Adult Pre-Intermediate - Written Test May 2024

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International House Montevideo

Adult Pre-Intermediate
Written Test
May 2024
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Section 1: Listening 20 marks

 Listen to Dawn talking about her trip to California. Mark the sentences TRUE or

(1) Dawn went to California last month. ______

(2) She bought the ticket for the concert online ______

(3) Dawn had a student discount on her plane ticket. ______

(4) Her plane ticket cost her £330. _____

(5) She stayed in her mother’s apartment. ______

(6) The concert finished earlier than planned. _____

(7) Dawn thought the music was too loud. ______

(8) Dawn didn’t go to the beach in California. ______

___ / 20 marks (2.5 each)

Adult Pre-Intermediate Written Test May 2024

Section 2: Reading 20 marks

David swims the Cook Strait

David Johnson loved swimming all his life. When he was 27, he
swam in a race near his home in the USA. The sea was very
cold and David started to feel unwell. They took him to hospital
but he soon got better and started swimming again. In 1983, he
became the first person to swim from Santa Cruz Island to the
Californian coast.

In January 2004, at the age of 52, David crossed New Zealand’s Cook Strait in 9 hours
and 38 minutes. The oldest swimmer before David was only 42 years old. David spent
over a year getting ready to swim the Strait. Then, he and his wife flew to New Zealand
so that David could practise for a few weeks there. The weather wasn’t good, so he
thought he would have to postpone his swim. But, only days after they arrived, the
weather improved so David decided to start his swim. He did it with the help of a team.
‘They were great,’ David said. ‘They were in a boat next to me all the time! After a few
hours, I thought about stopping but I didn’t and continued swimming.’

Afterwards, David and his wife travelled around New Zealand before returning to the

1. Read the text and mark the sentences T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).

(1) David Johnson has always enjoyed swimming. ______

(2) David had problems during a swimming competition in the USA. ______
(3) Many people swam between Santa Cruz Island and the Californian coast before
1983. ______
(4) In January 2004, David was the first person of his age to swim across the Cook
Strait. ______
(5) David practised for more than a year to swim across the Cook Strait. ______
(6) David was in New Zealand for months before he swam across the Cook Strait.
(7) David’s wife couldn’t go to New Zealand with him for the swim across the Cook
Strait. ________
(8) David considered the idea of stopping while he was swimming across the Cook
Strait, but he went on. ______
___ / 20 marks (2.5 each)

Adult Pre-Intermediate Written Test May 2024

Section 3: English in Use 20 marks

1. Look, read and complete. There is one example (0)

(0) It’s a hoodie. (EXAMPLE)

(1) Her hair is c_______________.

(2) My daughter is very s_______________.

She doesn’t like meeting new people.

(3) These s_______________ are very comfortable for long walks.

(4) We are going on a guided t________________ when we get to Paris.

(5) What a lovely s_______________ day for our excursion!

___ / 5 marks

2. Read and circle the correct option. There is one example (0).

(0) My name is / are Joffrey.

(1) Peter shopped / was shopping when his mother called him.

(2) John is the friend which / who I told to you about.

(3) When / Where were you born? In 1986.

(4) I’d love to come to your party on Saturday, but I am travelling / travel to
Buenos Aires for the weekend,

(5) I’ll have to buy some milk because / although we haven’t got any.

___ / 5 marks

Adult Pre-Intermediate Written Test May 2024

1. Read part of a postcard. Circle the correct option. There is one example (0).

Hi Tasha,
I’m (0) in / on holiday in Rio, in Brazil! I’m with my family and we (1) arrive /
arrived here last Sunday. We (2) travel / travelled by plane. Rio is a beautiful
city and there are lots of things to do! For example, on Monday we (3) go / went
for a long drive around the city and we (4) saw / see the famous Christ the
Redeemer statue. Right now I’m at the hotel. I (5) ‘m sitting / sit by the swimming,
and in half an hour I will have lunch with my family at the hotel restaurant.
___ / 5 marks
3. Mark the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the five conversations. There
is one example (0).

(0) Where do you live?

A: In New York. (EXAMPLE)
B: At work
C: In the afternoon

(1) Is it a good film?

A: That’s correct.
B: It’s OK.
C: I don’t agree.

(2) I’m going to Tom’s party tonight.

A: Can I go too?
B: Let’s go.
C: Was it good?

(3) When did you lose your watch?

A: Once a week.
B: For two days.
C: A month ago.

(4) Sorry, I don’t understand you.

A: Let me explain.
B: I don’t know.
C: What does it mean?

(5) Shall we ask Paul to come with us?

A: I believe it.
B: I’m sure.
C: If you like.

Adult Pre-Intermediate Written Test May 2024

___ / 5 marks

Section 4: Writing 20 marks

1. Your boss has asked you to write a short profile of yourself. Write your
profile, including:
 Name, age, nationality
 Work/study/family
 Physical appearance
 Personality
 Hobbies and interests

Write your PROFILE.









___ / 10 marks

2. Write a short description of a person you admire (a celebrity, a friend or

someone in your family). Include details about what they do, what they look
like, their personality, and why you admire them.








Adult Pre-Intermediate Written Test May 2024

___ / 10 marks

Adult Pre-Intermediate Written Test May 2024

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