact part of the assault, begin- team might need to pass a Firepower test
respects (except for Turret Bunker Saves,
ning a new assault. if they are using a weapon like a Bazooka.
see below).They are always Concealed.
SHERMAN DD When do I re-roll Firepower Test verses COMMAND CARD FORTIFICATIONS
MGs Halted and Moving ROF is 1. Bunkers and Nest in Assaults? The Beach defence fortification rules are
You will only be required to re-roll a specific to the massive concrete fortifica-
TOTAL AIR SUPERIORITY tions of the Normandy coastal defences.
Firepower Test verses a bunker in an
If opposing players both take the Total Assault if Assaulting a Turret Bunker Command card field defences like
Air Superiority command cards what which has an Armour Save. those from the Pakfront card do not us
happens when one player discards their these rules.
card to use the Perfect Timing rule? FRENCH TURRET BUNKER
The player using Perfect Timing takes The French Turret Bunker takes Armour
priority and their Aircraft will arrive Saves like an Armoured Tank team. That
on 3+ (instead of the usual 4+, or the means that it can be Bailed Out like a
5+ imposed by their opponents Total Air Tank team rather than Pinned Down
Superiority command card) that turn. like a Gun team.

• 7x Bren Gun & SMLE rifle team, DEVIL’S OWN Armoured Car Squadron or an Inns of
1x PIAT anti-tank team 10 points For the Matador Armoured Car Troop Court Armoured Car Squadron. As it is
use the Matador Armoured Cars com- a Limited card, it can be used with one
• 5x Bren Gun & SMLE rifle team,
mand card. or the other, but not both.
1x PIAT anti-tank team 8 points
The Matador is also known as the
AEC III armoured car.

ST Stan Hollis is a Warrior, Formation (any
Flame Tanks cannot Charge into BATTALION, RELENTLESS Rifle Company) card. The Formation
Contact. This card is used with a Parachute Commander hits on 2+ in Assaults
Company. It costs +2 points per Parachute and Rallies on 2+. Any Unit from
PETARD Platoon. the Formation within 6”/15cm of the
A Petard ignores the Danger Close rule, Formation Commander Rallies on 3+.
but cannot fire a Bombardment if any 6TH GUARDS TANK BRIGADE,
friendly Infantry, Gun, or Tank Teams
are under the Template. This card is used with a Churchill You need to be able to field a 3-inch
Armoured Squadron. Mortar Platoon (LB109) in order to field
UNITS a 4.2-inch Mortar Platoon. You do not
6 PDR ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON 43RD (WESSEX) DIVISION, need to actually field one of these Units.
• 4x 6 pdr gun 10 points
You can use this card after attempting to
• 2x 6 pdr gun 5 points
Rally a Unit, automatically Rallying it
Other options do not change points.
if it failed.
This is not a Title card. It is with a regu-
lar Rifle Company or a Desert Rats Rifle
2-inch Mortar can fire Smoke.

UNITS Railway guns can Ambush as if it is just pointed in pairs because of how
PANZER BATTLE GROUP HQ Concealed, but are they actually the points work out. The Twin 8.8cm
Concealed afterwards. Railway AA Gun team is still one team,
The Panzer IV/70 (7.5cm) tank-hunt-
No. As they can only be placed on a it just has two weapons it can shoot.
ers in the Panzer Battle Group HQ cost
is 12 points for two, but the same tanks railway line and within their own
Deployment area they can be placed at HAN-ULRICH RUDEL
with the same ratings in the Clausewitz In a game where one player has the US
Panzer IV/70 Tank-hunter Platoon cost least 4”/10cm from enemy Teams even if
in the open. Total Air Superiority command card
14 points for two, which is correct? while the other has taken Han-Ulrich
The Panzer Battle Group HQ Panzer As Gun Teams, can Railway Guns be in Rudel, what does the German Player
IV/70s should cost 2x Panzer IV/70 Foxholes at the start of the game? need to roll for their Aircraft Unit to
for 14 points, and 1x Panzer IV/70 for Yes. This represents them being in static arrive?
7 points. positions and protected by sandbags and Total Air Superiority takes priority while
Do Luftwaffe 8.8cm Heavy AA Platoon other improvised protection. However, in play and the German Aircraft will
gun teams have Gun Sheilds? they are not Concealed by the Foxholes arrived on a 5+.
and only benefit from Bulletproof Cover.
Yes the Unit should have Gun Shield. 21cm NEBELWERFERS
TWIN 8.8cm RAILWAY AA GUN The 21cm Nebewerfer rocket launcher
How many Twin 8.8cm Railway AA has the Forward Firing rule, but does not
Are Railway guns Large Guns?
Gun teams do I get? have Smoke Bombardment rule.
For the purpose of Ambush, No.
This command car swaps one Luftwaffe
8.8cm AA Gun team for one Twin 8.8cm 30cm NEBELWERFERS
Railway AA Gun team for +5 points per The 30cm Nebewerfer rocket launcher
two Gun teams. This is a one to one swap, has the Forward Firing rule, but does not
have Smoke Bombardment rule.

