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f~+f"*f t..1..t-I\'e '\'l"ht-fLfce tT1Ih.h


~~/ralA' ~;JtT ;JtLlfJ
, ,
Year No. 54
"tri~11 ,-ofcfl-rC !I§"f ~1..t-"C£ -\'fOht-ft.fC£ tT-fll\.h ADDIS ABABA-8tb May, 2003.
"-\h "OCI "'I.f1l1 @ +1 !i'f2?1' f ih1f-fl "'lDt}f-T 9'11C o.of mCl4:~offmtl)

0?~fi5J., CONTENTS

"cp~, cfl'1'C ~fcl)§/!;Uj~


,.9" Proclamation No. 334/2003

; Authentication and Registration of
fit.,P.~4fJl!J1-rt; 9"mCl "'P~ .;. 1W litif<:'1
t: ,Proclamtion Page 2172
... f


"'P~ cfl'1'Crf@i/lifj~, ; , .

~.,~~-."7l;J1';f,t; 9"1I1C1t'lDnJ,"'P~
fit~1.- "7l.:J1'1' ",t- ~9"~of f"7!IJAOof "711~){f" OFDOCUMENTS "

1~t;",,1Ct; 0'''9'' ,,+~ ~:( O"'PJTt;O.(-~~T oot}h~, WHEREAS, Authentication of documents provide a
fDjJoo;F"f Ooo(J'~ f
reliable means of evidence and thus facilitate contractUaland
f"7.1.l1'- fm-~t; fi,~T ""~~"'T' other relations between persons and organizations both at the
fit~P.,T 9"1I1g ",t- it~P.T 9",iH.9" It.cLl\,. domestic and intemationallevels~
WHEREAS, registration of documents'ensures the
~'~1~ ~it.,.,.,"7~ "'~:r f"7..(.'1'Cooo.,~ i availability of documents whenever they are required;
, ,fit~P.T "71..:J1'1't;9"1I1C1",t- O""t-f: m-"'1' O~C.(- WHEREAS" the functions of authentication and regis-
o."'Tt;' 0 fi,it-T9"f oiJ,..,,,,:,. 00'" tfo."'T ~9"'(-' 00lPl of' tration of documents have been canied out in the country by
O"7.(-l.., ft.t)~~ fcfof 0001l'~'i ffU}'} ",t- .,...,Clt-oft; courts and other public offices based on practi~and that there
p..t-m-1 f"tJ'ht;'~~ "'*"7of, "'~nJ,r; .,...,ClC f"7.OJit' was no relevant Federal legislation which determines the
scope of the work and the powers and duties of organs
",1.- lD-r f~1..t-~ ih.., Cll\OOc:'~f ' involved in the provision of notarial services; ,
fit~P.T "7l.:J1'1't; 9"1I1C1",t- 000" ""t-f: ,,.cL2\"7.~+ WHEREAS,applying uniform Jeder~> legislation on
O"7.c:'lm- ",1.- lD'1' f~I.t-1A ih.., Oooot- OH.-)T oo"'h~ 'authontication and registration of documents through out the
country have positive impact on.the'flixibility of the Trade;lD~ f,..,.(-t;, A,tr-T19" fh.f1c:'''7. ""~~"'T 0"7"" and other business relations between the citizens.
"m~ l1.(- h~.,.2j= hll.,.'PWt. fl\m- 0~1f.~ f WHEREAS, it is necessary to define by law the powers
f it ~P. T "7l.:J1'1't; 9"111 CI ", t- f"7.fht; OJ~ .,.!t"7of, and duties of institutions that carry out the functions of
.,...,ClCt; ~"4.~of Oih.., ooOJit, ,"itcL"1. ooo.,~ f
authentication and registration of documents;
NOW, THEREFORE. in accordance with Article 55(1) ~1..t-"C£ JlifOht-ft.1C£ tT-nl\.h ih1- of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
00''''''':'- ",+;t 9~(i)"OolPloffm.1J
, f"7.h.,.l\m- :rm-~~ II ,

h~~ 1 PART 1
111""""1:' .:J1."T General
-"'~' \ 1. Short Title
I' ,,~C CiJit
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Authentication
,,~IJ ~'P~,"~,it~P.TOYl.:J1'1't; 9"1I1C1<"'P~ and Registration of , Documents' Proclamation
cfl'1'Cr~~§/!ifj~" .,.-otr- l\.m+h ~T"~ II No: 334/2003."
2. Definitions
I- ,
ofc~'" In this Proclamatro~ unless ;thecontext requires
f ~k "..,,-0 fi," ,ofC1'-9"f"7.fc"tmm-t}~If~ O+C OttlJ otherwise:
"'P~fD-l\1' f ,
\' .
~;Jt"" ;m.tIJ ;r..,.cft. ititli
n~ .,:: 3.40
. Negarit G.P.O.'Box 80,001
, to .
,It I1r.II,r U-t-A. ~;J~+ ;Ju,1IJ 4I1'c!li "7J1I1 cJ)+') IIfII",,,, PcC*a1 Negarit Gazeta - No.54 8" May, 2003-Page 2173

i' ".U~ OYI.,;J1'1'''OYl\T ".Ilia .U~ O"U,;J)t:' tIJ~r 1) ~;toauthenticate a document" means to witness the
.,.,cs" OO?OPl\h.,.m- {}m- i't.LI.,.. 07,':(w9 """lid)o' slgning of a new document by the person who has
OPu.oo-"} OOYI.,;J1'1'O{}~.c;.,,~ OPLl.r'i-t).,.,. prepared such document or the person it concern
OY~I.": m~'" "ia+~'I" O.,.LI.OP {}~~ ~~ r~~~ 'and, after ascertaining that this formality is fulfilled,
m~' . to sign and affix a seal on the document, or to sign
d.COY"}'i m~'" OY"'''''''"} 0:J'l\ OP"''' i

O'ioo-'i d.COY'i m~'" 117..,.,.,.. OThhA OPII')'"} and affix a seal on an already signed document by
OOYI.,;J1... O{}~.c;.,,~ OPLI.'r'i 117""'''' fOY~I." ascertaining its authenticity through an affidavit or
. specimen signature and/or seal;
.~{}.,.~, OYATOYIj¥aJ.'" m-A f ).tfn. f fm-hA'i\ ;.2) "Doc~nt" means a contr'ift, wilb'. power of
rl\tlJ1 ~h~ {}~'~ i h""}~ ~*
m~'\"':*'f: attorney,..dotument tr~slated from ~"language
~m.c;:"f"} l\~.f.C1'" U~ O.,.{}'~m- {}m-' 'f"'''' into another by a licensee. tianslJor,: &py of a
t;1"J'fm.~ fif~)'(- :":( m~r "AI}"l" : foiMo~T' '
document, ~morandufh or articl~s of ~sociation.

