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missions rewards

1 Apprehend NPC 51 Infiltrate faction 1 A blind eye 51 Magical ally

2 Arrange marriage 52 Investigate crime 2 Alcohol 52 Mansion
3 Awaken monster 53 Kidnap leader 3 Armor 53 Meeting
4 Banish demon 54 Kidnap NPC 4 Army 54 Mercenaries
5 Befoul location 55 Kill leader 5 Artwork 55 Mine
6 Blackmail NPC 56 Kill NPC 6 Blackmail 56 Monster ally
7 Bribe faction 57 Locate city 7 Blessing 57 Monst. weakness
8 Bribe NPC 58 Locate dungeon 8 Blueprints 58 Noble clothing
9 Burgle building 59 Locate faction 9 Business 59 Noble title
10 Chart dungeon 60 Locate item 10 Caravel 60 NPC weakness
11 Chart region 61 Locate landmark 11 Carriage 61 Palace
12 Clear dungeon 62 Locate NPC 12 Castle 62 Pardon
13 Clear lair 63 Locate region 13 Chapel 63 Planar portal
14 Control building 64 Loot dungeon 14 Charter 64 Political clout
15 Craft item 65 Overthrow NPC 15 City map 65 Printing press
16 Cripple NPC 66 Patrol building 16 Companion 66 Rare animal
17 Deceive faction 67 Patrol city 17 Contract 67 Rare material
18 Deceive NPC 68 Persuade faction 18 Cottage 68 Reduced sentence
19 Deface building 69 Persuade NPC 19 Craftsmen 69 Region map
20Defraud NPC 70 Plant item 20Cypher 70 Relic
21 Destroy building 71 Poison NPC 21 Dungeon 71 Religious clout
22 Destroy item 72 Prank NPC 22 Dungeon map 72 Renown
23 Destroy monster 73 Protect building 23 Endorsement 73 Revenge
24 Destroy warband 74 Protect item 24 Estate 74 Rights
25 Discredit NPC 75 Protect NPC 25 Expert 75 Royal clothing
26 Drown NPC 76 Pursue NPC 26 Faction ally 76 Safe passage
27 Duplicate item 77 Raid building 27 Falcons 77 Secret
28 Entertain NPC 78 Replace item 28 Familiar 78 Servants
29 Entrap NPC 79 Replace NPC 29 Farm 79 Shortcut
30 Escape building 80Rescue family 30 Favor 80Sloop
31 Escape city 81 Rescue leader 31 Fishing boat 81 Social clout
32 Escape dungeon 82 Rescue NPC 32 Fleet 82 Spellbook
33 Escape region 83 Resolve dispute 33 Forge 83 Spices
34 Escort NPC 84 Retrieve item 34 Formula 84 Supplies
35 Extort NPC 85 Rob faction 35 Galleon 85 Tavern
36 Follow NPC 86 Rob NPC 36 Gold 86 Temple
37 Forge weapon 87 Sabotage item 37 Guide 87 Theater
38 Frame NPC 88 Sabotage treaty 38 Guildhall 88 Time extension
39 Frighten NPC 89 Sabotage wedding 39 Healing 89 Tower
40 Haunt building 90 Seduce NPC 40 Hideout 90 Training
41 Haunt NPC 91 Smuggle item in 41 Hirelings 91 Transformation
42 Hide item 92 Smuggle item out 42 Hounds 92 Transport
43 Hide NPC 93 Spread rumor 43 House 93 Treasure
44 Humiliate NPC 94 Spy on faction 44 Influential ally 94 Treasure map
45 Impersonate NPC 95 Spy on NPC 45 Jewels 95 Vineyard
46 Impress faction 96 Summon being 46 Key 96 Wagon
47 Impress NPC 97 Survive test 47 Land 97 Warband
48 Infiltrate building 98 Tame monster 48 Livestock 98 Warhorse
49 Infiltrate city 99 Transport item 49 Machine 99 Wealthy clothing
50 Infiltrate dungeon00Transport NPC 50 Magic item 00Weapons
gambling: The player wagers some
Downtime money (up to a house limit) then the DM
rolls a d6. The player then makes a choice:
carousing: Carousing takes up a whole
either bow out and lose half of their
night and costs a PC d10×50c in villages,
wager or try to roll a d6 higher than the
d10×100c in towns, d10×200c in cities. It
DM’s roll. If they roll and succeed, they
also grants the PC XP equal to the amount
win double their wager. If they fail, they
spent. In the morning, succeed at a CON
lose everything they wagered.
check or roll a mishap.
d20 carousing mishaps research: Most cities contain sages who
1 You made a public fool of yourself. can answer esoteric questions,as long as
2 Take d3 direct damage from a fight. the party completes quests for them.