UNITS 111. PANZER BRIGADE (late) tanks). At the start of the game, the
GRILLE (LATE) 15CM GUN COURAGEOUS TANKS Formation Commander must be mounted
PLATOON Tank teams with SP Gun have in this tank.
This has Third Reich, Last Stand 3+. Counterattack 5+.
The Volksgrenadier Company HQ is SKORZENY’S COMMANDOS
This does not have the Scout special rule. 150. PANZERBRIGADE
upgraded at no cost.
SD KFZ 234 SS SCOUT TROOP This does not apply to sMG42 Machine- The HQ Unit is a Fallschirmjäger
gun and 8cm Mortar Platoons. Company HQ (LG157) from D-Day:
5cm gun has Range 28”/70cm.
German. It may take the Panzerfaust
PLATOON This is a Limited card.
Add Hetzer (MG) weapon with Range
512. SCHWERE PANZERJÄGER The 7.5cm gun has the Forward Firing
16”/40cm, Halted ROF 2, Moving
ABTEILUNG, 2ND COMPANY rule for both artillery and direct fire. It
ROF 2, Anti-tank 2, Firepower 6 and
This does not apply to Panzer IV or StuG does not have the Brutal, Slow Firing,
the Forward Firing special rule.
Tank Platoons. Smoke, or Smoke Bombardment rules.
A force from Bulge: German may take
This is a Limited card. The 8.8cm gun does not have the Brutal,
Hungarian Allies.
Forward Firing, Slow Firing, Smoke, or
HANS-PETER KNAUST Smoke Bombardment rules.
When the Formation Commander makes
Range In attempts as a Spotting team, it
FELDHERRNHALLE, The 21cm Nebewerfer rocket launcher
and the Artillery Battery both count as
EXPERIENCED SP GUNS has the Forward Firing rule, but does not
having Skill 3+.
• 3x Panzer IV/70 (Full Str)+11 points have Smoke Bombardment rule.
• 2x Panzer IV/70 (Under Str)+7 points JOCHEN PEIPER
This card adds an Panther (late) tank 30cm NEBELWERFERS
This upgrades all Sd Kfz 251 transport
attachments at no cost. Their Mounted team to the Formation HQ (in addition The 30cm Nebewerfer rocket launcher
Assault ratings do not change. to the normal 1 or 2 Tiger II or Panther has the Forward Firing rule, but does not
have Smoke Bombardment rule.
Road Dash speed is 32”/80cm and the This card applies to Armoured Panzer­gren­ Division.
Cross rating is 4+. adier Company HQ, Armoured Panzer­
grenadier Platoon, Panzergrenadier JÄGER COMPANY
BAGRATION FORTIFIED CITY Company HQ, Panzer­grenadier Platoon, This card has the Title: Jäger Division.
BATTLES Recon­naissance Company HQ, & Recon­
naissance Platoon.
Bunkers and Nests are Gun teams in all 3RD & 5TH SS-PANZER DIVISION, This is a Title card.
respects (except for Turret Bunker Saves, SS HEAVY WEAPONS
see below).They are always Concealed. KAMPFGRUPPE VON SAUCKEN,
This card applies to Armoured sMG42
When do I re-roll Firepower Test verses Machine-gun Platoon, sM34 Machine-
gun Platoon, 8cm Mortar Platoon, This is a Title card. It is not Limited,
Bunkers and Nest in Assaults? so you can field multiple Sperrverband
7.5cm Gun Platoon, 12cm Mortar
You will only be required to re-roll a Panzergrenadier Platoons as Support
Platoon, 15cm Gun Platoon, 7.5cm
Firepower Test verses a bunker in an Units. In a mission with Reserves, they
Tank-hunter Platoon, and 2cm Light AA
Assault if Assaulting a Turret Bunker all deploy on table.
which has an Armour Save.
TANK TURRET BUNKER This card can be used with any Gun
Tank Turret Bunkers take Armour Saves Unit, including artillery and anti-air-
This card applies to Armoured 8cm
like Armoured Tank teams. That means craft guns. Units using this card cannot
Mortar Section, Armoured 7.5cm Gun
that they can be Bailed Out like a Tank fire Artillery Bombardments or shoot at
Platoon, Grille 15cm Gun Platoon,
team rather than Pinned Down like a Aircraft. Pakfront Nests do not use the
Armoured Flame-thrower Platoon,
Gun team. Beach Defences rules from the D-Day:
Sd Kfz 10/4 Light AA Platoon,
Likewise, in Assaults it is treated as an Reconnaissance 8cm Mortar Section, and American book.
immobile Armoured Tank team, so will Reconnaissance 7.5cm Gun Platoon This costs +2 points per Gun team, rather
get an Armour Save and the assaulting than +6 points for the Unit.
team might need to pass a Firepower test 20TH PANZER DIVISION,
if they are using a weapon like a Bazooka. NCO SHORTAGE 21cm NEBELWERFERS
This card applies to all Armoured The 21cm Nebewerfer rocket launcher
COMMAND CARDS Panzer­­gren­adier Company HQ, has the Forward Firing rule, but does not
3RD & 5TH SS-PANZER DIVISION, Armoured Panzer­ grenadier Platoon, have Smoke Bombardment rule.
SS PANTHERS, SS PANZER IVs, & Panzer­ grenadier Company HQ, and
Panzer­ grenadier Platoon Units in an
These cards apply to Panther & Panzer Armoured Panzergrenadier Company or The 30cm Nebewerfer rocket launcher
IV SS Tank Company HQs, Panther a Panzergrenadier Company. has the Forward Firing rule, but does not
& Panzer IV Tank Platoons, StuG SS have Smoke Bombardment rule.
Assault Gun Company HQ, and StuG DIETRICH VON SAUCKEN
SS Assault Gun Platoon. This is a Formation card. Only Units
from that Formation and Support Units
can gain the Tactics on 2+.

