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21ve Early, Thesapare

ames I got les charters
17, avnched ) izginion colonization w/ London Cougang
2. Fou'spect, Discovery, Lusan Constant
Colonists in

Arrived in Chesossate in April 1607
Grandes down a reiver named James
is Naved colory Jamestown
Malaria was killing
wo Mame time gold tonting then forening
to 38 of 144 men lived for months
Disn't want to lease from Pardotes
ir Powhatang agriculture was more andvanced
is John Smith convinced colonists
Reorgimination & Expansion
- 1609 → London company doing well
erpleet of 2 ressels sent to Jamestowns
ir stips lost and many dice
is Natives son them as a threat
we cut off resouras
460 left
+ Verging of cologse
; to Natives more powerful and can no threat
Powhater Confedtrary big near Virginia
sillers had it moogle.
i No women
Relief efforts, belgeed
Immigrants discovered to bore
& rst pro table crop
is caused Expansion
4 Many maids followed
& Bowhaton's daughter capti med
Had hiels.
to was marriage
( conversion geavine?
caused some peace between Evropans & Pontutans
- Headwright Systen
- larger tobacco production
of Page
550 aire grants to colonists
is started by Virginia company
ir System
with-Current settlers
-Porshantar mariage
is a por new immigrant payed for
- V.C. (Virginia Company) sent skilled workers & Women
to Fave white mates "Englishman rights
is Essentially seff government
713011619 = House of Burgesses
rst chotel legislation
so mach Evreapsons ponder assimilation
Died on a Voyage back to Virginie
Chief Bewhiter dies
is his brother takes one
no He wants to drive out English.
in March 1622, launchs an attack against the English
→ 4 die
so More of an ansvassfel ressage
s stareted complist that ended in Porhoto defeat
Slavery and indeature in the virginia company
or John Kalfe ronched in 1649 the rst slaves in Jamestour
Stolen from Portugse slave ship
Blacks slowly lost more and move rights
Aferson Popolation rose exponentially
Bacon's Rebellion
Virginia company take over by the crown
-Willian Berkley
- Controlled Virginin's Politics
in Stoppsel 1644 Ladien Uprising,
"Signed a treaty giving Indians bordered territory
I West of the Blue Ridge Mountains
dif cult to uphold
→ Not much demourag
to the colonists underyasented.
-Nathmand Baron
i Farner in the west "Backcountry"
is Angered he couldn't nove forether west
ir Resent against goverment caused Bacon's Rebellion
→ Ex-indenterad servants liked the rebellion
1675 glazon western con ict witte srations
Baron ashed Bickly for troopes
i Berlly said no
is Bacon, ignoring Bucklige order not to do so,
I started a wester, vicious but unsuccesful Malitin
5r Beckley proclaimed Bacon &co. rebels
This angered bacon, he led two attacks
is lost got him a pardon.
or 2nd, bacon buened the city and exibee Buckley.
is Bacon dies of dyssentary
or Beckley signs treaty for more land w cudions
and regains political control
Io Powerful whites now turen away from
inderturedd slaves because of instability
ir Everyone toons to shares straight from
Afries onaware of Virginion rebels
es laws maher Africans property
of Page
Maryland and the Calverts
Gorge Cabert
tried to start manglend colony.
of an isique for English Catholies
And while asking London king for charter
son, Cecilius Calvust got it.
for dard Baltinare stayed in England
in Brother, Leonard Calveret starated the colong
is Porrotae river.
the second lord Baltimore
Established St. Mary's
is Friendly with natives
-Nuded more people to make pro t
is accepted protestants.
is made catholes a minority
ur 1649" Act Concerning religion"
Full Christion toleration.
+ Strzyling Economy
wo abgeled headwrite syster
Followed Virginio's Tabor patterns
2.2 The Death of New England
-Northern Auviera less inhabited
ir John Smith made an exploratory journey in which to
duffed New England.
Plynooth Baulation.
un Puriatan Separatists
I to moved to Holland to esign English Church
us Worched onshilled jobs; Hildbres adopted Dotcle colline
I → Moud to 31W for more stability and freedon
"Scoofer Group gut permission to move to, NW
landed too fam Noreth newr capel cod
One the ships made"May ower Compact!
is a constitution for thing new government
12-21-1621 Colonists stepped ashore
or First winter wipul out à population
→ Wanyarwags saved ther
is partnered w/ colonists to avoid patures con ict
ir First Harvest or Thanksgiving
years later or smallfor viyes out most Wampamoags
is to good farons
& Many through sh and for the
William Bradford
was Elected governer of Plymouth Plantation
Massachusetts Bay Experiment
1625-& Charter from king Charles to stout Vassachusetts Bay Co. (ma)
Made for Piritan Refuge.
John Winthrop in charge
in Port of Boston was the Capital
po tried to make slopion thescoe ray
is strict laws and less fredon
is caused visties to make other whonies
of Page
- Sterggled in rst winner
Pilgrims & Wamponongs helped
us Family Bonds helped reprohore
The Expansion of New England
Some left the soil, some the cherest
Thomas Hooker brought congregation to Consthient riever
valley and made fondamental orders of conithent
we Hartford
-New hovers
vs Mave Nen haver is Conetticut buy
| 4 Under stricter role then Massachutsets Bay
sill162 → Kvitford got Jurisdiction
Ralger Willians
is spoke out against Massachtserts
Created providence.
is Created Massachutsets like government w/o religion
ur Religious freedom
Anne Hutchinson
i Antimorian Horesy
Works didn't affect salvation
threatened Massachulsels
ir Danished Because of Houses
To Died in Ry
-1629 New Hampshire and Maione formed.
Few moved in writil 1915 Religious disceptions
is John Wheebright let people to Exeter, New Hampshire
King Philip's ware
is Conneticut Valley vs Peqrots
1814 month King Philizes wer
of Page
is Wampanoags let by Satacom "King Philip)
is Joined W/// other tribes.
no Some helped English.
ir Mohal allies turned war in favors to whites
is trifes wechened
Flintoch ri e replaned dordions matchloch ri es
i laused Higher casualties
2.3 The Restoration Colonies
The English Civil ware
Charles I

