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Ans 1. Srila Prabhupada is the founder acarya of ISKCON. He has given the world the treasure of
knowledge and the guiding path the human kind to its ultimate goal of life that is Krishna Consciousness.
While we try to understand the aspects of life, it is equally important to understand Srila Prabhupada’s
mood and mission in writing the holy book “Bhagavat Gita”

We can see few of his moods and understand how it has been important for ISKCON.

❖ Humble:- As mentioned in the preface of BG, he is giving the full credit to his spiritual master
and for himself, generally everyone are happy if there is a pat on our back, even if we haven’t
done a thing. But Srila Prabhupada is so humble, that it is only a service he has done for his
Important for ISKCON:- This mood is very important for ISKCON. The basic taught at ISKCON is
to be humble than a straw in a street and here our all param guru is giving us such a example.
Usually if there is a teaching and each heads take credit and began raising followers, this will
lead to clash. However, since Srila Prabhupada has guided us to have a center of credit, so that
the essence of Bhagavat Gita is not lost with leaders of material ambitions.
❖ Convinced/Firm Faith:- Srila Prabhupada through our emphasis the importance of perfecting
the life and that ISKCON can help one to attain Krishna Consciousness.
Important for ISKCON:- In order to keep its relevance, its important for every member of
ISKCON to preach and practice as guided by the scriptures. Due to which Srila Prabhupada stress
that he has only done something that is to forward his guru’s teaching without any adulteration,
which is as spoken by the supreme lord, due to which it is “Bhagavat Gita AS IT IS”.
❖ Rigid on principle:- Srila Prabhupada doesn’t accept any sort of unauthorized verses of of
Bhagavat Gita that doesn’t come from a bonafide parampara. He exposes such commedaries
and warns those studying who are being misguided.
Important for ISKCON:- As spiritual children of Srila Prabhupada, we at ISKCON are to follow the
idiom set by him and we should only follow and preach as instructed in the translation, since a
slight deviation from the scripture can result great difference over the essence of BHAGAVAT
Srila Prabhupada had only one mission that is to help the conditioned soul to understand their lost
relationship with the Lord through Bhagavat Gita, one can revive his actual constitutional position through
which we can connect to Lord.
Srila Prabhupada, does not accept any other interpretation, since most of the writers had lost the essence
of words spoken by Lord Krishna and was only filled with personal matters, which doesn’t enlighten ones
path rather will push him to the world of ignorance
And through ISKCON Srila Prabhupada wanted for the mankind to practice Krishna consciousness through
proper guidance so that there is once principle, one center and therefore having one aim throughout the
world to reach the supreme abode of the Lord.

And thus, Srila Prabhupada ends the preface “Bhagavad-Gita As It Is’ is a success if even one person
becomes a pure devotee of Krishna. Therefore, our mission should be to follow the param father His
Divine grace.


According to the Vedic Scriptures, there are three stages of spiritual advancement,
namely, sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana.

1. Sambandha :- Sambandha means to establish one’s original relationship with the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. How can we understand this knowledge? This is only possible to attain
this knowledge form a bona spiritual master or a pure devotee of the Lord, when we hear from
them carefully and submissively we can understand that we are not this body, but the soul who
is the eternal servant of the Lord “Jivera ‘svarupa’ haya krsnera ‘nitya-dasa” So first one is
understand who is GOD? What are we? Where are we? Why are we here? And thus understand
our lost relationship with the God.
One has to awaken a relationship with the lord which can be
• Santa
• Dasya
• Sakhya
• Vatsalya
• Madhurya

Arjuna was a friend of he lord, due to which it was easy for him to accept Gita as it is

One should not be simply waste his time upon hearing this, rather should act upon what we heard, that
is abhidheya

2. Abhidheya:- This is the most important occupation of us. And this is the next step, acting upon
this knowledge or activity in relationship with the Lord and His devotees, engaging the in the
devotional service to Krishna. Regular activities performed in devotional service are called
sadhana-bhakti, there are nine processes “ Sravanam Kirtanam…” One can directly approach the
Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by executing these nine kinds of devotional service.
Hearing about the Lord is the most important of the nine aspects of devotional service, for if we
are simply given a chance to hear about Krishna, our devotion will surely develop. It is
emphasized by our gurus that all success in devotional life is guaranteed if we can regularly
chant this mantra carefully. When one regularly chants and hears about the supreme lord he
becomes free from the material contaminations and becomes pure. One should therefore
worship the Lord in his full feature sat-cit- Ananda fearture.