UNITS HEINZ DEUTSCH Aircraft. Pakfront Nests do not use the
PANZER IV TANK COMPANY HQ This card is used with a Fallschirmjäger Beach Defences rules from the D-Day:
StuG Assault Gun Company. American book.
This Unit has an additional Motivation
rating of Protected Ammo: Remount 3+. This costs +2 points per Gun team, rather
MG NESTS than +6 points for the Unit.
COMMAND CARDS MG Nests do not use the Beach Defences
rules from the D-Day: American book.
All Units in this Formation lose Third This card can be used with any Gun
Reich, and have a Last Stand rating of Unit, including artillery and anti-air-
5+ and a Tactics rating of 4+ for -1 point craft guns. Units using this card cannot
per Unit. fire Artillery Bombardments or shoot at

SS TANK PLATOON Best Infantry upgrades an Armoured Unit, including artillery and anti-air-
MG is not Forward Firing. Panzergrenadier Platoon. Best Firepower craft guns. Units using this card cannot
upgrades their transport Sd Kfz 251 half- fire Artillery Bombardments or shoot at
PANZER IV SS TANK COMPANY HQ tracks separately, but at no additional Aircraft. Pakfront Nests do not use the
& STUG SS TANK COMPANY HQ cost. Their Mounted Assault ratings do Beach Defences rules from the D-Day:
The third unit (a choice between a not change. American book.
Panzer IV and a StuG SS Tank Platoon) This costs +2 points per Gun team, rather
is optional. ERNST BARKMANN than +6 points for the Unit.
This card us used with a Panther SS Tank

COMMAND CARDS Of course before the game begins you can
SEARCHLIGHTS choose to leave them out of the battle, but
this would also require you to leave the
Can the Searchlights be turned off at
Night Attack cammand card out of the
the start of the Soviet Player’s first Turn?
battle as well.
No. The Soviet Player must wait until
their next Starting Step. The Searchlights
are in play for at least the first turn.

ENGINEER-SAPPER COMPANY Tactical Speed is 12”/30cm. Local Knowledge allows the Unit’s
You may choose which heavy weapons Infantry teams to move at Cross-country
COMMAND CARDS Dash speed through all Terrain (apart
they replace their PPSh SMG teams with
at the start of each game. Flame-throwers GUARDS RIFLES, GUARDS TANKS, from Impassable Terrain).
RIFLE COMPANY, & These are Title cards and cannot be used Company HQ:
STORM GROUP with any other Title card. • 1x T-70 1 point
Flame-thrower Team has Pinned ROF 2.


The M3 Stuart (37mm) is a Battle Tank,
so counts towards the limit of one Tank or
Aircraft Unit on table in a mission with
Deep Reserves.

These have the Title: Border Guard MOUNTAIN 47mm INFANTRY GUN
Tanks with Armoured Reserve are Battle
Division. PLATOON, MOUNTAIN 75mm
Tanks for the purpose of the Deep Reserves
