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Name ____________________________________

Great Pacific Garbage Patch Webquest

Go to the following website:
and answer the following questions.

1. Describe the “Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch”. How was the GPGP caused or formed?

2. Go to the Flash Player Image and click REPLAY about 4 times and watch the movement of the bluish-
purple dots in 6-second intervals. What do the dots represent?

3. Click ZOOM, scroll over and read all the objects highlighted in orange. What are some items/trash that
can be found within the GPGP?

4. Where is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) and around what ocean currents?

5. How far stretched is the GPGP in miles and what American state do scientists say it’s estimated to be
twice the size of?

_____________ square miles


6. What does photodegradable mean?

7. Since plastic is one of the major pollutants in the GPGP and it is photodegradable, why is it still such a
huge problem?
Name ____________________________________

8. Why is the GPGP called the “trash superhighway”? (Think ocean currents!)

9. The _________________ Patch and The ________________ Patch make up the Great Pacific Ocean
Garbage Patch.

10. How many years may it take for plastic to reach the GPGP? ____________________________

11. What are the 3 main problems/factors that threaten environmental health?

a) ___________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________

12. Scientists say that we really can’t clean up the GPGP, but what are 2 things we can do to help?

a) ___________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________

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