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1. Definition of Terms. – The following terms, as used herein and in the Statement of Accounts to be sent to
me, shall be understood to mean:

a. “eSALAD” – any amount credited to my payroll account as a result of my request and

confirmation to advance my salary either via SMS, sent through my cellphone number registered
in Security Bank Corporation (“SBC”) database supplied as part of my details when I became a
payroll customer of the bank, or via Security Bank Finance (“SBF”) Mobile Application and/or any
other specified means that SBF may allow in the future.

b. “eSALAD Limit” – means the maximum amount I can avail at any time to be set by SBF based on
the most recent 6 months net pay that my employer credits to my payroll account with SBC.

c. “eSALAD Due Date” – means the day/s of the month that my employer declared to credit salary
to its employees’ payroll accounts, which will also serve as the basis of my payment dates and
maturity date of my eSALAD.

d. “Payroll Account” – means deposit account that I opened in any branch of SBC where my
salaries/wages are to be credited

2. Purpose. – I hereby confirm that the purpose of the loans is for personal consumption or family use.

3. Effectivity. – SBF shall make my subscription to the program valid, commencing on the date that my
application was approved by SBF until any of the following, whichever comes first:

a. Receipt of information from my employer regarding termination of my employment

b. Any outstanding eSALAD from the Program incurs past due
c. My account is considered delinquent based on Section 8 hereof
d. Any time SBF deems termination / cancellation of my eSALAD Program subscription necessary to
protect its interest.

4. eSALAD. - Provided that I observe the herein terms and conditions, and so long as subscription to the
Program remains in force, I will be entitled to send a request to avail eSALAD via SMS from my registered
mobile number, SBF Mobile Application and/or any other specified means as SBF may allow in the future.
eSALAD shall be subject to the following:

a. Interest – I hereby agree to pay SBF interest on outstanding eSALAD computed and billed every
due date based on its prevailing monthly rate which I will be notified of as I send my loan
b. Processing fee – I hereby agree to pay SBF processing fee charged on every request as a percent
of requested amount based on its prevailing rates, and deducted upfront from my requested
c. Verification process – My eSALAD loan requests are still subject to SBF’s evaluation and
validation. Should my request be disapproved, SBF will notify me of the disapproval via SMS or
mobile app or any other specified means as SBF may allow in the future.
d. Confirmation – Should my request be approved, SBF shall inform me of the approved Salary
Advance amount, effective interest rate, processing fee charges, net proceeds to be credited to
my payroll account, penalty fees, amount to be paid per due date, and other applicable charges
either via SMS or SBF Mobile App or any other specified means as SBF may allow in the future
and shall require my conformity either via SMS or SBF Mobile App before booking my eSALAD
e. Disbursement – SBF shall credit the loan proceeds to my SBC payroll account and send me a
notification either thru SMS or SBF Mobile App upon crediting.

SBF shall not be held liable should there be any delays or problems in the delivery and receipt of
SMS due to issues with the service provider. I acknowledge that every SMS request I send will be
subject to SMS charges.

5. Evidence of Salary Advance. – Salary Advance shall be evidenced by my request and confirmation made
either via SMS, SBF Mobile Application or any specified means as SBF may allow in the future. SBF shall
have the right to keep all evidences of my eSALAD. I acknowledge that the above evidences and the
corresponding Statements of Account are valid and conclusive proof of all my transactions.
6. Payments. – Payments of interest and Salary Advance shall be due on my eSALAD Due Date after date of
my request and shall be subject to the following:

a. Subject to my loan availment, I hereby authorize SBF to instruct SBC to debit my payroll
account in satisfaction of the amount due on every payment date. As part of the process, I
also authorize SBF through SBC to put on hold the amount due two (2) banking days before
the eSALAD due date. Whenever applicable, I further authorize SBF through SBC to deduct
from my payroll account late penalties, fees, interest charges, costs, and principal amount
due to effectively bring my loan to current status. I likewise understand that implementing
the aforementioned instructions would require SBC’s disclosure to SBF of my payroll
account balance, withdrawals, deposits, movement of funds in my account, and other
information that SBF may require in relation to my loan obligation. I hereby expressly
authorize and consent to such disclosure of information.
b. In cases where I will receive insufficient or no credits from my employer on salary
crediting day, I shall be obliged to put into the account, on or before my payment due
date, the remaining unpaid amount in order to meet the amount due. My failure to
do so shall allow SBF to debit the remaining available balance in my payroll account
and impose the applicable penalty charges. I hereby also authorize SBF to deduct the
remaining unpaid amount plus charges, if any in my following salary crediting day.
c. Saturday, Sunday and Holiday – Whenever any payment to be made hereunder falls
due on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday under the law of the Republic of the
Philippines, such payment may be made on the next succeeding banking day.
d. I likewise assign, transfer, convey and set over unto SBF, its successors and/or
assigns, my salaries and wages including the proceeds of my salary that may be
credited to my payroll account and all benefits arising from or accruing to me
pursuant to my employment, including my separation pay, retirement benefit,
convertible vacation leaves, and other benefits that may be collected from my
employer for the satisfaction of my obligations to SBF.
7. Application of Payment. – Any and all payments for my account under eSALAD shall be applied on
the following items in the order they are listed:
a. Late payment fees
b. Interest
c. Principal

8. Events of Default. – I shall be considered in default in the event that:

a. I violate any of the terms and conditions of this credit agreement,
b. Any interest or installment is not paid on due date,
c. I am in default in respect of any other obligation with SBF or its subsidiaries, which
may now be existing or may subsequently be granted to me by SBF or its
d. Any creditor tries by legal process to attach or levy on my money or any property
with SBF.
e. I apply for voluntary or involuntary relief under bankruptcy or insolvency laws,
f. SBF believes on reasonable ground that it was induced by fraudulent
misrepresentation on my part to approve my subscription to this program and my
succeeding eSALAD requests.

Upon my default as herein defined, my account shall be considered a

“delinquent account” for purposes of the late payment charges under Section 9
hereof and SBF is hereby authorized, at its option, to suspend or cancel my
subscription to the program, and to disallow any further eSALAD requests. The
amount certified by SBF as the amount outstanding shall be prima facie
evidence of the amount due from me as at the date thereof.
9. Effects of Default. Upon my default, such default shall have the following effects,
alternative, concurrent and cumulative with each other:

