Investigation of North Waziristan Soil

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Investigation of North

Waziristan Soil
The soil in North Waziristan, Pakistan, is of great interest to
geotechnical engineers and soil scientists due to its unique
characteristics and the challenges it presents for construction and
infrastructure development. A comprehensive suite of laboratory tests
was conducted to thoroughly analyze the physical and engineering
properties of this soil, providing valuable insights for future projects in
the region.
Moisture Content by Oven Drying
Sample Preparation 1
The soil sample was carefully
collected from North Waziristan and
2 Moisture Content
prepared for the oven drying test
The moisture content was then
according to ASTM D2216 standard
calculated as the ratio of the mass
procedures. This involved
of water to the mass of the dry soil,
measuring the initial mass of the
expressed as a percentage. The
sample and placing it in a calibrated
result showed that the North
oven at 105°C until a constant mass
Waziristan soil had a moisture
was achieved.
Significance 3 content of 12.778%.
The moisture content is a crucial
parameter in understanding the
behavior of the soil, as it can affect
its strength, compressibility, and
susceptibility to erosion. This
information is vital for designing
appropriate foundations, drainage
systems, and other geotechnical
infrastructure in the region.
Specific Gravity Determination

Test Procedure Calculation and Result Significance

The specific gravity of the The specific gravity (Gs) was The specific gravity of a soil
North Waziristan soil was calculated using the formula is a fundamental property
determined using the water Gs = Ms / (Mw - Mm), where that is used in various
pycnometer method, as per Ms is the mass of the soil calculations, such as void
ASTM D854 standard. This sample, Mw is the mass of ratio, porosity, and degree
involved measuring the the water-filled pycnometer, of saturation. It is also an
mass of the soil sample, the and Mm is the mass of the important parameter in the
mass of the water-filled pycnometer filled with the design of soil structures, as
pycnometer, and the mass soil-water mixture. The it affects the weight and
of the pycnometer filled with result showed that the behavior of the soil.
the soil-water mixture. North Waziristan soil had a
specific gravity of 2.79.
Liquid Limit Determination
2 3 Result and
1 Test Apparatus Test Procedure
The liquid limit of the The soil sample was The number of drops
North Waziristan soil mixed with water until required to close the
was determined using it reached a fluid groove was recorded,
the Casagrande consistency, and then and the liquid limit
apparatus, in placed in the was determined to be
accordance with Casagrande cup. The 22%. The liquid limit is
ASTM D4318 cup was then an important
standard. This device dropped repeatedly indicator of the soil's
consists of a brass until the soil sample behavior, as it helps
cup that is dropped closed a specified to distinguish
from a fixed height groove along the between different soil
onto a hard base, bottom of the cup. types and their
while the soil sample potential for
Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index
Plastic Limit Plasticity Index
The plastic limit of the North Waziristan The plasticity index (PI) was calculated as
soil was determined in accordance with the difference between the liquid limit and
ASTM D4318 standard. This involved rolling the plastic limit. For the North Waziristan
the soil sample into a thread until it soil, the PI was determined to be 3.333%.
crumbled at a diameter of 3 mm. The The plasticity index is a measure of the
plastic limit was found to be 18.667%. soil's ability to undergo plastic deformation
without cracking or breaking.

Significance Implications
The plastic limit and plasticity index are The low plasticity index of the North
important parameters in classifying soils Waziristan soil suggests that it may have
and predicting their behavior. They can limited cohesive properties, which could
help engineers determine the suitability of affect its ability to support structures and
the soil for various construction withstand erosion. Further investigations
applications, such as the design of into the soil's shear strength and other
foundations, embankments, and pavement engineering properties would be necessary
structures. to fully understand its behavior and
Particle Size Distribution
Sieve Analysis
The particle size distribution of the North Waziristan soil was determined
through a sieve analysis, in accordance with ASTM D6913 standard. This
involved passing the soil sample through a series of sieves with progressively
smaller openings and measuring the mass retained on each sieve.

Hydrometer Analysis
To further characterize the fine-grained fraction of the soil, a hydrometer
analysis was conducted in accordance with ASTM D422 standard. This method
uses the principle of sedimentation to measure the gradation of the soil
particles smaller than 0.075 mm.
Results and
The combined results from the sieve and hydrometer analyses provided a
detailed particle size distribution curve for the North Waziristan soil. This
information is crucial for understanding the soil's engineering properties, such
as permeability, compaction characteristics, and shear strength, which are
heavily influenced by the particle size distribution.
Standard Proctor Compaction Test
1 Sample
The North Waziristan soil sample was prepared for the Standard Proctor
compaction test in accordance with ASTM D698 standard. This involved dividing
the soil into several portions, each with a different moisture content, and
compacting them in a mold of known volume using a standard compactive effort.

2 Moisture-Density
The dry density of the compacted soil was measured for each moisture content,
and the results were plotted to determine the maximum dry density and the
optimum moisture content. For the North Waziristan soil, the maximum dry
density was found to be 95 lb/ft³.
Significance and
3 Applications
The Standard Proctor compaction test provides essential information for the
design of earthworks, such as embankments, foundations, and pavement
subgrades. The optimum moisture content and maximum dry density can be
used to ensure proper compaction and stability of soil structures in the North
Soil Permeability

Falling Head Test Coefficient of Significance

The permeability of the North The coefficient of The permeability of a soil is a
Waziristan soil was permeability (k) was crucial factor in determining
determined using the falling calculated based on the its drainage characteristics
head method, in accordance observed flow rate and the and susceptibility to water-
with ASTM D2434 standard. dimensions of the soil related issues, such as
This involved measuring the sample. For the North erosion, slope instability, and
rate at which water flows Waziristan soil, the coefficient groundwater contamination.
through a soil sample under a of permeability was found to The low permeability of the
decreasing hydraulic head. be 2.57 x 10^-6 cm/s. North Waziristan soil may
require special considerations
in the design of drainage
systems and other
Soil Classification
Property Value Significance

Moisture Content 12.778% Affects soil behavior and

engineering properties

Specific Gravity 2.79 Fundamental parameter

for soil mechanics
Liquid Limit 22% Indicator of soil plasticity
and potential for

Plastic Limit 18.667% Boundary between plastic

and non-plastic behavior

Plasticity Index 3.333% Measure of soil

cohesiveness and
susceptibility to

Permeability 2.57 x 10^-6 cm/s deformation

Affects soil drainage and
potential for water-related

Based on the comprehensive laboratory testing, the North Waziristan soil can
be classified as a low-plasticity, silty soil with relatively low permeability. This
information is crucial for understanding the soil's engineering behavior and
The detailed geotechnical analysis of the North Waziristan soil has
provided valuable insights into its physical and engineering properties.
The results from the various laboratory tests, including moisture
content, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, particle size distribution,
compaction characteristics, and permeability, have collectively painted
a comprehensive picture of the soil's behavior and potential
This information is critical for engineers and researchers working in
the North Waziristan region, as it will inform the design and
construction of foundations, roads, embankments, and other
infrastructure projects. By understanding the unique properties of the
local soil, professionals can develop tailored solutions that maximize
the performance and durability of these vital structures, while also
considering the potential environmental and geotechnical challenges
posed by the region's terrain and climate.

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