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Civil Engineering Construction & Graphics

Spring Semester 2021

Architectural Planning & Rendering

Engr. Muhammad Sohail Saleh

Civil Engineering Department

NFC-IEFR, Faisalabad

 Civil engineering projects need inputs from various experts, right
from its start to completion
 The civil project use lot of natural resources such as stones, bricks
manufactured out of soil, cement etc. as well as huge land for
construction .
 Thus, various agencies involved such as Architect, Contractor,
Coordinating agency, landscape designers, government agencies,
suppliers etc. must work in proper coordination with each other
for the effective implementation of the project.
 To keep agreement with the nature is possibly the first step that
shall be practiced in all over development projects .
 This can be achieved by proper coordination between various
agencies involved in construction.

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 Architecture
 The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings are
known as architecture. Or
 Architecture is the art and science of designing space simply that
architecture refers to the art and science of designing and building
structures, or large groups of structures, in keeping with aesthetic
and functional criteria.
 Architectural planning
 The process and the product of planning, designing, and
constructing buildings and other physical structures , is called as
architectural planning.

Applications of Architectural Planning

 It gives stylish beautiful look to the building and get contrast with environment.
 Plan the building and best utilize the whole area for the work.
 To develop a design idea into a coherent proposal.
 It tells us about the overall appearance of the projects (inside, outside).
 It give complete location of the rooms and the other available features like
drawing room, tv lodge,etc.
 To communicate ideas and concepts.
 To convince clients of the merits of a design.
 To make a record of a building that already exists.
 It helps to know about the dimensions of buildings
 it enable the structural engineer to produce a practical and efficient designs on
the architectural drawing
 Increase the aesthetic of structure as well as area.

Engr. M Sohail Saleh 2


Principle of Planning
 These are the guidelines for planning the buildings to suit their
functional requirements.

 Aspect  Furniture
 Prospect
 Circulation
 Privacy
 Lightening
 Grouping
 Elegance
 Roominess
 Economy
 Flexibility
 Sanitation

 Aspect refers to the planned arrangement of the doors and
windows of the external walls to get sunlight, breeze and a
good view of the scenery outside.
Types of room Suggested aspect

Drawing room South,SE

Bed Room West,SW

Dining room South

Kitchen East

Verandah West,SW

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 Living Room: It should have a southern or south-east aspect. The
sun is towards the south during winter and north during summer
which will provide sunshine during winter and cooler during
 Bedroom: It should have a west or south-west aspect, as the
breeze required particularly in summer would prevail from this
 Kitchen: It should have an eastern aspect so as to admit morning
sun refresh and purify the air.
 Gallery or Verandah: It should be north or north-east aspect.
 Classroom, Reading room: It should be laid with the north aspect
as light received from the north will be diffused and evenly

 It is used to mean the external views as seen from certain rooms of the building.
 Prospect in building planning is the view desired by the occupants of the
building from certain of the house.
 Prospect is dictated by surrounding peculiarities good or bad of the selected site
like a flower garden or garbage dumps,
 It demands the disposition of doors and windows-like aspect.
 However, a good layout should not be disturbed for the sake of good prospects
 Certain projecting windows or a blind face of the bay with window openings at
sides would help for concealment of inside views of a building.

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 For residential building planning privacy is important consideration.
 There should be privacy from one room to another room and from neighbor
building and public building and public building and streets.
 In residential buildings, every room should have certain privacy which can be
secured carefully planning the entrance, path-ways, and drives.
 Proper grouping of rooms, good positioning of doors and windows, lobbies, or
screens can give required internal privacy. Toilet rooms, bedrooms, w.c. and
urinals should have absolute privacy.


 It means setting different rooms of a building according to their inter-
relationship of invitation and transition.
 It refers to easy communication and utility of various room .
 Grouping In Residential Building Plan:
 The dining room should be close to the kitchen.
 The kitchen should be kept away from the main living room.
 Main bedrooms should have independent and separate access from each
room towards the sanitary units.
 In an office building, hospitals, etc. the administrative department should be
located centrally for convenience and economy of services.


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 It is obtained by getting the maximum benefit from the minimum dimension of
a room without cramping of the plan.
 By using every nook and corner of the building advantage roominess is derived.
 A rectangular room is more useful than a square room in the same area.
 The length and breadth ratio of a good room should be between 1.2 to 1.5. A
ratio more than that creates a bad effect. A small room should not be made
unnecessary too high.
 Ceiling height and breadth ratio may be 1.20 to 1.50 for building planning.
 The space must be utilized economically. Make the room rectangular .


