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Yoga for Holistic Health: Assignment work

Anjali Singh

VAC110: Yoga for Holistic Health

MR. Shyam Dubey

April 21, 2024

Yoga for Holistic Health: Assignment work

1. Why is yoga important and state the differentiation between Asana and physical exercise?

It is recommended to do yoga as a practice before physical exercise for following reasons:

a, the psychological influences the physiological, mental stresses, indulging in bad emotions can

lead to several diseases. Physical exercises alone are not sufficient to control or purify the mind.

b, this is why in several ancient yoga textbooks Yoga-Shastra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Sutra

by Patanjali, mentions the importance of the flow, Yamas, Niyamas and then Asanas.

c, to find serenity and inner peace, to regulate the nervous system, to help aid the proper

functioning of endocrine glands.

d, people are lured by the material senses and the attraction of opulence of the after life and so

they want to know and perform certain practices. These people are ignorant and might never find

salvation from the Maya. Modern science makes the access to materialistic existence even more

easier but yoga is the true path for liberation. Yoga word comes from the Sanskrit root word, yug,

meaning meeting of the higher self in a manner that the lower self is led by the higher, or meeting

one's true self or nature.

2. Explain a yoga asana/pranayama/cleansing technique through pictorial representation.

a. Anuloma Viloma or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate breathing)

In Sanskrit, 'Nadi' signifies a 'channel' allowing the passage of vital energy of Prana. According

to Yoga experience, inhaling by the right nostril produces heat in the body, and inhaling by the left

produces cold. This is why the Yogis call the right nostril Surya Nadi (sun nostril) and the left

Chandra Nadi (moon nostril).


This Pranayama must be carried out very carefully, and to begin with, the full cycle should not be

repeated more than three times.

Those suffering from cardiac complaints or high blood pressure, or those with weak lungs,

should at no time practise this exercise to include the holding of the breath (Kumbhaka) without

proper guidance.


Sitting in the Padmasana position or cross-legged, place the index of the right hand in the centre of

the forehead between the eyebrows. One should begin by exhaling completely; then close the right
nostril with the thumb and inhale through the left nostril counting four heartbeats, hold to a count of

sixteen, then open the right nostril while closing the left with middle finger. Exhale through the

right nostril to a count of eight beats.

Keeping the fingers in the same position, inhale through the right nostril counting four beats,

then hold the breath to a count of sixteen before exhaling through the left nos- tril counting up to

eight. This forms the complete cycle.

To begin with, it is always better to follow the set rhythm 1:2:2 for this exercise which includes

inhalation, retention of the breath and exhalation. After long practice (2 or 3 months minimum) one

may proceed to 1:4:2.

Therapeutic Advantages

This is one of the most important Pranayamas for establishing the equilibrium of the positive and

negative currents bringing life to the body. It calms and purifies the nerves, helps stabilize the mind

and increases the mental faculties. It helps cure certain serious types of headache.

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