/' OPODP'Z;JC~~~ iD~r otJrf-P.1.&f1.1-0 f "'l\',.q~ . mi'nutesor any written matter submitted for authen-
~' "

m~'" OY'iTm-,.. fill" "'P~ OIJIP4!TP\"}.Il1.,;J1'1''i \icatiqnand ~egistration; .
~"}.IlOPU1-of+I.O ~m.lj: ~m- II 3) "to register a document" means to register and
r.. "{}~.(-, OPOP"1-o" OYl\T ""}~ f.,.I.,;J1m {}~~"} authenticated docume~t by marking it, with an
l\lLV- o",u,;J:l OP"1-o OP41 ck'l'C OOPiamT OPoP1J identification number,'in'a regis~r preparCd for the
. purpose and to de~it the same. docu~nt, qr to
1-Q'i ",iatOP'I' f m~'r Oih." OPIPI.T O{}~~
"1.;J.;JIif!'I}l\rAtlJ1 register and deposit' a document which is, required
~"}.Il+OP'I' ,.,.ql\ {}~~"}.
"-+-01\- OPoP"1-o'i OYia+OP'I'~m- II 'by law to be deposited with a notary;
9.' "{}m-" OYl\T f"'L"'~ 4) "Person" meamj\a"physicalor legal person;
ilm- m~'" Oih" f{}m-~T
OP-oT f"'{}mm- ~C~T ~m- II 5) "Notary" means the Federal Notary Office or an
{} .t;- ~ I.,;J ,;J"l"" 1171\ T {}~~ l\ 1171.,;J1 'I' 0" ,,1} 0-
employee of the office or of any of tI1O$einstitutions
?i" " ~
rAtIJ"} f"'{}mm- f{}~.t'OYI.,;J1~'i "'''11} ~ihLT mentioned under Aqicle 26,.duly. awporized to
o.TIPt-"'~ m~'" OlL" "'P~ ""}+~ h"'m n
authentication documents;
+ ,.,. OPr&1 o..,."f fOY'iTm-,.. OPr&1 o.T 6) "City Government" means either the City Govern-
1Pt-"'~ ~ II . ment of Addis Ababa or thec, City Council of .
i" "fh-t""l OOia"'~'(-C" m~r "fhTO? OPia.,.,cs.(-C Dawa, as the case may be;
f"hC 0.+" OYl\""~"}1.V-).;l"m-f".Ilia "01} hTO? 3. Scope of Application
otJia+"U~-C(l1"lJ"rhCo.T. m~r f.(-tA'P hTO? This Proclamation shall apply to documents authenticted
m~r rhe o.T ~m-II and registered'by:
~. f"'L~1.~T mil") . 1) .' organs of the RegioMl Government authorized by
""., "..~ I .
respective Regional laws.
Oh~~ OPia"'.4~c""f 1-""} "'P~. l\",IIUr 2) organs of the Addis Ababa; ~dDire Dawa City
rAtlJ1 O"'AtlJT."""T f Governments authorize,dunder this Proclamati6n;
. O~.fJ.hMI}'iO~tA'rh"''I''"f OlL" "'P~ rAtIJ"}
3) the Mipistry of Fo~ei~nJ\ff'airs,Ethiopian ~p1bas-
i ' siesand ConsularOffice; ,
j:' O~ 1-JI~ ."ttll-f:C i Om-"l" ""C Ol\.Tf"kl 4) Commanders of divisions of the deferice force; and
'. G

O?f1.,.cr"f f . . 5) heads of federal prisOJ:ts.

9." flOPhtthllPt-f£+ ,h~A n:IfD"f ~9
OJ.I.t-A OYI."t1 {}..,.:y- 00?1.,;J1m-'i' O"!,r'U Part2.
10- ,UP'T ""LK"t tAr'iA" . NOTARIAL Aci1VITIES AND
"" .
f{}~~ "7l.;J,;J'""'''I}t-.'K" 4: NotarialActivities ,

f).(.,;J.,Q,)J,,~"'f Notarial activities include the follo~ing: .

1) to ~uthenticate and register docu~entS;'.'

9." f{}~~ "'I1.,;J1#f"., ,Qt--1-
f{}~'(- "'I1.,;J1... "'''I}~''''' f1.h.,.I\-T"} Im:J'~"A II 2) to verify copies of documents against their originals
{}~P."f"} OYI.,;J1~' tllJou"1-o i and register same; ,

3) to administer oath and receive affidavits and register
I: f{}~'(' :":(,.:f1 h'P'iCD-,;JC O"'IOPlthC +hhl\~~~
T(J)o"} "'I1.,;J1'1'9 OItOD1f1-o I same;
4) to keep custody.of specime~ of signatures and/ or
i:" :J'l\ 00"'''9 n:J'l\ 00"''' 'f"tAm- "'I1.,;J1..,."f"}
00+OA9 0000"1-0 i seal upon request by those concerned;
5) to ascertain the capacity, right and authority of
i" 1}I\14Sf"'f 1\.111,.-11 ~"}J;"'Le\"I.~oJ;fd.C"'l~9Im~'r
M..,.,.r 'ioo-'i 001" i persons who are abOutto sign or who have signed
?i" l\ODI.,;J1TO"t+co- {}~P."f,,~ f"tLCOO- m~r documents submitted for authentication;',
f LI.-- il9''f1 "fl\-;l" i OP-O+'irAtIJ"} "'I1.,;J1'1'i 6) to ascertain the legality of documents sUbmi~ for
. Af!"I.,;J1... f"totCo- (}~P."f1 ih,;Jf£~+ "'I1.,;J1'1' I authentication; I ' , "