a. All my outstanding loan obligations with SBF shall automatically become due and demandable.
I am required to repay the loan outstanding balance in full, unless I opt to repay in
installments, subject to negotiation with collections.
b. I shall pay SBF, in addition to the stipulated interest, a late payment penalty fee based on its
prevailing fees at time of my eSALAD (which SBF will notify me of via SMS or via Mobile App,
pursuant to Section 4d) per payment date during my payment period, and on a monthly basis
should my account remain delinquent after maturity date of my outstanding eSALAD.
c. I shall also pay, as and for attorney’s fees, a sum equivalent to twenty five percent (25%) of the
total amount due under this Note but in no case less than TEN THOUSAND PESOS (PHP
10,000.00), plus expenses and costs of collection, in case this Note is placed in the hands of an
attorney for collection
d. SBF shall be entitled to apply in payment of the outstanding obligations any and all my
moneys/properties, which for any reason, are presently or which may hereafter come into the
possession of SBF or any of the latter’s Subsidiaries or Affiliates.
e. SBF reserves the right to endorse the account to a collection agency of its choosing in the event
of default, provided, that in case of such endorsement, SBF shall inform me in writing at the
address appearing in its records, at least seven (7) days prior to the actual endorsement.
f. SBF shall have the right to exercise, alternatively, concurrently and cumulatively, all other rights
and remedies now or hereafter available to it under the applicable laws
10. Prepayment Fee. The period of time given forms part of the consideration of my loan, and should I
pay prior to maturity date, then a prepayment fee equivalent to 5% of the total outstanding
balance shall be imposed by SBF.
11. Cancellation/Termination. Credit shall be provided by SBF under the eSALAD Program until SBF
cancels, closes or freezes operation of the said Program in accordance with these terms and
conditions. I hereby agree to still authorize SBF to continue debiting my payroll account such
amount as may be necessary from time to time as payment for all outstanding obligations arising
from this program in case SBF terminates or cancels the Program.
12. Collection/Attorney’s fees. – In case of delinquency or default and a legal proceeding to recover
any unpaid obligation under this program is commenced, I agree to pay as and for attorney’s fees a
sum equivalent to twenty five percent (25%) of all sums due and owing to SBF. I likewise agree that
all actions, suits or proceedings that may arise in connection with this program shall be brought by
the concerned party before the proper court of the City of Makati, to the exclusion of other courts
13. Waivers. – I waive in advance my right to make application of payment under Art. 1252 of the Civil
Code of the Philippines (RA No. 386), especially in the case where I have more than one obligation
in favor of SBF, regardless of the source and nature of the said obligations. I likewise waive my right
under RA No. 1405 or the Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposits and allow SBC to disclose to SBF my
payroll account balance, withdrawals, deposits, movement of funds in my account, and other
information that SBF may require in relation to my loan obligation and allow SBF to provide my
employer with a consolidated billing statement upon request, which shall contain my outstanding
Salary Advance,, next due date, maturity dates, outstanding balances, remaining terms, installment
amounts, past due amounts, penalties, interests, and total amount due.
14. No Implied Waivers. – No failure or delay on the part of SBF in exercising any right or power
hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other
right or power hereunder. No modification or waiver or any provision of the Credit Instruments and
no consent to any departure therefrom by me, shall in any event be effective unless the same be in
writing, and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the
purpose for which given. No notice to or demand in similar or other circumstances.
15. Right to Assign. SBF may assign, transfer and convey any or all of its rights and interest over my
eSALAD loan and the Collateral, if any, without my consent as Borrower.
16. Bank Records as Evidence. The books of SBF shall be final and conclusive evidence concerning the
amount due and owing to it from the Borrower/s under my eSALAD, in the absence of manifest
error. Any complaint regarding the loan may be communicated with our Customer Contact Hotline
at (+632) 8887-9188. SBF is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with telephone number
(+632) 8708-7087 and email address at
17. Separability Clause. – If any of these provisions are declared invalid or illegal, such invalidity or
illegality shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions hereof or any vested right which may
have already accrued in favor of SBF.
18. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION SBF may share information about me (except medical) within the
Security Bank Group or our affiliates (such as, but not limited to, our partner Bancassurance
Companies and their third-party service providers). Information includes any credit or other
information obtained from my application or from consumer reports. Information that I provided
may be used to develop offerings from Security Bank and its affiliates that I may receive from time
to time through SBF’s communication channels.
19. PROMOTIONAL OFFERS. On any occasion, SBF may inform me about SBF’s promotional offers
through mail/e-mail/fax/SMS/SBF Mobile Application or by telephone. SBF may also allow Security
Bank Corporation, its branches, subsidiaries, affiliates agents, agents, and representatives and third
parties selected by any of them and certain companies to offer specially selected products and
services to you through mail/fax/SMS,telephone or via the SBF Mobile Application. For this
purpose, SBF may transfer and disclose selected customer information to Security Bank
Corporation, its branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and representatives and third parties
selected by any of them and certain companies.
20. Amendment. – Subscription to this program is granted in the light of the prevailing
economic/regulatory environment and other circumstances considered by SBF in approving the
subscription. In case of any change in such circumstances which SBF deems material or in the event
of any change in SBF’s credit policy, SBF reserves the right to amend any of the terms and
conditions governing this program subject to my conformity. If the proposed amendment is not
acceptable to me, I shall be obliged to prepay the entire obligation under this program upon
demand by SBF.
21. Governing law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the existing
and pertinent laws of the Republic of the Philippines, the rules and regulations of the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC), Bankers Association of the
Philippines (BAP) and other appropriate government agencies.