Absolute Monarch
wo Re-mode poraliament for forrding
Coralins & Supported the king
is Roundheads & Parliament > fontung →won civil ware 7years
↳ Oliver Gromwell
"Yove himself "grotuctor position
is led
tried for many Spanish colonies, only won Jamaca
is son couldn't mainting authority
or Charles II seized the throne
to sed to more Colonization
Religious tolvration
The Carolmas
Protestants angered so Charles II banned
is James the treatal peonly
8 propriesters got a grant
is all Anglicas but allowed religious tokration
to Representative assembly
Failed to pro t
or Anthony Ashley loggve convinced propimeters to seal pl oven
is they started port Loyal & Charches town
Cooper nadere Carolina, constitute "Fundamented Constitution for Carolina
is class systion
so dividul into Counties & parcels
is developed into...
to Slove- reliant rice forens, tots of trade,
North, bechwood foremos; Douth strong economy and wristreret
Southers Carolina guer close w. Barbados
youw dotren dorrth and don't h
is tensions
so Colonists took over 1719
to kung devided colony into North and South America on 1729
New Netherland, Diew Gost, den Firsey.
.664 Charles, It come Fures hand belonging to the botch
Potch & English were eirah
is Dutch in the middle of English Colonies
Richard Nicolls took over Ihan Amsterdam, the Dutch Capital
of the Dole of fort named it now for the dis

