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Record No.

: ZCOER-ACAD/R/16N Revision: 00 Date: 01/04/2021

Unit wise MCQs

Department:IT Semester: II Academic Year: 2023 - 2024

Class:IT Date:
Course:SE Course Code:214452
Name of Faculty:Prof.Wrushabh Sirsat

Unit No.- Question Blooms

Question 1 2 3 4 Answer CO
name No. Level
1 Key to represent relationship between tables is called a.primary key b. secondary key c. foreign key d. none of the above 2 CO1 Understanding

2 Grant and revoke are statements. DDL b. TCL c. DCL d. DML 1 CO1 Understanding

3 command can be used to modify a column in a table A. alter B. update C. set D. create 2 CO1 Understanding

5-Transaction & 4 The candidate key is that you choose to identify each row uniquely is called …………
Alternate Key B. Primary Key C. Foreign Key D. None of the above 4 CO1 Understanding
Control 5 is used to determine whether a table contains duplicate rows. Unique predicate B. Like Predicate C. Null predicate D. In predicate 4 CO1 Understanding

6 To eliminate duplicate rows is used NODUPLICATE B. ELIMINATE C. DISTINCT D. None of these 2 CO1 Understanding

7 Does not have a distinguishing attribute if its own and most are dependent Substring B. Drop Table C. Predict D. Predicate 1 CO1 Understanding

8 entities, which are part of some another entity. Constraints B. Stored Procedure C. Triggers D. Cursors 3 CO1 Remembering

1 is the complex search criteria in the where clause. Degree, Cardinality B. Cardinality, Degree C. Rows, Columns D. Columns, Rows 4 CO2 Understanding

2 is the preferred method for enforcing data integrity A. HLL B. DML C. DDL D. DCL 4 CO2 Understanding

3 The number of tuples in a relation is called its While the number of attributes in a A. module B. relational model C. schema D. subschema 1 CO2 Understanding

4 relation is called it’s ……………….. A. Groups B. Table C. Attributes D. Switchboards 4 CO2 Understanding
5 The database schema is written in A. External B. Internal C. Physical D. Conceptual 1 CO2 Understanding

6 The way a particular application views the data from the database that the applicationA.uses
RAW is a B. CHAR C. NUMERIC D. VARCHAR 3 CO2 Understanding

7 Which of the following are the properties of entities? A. Master B. Model C. Tempdb D. None of the above 1 CO2 Understanding

8 Which database level is closest to the users? Join B. Semi-Join C. Full Join D. Inner Join 2 CO2 Understanding

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