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explain and justify the
need for a solution to
a problem for a
specified client/target
potential audiences
● classmates: We need to improve the interaction between the classmates.
● friends: improve the quality of the relationship helps prolong the friendship.
● family: family member can improve the relationship and bondings.

I would personally choose classmates and friends as my targeted audiences,

because their relationship would make playing the game more fun. If we are to
target families, then the scattered age range would make communication harder
as they would think differently.
However, classmates would most certainly be
at similar age range, and the age gap between
friends happens less often. In the end of the
day, they’re friend, they’ll figure a way out.
Creativity is needed to come up with a game. The designing process would
require me to use my creativity to come up with a game that would fullfill my goal
of improving interaction among the player, which takes technique to make careful
design choices that’s good for my goal. Use drawing to draw the elements in the
game. The game would most likely to be hand crafted, because of budget issues.
While that’s the case, the game will still be well made with the art techniques. I
would also use art skills other than drawing, which would include other ability such
as coloring, printing,

Use cutting and other hand-making skill to make the board game. When I’m hand
crafting my board game, it would also be important to have the ability to make
game objects that’s durable and somewhat high quality.
While playing board game with my classmates, I realized that communication is
our main problem stopping us from having fun together. The game is not fun when
we spend the most of our time arguing over the game, I think this is not how
people enjoy a board game. The game is filled with conflict and people shouting
over one another, it’s more of a chaos and less of a fun. Boardgame is something
friends, families, close people play together in a shared space, it should
encourage positive and loving interactions rather than negative and hating
interactions. Fixing this problem can improve the quality of our interactions and
overall its good, also fixes the bad, unwanted interactions.

To figure out wheres the problem, I carefully study boardgames as an entirety.

For the solution, I will be going directly against the issue itself. To solve this issue
of board game damaging the relation among friend, I will design a game doing the
opposite of that, a game that helps and reinforce the clients’ relationship. There
are indeed board game that requires cooperation, however those relation seems
forced. Players are cooperating only becasue they wanted to win, if someone just
want to have fun, they are most likely be forced to play in a way that wins the team
the game. In my game, my clients will be voluntarily cooperating with each other in
the course of the game. The game should be satisfying for everyone even if the
players are not winning the game, they would also be having fun.
identify and prioritize
primary and
secondary research
needed to develop a
solution to the problem
Euro-games: conflicts are indirect among players
I found out that the majority of board games have a sort of conflict among players,
in the most of the games we play, there’s direct conflict between players. Many
game made the key component of the game something like a competition, there’s
often a loser and a winner considering most of the game being duel. In a euro
game, theres usually multiple players and the game does not include direct conflict
among the players. This type of board game is usually strategic based and
sometimes also about management, it’s competing without direct interaction.

Summary: I like the aspect of making players not having direct conflict.
Escape games: adventure game with a goal
One example I found online when I’m searching
analyse a range of
existing products that
inspire a solution to
the problem

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