to French, Westche English, African slaves, Indians lived there
ir Loverned by a goremen & counsel
i Slavvry
4 Decause of Dutch Roots, all sloves in Poly wore free
I but not their children.
4 Slaves granted between 2-18 avres & payel a fer to the
company yearly (slaves sereved as buffer to Audions
Political power was und
of James gave a large part of land south of Nor Shack to
John Berkley and George Carteruit.
5 George made New Jersey
+ Similare to New York
is Separated into {.&W New Jersey but then rejoined later
the Zwaher Colonies.
to Quakes rejected predestination
to led by George For and Ragweet Fell
No dergey, mass was just individuals talking
is Cordon't make their own colory with a charter because
they were despoised
of Page
William Henn
i Worked with George Fox
Father died and to repay debt the king established
Seagle na
Well known & prosperous due to careful planning
Perm sailed to Pennsylvania in 1682 to oversee Philidelphris
? Because of Wratiisen, Per had great Native Relations
so Penn signed the chariter of libertes
Representation assembly
is One part spelet off and became the colory
of Delaware.
2.4 = Berdislands & « Nicdelle Frounds.
-English weren't
that sbong
-English were weaker colonially than the french
{ Spanish
-Widdle Frow is => where Evropeans & natives interested.
on the borders of colonies
Carribean Isten the Carribean Islands.
were hopping
Staves were
treated poorely (
seen as proprty
More than ½ population was in carribean and North Bornebu
to European epidemies weakened natives on the Carribean
i Spanish Claimed whole caviction (others settled on smaller
Nost land devoted to sugarcame
needed many slaves for sugarcane
Nastures and slaves in the Carriebion
-Parties wocked most slaves to death
I government was established
is laws treated slaves as property
- Africon - Carrribean Culture was established
or many protested slavery
-Carribea was imporètent fore British because & wown, suger, I shares
The Southwest Bondwelands
- the Spanish were thriving
The Spanish
were doing great
and got Califormes,
Outskirts attracted minoritus
x Maxi co city is doing great
Brought disease - Spanists Colonizad Californice before anyone else could in 1950's
and intholocian
o Brought disease and forced Catholorisu on the lations
forced indiens into worch w/ encoriunde susten
- French threatened Spanish by claiming Louisiana
The Southeast Boredwelands
-Between Wedines & Florida was in wese of Spanish and Englishs con ict
Fan sh pirates & Spanish; Spanish freed English slaves; English encarreg
dudien Revolts
made as a
koffer ser
pror English.
The Founding of Georgiv
Jan's gelthing Deerryen made as a deffere to Spanists
Natives hand to
of Page
-The French wou
nice to natives.
47 James Ogelthouge led the unpaid founders
Also made for people in severe deft from England
to No A ccas on Catholics so nobody would parties / spain
Middle Grounds
-In middle grounds - Europeans & Indians fought for 510.
to lustund of English is Fail, most colonists were poor non- English
to glethorpe seen as distatome & colony later become elected
legishte e
Meither one wee had Hear dominance, especially near bankas
ir they had to live together there
is these tended to be along Eurogen Boundaries
- Francs were very rently with tribes
is some Evropens adopted this, especially along the trant wher
-As British Power geau, peative relations dreapped
Natives and English wore is a constant ux of paver and
had to hem to coexist in middle grounds.
Evropian, Esprically British Slove trade increased with
agricolturns, especially sugarcane
½ time.
2.5 = The Development of Empire
1 indlysendent which pressured
uni ed colonial

to giver contrat
of wrathen.
ng were.
I make a move oni ed government.
-Novigation Acts 16460,63,37
or brade only with an
to All goods est pass through Ct on the way
is allowed inforcement
The Dominion of New England
dis Edmond Andues - V now wants to control momee
- 1675= lords & brade made mode (& reform recomendations
wo tooke Massachotsets chuster and Her Hampshives control
-James II 1685 Dominion of the England.
is made Sis Edmond Andros in charge & most.
northern colonies.
the "Glorious Revatition"
Jarms voted
Colonies over then
& made semente
-People didn't like Fansé's Cathohoresen
-Parliament voted in William of creang
To James I unseressfully tired & worthrow him
ir When boston hand they overthren Andros I made
sysurate colonial governments
to combined Massachusetts & Plymouth
is could appoint governer
i Fore of ce holding => chizach rembership property
< Jacot Lister made a metition overthun Jexiled
Captain Francis Nicholson, Andros's appointed AJ
Leisterans / anti-Leistrans
27 Maryland thought & Land Baltimore was against Willian J
overethan him I became a reogal colony
↳ Prropriictes colony again after, 5th Lord Beltino, el
re-joins & Chureck of England

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