Auto Shopfloor SAP PP

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Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP


Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

August, 2013



Document No. Ver. Rev. : V1.0

Authorized by: Signature/: Sahil Bhardwaj/ Mohan

Raj/ Rohit Sharma

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP


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©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP


Technical Consultant- Rohit Sharma (

Functional Consultants

 Sahil Bhardwaj (

 Mohan Raj N (

Date written (MM/DD/YY): 27.08.2013

Project Details

 Project(s) involved: CE1ADMSZ

 H/W Platform:

 S/W Environment: SAP ECC 6.0

 Application Type:


 Effort in days (if applicable): Approx 10 days

 Reviewer: Raveendra Ashok Sunagar, Kolappan Ganesan

Target readers - SAP PP Consultants, ABAP Developers, Logistics Consultants

Areas of application- SAP PP

Key words: - Automation Of PP Cycle, Process Order Cycle

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

1 Contents
1. Overview...........................................................................................................5
1.1 Business Scenario.........................................................................................5
1.2 Application...................................................................................................5
1.3 Selection screen of the program......................................................................5
1.4 Flow of the Program......................................................................................5
1.5 Functional Logic of the Program......................................................................6
2. Source Code......................................................................................................7
3. Usage of the Asset..............................................................................................7
3.1 Usage.........................................................................................................7
3.2 Limitations...................................................................................................7
4. Related documents.............................................................................................8
5. Reference(s)......................................................................................................9

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

1. Overview

This artifact enables us to reuse attached program to successfully automate the shop floor
execution cycle in SAP for discrete & Process manufacturing.

1.1 Business Scenario

This artifact can be used in scenarios where little manufacturing Process are involved as
compared to sales and purchasing functions however PP shop floor control cycle needs to be
automated and integrated in SAP with SD/ MM.

However this program is not limited to above scenario only, In general this can be used to
run PP cycle automatically.

1.2 Application of Program

 The program automates the shop floor control cycle from process/ production order
creation to TECO status of the order.
 This functionality will apply to both discrete manufacturing and Process
 Program needs to be modified as per business requirement- Movement types/ Stock
type etc.

1.3 Selection screen of the program

The selection screen in the below program attached is designed for data selection to be
converted to process order.

Further selection parameters like Order type, MRP group, MRP controller etc. can be added
as per client requirement.

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

1.4 Flow of the Program

The program uses Standard SAP BAPI and Function modules to complete the PP Cycle. The
input to the program can be the fields mentioned in above screenshot (can be modified)
which will be converted to order.

NOTE: - Below program has been designed to input as plant only. Program can be modified
as per client business requirements for further requirements.

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

1.5 Functional Logic of the Program

PRE REQUSITE: - All the PP related Configurations and master data should be in place.

The program is to convert the all materials (batch enabled) into process order which have
batch characteristic value as “XX”.

1. Enter the plant for which you need to convert batches to process order.
2. If BOM components are WM managed- Check for the batch details from LQUA table.
a. Select IM quantity using MCHB table. This is the quantity used in the order.
b. The IM and WM qty should be matched.
3. If BOM components are not WM managed, check quantity in MCHB table. This is the
quantity used in the order.
4. Create Process order using BAPI_PROCORD_CREATE.
5. Capacity check, Scheduling & Material availability check have been configured in
configuration (Refer Note)
6. In this program the Order is RELEASED automatically on creation depending on
configuration settings – scheduling parameters for order type and plant. But Order
can be released using BAPI- BAPI_PROCORD_RELEASE
7. 261(GI) goods movement is done using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.
8. Confirmation of the order is done using BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_HDR at
order level.
9. 101(Goods Receipt) Goods Movement is done using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE
10. If WM is activated, TR generated for the goods movement 261 and 101 is fetched
from MSEG table based on the material doc. number, movement type, material no.,
Plant, StorageLoc., batch, order no.. and converted to TO using FM
11. TO is confirmed using FM L_TO_CONFIRM explicitly if TO is not confirmed while TR
to TO conversion.
12.Check for status DLV and CNF of the order no. in JEST table, if confirmed and
Delivered then TECO is done using BAPI_PROCORD_COMPLETE_TECH


The below additional functions may be included depending upon business scenarios in the

 Capacity requirements- BAPI_PROCORD_CREATE_CAP_REQ

 Check material availability- BAPI_PROCORD_CHECK_MAT_AVAIL
 Changes to the order- BAPI_PROCORD_CHANGE
 Closed status - BAPI_PROCORD_CLOSE.

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

2. Source Code

The source code below can be copied to SE38 and must be activated before it can be used.

3. Usage of the Asset

3.1 Usage

The Source code written above can be copied & modified as a new Z program and executed
either as a batch job or manually by assigning a transaction for following scenarios:-

1. Production order for HALB materials

2. Production order for FERT materials
3. Production order for Batch/ Non batch managed materials.
4. BOM components of material are WM managed or not.
5. Rework scenarios without QM functionality.

3.2 Limitations

 This program is not suitable for REM manufacturing process and can only be used in
scenarios of discrete or Process manufacturing for shop floor execution process.
 While running the program as batch job, it is recommended to create a variant with
a few selection screen values filled (preferably date, plant) because the tables
referred to in the program contain huge amounts of data.
 This program cannot be used for scenarios where QM is activated and where NSAP
interfaces are involved.
 This program cannot be used for variant configuration / recursive scenarios.

4. Related documents

©2013 Infosys Limited, India

Infosys Automation Of Shop Floor Cycle In SAP PP

5. Reference(s)


©2013 Infosys Limited, India

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