FINNISH COMMAND CARDS This has the Title: Motorised Rifle These have the Title: Mountain Division.
The first paragraph of the card is replaced SECOND AND THIRD ARMIES, RIFLE PLATOON, RIFLE COMPANY
Units in your force have the following This is a Title card. COMPANY ANTI-TANK PLATOONS,
Characteristics for -1 point per Unit & RIFLE COMPANY 47mm
changed, depending on their Motivation VOLUNTEER RIFLE COMPANY, INFANTRY GUN PLATOON
rating (Units that already have a worse VOLUNTEER RIFLE PLATOON
These have three Titles: Guard Division,
Counterattack remain the same): These have the Title: Volunteer Rifle Infantry Division, and Training Division.
This Force cannot have German Allies and Battalion. They can be used with whichever of these
cannot be Allied with a German Force. Titles you choose for your force.
INFANTRY PLATOON, Artillery Bombardment has the Smoke This has the Title: Training Division.
LIGHT INFANTRY SMG PLATOON, Bombardment rule. Direct Fire has the Rifle Platoons in this Formation cost -4
PANZERFAUST CLOSE DEFENCE Smoke rule. points each compared to Motorised Rifle
Platoons. Other Units cost -1 point each
PLATOON ROMANIAN COMMAND CARDS compared to the equivalent Unit in the
These have the Title: Light Infantry CAVALRY SQUADRON, CAVALRY Rifle Company command cards.
Company. SCOUT TROOP, & CAVALRY 45mm All Units with this Title have a Motivation
ANTI-TANK PLATOON rating of Reluctant 5+ (including for
These have the Title: Cavalry Division. Last Stand), Green 5+ (with Assault
This Unit does not have the Stormtrooper
special rule. 6 if Guns or Heavy Weapons), and are
GUARD DIVISION Aggressive 3+.
This card is used with the Rifle Company
HUNGARIAN UNITS All Gun and Heavy Weapon teams in the
Title cards to get Unit Compositions and Formation have Assault 6.
TOLDI II LIGHT TANK PLATOON Weapons Characteristics.
The Toldi (20mm) weapon has Halted Rifle Platoons in this Formation cost -1
ROF 3, Moving ROF 2, point each compared to Motorised Rifle
CSABA ARMOURED CAR PLATOON Platoons, but ZB30 MG teams become
ZB30 MG & ZB24 rifle teams as found
Tactical speed is 10”/25cm. Terrain Dash
on the Rifle Company Rifle Platoon com-
speed is 10”/25cm. Cross-country Dash
mand card. Other Units cost +1 point
speed is 16”/40cm. Road Dash speed is
each compared to the equivalent Unit in
the Rifle Company command cards.
HUNGARIAN COMMAND CARDS All Units with this Title have a Motivation
1ST CAVALRY DIVISION, HUSZAR rating of Fearless 3+ (including for Last
SQUADRON & 75mm HUSZAR Stand), Green 5+ (with Assault 4+, or
BATTERY 5+ if Guns or Heavy Weapons), and are
These have the Title: 1st Cavalry Division. Cautious 4+.
All Gun and Heavy Weapon teams in the
Formation have Assault 5+.