1. I hereby certify that all information herein are true and correct based on my own knowledge and further
authorize SB Finance (“SBF”) to obtain information as it may require concerning my application to subscribe
to this program and agree that it shall be retained by SBF subject to SBF's data retention policy, whether
my application is approved or not. Any information given by me or other persons I authorized, which is not
true or accurate, will automatically cause the SBF to reject my loan or cancel its approval.
2. I hereby willingly, voluntarily, and with full knowledge of my right under the law, waive the right to
confidentiality of information and authorize SBF to obtain and/or disclose, divulge and reveal any kind
information relating to my account/s and/or transactions with SBF, its subsidiaries and affiliates, including
events of default, for the purpose of, among others, client evaluation and profiling, credit reporting or
verification and recovery of the obligation due and payable to SBF under the terms and conditions of this
3. In view of the foregoing, SBF may disclose, divulge and reveal the aforementioned information to third
parties, including but not limited to my employer, Security Bank Corporation and its affiliates, subsidiaries,
agents or service providers, the Bankers’ Association of the Philippines– Credit Bureau (BAP – CB) or to any
similar central monitoring entity or recipients as provided for by law and required by competent authority.
4. I further authorize SBF to process, transfer, share, and disclose any information relating to my credit data,
telecom or mobile usage data or “telco score” to credit info data providers or credit scoring service
providers (i.e. Globe Telecom, Inc., Smart Telecommunications, Inc., and other telecommunications service
provider), for the purpose of credit verification, collection, credit review and credit scoring/analytics, and
statistical and risk analysis.
5. I hereby authorize SBF to obtain and/or use the salary data information of my payroll account in SBC as
basis for computation of my eSALAD Limit.
6. I hold SBF free and harmless from any and all liabilities, claims and demands of whatever kind or nature in
connection with or arising from the aforementioned disclosure or reporting.
7. I further authorize SBF to deduct from my Loan proceeds all fees including, but not limited to, processing
fees, documentary stamp tax (if applicable), notarial fees (if applicable) and interest accruals (if applicable,
should the first due date be over 30 days from the release of my loan and other related charges.)
8. I hereby confirm and acknowledge that in the event of the occurrence of any circumstance that would
cause my separation from employment either by resignation, termination, retirement, or death, I hereby
authorize my Company/Employer to notify SBF of such fact which will likewise render my loan
automatically due and demandable. Consequently, if included in the agreement between my employer
and SBF, I further authorize SBF or my Company/Employer to deduct from my separation pay or any
remuneration or other benefits of whatever kind or nature due to me such amount as SBF may certify to
be due and owing to SBF for the full settlement of the loan and remit the same to SBF.
9. I also legally bind myself to the Terms and Conditions of the Loan Program, Promissory Note (if
applicable), Disclosure Statement (if applicable) and other relevant documents that I shall execute in favor
of SBF.
10. Should my application be denied, SBF has no obligation on its part to furnish the reason for the loan
11. I have read and accepted SBF’s privacy notice ( and
understand that SBF recognizes my rights as data subject under the Data Privacy Act of 2012. I hereby give
consent to the collection, processing, use, sharing and retention of my personal data for purposes of
obtaining the loan and all other ancillary services necessary for the maintenance of my account/s and
collection of payment. Subject to remain in effect or five (5) years after account closure, I hereby give my
consent for SBF to share and process my personal information and any other information relating to my
account/s and/or transactions to any member of the SBC Group (Security Bank Corporation and its affiliates
and subsidiaries reported as part of SBC’s conglomerate map group structure as defined under BSP Circular
749) and Bancassurance companies or their authorized Service Providers and representatives, for purposes
of cross-selling products and services, profiling and credit evaluation/reference checks, audit and account
balance confirmation and allow them to contact me for this purpose (i.e. by email, telephone, text, etc.) or
in case of audit where my account/s is/are chosen as sample for account balance confirmation.

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