Thus, if we can understand our relationship with the Lord and act accordingly,
our mission in life will be fulfilled.
3. Prayojana:- The ultimate goal of life is pure love of God. After properly executing our duties,
when we attain the highest goal of life, pure love of God, we are said to have achieved
prayojana, or the fulfillment of the ultimate goal of life. One who is a pure devotee doesn’t have
any desire of liberation, but he is happy in the loving devotional service to the Lord. Even if he
doesn’t wish for anything else, he is sure to reach the abode of Krishna. This is because of his
act. A devotee by rendering loving service thought out his life is sure to remember lord at his
last time, which will take him back.

If one adopts this teaching in BG and practice devotional service as per the instruction of spiritual
master, he is sure to attain complete perfection of life
Chapter 1


The pandavas and kauravas has assembled at the battlefield of kurushetra, before the happening of the
great war, arjuna being the most best warrior , had a thought not to fight, he was overwhelmed with the

At that moment he turned towards is friend and charitoer Lord Sri Krishna, to share his feelings and why
he do not want to fight.

The following are the reasons that Arjuna didn’t want to fight

1. Compassion

At the middle of battlefield arjuna could see his family, someone like his father, grandfather, teacher, at
the side of the enemies, arjuna couldn’t see him bowing his arrowors towards Bhisma, whom he love
very much.Next was Dronachraya, who has put his efforts to make arjuna the best archer.

How can Arjuna fight against his guru, who was like his father? The hundred Kauravas were his cousins.
All were not bad. And then there were thousands of soldiers on both the sides. What were their crimes?
Why to put their lives on risk? Why should they die?

These thoughts filled Arjuna’s heart with compassion, he said to krishna “My whole body is trembling,
my hair is standing on end, my bow Gāṇḍīva is slipping from my hand, and my skin is burning.” BG 1.29

I am now unable to stand here any longer. I am forgetting myself, and my mind is reeling. I see only
causes of misfortune, O Kṛṣṇa, killer of the Keśī demon.” BG 1.30

“I do not see how any good can come from killing my own kinsmen in this battle, nor can I, my dear
Kṛṣṇa, desire any subsequent victory, kingdom or happiness.” BG 1.31

2. Enjoyment over victoy

Arjuna further said, even if he became victorious, what is the benefit of such a victory, as no one is to
there to share the victory, Bhima, Drona like his father, his uncles, brothers everyone will be killed, then
what is enjoyment over such a blood filled victory of my own people.

Arjuna said” O maintainer of all living entities, I am not prepared to fight with them even in exchange for the
three worlds, let alone this earth. What pleasure will we derive from killing the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra?” BG
1.32- 35

3. Fear of sinful reactions

Killing is a sinful activity. If we kill others, we will incur sins. Sins will lead to suffering. I understand that
Duryodhana and his brothers are cruel. So what? If they are acting impiously then should we also act
irreligiously? That won’t bring any difference between us .So; it will be better Krishna if I do not fight.
O Janārdana, althoughthesemen, theirheartsovertakenby greed, see no fault in killing one’s family or
quarreling with friends, why should we, who can see the crime in destroying a family, engage in these
acts of sin?” BG 1.37-38

4. Destruction of family tradition

When all the assembled warriors will be killed then what will happen to their family? Who will give
protection to the elders of the family? Children will become orphans. Women will be unprotected. If the
elders of the family are not there, then who will guide the younger generation. In absence of proper
guidance dynasty will be destroyed. And destruction of the dynasty will create chaos in the society and
bring great disaster. Arjuna was reluctant in fighting the war, was the reason of family tradition that
would be broken, the system of sanatana Darma, which will eventually lead to another set of Kuru’s.
Arjuna thus said the below BG(1.39-1.43)
• With the destruction of dynasty, family tradition is destroyed
• When family tradition is destroyed then family members start practicing irreligion.
• And when irreligion increases then women of the family become polluted.
• When women become polluted then there is unwanted progeny.