 Flexibility means planning the rooms in such a way that though originally
designed for a specific purpose, may be used for other purposes also when
 The planning of the building should be prepared by keeping in mind the future
 Expansion should be possible economically without major alterations in
 Planning should be such that with minor adjustments , it becomes possible to
satisfy needs when the occasion arises.
 For designing houses for middle-class families or other buildings where the
economy is the main consideration flexibility should always be considered.
 If large space needed in a certain time a house to accommodate the gathering.
 It can be obtained by removing a removable partition wall or curtain between
the room and the dining room.
 Alternatively, an open yard, garden, or verandah can also be provided.


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Furniture requirement
 Furniture is a functional requirement of a room. A living room, drawing room,
kitchen, classroom, office room, laboratory, hospital room, etc. all have their
own furniture requirements.
 During building planning the sizes of furniture to be required for functional
utility of the rooms should be considered.
 The size of the rooms should be decided by considering easy accommodation
 Bedroom size should accommodate bed ,cup bored, side table, Dressing table.
 A room should have enough space to accommodate all the furniture required for
the maximum number of people without overcrowding.


 Circulation refers to providing through passages
between rooms in a building.
 Access or internal connection between rooms on the
same floor or between floors is known a circulation.
 Circulation between rooms of the same floor is called
horizontal circulation like- passages, corridors, halls,
etc. It should be independent, short, and straight not
invade the property of any room. All the passages
should be well ventilated and lighted.
 Circulation between various floors is known as
vertical circulation, like- stairs, lifts, etc. Stairs
should also be well lighted and ventilated and
properly planned regarding width, rise, and tread.
Stairs should not have winder steps.


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 Natural and artificial lighting is provided in building , planning.
 By proper ventilation sunlight can given good lighting.
 By using various electrical appliances artificial lighting is
 Glare should be avoided.


 Elegance refers to the planning of elevation and layout of the plan to give an
impressive appearance to the building.
 The proper elevation width, height, location of door and windows, materials
employed in construction of exterior walls etc. create elegance is aesthetics of
 Selection of site or open plot for the construction of building greatly affects the
 Building located in depression will give bad elegance whereas building on an
elevated spot gives an impressive appearance.
 Buildings located on backward sloping upwards ground give good elevation &


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 Building planning should be carried out in the financial limit of the client.
 An engineer should know in advance, client intends to spend for the building
and according material of construction finishing items stage construction should
be suggested.
 By estimation proposed amount should be followed to avoid miserable failure
of building construction project.
 But while considering the economy, the required strength and durability of the
structure should not be compromised.
 Some simple economy achieving approaches in buildings are:
 Simple elevation, dispensing of porches, lobbies etc.
 Steeper rise to the stair, wider steps in stair.
 Reducing the story height to bare-minimum.
 Standardization of sizes of various components and materials.


 Provision for cleanliness , lighting and ventilation in sanitary units avoid growth
of bacteria and spread of disease condition.
 Sanitation of building not only associated with urinals, bath-rooms, wash-
basins, sinks but also the overall lighting and ventilation.
 All the parts of a building should have well lighting and ventilation to maintain
good hygienic conditions.
 This could be done in a natural way or in an artificial way (air condition).
 Necessary provision to facilitate the cleaning of the building be installed.
 Washing closet, lavatories, urinals, bathrooms like sanitary conveniences should
be installed adequate in number in relation to the occupant load.
 The ventilators in bath permit sunlight and air circulation to maintain hygienic
condition the kitchen should have glazed tiles dado


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 Rendering is the process of applying cement mixture to external, or sometimes
internal, walls to achieve a smooth or textured surface.
 It is similar in technique to plastering.
 A rendering has several functions, such as:
 to protect the building from external climatic and mechanical stresses,
 to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance,
 to create a smooth surface for a final finish.

 The main components of renders are cement, sand, lime and water. A common
mix ratio used for rendering is 6 parts sand, 1 part cement and 1 part lime.
 Any general-purpose cement can be used, although the sand should be fine and
clean of impurities.
 Coarser sand is usually used as the base layer and slightly finer sand for the top


Rendering in Civil Engineering Projects

 Architecture first make the drawings according to the budget & clients will then
makes model & this model shows all details of the project which is finally
structural design is prepared by a Civil Engineer on which the execution work
will proceed.
 Architects design the space to meet client needs, as well as the aesthetic
appearance of the inside and exterior of the building.
 Engineers' main responsibility is to ensure the design is safe and meets all
appropriate building codes.
 Civil Engineer study the characteristics of materials, soil, and give the structural
appearance to the architectural drawing.
 Rendering is related to performance of architectural planning in civil
 Rendering includes proposals of building, or it can propose planning of a whole
urban area to be built up.
 In architectural renderings we propose the type of buildings as well as the
equipment areas, green areas, etc. according to the current regulations.

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Advantages of architectural rendering

 Making 2D and 3D design
 Location of different structure
 Position of roads, green area etc.
 Future planning for development.
 Give a particular shape, design to structure.