,,,. liI".lif(tii @+1 Iilrj~ '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 54 glbMay, 2003-Page 2174
IJ.601A ~.?t'1' .?IJ.1fJ ~1'C ~ii "t1111

'j,. 0 ih.., f 11t\ 0."" ~..,. "'I t.;J 16IiJ.f"'l. (}'P 11TfD-'} '}-f1t..,."f 7) to ascertain with respect to contracts made to transfer
t\ "'I it.,. 1\t\,,: 0 "'I."t. 1- fD-ftol' :
properties for which title certificates are issued under
v) f'}-f1t."" hit'''I\I\~.fD-'} I1t\OD-f1""~"": "hc,'
the law:
(a) the right of the transferor to transfer the
t\) '}011t..,: OODI""~"" IA"'(}m CD~9" O,,:C.(' 0.""
property; and
:"{)tJ1I IA:1'11, ODIf~,} "'It.;J1'P :
(b) that the property is not Mortgaged or pledged or
~- itt\.,'t.;J1fflolj itt\+tID"10' (}~Jl.1' P'AlIJ') 11t\fD-
that such property is not attached by a court
CD" ,}9" h.., 11-f1 11t\fD- h \1A f'" "'Iitt.:cr ODitm"":
D- I\.t\-':(, ,"OD""" "'..,I1t-""'} IhljfD-IjA II 8) to provide information upon request by authoratative
ft- ODt.;J1'P1j OD0D1I1-f11t\I1TfD- (}~,,"f or approprate organ about authenticated and regis-
i- f"'l.h"'''''''' (}~Jl.T OtLtJ ih.., ODIPt."" \1A.,'t.;J1fflolj tered documents.
\1A,"OD"10- ih;J'C fD-m."" h,.tj t-TfD-9" II 9) other simaliar activities.
v) h.., 11-f1 11t\CD- ih.., ODIP t.
..,. OD t.;J1 'P1j
5. Documents that Must be Authenticated and Registered
OD0D1I10111t\I1TCD- (}~,,"f : 1) The following documents shall not have legal
t\) ffD-hAC,' P'AlIJ'} ODit6IiJ. (}~,,':(, : effect unless they are authenticated and registered:
th) f'}"',('C,' I\.fto':(, "'11 0 t-:" ODODP't.:F (a) documents that must be authenticated and
"th.c:."flj: OD.,.~"tl .(-'}(l':(' "hlj "'I7f7fI?' registered in accordance with the appropriate
:FTCD- : law;
(b) power of attorney;
I- htLtJ 01\" h"'ODt\hi:"" (}~',"f fD-'T' I\.t\-"f (}~Jl."f
(c) memorandum and articles of association of
"h,}-'l t.;J 1 fflol\TfD-1j "h') -'lOD"1 0-1\TfD- 11t\,.~ \"'"f
business organizations, statutes of associations,
f'1.m"ck (}~.(' ht.;J1aJ: "h~tLtJ') (}~,,"f 1t.;J..,lIJA :
,e.OD"..,I1A II
and amendments thereof.
2) The Notary shall authenticate and register
}- hAhl\ documents other than those mention~d above, if
i- h,}'(' (}~.(' ht.;J;JIi11'i requested by the concerned parties.
v) ft-"",}: fl1t\o.i:,} : fml\j(:t:'} m,e.9" f"'CDI\
..,. 6. Prohibition
j(:t:'} : f CD'}'('9" CD1-9" f"h tJ i:,) i f"'l. it 1) A notary shall not authenticate:
, CD"9" fl1A CDI\j("f'}1j "h,}-'lv-9" f"'l,it"" m,e.9" (a) his own documents and those of his relatives by
fl1A CD'}'('9" "htJ""') (}~.(' : consanguinity or affinity up to the second
t\) CDh.A CD"9" "h,}1,t-f1. flf~t\""'} (}fD-(}~.(' degree;
"'It.;J1'P h,e."fA9" II (b) the document of a person for whom the notary is
I- OtLtJ h'}+" '}o-it h'}+" (i) f"'ODt\h"'fD- v-~;J' acting as agent or representative;
f'1.1;J'P'/" (}~~ 01\.1\ (}~.(' ht.;J;J'T' ,.t.;J1l1JA II 2) in the case of Article (1) the document shall be
f.- "h,}-'lv-9" Oih.., "h'}-'l ".t'" f"'mfck v-~;J'9'':(' authenticated by another notary
\1A'"''.7.''' (}~.(' ht.;J;JaJ: (}~.(' f"'lt.;J1'P h1A 3) The notary shall not give any notarial service unless
..,t\-:" h,.(}'P9" II the requirements ofthe law are satisfied;
'j,- ho.i:;J' f"'l:"t.-f1 OD-f1:"
7. Right to Petition
h,}'(' (}~.(' ht.;J;JIi11' OtLtJ ih.., ODIPt."" ODitm"" 1) Any aggrieved person may submit a petition to the
superior organ of the notary within 15 days where
1t\0""') h1A..,t\-""\hA CD"9" ih1-'} OOD"'I\t\,,:
h1A..,I\-"" n.(}1' "'I'}~CD-9" :"~;J' 1t\fD- (}fD-f(}~'(-
the notary refuses to give service that he must under
ht.;J;JQ;)I fOl\,. t\1f~CD- h\1A on; +') fD-it'P
the law, or gives service in violation of the law;
2) Where the person who has submitted a petition
hf1.i:;J' iLl+C-f1 ,."fl\A II
under Sub-Article (1) of this Article is not satisfied
I- 11t\ .,.~, OtLtJ h'}+" '}o-it h'}+" (i) ODIPt."" with the decision rendered or where no decision is
O"'(}mCD- CD-"'~ :"~;J' \1t\fD-CD"9" ho.i:;J'fD- rendered within 30 days from the date of submis-
h + t.0t\ ..,. +'} 1.9"t: 0 c!J I(}1\"I +'} fD-it 'P fD-" ~ sion of the petition he may bring an action in a court
\11\11 t\tj:C.(' 0."" hit "'I:"t.-f1 "':('I\A II of law.
~- foo.,.110C ..,1..;J' 8. Duty to Cooperate
h,}1..' (}~.(' ht.;J;J1if!" t\Ft-fD- hit~I\1_:flf~ (}~.(' CD,e.9" Any person required by a notary to give a document or
oot.~ f'1.m":" i "'I1~CD-" (}CD- f "'mf+CD-') (}~.(' m,e.9" information necessary for the notary's activities shall
cooperate by producing the required document or by
tlDt.:cr Oooitm"" CD"" 0"'l:"t.011 oo.,.110C ht\O"" II providing the required information.
u- "'I.itm.C foomO:" ..,1..;J' 9. Duty of Secrecy
"'I'}~CD-" (}~" ht.;J;J1if!" i A notary shall:
Otj:C.(- 0."" CD"" Oih.., P'AlIJ') O"'(}mfD- h\1A
1) not give to third party information, which comes
i- into his possession in the course of performing his
\1A:1'"" o+C 0P't-fD- h;JlIJ"'I. O"h:( f111fD-'} oot.:cr duties unless ordered by a court or by a body
t\t\.1\ f.~ CD1'}h"Ac:. h,.(}'P" II empowered by law.
I- 0P't-CD- h;JlIJ"t ICD+CD-'}~1C o,.itm.C ,e.,.tJA II
2) keep secret anything which he happens to know in
the course of performing his duties.
h":A f. PART 3
(}~.(- f"'l t.;J1'P P'C~""
(}~.(- itt\ "'I t.;J 11'
! . h-'lit 10. Authentication of a New Document
(}~I.' ht.;J;J~ h,) I.' (}~.(- "h'}-'It.;J;J'P f'1.+C-f1t\""i 1) Where a new document is submitted for authen-
(}~~ ') t\oo~t." f+t.OCD- (}fD- itao-Ij h.(-t-7ffD-
tication, the notary shall authenticate the document.
after having ascertained by means of evidence that
O(}~~ (}CD- oolf~,) O"'litt.:cr I

