Dossier Roma

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UNIT 11.


The space and time

1.1 The geographical framework

The Roman civilization was born in the Italian Peninsula. In the 8th century BC, the
Peninsula was inhabited by various peoples, such as the Etruscans in the north; the Latins in
the center, and the Greeks in the south. The founding of Rome took place in 753 BC.

1.2 Historical evolution

In the history of Rome three stages are distinguished:

• The Monarchy (753-509 BC). Rome had seven kings: four Latins and three Etruscans.
Over time, Etruscan domination caused great discontent. In 509 BC, a great revolt destroyed
the last Etruscan king.

• The Republic (509-27 BC). Rome achieved great territorial expansion thanks to its well-
organized army. First, it was imposed on the towns of the Italian Peninsula. Then, he
dominated the Mediterranean western, after defeating Carthage. Finally, it was expanded on
the Eastern Mediterranean.

• The Empire (27 BC-476 AD). Rome reached its maximum territorial extension in this
period. Furthermore, Romanization advanced, a process
by which the conquered peoples adopted the political, economic, social and cultural
organizations of Rome.

In the 3rd century the Roman Empire entered a deep crisis. This crisis ended up causing its
division into two: that of the West, with capital in Rome, and that of the East, with its capital
in Constantinople. The Empire Western Roman Empire ended as a consequence of the
invasions of the Germanic people (476 AD).

1 Complete the indicated spaces on the upper map of the Roman Empire.

2 Defines the concept of romanization.


3 Calculate how long the Roman civilization lasted.


4 Answer the following questions.

a) Where was Roman civilization born? ...................
b) In what year was Rome founded? ...........................

5 Complete this chronological axis with the names of the stages of the history of Rome and
its chronology. - REPUBLIC- EMPIRE- MONARCHY

6 Relate each word to a stage in history from Rome:

a) Romanization: ……………………

b) Kings: ……………………

c) Carthage: ……………………
2. The political organization economic and social

2.1 The political organization

During the Monarchy, the king had absolute power: he governed, directed the army and the
religious cult. In some matters it was advisable by a Senate, made up of rich and powerful
families (patricians). The rest of the population, the commoners, had no political rights.
During the Republic, the government was in the hands of three institutions: the popular
assemblies (they approved the laws and elected the magistrates), the Senate (they made
important decisions) and the magistrates (they exercised the government).
During the Empire, the emperors concentrated all powers: political, military, legislative and
religious. Republican institutions were maintained, but were controlled by the emperor.

2.2 The organization of economic activity

Agriculture was based on the cultivation of cereals, vines, olive trees, fruits and vegetables
and irrigation was improved. Mining exploited minerals such as gold, silver, iron, lead, tin,
copper, mercury and salt. Crafts included a wide variety of crafts. Food industries were also
developed, such as the manufacture of oil, wine, bread and fish salting. Trade was intense,
inside and outside the Roman Empire.

2.3 Social organization

People belonged to different social groups, depending on whether they had or
not the right of citizenship and according to their wealth.
• Citizens had full political (voting) and civil (marrying) rights. This group was made up of a
wealthy minority (senators, magistrates, patricians and soldiers), and a majority of humble
people (rustic and urban plebs).
• Non-citizens lacked rights. To this group belonged free women, freedmen or freed slaves
and slaves.

Answer the questions:

a) Who had power during the Monarchy?
b) What institutions were there in the Republic?

With the help of the following illustrations, write a short text explaining the organization of
Roman society.


Relate the concepts of the two columns:

A) Oil manufacturing 1. Mining
B) Vegetable crops 2. Crafts
C) Gold exploitation 3. Agriculture
D) Variety of trades 4. Food industry
Analyze the illustration of the Roman villa and write a list of its main rooms.


Place each social group at its corresponding level: senators, women, slaves, soldiers,
artisans, patricians, libertos and magistrates.
3. Religion, culture and Roman art

3.1 The Roman religion. The Christianity

The Romans were polytheists, believing in many gods. In their houses they also worshiped
the spirits of their ancestors and the gods who protected the home.
At the beginning of the Empire, a new religion appeared, Christianity, whose believers only
accepted a single god and it ended up being the religion official of the entire Roman world.

3.2 Culture and art

The most important contributions of Roman culture were Latin, from which many current
European languages derive, and the law, or laws written to regulate relations between
people and between them and the State. It is the basis of current law.
Roman architecture had a practical purpose. The materials used were brick, stone, marble
and cement. The Romans used the Greek, Tuscan and Roman-composite orders. To cover
the roofs they used arches, vaults and domes.
The temple was the main religious building. It was rectangular, with stairs on the main
façade, and was surrounded by columns. The civil buildings were very varied: basilicas,
thermal baths, theaters, amphitheaters and circuses. In addition, the Romans built
engineering works (roads, bridges and aqueducts), and commemorative monuments
(memorial columns and triumphal arches).
Roman sculpture gave rise to very realistic portraits. The painting is used to decorate the
walls of palaces and villas, and the mosaic, to decorate your floors and walls.
What is law?

Answer these questions:

a) Why was the Roman religion polytheistic?
b) What were Roman temples like?
c) What did the Romans use painting and mosaic for?
Write next to each word if it is a religious or civil building, a work of engineering or a
commemorative monument:
a) Aqueduct: ………………………...
b) Triumphal arch: ………………………...
c) Circus: ………………………...
d) Temple: ………………………...
e Amphitheater: ………………………...
f) Bridge: ………………………...
g) Basilica: …………………………

Next to each sentence, indicate whether it is true (T) or false (F) and correct the false:
a) The Romans also worshiped the spirits of their ancestors.
b) The most important cultural contributions of the Romans were Latin and
c) In architecture, the Romans used the Egyptian orders.
d) Roman sculpture was very idealized.
e) Roman mosaics adorned floors and walls.
f) Roman law is the basis of current law.

Look at the image of the Roman amphitheater on the previous page, and describe it,
indicating its parts.

Complete this summary table about Roman architecture:





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