Rendering Software
 A realistic rendering of a 3D model can often
give a product team or prospective client a
clearer vision of a conceptual design than a
plotted drawing.
 Rendering is the process of creating a raster
image based on the 3D objects in a scene.
 A renderer is used to calculate the appearance
of the materials attached to the objects in a
scene, and how lighting and shadows are
calculated based on the lights placed in a
 Environmental and exposure settings of the
renderer can be adjusted to control the final
rendered image.
 A rendered image can be created for a new
model without attaching materials, placing
user-defined lights, and adding a background.

Engr. M Sohail Saleh 11


Autodesk Revit
 It is built for Building Information Modeling (BIM), helping
professionals design, build, and maintain higher-quality, more energy-
efficient buildings.
 Using the information-rich models created with Autodesk Revit
software, architects, engineers, and construction firms can collaborate to
make more-informed decisions earlier in the design process to deliver
projects more efficiently.
 Any design changes made in Revit models are automatically updated
throughout the model, keeping designs and documentation coordinated
and more reliable.
 It includes features for architectural design, mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing, structural engineering, and construction, providing a
comprehensive solution for the entire building project team.
 (


BIM for Rendering

BIM = Building Information Modeling

 development and use of a digital model
of the building project

BIM model viewed in Solibri

BIM = Building Information Management

 methodology and processes used to
manage the construction project during
its whole life cycle


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BIM for Rendering

 The aim of BIM is to develop and use a digital model of the building, available
and synchronized for all parties, for the whole life cycle of the construction
 Several software products are labeled as « BIM-compatible », but the key point
is the interoperability between programs to allow all parties to collaborate
 In most medium- and large-sized companies, new roles will appear: BIM
managers and BIM coordinators
 Our guess: the use of BIM is likely to be encouraged by owners and public
authorities to better manage their building projects (operations & maintenance,
 4D BIM: 3D BIM + time = clash detection, etc.
 5D BIM: 3D BIM + time + cost = take off quantities, etc.
 Future trend: 6D BIM (= 5D BIM including all aspects of life-cycle facility
management) in a cloud-based environment


3ds Max

 3ds Max offers a rich and flexible toolset to create premium designs
with full artistic control.
 Create massive worlds in games
 Visualize high-quality architectural renderings
 Model finely detailed interiors and objects
 Bring characters and features to life with animation and VFX Produce
professional-quality 3D animations, renders, and models with 3ds
Max® software.
 An efficient and flexible toolset to help you create better 3D content in
less time
 (


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3ds Max
 3D animations, models, and images
 TV commercial studios and architectural visualization studios. It is also used for
movie effects and movie pre-visualization.
 Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8


AutoCAD Autodesk
 AutoCAD was derived from a 1977 program called Interact CAD.
 Released In December 1982 (128 KB), First Release With 3D capabilities 1988
 It is computer-aided design (CAD) software that architects, engineers, and
construction professionals rely on to create precise 2D and 3D drawings.
 Draft, annotate, and design 2D geometry and 3D models with solids, surfaces,
and mesh objects
 Automate tasks such as comparing drawings, counting, adding blocks, creating
schedules, and more
 ( )


Engr. M Sohail Saleh 14


Google Sketchup
 3D modeling program, Developed by Trimble Navigation under Google
 First Release August 2000
 Used for broad range of applications such as architectural, civil, mechanical,
films as video game design
 Available in Free and Professional Versions
 3D Ware-House, Online Deposit Of Assemblies (Doors, Windows, Automobile)
 Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, Mac


Civil 3D
 3D Modeling
 Available in 32-64 bits Of OS
 Transportation And Environmental Engineering


Engr. M Sohail Saleh 15


 (Matrix Laboratory) is a numerical
computing environment.
 Developed by Math Works
 Allows plotting of functions.
 As well As Scientific calculations
 Users come from various backgrounds of
engineering, science, and economics.
 MATLAB 1.0 1984


MS Project
 Microsoft Project is a project management software program.
 developed and sold by Microsoft.
 which is designed to assist a project manager in developing a plan, assigning
resources to task tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing
 The first commercial version of Project was released for DOS in 1984
 In 1991 a Macintosh version was released
 IT’s Stable Release December 11, 2012; 5 months ago
 Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012


Engr. M Sohail Saleh 16


 Primavera software are designed to support the project management needs of
organizations that manage large numbers of projects one time
 Supports Gantt-Chart (Henry Gantt (1861-1919), the father of planning and
control techniques)
 More Powerful Than MS Project, Offers Variety of facilities
 Functions in Stand-Alone and Sever Modes


Analysis and Design

• CSI ETABS ( Buildings
• CSI SAP 2000 (Buildings &
complex modelling)
• CSI SAFE (Slab, footing)
• CSI COLUMN (Column)


Engr. M Sohail Saleh 17


Study the description given in link below for more
clarification and understanding of the topic


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