1\" f"'m+(}CD- the name address of the person who is about to sign
hoo"ht: cU~ '} 1t.;J..,lIJA II the document is the same as the name and address i

on the document;
! ~

,.,... SohMay. 2003-Page 2175

"K' Mjf.iir~~ Uo.6-1\ ~:Jt.}. ;.IILII) <IITC9~ "".,f1" ~j +') Ijj.rj~ Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 54

~, {t~1.' hl..?.?~ {t~1.' fl.ll..?"'T : h..,I1-o 11"TW' 2) The notary shall comply with the provision of the
ih1:f f'NJ.~11(1}<'} IIDh.,'A hAil"" II relevant law when he authenticates a document.
11. Documents Already Signed
Hi' hil+1.''l'' ilA.f'Ll.tJOc{t~f.~' 1) Where a document which is already signed is
j!. {t~1.'hl..?.?~ hil+Y:'l" f.,.Ll.IID {t~Y: h'}Jll..?1T
submitted for authentication the notary shall
fl.+C-oA"" 11{t~~ "f, f{tLl.(I}< kCI17 {t~~ '}
authenticate such document by ascertaining that the
hil+ 1.''l'' f Ll.IID(I}< 1'1(1}<
~.CI17 IIDIf~,} OJf,9" 11{t~~ signature on the document is that of the person who
"f, fl17.11(1}< 117..,.,.9" ""tltlA~(I}< 117..,.,.9" IIDI1'~,} has signed it or that the seal on the document is
1 l..?..,fflA ::
f+l.I1(1}< {t~Y: 111\." {t~1.' hl..?.?6f!- f.,.l..?.?m hl1'~ 2) Where the document submitted for authentication
is already authenticated by another notary, the
11{t~~ "f, fD?11(1}< kCI17Cj 117..,.,.9" f.,.I11\(I}<{t~Y:
notary shall authenticate the document by verifying
hl..?.?6f!- keD?Cj 117..,.,.9" IIDI1'~,} 1l..?..,fflA:: that the signature and seal on the document is the
II{' hA{t~Y: "'AI16f!- OJf,9" 11"( signature and seal of the said notary.
j!. fh'}1.' {t~Y: "'AI16f!- OJf,9" 11"( h'}Jll.'?1T fl.+C 12. Copies of Documents
-01\"" : {t~Y: hl..?.?~ OJf,9" fl1"(1}< f,U"" hCPCj(l}<
1) Where a copy of a document is submitted for
authentication, the notary shall authenticate the
{t~1.' f,U"" .?C h'}JllJc9" l1"'AI1~ OJf,9" 1111"(1}<
document by ascertianing that the contents of the
"f, 11\(1}<keD? tDf,9" 117..,.,.9" I1CPCj(l}<
{t~Y: "f, copy are the same as those of the original document
111\(1}<kCI17Cj OJf,9" 117..,.,.9" .?C h,}Y: f}f,~"" and that the signature and/or seal on the copy is the
IIDI1'~,} 1111711DI&hc
{t~~ '} 1l..?..,fflA :: same as the signature and/or seal on the original
I{' I1ttO h'}+". '}o-h h'}+". (li) IIDIPl."" f.,.l..?1m document;
2) A copy of a document authenticated under Sub-
fh'}1.' {t~Y: "'AI16f!- fCPCj(l}<'} {t~Y: lOA fl17hl.jf~""
Article (1) of this Article shall have the same
CP.?f,'i l.CPA ::
probatory value as that of the original document.
Ii:' f{t~f.:f'} ih.?ce~"" hl\I17l..?1T 13. Ascertaining the Legality of Documents
li' {t~Y: hl..?.?~ {t~1.' hl17l.'?1m-Cj hllDlID1f1f1cIlk"" 1) A notary shall, before authenticating and regis-
f{t~~ f,U"" ih"''}Cj IIDAI19" ml1f,'} fl17f.:1>l.'} tering a document, ascertain that its contents are not
IIDI1'~,} 117l..?1T hl\I1"" :: illegal or immoral;
2) Apart from ascertaining it's legality, a notary shall
I{' {t~Y: hl..?.?~ fh'}Y:'} {t~Y: ih.?ce~"" hl17l..?1'1'
not have power to change or cause to be changed
hAc:. f{t~~ '} f,U"" fllDI\OJ'I' OJf,9" fl17hl\OJ'I' the contents of a document submitted for authen-
P'AffI'} fl\(I}<9" :: tication.
Ii' f{t~Y: L&-lI7.sP:f'} :f1\-:rCj P'AffI'} hl\I17l..?1'1' 14. Ascertaing the Capacity and Authority of
{t~Y: hl..?.?~ h,}Y:,} {t~Y: hl17l..?1m- 11~."" Signatories of a Document
f L&-II7.(I}<'} f lIDLl.9" IID-o"" OJf,9" P' A ffI'}
1) The notary shall, before authenticating a document,
make shure that the person who has signed or is
117l..?1'1' hl\O""::
about to sign the document has the right or
I{' h,}~: {t~Y: L&-I17. f ih.., :fl\-:r 11\(1}< IIDI1'~
authority to sign it;
hm &-ffl& fl.1f'} 1'1~Y: hl..?.? ~ f L&-II7.(I}<'}f ih.., 2) Where it is doubtful that the person who has signed
:fl\-:r "'10. 1111D{tl\(I}< IID'}1Y: 117ff1&-""f,:f"A II or is about to sign a document has capacity to do so
fh'}}S'}.r.' '}-I1l..,.:f'}Cj fl11\,}-I1l.-I:'} lJc~:r hl\I17l..?1'1' the notary shall make the necessary investigation in
ih.., filA 11.""~"" IID-I1..,. 117l.'? 1651 fll7.{t'l' 11T(I}<'} a way he thinks proper to find out whether or not the
° signatory has capacity to sign.
'}-I1l..,.:f l\l17h"'''I\tt: fIl7.U.?~ {t~p.:f hllDl..?1ff1T(I}<
15. Ascertaining the Ownership and Other
Ok"" {t~Y: hl.'?'?"" =- i' Conditions of Certain Properties
li' '} -11l."" h h.,." "k(l}< h .., 11-11 111\(I)< ih.., lID IP l. ..,. Before authenticating documents relating to the transfer
fl11\I1.""~"" 117l..?1651{t~Y: 11\OJ. IIDI1'~,} i of properties for which title certificates are issued under
I{' ,}-I1~-I: ° lID'''''~'''' lA.,.{tm OJf,9" Ott:CY: 11."" the law, the notary shall ascertain that: .

