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Adviser Engr. Mary Joan Leacille M. Ilao
Members Cascante, Mc Guiver F.
Catapang, Ryan Philip T.
Dacir, Andrew R.

No Comment or Suggestion Action Taken

The carbonization process will not

occur in the proposed machine.
The carbonized coconut shells to 3-4,
be used will be acquired from the
Carbonized coconut shells have a
high amount of calorific value
which is necessary to meet the 16, 31
temperature requirement of the
Who will do the carbonization? Why
1 raw material that will be
use a carbonized coconut shell?
The proponents will also consider
other agricultural waste crops
such as coconut husk that are
abundant in the said farm.
Coconut husk contains a
significant amount of lignin and 15
cellulose, it has a high calorific
value of 18.62MJ/kg.

2 Highlight the process to be used. Discussed and explained in 61-67

Chapter 3, system components
and their functions. Forced air
convection will be utilized from
the furnace, heat exchanger into
the drying chamber.

Provides the system components

functions in chapter 3 along with
the additional components that
will serve as its temperature
What is the purpose of a heat controller. The optimum
exchanger? How are you going to temperature for the fruit will be
3 46
control the temperature? What is based on the studies in chapter 2.
the target temperature? Design calculations provided in
chapter 3. The heat required for
each tube in the heat exchanger
to transfer the heat through air
was also obtained.

The differences between the

study and the existing ones are
discussed in chapter 1,
background of the study. The
study will utilize coconut husk as
a source of fuel that is less
What is the difference between
expensive than fossil fuel for
4 your proposed design and the 3-5
drying the kamias. Also its
existing proposed design?
differences were mentioned like
environmental sustainability,
reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, supporting
sustainable agriculture and
improved product quality.

Title - Where is the vegetable on Title revised. The raw material

5 the set of raw materials to be that will be used for drying is 5
processed? Kamias.

According to the farm's owner,

Mr. Teddy De Chavez. After
harvesting, the number of
How much is the loss (not dried perished kamias is nearly half of
6 5
products) of the beneficiary? that collected. The overall harvest
amount is approximately 15kg to
20kg. According to him, almost
10kg of kamias are not useful.

7 What is really the problem you want The problem of drying was 4-5
discussed in chapter 1. Due to the
to address - problem drying and
sudden change of weather
rainy season or problem in drying
nowadays, sun drying has
become more inconvenient.

The raw material that will be

processed in the drying chamber
Characterization of each crop - is kamias only. The initial
8 13-14
Checking of initial moisture content. moisture content of the raw
material was discussed in chapter

The heat that was unutilized for

drying of kamias will be utilized
Incorporate the design optimization
for drying of coconut husk since
- How are you going to optimize the
there is a target acceptable range
9 heat in the drying process and 55-57
of moisture content In minimizing
minimize the carbon footprint /
it contains before the biomass
environmental sustainability?
fuel combustion. In the exhaust
section of the flue gas/chimney,

Preliminary and performance

testing for the combustion
Include the preliminary testing 6-7,
process were illustrated and
parameters on the objective in the
10 shown in chapters 1 and 3. Mass 42,
furnace part. Complete design
and type of fuel along with the 50-54
calculation for each component.
calculations were added in the
design calculation.

Carbonized coconut shells will be

used as discussed in Chapter 1
having large and abundant
supplies of this biomass in the
Do not limit it to coconut shells. Use
11 Philippines, especially the 3
other agricultural waste.
beneficiary farm. Also, coconut
husk will be considered since this
is abundant and available in the
said farm.

12 Will the beneficiary provide the raw The coconut husk that is readily 4-5
materials to be used? available anytime along with the
raw materials to be dried as
mentioned by the beneficiary farm
and also discussed in chapter 1.

As discussed in chapter 1,
Enumerate the raw materials to be coconut husk and kamias will be
13 3-5
used – Check with your beneficiary. the raw materials provided by the

The amount of carbonized

How much is the amount of coconut shell for one hour was
14 48
carbonized coconut shells? obtained at the calculation in
chapter 3.

Since the study will focus on one

crop, therefore the performance
Performance evaluation of the evaluation of the machine for
15 N/A
machine for each crop. each crop will not be considered.
The performance evaluation of
the machine for Kamias.

Since the study will focus on one

Amount of fuel for each process for crop, therefore the amount of fuel
16 48
each crop. for each process for each crop
will not be considered.

Provides explanation and

Rectify-check each process to be
17 processes to be considered in 59-66
chapter 3.

Provides the raw materials in the

Characterize the feed and the final preparation stage and the dried 13-14,
output. products on the expected output 65
in chapter 3.

Preliminary and performance

Conduct preliminary and
testing for the combustion 6-7,
19 performance testing for the
process were illustrated and 42
combustion process.
shown in chapters 1 and 3.

Mass and type of fuel along with

Mass of fuel and type of fuel and
20 the calculations were added in the 48
design calculations.
design calculation.
Mass flow rate of air and design Mass flow rate of air and its
21 46
calculations. calculations were added

Heat exchanger and design Heat exchanger and its

22 45-48
calculations. calculations were added

Power consumption, moisture

Power consumption, moisture removal, drying rate and drying
23 removal, drying rate, drying efficiency processes and 56-57
efficiency. calculations were shown in
chapter 3

Drying temperature and drying

time for each crop were
mentioned in chapter 2 and then
used for the design calculations.
Drying temperature and drying time
24 The drying temperature according 35-36
for each crop.
to a sourced article is ranging
from 35 up to 72 degrees celsius
with an approximate drying time
of 10 hours.

Since the study will focus on one

crop, therefore the
25 Mixing of odors of different crops. N/A
characterization of each crop will
not be considered.

Continues Indirect type Dryer is

the type of dryer that will be used
26 Type of dryer to be designed. Page,
as mentioned in the title, also will
elaborate on Chapter 1

The air distribution pattern for the 32-34,

27 Air distribution pattern? drying chamber was explained in
chapter 2 and 3. 57

Mass and type of fuel along with

Amount of biomass (fuel) for each
28 the calculations were added in the 47-48
batch of operation?
design calculation.

In the study conducted by Latha,

29 Nutritional Value? 2013 entitled A review on 14
phytochemical constituents and
biological assays of Averrhoa
Bilimbi stated the nutritional value
of every 100g of edible portion of
Kamias. Additional information
was added in tabular form in
Chapter 2.

Studies by other Mechanical

Engineering students related to
the drying process were added in
Add more study about the drying Chapter 2. This includes the study
30 process conducted by the conducted by De Guzman, et. al 37-39
Mechanical Engineering students. (2013), entitled Development of
Guava Dryer,

The dimensions of the final layout

of the system was shown in
Dimensions for the final layout of chapter 3 along with the system
31 components of the machine. Also 66-68
the system. the dimension of the components
in this section was also

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