Early Christian Ireland

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Rapid Fire Revision - Early Christian


Early Christian Ireland

● Christianity first came to Ireland during the time of the Celts, who were
pagans. Their spiritual figures were the Druids.
● The earliest official source of Christianity in Ireland is from AD 431 with
the arrival of Palladius.
● Between AD 432 and 461, St. Patrick worked in Ireland, converting the
pagan Celts to Christianity.
● Monasteries were built, becoming centers of learning. The earliest known
Irish monastery was Inis Mór, founded by St. Enda around AD 500.
● Monks lived in small stone huts called beehive huts. Other notable
monasteries include Clonmacnoise, Skellig Michael, and Glendalough.

Life in an Irish Monastery (IMPORTANT)

● An oratory was a building where monks attended Mass or prayed.

● A scriptorium was where manuscripts were copied and illustrated.
● A refectory was where monks ate their meals.
● A round tower served as a bell tower and a safe place during attacks.
● A guest house provided accommodation for travelers.
● Monks were buried in a cemetery with simple graves.
● An external circular wall provided protection.
The Art of Early Christian Ireland

● Early monasteries created art to honor God and demonstrate their

● Manuscripts, such as the Book of Kells, were written on parchment or
vellum, decorated with Celtic patterns and bright colors.
● Metalwork included crosses, bells, brooches, belts, cups, and chalices like
the Ardagh Chalice.
● High Crosses were stone crosses with detailed carvings from the Bible to
teach those who could not read.

Key Terms - Define them here

1. Christianity -
2. St. Patrick -
3. Monasteries -
4. Manuscripts -
5. Vikings -

Revision Questions

1. What religion did St. Patrick help spread in Ireland?

2. True or False: The Celts were Christians before St. Patrick arrived.
3. What is a beehive hut?
4. Fill in the blank: The earliest known Irish monastery was _______.
5. What was the purpose of a scriptorium?
6. True or False: A round tower was used for cooking in monasteries.
7. What was the Book of Kells written on?
8. Fill in the blank: Metalwork from early Christian Ireland includes the
_______ Chalice.
9. What was a high cross used for?
10. True or False: The Vikings built monasteries in Ireland.

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