1) the transferor of the property has title certificate for

lA:r11. IIDIf~,} :
the property in accordance with the relevant law;
{t~~ '} fIl7.Ll.IID(I}< 1'1(1}<{t~~ '} I\IIDLl.9" h(l}<A
f.' 2) the property is not mortgaged or pledged or is not
tDf,9" hih.., fllD~Q;}. P'AffI'} 11\(1}< IIDI1'~,} attached by a court order;
117l..?1'1' hl\O"" II 3) the person who has signed or is about to sign the
II' :1>l\ lID"''' hl\IID+OACj f9"htiC :1>A hl\lIDhl17"" document has the right or authority, legal or
~..,. contractual, to sign the document.
Ii' h '}Y: (a(I)< f J\ ') Y:,} 1'1"Y: f,U"" ..,.tI tll\ ~ °
1'1 ~.(-
16. Administration of Oath and Hearing of Witnesses
hl.'?'?"" k"" +C(1 0:1>1\ lID"''' 117l..?1'1' f,'f"A II
1) A person may declare the truth of the contents of a
(a~.r.' J\l..?.?QJ;I}" f.,.I11\(I}< (a(l)< Ok"" +C(1 :1>I\-,} document.under oath before a notary. In such a case
hllDhm-l: Ok"" :1>1\ lID"''' IIDLOtJOc'} O{t~~ "f, the notary shall state on the document that the said
f,1A"A II person has been sworn by him before he made the
I{' J\,}'(- {t~.(- J\l..?.?~ Ott:C.(- 11."" fl.:rU1f fh,}'(-,} declaration;
(a(l)<f9"htlC~"" :1>Af,+O"A II 2) A notary shall take the testimony of a witness
where he is ordered by a court;
f.' 1'1",(- J\l..?.?"" OttO h'}+". '}o-h h,}+~ (~ 3) Where the notary takes the testimony of a witness
IIDIP l."" f9"h tiC""" :1>A 0117.+OAO"" 9" htl~ under Sub-Article (2) of this Article, he shall state
:1>I\-') f {tm(l}< 0111 U ~ IIDIf~ '} f9" h tiC""" :1>I\- on the document that the witness give his testimony
O{tLl.O"" (a".(- "f, 1A~ f,LC9"O:rA 117..,.,.tJOc'}9" in his free will. The notary shall also sign the
II document and affix his seal thereon.
t!) +") litX1?; '}.~.
Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 54 May, 2003-Page 2176
!(1I""1iJ~ IJ.t-/:\ ~:Jt.1" ;IlL'" 4I'I'C:li! "7J1/'

