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 Good evening, everyone. Today, we are here to discuss a very interesting topic: "Culture.

" We
often hear people talk about their culture, their upbringing, their "background," but what
exactly is culture?
 Culture is a vast and multifaced topic that encompasses the beliefs, customs, traditions, art,
language, and social behavior of a particular group of people or society. It reflects the shared
values, norms, and practices that shape the way individuals within a community interact and
perceive the world around them.
 Culture includes cuisine, clothing, rituals, sports, religious practices, and much more. Since
our Moroccan culture is so rich and diverse, let's explore our own culture through a historical
lens: As we all know, an undeniable part of Moroccan culture is Berber/Amazigh culture, as
their culture, language, and traditions form the foundation of Moroccan identity. Morocco
also experienced the Phoenician and Carthaginian period between 650 BCE and 146 BCE,
where Morocco absorbed a lot of Middle Eastern culture.
 We should also mention the period when Morocco was under Roman rule, and how we still
have Roman ruins in our country to this day, such as the Volubilis ruins. This rule added a lot
to the architecture, trade, economy, agriculture, and technology, which of course enriched
Moroccan culture
 Let’s not overlook the Arabic-Islamic conquests Morocco went through, such as those by the
Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, which established control over the country in the 7th and
8th centuries and brought the religion of Islam to Moroccan lands, a significant aspect of our
 We will also discuss the multiple dynasties and sultanates that ruled Morocco, including the
Idrissid, Almoravid, Almohad, Marinid, Wattasid, Saadi, and the current Alaoui dynasties.
Each dynasty left its footprint in Moroccan culture, from zellij art to Andalusian music.
 Fast forward to the 19th and 20th centuries, when Morocco was under European colonialism
by France and Spain. Unfortunately, these occupations also contributed to the current
Moroccan culture, as we still use the French language, and some French etiquettes such as
the fork and knife persist to this day. French is also the main language taught in college and
used in most companies in the private sector, and some in the public sector.
 Morocco then moved into a phase of independence and modernization, where it tried to
unify its land, culture, and heritage, thanks to the resistance of its people against the
colonizers. This resistance, a moral quality, is also a part of Moroccan culture.
 Today, just like this vibrant and colorful picture, Morocco thrives in a cultural fusion that has a
package full of diverse cultural aspects.

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