Arjuna did not want hellish life for anyone. And he did not want to be the cause of hellish for others.
Expressing his anguish, Arjuna said, “Better for me if the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, weapons in hand, were to
kill me unarmed and unresisting on the battlefield.” BG 1.45

5. Indecision

Arjuna gave reasons as why he did not want to fight the Mahabharat war. But still he did not know if this
was the right decision. He was confused. He was not convinced by his own argument. Bewildered and
undecided he turned towards Krishna and expressed the feelings of his heart, BG 2.6
Srila Prabhupada writes, “All these considerations by Arjuna definitely proved that not only was he a
great devotee of the Lord but he was also highly enlightened and had complete control over his mind
and senses.” BG 2.6 purport
Standing between both the armies the fearsome warrior was feeling helpless. Arjuna had given five
reasons to Krishna as why he did not want war. But still he was not sure if not fighting was the right
decision. He was not able to take the right decision. Arjuna the mightiest of the warrior on the
battlefield of Kurukshetra decided to take shelter of Krishna. He requested Krishna to become his guru
and guide him, who was now his surrendered disciple. BG 2.7

Arjuna’s five reasons to not fight the Mahabharat war did not convince Krishna. Krishna ultimately
persuaded Arjuna to not run away from Kurukshetra. The Supreme Lord made sure that his friend and
devotee fight for the right cause and establish dharma.

My Reluctance in doing devotional services are:-

• Lack of determination: Many at times, when doing certain service on daily basis, I often feel that
it can be postponed to later days
• Incompelete knowledge: the reluctance that is happening is only due to my lack of knowledge
that lead me to not do the service at times.
• Having knowledge that we are not this body but still working as per the control of mind.
• Mind:- Often tricked by mind being lazy in devotional activity, be it chanting, feel like tomorrow
we can do better, but tomorrow never comes.
• Fear of Self-esteem:- While asked to take a short class, immediately I fear the audience I have
to attend, even it being children
• Ego:- Egoistic that why should I do? They can also do? Instead of thinking that it is my
opportunity to do seva.
• Attachment:- attachment to material surroundings & things that are related to body.
• Weakness:- thinking that the bodily weakness are actual & avoiding doing seva.

These are very few points, which I see as my hindrance over doing devotional service & which gradually
over the mercy of Guru & Gauranga can be removed.
Chapter 1

Ans 2

When Arjuna was at the battlefield of Kurushektra he was thinking of the side effects of fighting with the
kurus. At that point he thought of the family traditions that would be discarded if the men the families
are slayed, this thought is very much applicable in the current society of kali yuga.

Our entire civilization is divided in to different groups in order to smoothly practice the sanatana darma,
different classes has different duties and also different traditions and this traditions are passed on
through each generations. Every generation takes a part from the forefathers and inculcate their own
rules and methods. But basically all the rules & traditions are mention for a good civilization. As Srila
prabhupada explains in the purport ( BG 1.40)’’ Good population in human society is the basic principle
for peace, prosperity and spiritual progress.

Arjuna being a soft hearted devotee was reluctant in fighting and was over the fear of killing his own
kins and on the thought of future population, it is rightly said that a good population depends on the
chastity and faithfulness of womanhood. Women are generally the ones who impart the moral values
into the next generations and so if such women with the responsibility itself are not righteous then what
to say about the future. We can see this in the current scenario of normal society and ISKCON

In Society:-

The less intelligence of women can be seen in the below faults of our society due to the coving of Kali

o Women are more interested in mundane sense enjoyments like pups, cinema & fashion due to
which they are less devoted to family values.
o Such women doesn’t follow the principles as per their darma & can only inculcate such
knowledge to their children
o Due to which there is devastation around the world, there is war, immorality, enmity
o The lack of proper principle is leading the world to the blind era, blinded with ego, blinded with
greed ( such was similar to the sons of Drdrashtra)

This is the same reason why arjuna was bewildered at killing the elders of the family, who would
instruct children and women their duties


Although in this kali yuga it is difficult to practice the sanatana darma ISKCON has provided everyone the
platform to practice bakthi and attain bliss. Due to the fixed rules and regulations the women in ISKCON

o Always engaged in one or other service of the Lord

o Equally practices & preaches sanatana darma to the society
o Happily sending their Children to the gurukuls or such spiritual classes.
o Proper system are set in a way that the women and children are protected
Due to these the children are also being cultivated with good knowledge and character, the women of
ISKCON family is such that the center of interest is always Krishna and were there is Krishna there is no
question of inappropriate character.

Therefore in this chapter Arjuna points out the importance of protection women & children which
means in protection of Sanataa Dharama.

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