I%" 'JOl.A ()~,.~.') 1lf\"7";J~:" 17. Drawing up Model Documents

Ii" {)~1.' hl;J;Ja.1J OlltJ h'P~ h'}+?\ ~ f\"'oPf\hi::'-lJ'
1) The notary may draw up model documents for
h,}l.hllL"1.~i: f\f\.f\"~' ()~,."f9" 'JOl.A "7";J~:" those documents specified under Article 5 of this
~~'''A II Proclamation and for such other documents as may
J." {)~1.' hl;J;Ja.1J 11";J~OJ- 'JOl.A {)~1.' f\oPm+9" be necessary;
f"7.LA'" {)OJ- OlltJ h'P~ oPlPl:'- O"7.lDlIJ I:HI 2) Any person who desires to use a model document
f"7.tD()~OJ-'} 'P;J OoPtlLA 'JOl.A ()~~ '} "7..,,:,- drawn up by the notary may get a copy thereof by
~~'''A II paying the price prescribed by regulations issued
It" ()~P."f') 1lf\oPoP1I11llJ' llf\"7ll+oP1' pursuant to this Proclamation.
Ii" {)~1.' hl;J;Ja.1J f"7.!l;J",IIJTOJ-'} ()~P."f ~oP" 18. Registration and Deposit of Documents
",I1A II f\h1').';'}~ {)~1.' h'}1.' "'AI16£b OR"ihL:'- 1) The notary shall register all documents which he
0.1: 11l+9"IIJA :I authenticates and deposits a copy for each
J." h'}1.' {)~1.' O()~1.' hl;J;J6£b h~ h'}Jt+oP1' Oih", document in his office;
f"'1.~11 hln {)~1.' hl;J;Ja.1J h'}JttJ 1f\OJ- {)~1.' 2) Where the law provides for the deposit of a
().+Cllf\:'- .,.+llf\o ~oP""'I1A i 11l+9"IIJA II
document with a notary, the notary shall register
and deposit such document upon its submission;
;:" {)~1.' hl;J;Ja.1J Oh:( f"7.1~ h'}1.' f()~1.' "'AI16£b 3) Upon request by an interested person to get a copy
lD~9" h'}1.' {)~1.' Oh:( llf\oP'i~ ,..';, O"7.oPf\ of information about a document in the hands of the
h.,.OJ- {)OJ-"7lll)f ().m~:" i "'1o.OJ-') tI~1 0"71l notary, the notary shall give the requested copy or
hLA ",AI1a.1J'} lD~9" "7lll)fOJ-'} ~{)IIJA II information upon receipt of the appropriate charge.
tI~A §
llf\()~1.' "7l;J11iliJ.lJ'9"11111 PART 4
R'ihL:'- o..,."f NOTARY OFFICES
'}O-ll tI~A h'}1.' Section one
ftlAA f()~1.' "7l;J11iliJ.lJ'9"11111 ?\ihL:'- 0.:'- Regio Notary Offices
Iii" h1.l)f~:'- Organization 19.
~tJ,} h'P~
Ii" ftlAA oPll"'.';1.'~"f f"7.11lL?\go.
1) To implement this proclamation Regional Adminis-
f()~1.' "7l;J11iliJ.lJ'9"111111\.11.&-:( ~"f"1\- II
.,.Q;1,I16£b V-).;J-
trations may organize notary offices.
I" 1IC1I~'} h'}1.fht)l1o.1TOJ-
2) They may issue details based on the facts of their
0&-1't:fOJ-~tDlllJ'1\- II
respective area.
'}o-ll tI~A v-f\:'-
Section two
fhJtll hOI1lJ' f1.'~.';'P f()~1.""7l;J18j.lJ' 9"11111R'ihL:'- 0.:'-
Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa notary offices;
1)" fR'ihL:'- 0.1: oP9l9l9"
20. Establishment of the Federal Notary Office
Ii" fhJtll hOI1lJ' 1.'~.';'P h"''JO"f h1'}.';'}.';TOJ- h'}1.' 1) Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa cities have notary
R'ihL:'- 0.:'- ~'i&-:f'PA II
office each.
I" f4..l.&-1\- f()~1.' "7l;J11'lJ' 9"11111 JP&- OhJlll 2) The Federal Authenatication and Registrations
hOI1lJ' 01.'~'P O"7.9l9lgo.:'- R'ihL:'- o..,."f ~hlJ'
Shall be Carried out by notary offices to be
established in Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa cities.
~Ii" fR'ihLT 0.1: JPAIIJ'}lJ' .,.",I1C
21. Powers and Duties of the Office
R'ihLT 0.1: f"7.h.,.I\-T JPAIIJ'}lJ' .,.",I1&-T ~'i~;J-A:
.,.",I1&-T 1hlJ' The Office shall:-
Ii- OlltJ h'P~ h,}+R' g f"'"l"~T
lDlJ'Ai 1) Carry out the activities provided for under Article 4
of this Proclamation;
I- OlltJ h'P~ h,}+R' 1% oPlPlT h,}1. hllL"1.~i:
'JOl.A ()~P."f') 1U;J)fA i 2) Draw up model documents pursuant to Article 17
;:- OJ-A ~'P'PA i of this Proclamation, as may be necessary;
g- '}-olT ~~tfA i 11l"'''A~A i 3) enter into contract;
?;- ,I\"7OJ-'} h",-o f\"71.'lll f"7.!llLA1OJ-'} .,.",I1C 4) Own and transfer property;
v-I\- ~LR'''7 A II 5) carry out other activities necessary for the attain-
1)1- h1.l)f~T ment of its purposes.
R'ihLT 0.1: Ohi"'7OJ- oPll.,..';1.'C 9"tlc o.T f"7.7'9" 22. Organization
h'}1.' fR'ihLT o.T ;}I\A- hlltJ 0:\1\ ";}I\A-" hf.,.l1f\ The Office shall have a head (hereinafter the "Head)"
f"7.m&- hlJ' hllLI\1. 1P&-.,.VO"f~'i~;J-A II appointed by the City Governments and the necessary
1);:- f?\ihLT 0.1: ;}I\A- JPAIIJ'}lJ' .,.",I1C staff.
Ii- ;}I\A-OJ- hhi"'7OJ- oPll.,..';1.'C O"7.()mOJ- hm:J>I\~ 23. Powers and Duties of the Head of the Office
oPOD,,' ODlPlT R'ihLT 0.1:'} ~oP&-A Ill.,..'; 1) The Head shall direct and administer the Office in
1.'&-A II accordance with the general directives given by the
I- flltJ h '}+R' '}o-ll h '}+R'(Ii) hm:J>"~ h ~;J1C City Government;
h,} ;}I\A-OJ- 2) Without prejudice to the generality of Sub-Article
1."'m 0 + II' 'i
(1) of this Article, the Head shall:-
1A' IW.ltfcr.& U.~A ~.:Jt:t. ;lIL"I eIITCYi "7J1J!i9 ""J !lin~ 't.g-. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 54 8'" May, 2003-Page 2177