Mid War Updates
This section has updates to the various Late-War Flames Of War army books and their associated cards.

This errata covers North Africa and all of its component books. Where possible North Africa has
the corrected information, but the unit cards and command cards are unchanged.


This card is used with the M14/41 Tank
• 3x 7.62cm gun 15 points A Rear Firing weapon can only hit a
• 2x 7.62cm gun 10 points ARMOURED FIST & target fully to the rear of the team.


AFRIKA KORPS: ARMOURED CAR BRITISH UNITS While on table, the Unit Leader of a
COMPANY 3-INCH MORTAR SECTION & Transport Attachment must end its
3-INCH MORTAR PLATOON Movement Step within 6”/15cm of the
This is a Limited card.
Cross rating is Auto. Unit Leader of its Passenger Unit.
This card is used with the Afrika Rifle
Company and the 90th Light Rifle 6 PDR PORTEE M3 HALF-TRACK TRANSPORT
Company. Portees do not use the Gun Shield rule. The Remount rating is 5+.


BAGPIPER, GUARDS RIFLE The Unit is defined on the M3A1
ITALIAN SPECIAL RULES Armored recon Patrol card, and this gives
GIGANTIC COMPANY, SOUTH AFRICAN RIFLE Spearhead to the whole Unit, including
The Gigantic rule is the same as the Large COMPANY, & WHITE KNEES any Jeeps in it.
Gun rule on page 92 of the rulebook. These cards are Title cards that cannot be M6 HEAVY TANK PLATOON
GUN SHIELD used with any other Title card.
M6 (3-inch) Halted and Moving ROF
When applied to an Unarmoured Tank GUARDS MOTOR COMPANY & is 2. M6 (37mm) Halted and Moving
team, the Gun Shield rule functions INDIAN MOTOR COMPANY ROF is 2.
exactly the same as for a Gun team. These cards are Title cards that cannot be AMERICAN COMMAND CARDS
used with any other Title card.
ASSAULT PIONEER PLATOON SCOUT TANKS This card is a Title card and cannot be taken
Flame-thrower team has Pinned ROF 1. Replace text with: Tanks that have the with any other Title card. If taken, all eligible
Tally Ho attribute lose Tally Ho, but Units in the Formation must take this card.
WEAPONS PLATOON UNIT CARD gain Scout. They have a Tactics rating of
On the unit card, replace Breda MG & 4+ and an Is Hit On rating of 4+. Their ALWAYS PREPARED & NO MISSION
Carcano rifle team with Breda MG team Tactical Speed is reduced to 12”/30cm TOO DIFFICULT
with Halted ROF 3 and Moving ROF 2, for Crusader tanks and 10”/25cm for These cards have the Title: 1st ‘Big Red One’
and replace the 47mm gun with a 20mm Honey tanks. Infantry Division.
anti-tank rifle as standard, with the The card costs 2 points per Unit and can
option to add a 47mm gun for +2 points. JAMES GAVIN
be used with Honey Armoured Squadron
This card is a Formation card used with
HQ, Honey Armoured Troop, Crusader
ITALIAN COMMAND CARDS Armoured Squadron HQ, Crusader II
a Parachute Rifle Company.
LEGIONS OF ROME Armoured Troop. Replace M3 Tank Platoon with M3
These cards are Title cards that cannot be Stuart Tank Platoon.
used with any other Title card. SOFTSKIN TRANSPORT
Cross Country Dash speed is 14”/35cm. OLD IRONSIDES, REGULARS BY
Direct Fire Range is 24”/60cm. These cards have the Title: 1st ‘‘Old Ironsides’
Armored Division.

