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HINDI (Traning)

1. Medals/ Awards for commendable work in Hindi:

i) Rail Mantri Rajbhasha Medals to SAG officers for doing

commendable maximum work in Hindi.
ii) Kamla Pati Tripathi Gold Medal to GMs for doing commendable work
in Hindi.
iii) Rail Mantri Silver Medal to HODs for doing commendable work in
iv) Lal Bahadur Shastri Taqniki Moulik Lekhan Puraskar Yojana for
writing books in Hindi on technical subjects.
v) Premchand Award Scheme for writing excellent fiction in Hindi.

vi) Maithilisharan Gupt Award Scheme for writing excellent poetry in

vii) Individual Cash Award Scheme for doing maximum work in Hindi
for Railway employees/officers.

viii) Hindi Dictation Award Scheme for giving maximum number of Hindi
dictations in a year.

ix) Branch-wise collective Cash Award Scheme for doing maximum

work in Hindi.

x) Rail Yatra Vrittant Scheme for writing experiences in Hindi about

railway journey.

xi) Circulation & follow up action on the Award Scheme of various


xii) Follow up action in regard to Indira Gandhi Puraskar Yozana of the

Deptt. of official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs as well as
Incentive Scheme of other Ministries.

xiii) Incentive scheme for doing official work (Noting/drafting) in Hindi.

2. Shield/Trophies for doing maximum work in Hindi.

i) Rail Mantri Rajbhasha Shield/Trophy to be given to Railways/PUs for

doing maximum work in Hindi.
ii) Acharya Kishori Das Vajpai Running Shield for Railway Board

iii) Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi Running Shield for best Division
situated in “A” & “B” regions.

iv) Acharya Raghuvir Running shield for best division situated in “C”

v) Shiv Sagar Mishra Running shield for Production Units in “A” & “B”

vi) Rail Mantri Rajbhasha Shield/Trophy for production Units situated in

‘C’ region.

3. Organizing Various Hindi Competitions:

i) Rail Mantri Hindi Essay Competition for writing essays in Hindi.

ii) All India Railway Hindi Essay, Elocution and Noting and Drafting

4. Organizing Rajbhasha Exhibitions/Celebrations:

i) Rajbhasha Exhibitions.

ii) Akhil Bhartiya Rail Natyotsava.

iii) Celebration of Hindi Diwas/Hindi Week on Zonal Railways as well as

in Railway Board.

iv) Poetic symposium.

v) Technical and other seminars.

5. Training of officers/employees:

i) To organize Practical Hindi Training for non-Hindi Railway


ii) To organize conversational Training in Hindi on Southern, South-

Central, Eastern & S.E. Railways.
iii) Grant of personal pay after passing Hindi Examinations under Hindi
Teaching Scheme.

iv) Holding of training programmes for officers/employees yet to be
trained in Hindi by way of arranging regular classes, intensive
courses, correspondence courses etc.
v) Interaction with Voluntary Organizations conducting Hindi
Examinations for training of non-Hindi speaking employees of

vi) Nomination of Railway staff to Central Translation Bureau for

training in Translation.

vii) Review of the half yearly reports of all Zonal Railways/PUs for
opening training centres in consultation with OL Department of
Ministry of Home affairs.
viii) Honorarium to part-time teachers.

ix) Imparting Hindi key board training on bilingual computer.

x) Quarterly report in regard to imparting training through Hindi in

Central Training Institutes, Zonal and other training centres.

xi) RTI cases pertaining to Hindi Training Branch.

6. Follow up action on the items related to the branch mentioned in the

minutes of the following meetings:

i) Railway Board Official Language Implementation Committee.

ii) Railway Hindi Salahakar Samiti.
iii) Zonal Railways Official Language Implementation Committees.
iv) Divisional Official Language Implementation Committees.
v) Workshop Official Language Implementation Committees.

vi) Station Official Language Implementation Committees.

vii) Meetings of Mukhya Rajbhasha Adhikaris.
viii) Meetings of Dy.Mukhya Rajbhasha Adhikaris/Senior Rajbhasha



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