v) fh"'''7ID-''} (/Dit.,.~1.'C 'hI itL"". fR':h.f."" (a) employ, administer and dismiss department
o.1:") f", ~ ~1\.f.sP"f'i ibl\-":(' 1P~"'if""f"} heads of the Office and other employees in
O.f..1..~A ~ii.A ( :h.,..-:;' (/DlPl"" accordance with the Federal Civil Service Law
i lit"'~1.'~A i 1(t'i-o;J'A i with the approval of the City Government;
(b) submit the annual budget and work programme
1\) fJt:hL"" o.1:") '(/D:1"'£ O~""'i f"'~
of the Office for approval to the City Govern-
-rr.''''~9'' I\h'f-"71D- (/Dit.,.~1.'C }\:"C(11it~ ment and implement the approved budget and
1.'~1A i O~""'i f"'~ -rC'..,~9" ",~ I\~ work programme;
'11D-1\1A i
(c) prepare and submit internal regulations and
th) flD-it... ~"}(1"f"}'i (/D(/Dt,lsP"f") }\",;J~'" directives to the City Government and im-
I\hT"71D- (/Dit.,.",1.'C ,"'CI1IA i ~~1..:,.9" plement the same after approval;
", ~ I\~ IID-I\A i (d) represent the Office before third parties;
Jt:hL"" o.i:") O,.it.,.~ m1,:,"f ""}1.' (e) submit to the City Government annual report
~mhl\Ai concerning the performance of activities by the
IP) itl\R':h.f."" 0.1: f"'~ h"}ID-"}I\h"-"71D- (/Dit Office;
.,.",1.'C 9"hC 0...,. '(/D ;J''£ t,;rc"" ,"'CI1A i (f) carry out other related activities that may be
l) Oh.,.oYID- (/Dit.,.",1.'C f"7.(tffio tt.1\--:;'"'tf"7~ assigned to him l>ythe City Government.
"''''"~'''''') Ih'iID-'i1A 81 24. Budget of the Office
&,g. fR':hL"" o.i: O~..,. The Budget of the Office shall be drawn from:-
1) revenue derived from the services rendered by it;
fR':h.f."" 0.1: n~""'-
1\"7.(tIlJTID- }\1A..,I\-"'-:;' h"7.(tO(tOID- 10. :
2) budget appropriation made by the City Govern-
i' ment;
I' Oh.f0"71D- (/Dit.,.",1.'C h"7.(/D,.-oI\"" fO~""
3) donations and assistance;
1."1-"7'1' i
25. Keeping of Accounts and Audit
f.' h"7.11'flD- it{l1;J''i c)C"';J' i f"'1D-1IJ1IJ t) The Office shall keep books of account and record;
~1fC.'1A81 2) The Accounts of the Office shall be audited by the
f!?;' f'tPfoO }\1111'i 9"C(/D~ A.uditorof the City Governments.
i' R':hL"" 0.1: '''10.1D-'') f't"'-o M1.' 'h'i (/Dtf..,-o"" PART 5
I' fR':hL"" 11.1: 't...00 Ofh"-"71D- (/Dit.f''''1.'C ).Jl"'C 26. Notarial Powers and Duties Vested on Certain
~(/Dl(/D~1A1I Institutions of the Federal Government
h~A ?; 1) Ethiopian Embassies and Consular Offices shall
1.',,},;J1.sP-:;' authenticate documents entering into Ethiopia.
IA" A"
f)'I. (t~1.' f"7l,;J1... 'h'i f(/D(/D1I100 ",AIIJ"}'i "'..,I1C 2) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall authen-
itl\.,.(tIlJTID- }\"}~"}1.' f .f..1..~A (/D"}"'''''''' }\'1I\"" ticate:-
h.9"II~jP"f'i "'''}itl\ R':hL"" (a) documents authenticated by Ethiopian embas-
Ii' nlD-~ }\1C fh."""kl
o..,."f m~ h."""kl f"7.10- (t~p."f") Il,;J..,IIJlt-i sies and consular offices and by embassies and
consular offices of foreign countries in
I' flD-~ 1-"'~ "7.titi:C i .
V) Oh...,."kl h.9"I1~sP"f'i "'''}itl\ Jt:hL"" o..,."f
b) Documents to be sent abroad that are required to
'h''}Jlf109'' nh. """k 1 0"7.11- flD--"" }\1C h.9"
be authenticated under the law of the receiving
l1~sP-:;''i "'''}itl\ Jt :hL"" o..,."f f.,.l,;J1ffio
country .
(t~p."f") i
3) Commanders of divisions of the defense force shall
,,) }\1C :h.., 'h"}Jll,;J1ffio f"7.LI\1- 'h'i
0''''''"'' authenticate documents submitted by members of
m,. ~ f"7.~,IJ. (t~p."f") Il,;J..,IIJA II the defense force who are on active duty;
f.' f(/Dhl\hllP~,£"" fhtt:1A if.'l""f O..,"'~ I\~ f"7.11- 4) Heads of federal persons shall authenticate
flP~ce1: }\111\"" f"7.1"'Co-I\TID-"} (t~p."f Il,;J documents submitted by prisoners;
..,IIJIt-i 5) The heads of the institutions mentioned in this
g. f.f..1..~A "7l"7.1 0."" ~1\.f.sP"f 'h",lif""f f"7.1"'C Article may issue directives of the implementation
0-1\TID-") (t ~ p."f Il,;J..,1IJ It- i of the powers and duties given to them under this
li' 0 fl II }\ "}.,. R' f"'(/D 1\h1:"" }\ '11\"" 0 fl II }\CP~ it1\.,.(t Proclamation.
IIJTID- ",AIIJ"}'i .,...,I1C }\L~~9" 'h"}~}\itLI\'L~i: 27. Legal Effect of Authenticated Documents
(/D(/Dt,11l.1mffio ~"f1\1t- 81 1) A document authenticat~d in accordance with this
Proclamation shall be conclusive evidence of its
n. f"'l;J1ffio (t~p."f :h,;J'£ID-m.""
i' Oflll }\CP~ (/DlPl"" f.,.l,;J1m (t~1.' OID-itffioitl\"7.
2) Authenticated documents may be challenged only
111D- ~"..,. ~It- 'h9"~"" f"7.IIJIAO"" 04: "7itlj{
with the permission of a court for good cause.
28. Service Fee
f.,.l;J1m (t~1.',,) (/D~m9" f"7.:F1\1D- tt:C1.' 0.""
I' 1) The notary may charge appropriate fees for his
004: 9"h"}I"" ~L:"1.' -o:F ~ID-II services;
f!~' it"}\1A..,I\-"" htt:1 2) The amount of service charge shall be determined
(t ~1.' }\ l;J ,;J 1\"7.(t mID- }\1 A.., 1\-"" "'(/DIIJ IIJ~ by regulations issued under Article 33 of this
. i' ""
flf~ f}\1A..,I\-"" htt:lll.m~:" ~"fI\A II Proclamation.
I' fhtt:11D- (/Dm") Oflll }\CP~ O}\,,}"'R'
0f. (/DlPl""
O"7.mllJ ~,,}00 ~m(t'iA II
May. 2003-Page 2178
't.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 54
,It l1tifcn ~A ~;J~+ ;JtL"I -tl1'C'i '"t11Il~"" !11f2~

