Jangsrotasi V1.5.lua

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Bot = {}

Bot["XXXXXXXXX"] = {
slotbot = 1,
webhookLink = "xxxxx",
messageId = "xxxxx",
startFrom = 1,
worldList = {"xxxxx"},
doorFarm = "DOOR-FARM",
storageSeed = "SAVE-SEED",
doorSeed = "DOOR-SEED",
storagePack = "SAVE-PACK",
doorPack = "DOOR-PACK",
webhookLinkPack = "" -- Pack info webhook link
webhookLinkSeed = "" -- Seed info webhook link
messageIdPack = "" -- Pack info message id
messageIdSeed = "" -- Seed info message id
upgradeBackpack = 0
Bot["XXXXXXXXX"] = {
slotbot = 2,
webhookLink = "xxxxx",
messageId = "xxxxx",
startFrom = 1,
worldList = {"xxxxx"},
doorFarm = "DOOR-FARM",
storageSeed = "SAVE-SEED",
doorSeed = "DOOR-SEED",
storagePack = "SAVE-PACK",
doorPack = "DOOR-PACK",
webhookLinkPack = "" -- Pack info webhook link
webhookLinkSeed = "" -- Seed info webhook link
messageIdPack = "" -- Pack info message id
messageIdSeed = "" -- Seed info message id
upgradeBackpack = 0

patokanSeed = 16 -- patokan atau pos drop item

patokanPack = 1422 -- patokan atau pos drop item

webhookOffline = "" -- Bot On/Off with tag webhook link

statuOnOf = false -- true or false artinya kalo mau offline atau online bot
via rentry !!
linkOnOf = "" --ini link rentry ganti pake link kalian misal mau pake kalo
gamau pake false

detectFarmable = true -- Set true if auto detect farmable

itmId = 4584 -- Item id
itmSeed = itmId + 1 -- Item seed / Dont edit
blacklistTile = false -- kalo di atas locknya ke lock ini di true
dontPlant = false -- Set true if store all seed and dont plant any

delayexecutebot = 5000
delayHarvest = 160 -- Harvesting delay
delayPlant = 130 -- Planting delay
delayPunch = 165 -- Punching delay
delayPlace = 110 -- Placing delay
buyAfterPNB = true -- Set true if buying and storing pack after each pnb
looping = true -- Set false if not looping
pack = "World Lock" -- Pack name to display on webhook
packList = {242} -- List of pack id
packName = "world_lock" -- Pack name in store
minimumGem = 2000 -- Minimum gems to buy pack
packPrice = 2000 -- Pack price
packLimit = 200 -- Limit of buying pack before bp full

takePickaxe = false -- kalo ngambil true kalo false gasusah

worldPickaxe = "NAMEWORLD"
doorPickaxe = "DOORID"

--===== [Jangs Lebaran] =====--


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