Tecnlogia Inglese

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Technology has always been a fundamental element in the transformation of our society, and its

impact on our future will be even more significant. With the advancement of technology, new
opportunities arise to improve the quality of life, simplify work, and make communication more
We’ll buy most of the things online, and drones will deliver them to us in less than half an hour.
Real shops will still exist, but they will no longer have a checkout. We’ll pay with digital money,
using our phones or smartwatches. By 2050, the population of the world will be 9.7 bilion and 75%
of people will live in huge smart houses that will have virtual windows that will look completely
In a few years, computers and robots will be even smarter than our brain.
Robots will read our emotions using cameras that will scan our face they will hear our hearthbeat
and our breathing and they will help students while they’re studying.
These robots already exist and they are already aviable on the online stores.
In conclusion, tecnology will continue to have a profound impact on our society. Drones, robots
and computers will enter into our lives, becoming our best friends.

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