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B Y R I C H A R D S . S Z E C S Y . P H . D. , P. E .

hat the industry is really starting to feel the power of the Internet is no secret. Many concrete production

T companies’ business cards include an e-mail address or a Web site address. That is just the beginning, how-
ever. Bob Garbini, executive director of NRMCA, says he thinks that the Internet offers immense oppor-
tunities for the creative producer to excel in customer service and product development. The use of informa-
tion technology can provide the customer with multiple choices and relay changes in real time. The most pow-
erful tool for producers’ customers is e-commerce, or Internet-enabled commercial exchanges.
The question that challenges the producer is how to use the Internet to the company’s advantage. Look
at the impact of e-mail. How did we ever conduct business before e-mail? Implementing and integrating other
Internet technologies into daily business

E-Commerce Strategy: Your Business activities should be no different. By going

back to the basics of business and cus-
tomer fundamentals, you’ll increase your chances of profitability and success. The following strategy basics will
help you keep both your business and your customers in mind as you enter the world of e-commerce.
Business fun damentals At the end of the day, ask yourself these four basic strategic questions to deter-
mine if a new Internet solution will make your business more profitable. If you’re not careful, all the bells
and whistles may actually detract from the business instead of improving it.
Does it make business simpler? Most technologies we see every day have some “gee-whiz” quality that makes
us want to have them. Personal digital assistants or PDAs, also known as palm devices, are a great example.
You see them everywhere. Yet some people use both a PDA and a day planner or business card holder. Did the
technology completely substitute for old ways of doing things?
To determine how a new technology will simplify your business, you must review your entire information
process. If, for example, your company began using an online quotation process, what steps in the original
process would it eliminate? If the Internet adds steps to filling out paperwork, it has not become simpler.
To streamline the business process, the world’s largest supplier of ready-mixed concrete, RMC Group PLC,
has been using to sell concrete to one of the largest concrete pumping subcontractors in the
United States, Conco of Concord, Calif. RMC and Conco expedite the negotiation process using requests for
quotes (RFQ)s and reduce time spent on administrative tasks and paperwork. Since last September, Conco has
sent out 22 RFQs and 5 Purchase Orders (POs). Conco can go online and configure the desired mixes from
among 140,000 different ones.
Inserting expensive and fast-changing technology into a process that does not streamline or make the
process more efficient is counterproductive. This is a common trap for many companies. The leading edge of
technology can quickly become the bleeding edge if not used properly.
Does it cost less? IT/IS systems cost money. In most cases, your business was already committed to spend-
ing a certain amount of money to accomplish the task in question. The vital element is not whether you spend
less now, but whether the new technology costs you less in the long run. The real question is how to reduce
the total cost involved with the task, which means detailing the entire process from a cost perspective.
Each step in the process has a certain cost attached. Summing those costs yields a total cost for the process.
It is similar to saving 25¢ per ton of sand but using an extra 1/4 sack of cement to produce the same workability. Sure,

© Integration of the
Internet into your business
strategy is a critical element
to profitability and success.
Ask these basic strategy
questions when considering
how to use the power of
the Internet.
Publication #J01B050 Copyright © 2001 Hanley-Wood, LLC All rights reserved
© Many Web sites instantly greet customers with their names, last purchases, and current
order status. absorption of the existing market, then it easier for your company internally, but
probably isn’t the right solution at all. what about what the customer sees? Was
you spent less for the
Also, a single extra sale might make a the goal of the process to make things
sand, but the total
short-term difference, but long-term reten- easier for you or your customer? In some
cost increased. The
tion of new customers should be the goal. cases it almost serves you best to work
same thing can hap-
This means that whichever solution is backward from the answer. In other
pen with Internet
selected, you must consider whether it will words, ask yourself, “What are my cus-
technologies such
get you a bigger piece of the pie. tomers’ needs, and how can I meet them
as online automa-
with an online offering?”
tion of billing or Customer fund amentals Mike Leathers, director of sales and
quotation. If you’ve convinced yourself that your marketing for Hanson Concrete South
Costs are asso- answers to the preceding four questions Central, saw the Internet as an excellent
ciated with imple- are positive, look at this issue from anoth- method to extend the company’s electron-
menting your system er point of view. Customers are the reason ic reach to manual trading partners. He
to perform this task you are in business. We all know what says pilot programs including real-time
online. If the costs to run the entire system happens if you do not have customers. delivery notice and online invoicing to
have not decreased, did using the new When implementing new Internet tech- customers have gone a long way in giving
technology really help? This is a very fast nologies into your business, you should his customers added value. By starting
and powerful way to connect to customers, consider the following four key points, small, Leathers says he thinks the company
but to integrate this type of technology which customers will notice. can move beyond an e-commerce (elec-
into the business for its own sake is not the Don’t waste their time! The customer’s tronic commerce) solution and provide c-
right decision. One factor to consider is time, like yours, is money. Many compa- commerce (collaborative commerce).
customer switching costs. If you provided nies have launched Web sites and Customize products and services for
a system that is more customer-friendly promised functionality. Don’t forget, your them. Not only do all customers want to
than your competitors’, why would your customers are in business too. When you feel important, but they also want to
customers want to do business the old way present them with your brand new IT receive personalized service. You know
with any of your competitors? Was this solution, they will be asking the same four some of your customers are interested in
value correctly evaluated in the total cost business questions about their businesses new material technologies. Does your
of doing business? Did the new technology as above. Consider those from your cus- Web site or mail server provide updates
take this into account? tomer’s point of view. on new material or product technologies
How does it create wealth? Any time a Remember who they are, regardless of for those particular customers, or do you
new idea, technology, or e-commerce solu- size. Every customer wants to feel like your still use mass mailings? Many Web sites
tion is presented, ask how it will create most important customer. Everyone in the instantly greet customers with their
wealth for your business. Ask how the office knows the names and faces of the names, last purchases, and current order
solution will create a bigger market, i.e., big customers. What about the smaller status. The Internet provides a means to
make the pie bigger. Insert whichever ones? The width and breadth of Internet treat every customer uniquely.
cliché you wish about the bottom line, but solutions can provide the means to recog- These fundamental business and cus-
there had better be an answer about how nize every customer’s phone number or tomer strategies are necessary to deploy
this particular solution will generate more account number. Salespeople and order the power of the Internet to your advan-
wealth and profits. Remember also, greater takers have a tremendous amount of infor- tage. It’s not that these timeless concepts
revenues do not necessarily translate into mation available. By using this informa- have changed—now they just have a new
greater profit. tion and personalizing every contact and technology twist.
How does it capture wealth? The second transaction a customer has with your com- Dr. Richard S. Szecsy of Houston
half of the wealth question is how your pany, you have another method to differ- is president and CEO of Advanced
company gets a bigger piece of the local entiate you from your competitors. Engineering Solutions, which specializes in
building materials market. In some cases, Make it easier for customers to order and new technology application and development
new Internet technologies are said to pro- get service. With the introduction of in ready-mixed concrete.
mote access to bigger and better markets. It online ordering, the buying process will
is no secret that most competition in the never be the same. However, don’t forget
1. R. Binsacca, “Ready or Not,” ProSales,
industry occurs on a regional, if not local, strategy question No. 1, “Does it make Hanley-Wood, LLC, April 2000, pp. 44-50.
level. If the new Internet solution does not business simpler?” Integrating a new 2. P. Seybold and R. Marshak,
provide more information, access, or Internet solution may make the process Times Books, 1998.

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