3 Pay d100c due to fines. career training: To gain a new career,
4 You are engaged to be married. a PC must find an expert in that career
5 Lose d1000c from gambling. and spend the required amount of time
Obnoxious groupies follow you and money.
career types
7 You’ve made an enemy.
common: Careers requiring skills that
8 You have an ugly, prominent tattoo.
untrained people could perform (poorly).
You have -5 on all tests today due to a Gaining a common career grants the PC a
hangover. +5 on related non-combat checks.
10 You have joined a local faction. Requires 1 month and 1000c.
Take d3 direct damage and lose d100c uncommon: Careers that require training
due to being robbed. to perform at all. Gaining an uncommon
12 You wake up in prison. career allows the PC to attempt related
13 The building is on fire! tasks. These careers can be trained a
Everyone expects you to complete a
14 second time to grant the PC a +5 on
mission due to outlandish boasts. related non-combat checks. Requires 3
You have a duel scheduled for the months and 5000c per training.
next dawn. rare: Careers requiring esoteric skills
16 You signed a shady contract. and carefully guarded knowledge. Gaining
17 A stranger’s corpse is on the floor. a rare career allows the PC to attempt
18 You’ve made an enemy of a faction. related tasks. These careers can be trained
19 All your belongings have been stolen. a second time to grant the PC a +5 on
You meet a new companion who related non-combat checks. Requires 1
wants to join your party. year and 30,000c per training.
Wage: 600c/month for common experts,
Recruiting 1200c/month for uncommon experts,
2400c/month for rare experts, level: 1,
hirelings: Hirelings assist with unskilled
HP: d8, item slots: 10, morale: 7.
dungeon crawling tasks like carrying
torches and hauling treasure. They will Common experts: Baker, Boatman, Butcher,
not do dangerous tasks like fighting or Cook, Fisherman, Gardener, Puppeteer, etc.
disabling traps and will hang back from Uncommon experts: Acrobat, Actor,
the rest of the party. d10 hirelings are Blacksmith, Bookbinder, Carpenter, Hunter,
available in a village, 3d10 in a town, and etc.
10d10 in a city. Reroll every month.
Rare experts: Alchemist, Arcanist, Oracle,
Wage: 300c/month, level: 0, HP: 1, AP: 1, Courtier, Cultist, Assassin, Falconer, etc.
item slots: 10, morale: 4.
companions: Companions are generated
Examples: Torchbearers, porters, etc. like a PC, do not make morale checks, and
mercenaries: Mercenaries are hired will fight to the death for their employer
soldiers who will not follow PCs into if required. GMs should generate a
dungeons, but will otherwise fight for number of unique companions ahead of
them. They are generally hired in as time for the PCs to encounter or recruit.
security in wilderness exploration or as They take a half share of any treasure and
soldiers. d6 mercenaries are available in a XP found and can gain levels over time.
village, 3d6 in a town, and 10d6 in a city. They will only follow PCs of a higher
Reroll every month. level. A PC’s CHA sets their maximum
number of companions.
Wage: 600c/month, level: 1, HP: d6, AP:
4, item slots: 10, morale: 8. Wage: A half share of treasure and XP,
level: 1, HP: d6 per level, item slots: 10,
Examples: Swordsmen, bowmen, pikemen, etc.
morale: n/a.
experts: Experts are professionals who
will only provide services within their
area of expertise. They will follow PCs
into dungeons, but will not fight or put
themselves at risk beyond what their
career requires. Common experts are
found in any settlement, uncommon
experts are only found in towns and cities,
and rare experts are only found in cities.

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