This errata covers all Eastern Front books. Where possible Eastern Front has the correct-
ed information, but the unit cards and command cards are unchanged.


Cards that you gain via Panzer Ace that
SOVIET FORMATIONS SOVIET FORMATIONS reference the Formation Commander
MIXED TANK BATTALION T-34 HERO TANK BATTALION are read as referencing the Panzer Ace
This Formation does not have a Form­ Replace the third box with the follow- Unit Leader and cards that reference the
ation Commander or an HQ Unit. It is ing three options: a T-34 Hero Tank Formation HQ Unit are read as referring
just the same as any other Formation, it Battalion, a T-70 Hero Tank Battalion, to the Panzer Ace Unit.
simply does not have an HQ Unit and or a Valentine Hero Tank Battalion.
cannot benefit from the presence of a GHOST PANZERS
Formation Commander. SOVIET COMMAND CARDS
This card applies to the Rifle Battalion
COSSACK REGIMENT & HERO and Hero Rifle Battalion from Enemy at A Tank team with Bazooka Skirts
COSSACK REGIMENT the Gates. increases its Side armour to 5 against
These Units cannot have flame-throwers weapons with Firepower 5+ or 6.
in their SMG Company or Hero SMG This card is 3 points, not 2 points.
There are two incorrect references on the KÜBELWAGEN SCOUT CARS
This card is a Title card. All other Transport for this Unit is
card. The corrected references are:
removed from the game.
• 0-1 82mm Mortar Company (MS118) IRON CROSS
• 0-1 76mm Anti-tank Company (MS117) MACHINE-GUN BUNKER
HERO NAVAL INFANTRY A Machine-gun Bunker is Forward
Teams from the Unit cross Minefields
& NAVAL INFANTRY BATTALION safely on a roll of 2+ (rather than SS-PANZER COMPANY & SS-
These cards are Title cards and cannot be their Skill of 3+). As usual, they may PANZERGRENADIER COMPANY
used with any other Title card. Automatically clear a Minefield using These cards have the Title:
a Mine Clearing order in the turn 2nd SS-Panzer Corps.
SCOUT COMPANY after they move to within 2”/5cm of the
There are three incorrect references on the Minefield marker.
card. The corrected references are:
• 0-2 BA-10 Armoured Car Platoon (MS128) The structure of the Formation is: Flame-thrower team has Range 4”/10cm.
• 1 HQ Unit of 1x Sd Kfz 221 (MG)
armoured car from (MG223) for 1 point. HUNGARIAN STEEL
This card applies to any or all of the Scout
• 2-8 Sd Kfz 221 & 222 Light Scout HUNGARIAN UNITS
Platoons in a Scout Company.
NIKOLAY RODIONOVICH ANDREYEV • 1-3 Sd Kfz 231 Heavy Scout Troop Short 75mm gun has Range 24”/60cm.
This card is used with the KV-1 Tank (MG224)

Company, KV-1s Tank Company, and • 0-1 Panzergrenadier Platoon (MG210) ASSAULT PIONEER PLATOON
T-34 (Early) Tank Company. • 0-1 5cm Tank-Hunter Platoon (MG226) Flame-thrower team has Range 4”/10cm.


SS-GRENADIER COMPANY Short 75mm gun has Range 24”/60cm.
These cards are Title cards that cannot be
used with any other Title card. PIONEER PLATOON
Flame-thrower team has Range 4”/10cm.


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