.,.~~ blj:l 29. Payment of Stamp Duty

ID' l\,,-t"-oC Before authenticating and registering a document the
cU'(' h~;J;J"" cU~ 1 h~;J"'(I1 hODOD1J1R- 04.""
h..,q-o q"m- ih.., ODIP~"" f-t,.-oC +~~ ODhL~1 notary shall make sure that the stamp duty relating to the
document is paid pursuant to the relevant law;
"'~;J1~ h"O"" ..
30. Acceptance of Authenticated Documents
0' f"'~;J1tn cU.('- +.,.q1o"""
1) Any document authenticated by a federal notary
i' OtUJ h'P:E- ODIP~"" O~Y.t-A OD1..,P''''' fC\.,.(-
organ under this Proclamation accepted by
h~;J;J6f!" h\1A f+~;J1tn c\.,.('- OhAA OD1"'P':J-""
Regional Governments;
++q1o""" .e.': ~'PA ,I 2) Similarly, any document authenticated by a
I' ~1~tlV." ObAA c\.,.('- h~;J;J6f!" h\1A f+~;J1tn Regional notary shall be accepted by the F~eral
c\.,.('- O~Y.t-A OD1"'P'''''~ '01\.A-~ fbAA Govoernment and other Regional Governments.
P':J-"" +.,.q1o""" .e.': ~'PA II 31. Rendering Service Outside the Official Place of Work
0i hOD~O~ fP't- (1:J-m-6f!"h1A..,A-"" h"ODhtn"" 1) Where a person who is incapable of going to the
Ii' OJ~ c\.,.('- h~;J;J"" OD~O~ f P't- (1:J- "OD't.('- official place of work of the notary request for his
f"'1o~A c\m- c\.tn1o:" c\.,.('- h~;J;J"" Otnlcf:m- service, the notary shall render service of such
h.('-t-7f OOD1"f"" fC\.,.('- "'I~;J1~~ ,.1J1q h1A person at the latter's address; .
~, ..,A-"" 1oc\tlJA II 2) For the Service he renders under Sub-Article(l)of
I' ~1~tlU ""m- h1A..,A-"" f c\.,.('-h~;J;J"" +t.D.",t this Article the notary may charge additional fees.
blj:ll\.tn1o:" 1o~"A II 32. Penalty
01' :"tIJ"" A notarry 'or any person who violates any of the
OtlU h'P:E- f+~"11m-1 f+""L ,.('- h~;J;J6f!" OJ1o" provisions of this Proclamation shall be punished in

",'~m-" c\m- OOJ1:l"~ OD:"8J. ih.., ODlPl"" 1o+tlJA II accordance with the Penal Code.
33. Authority to Issue Regulations
01:' ~1-o f"'lm-tlJ"" P'AtlJ1
fbAA ODh+~.('-~~ f fh.lll\ hOq h.,.", ODh+~'(-C ~~ Regional administrations, the City Government of Addis
f .('-~'P h.,.", ODh+~.('-C ,.bC n..,.~ "tl U h'l':E- Ababa and the City Council 01 Dire Dawa may issue
.. regulations for the implementation of this Proclamation.
hLM" ~1-o I\.IOJm- 1o~"~
0§' +L~"7. f",1o.,'1- ih""~ ,J4;,,j~d
In~f!'pl~cable -t,>
~ ::f. ~.f~'..i'~'
ih.., f i111 i oOOot1" 'M, regulations, directives or customary practice,
'. "'C':'.'

1oU1 h'P:E- f"'l:l'l1 ",'~m-"

contrary to this Proclamation shall be applicable to
OJ1o" fhlPt-C A,..('- OtlU h'P:E- m-h~ O+OD"h-t:""
matters provided for in this ~roclamation.
...~f"~ "10 +L."7.""" h1o': lm-,. II
35. Effective Date
0li' h'l':q: f"7.S~O"" 1.11. 8thday of
This Proclamation shall come into force as of
10U h'P:E- h"7.11J1 0''''' !Df~li ~.9'" :l9"~ ftJ~ May, 2003.
1o"~ A
Done at Addis Ababa, this If' day of May, 2003
AJl.1IAflll 01.j'1I.f@1'1 li!ll~ ,.r.
IIJC01 OJAJ'.1.f"C1.11
fJa.:"f"k.f "f!.t1-,,'I! JI.f"ht1-II..f'l!&r-fllLh DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA

«Icn~ t)4r ".,.-u JX:f~ :1"T68



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