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Is advertisement waste of time? Or it is beneficial or harmful for us?

According to my opinion advertisement is not a waste of time it is the main source by which we get all
the information regarding any new product that is going to be lounge in the market or any other new
technology is introducing we can get all information while staying home through advertisement but
there are also some drawbacks of advertisement as well because all information which have given to us
through advertisement is not always true but due to lack of knowledge, we have to belief them.

identify an advertisement from your daily life that you feel is unethical,
briefly describe the advertisement, and tell why you consider it unethical

Yes, there are many advertisements now a days we saw on different sources like on Televisions specially

On mobile phone through internet.

1. Advertisement of perfumes spread vulgarity

2. Now a days it is very common that while using internet some random advertisement come is
front of you and you have to see it at last 10 seconds Most of the time the advertisement shown
at that time are not appropriate and consider ethical in our culture.

explain Blackstone's principle of ethical environment?

William T. Blackstone believed that every human had a right to live is such world where environment is
protected and civilization had some obligation to protect our environment for our future generations

if due care is taken while manufacturing the product, but still insurance is
given to the consumers, then insurance companies will become bankrupt.
do you think it is a valid argument? Explain


identify three theories of manufacturer's care

contract, due care and social cost theory.

Theory of manufacture care:

Manufacture theory teaches us that while manufacturing any things what kind of
thing we have to keep in our mind to prevent our consumer from any kind of
injury or misleading.
There are three kinds of theory of manufacture’s care
1. Contract theory
2. Due care theory
3. Social cost theory

Contract theory:
The relationship between business and customer is contractual. All the duties
and right of customers are according to contract that take place between

Due care theory:

This theory explain that the consumer depends on the greater expertise of the
manufacturer. The duty of manufacturer is not only to deliver the right
product. This is also manufacturer duty that the product should also fulfill all
the requirements that they claim and it is also manufacturers duty to exercise
due care to prevent other to get injured by the product still if anything
happened then manufacturer will be responsible for such accident.

Social cost theory:

According to this theory the duties of the manufacturer extend far beyond
those imposed by contractual and due care duties; manufacturers should pay
the cost of any injuries sustained through any defects in their products, even
when they exercise due care and have taken all reasonable precautions.
(Related to the legal doctrine of strict liability)

differentiate b/w puffery and fraud, explain with the help of real-life

Puffery refers to a usually harmless amount of exaggeration in sales and

marketing materials on the other hand. Fraud or false advertisement is very
serious and legal action may be brought against that company.
For example
There is a company who make chips and claims that they are very good in taste
and crispy made of only fresh ingredients. But actually, it doesn’t taste good this
is puffery. And beside this if the company use expire ingredient in their products
and after eating them people get sick this is fraud.

what is the theme of the book 'limits to growth'? what is its


"Limits to Growth", published in 1972. It sold twelve million copies in 37

languages. This book did not predict what precisely would happen, it stated that
if the world's consumption patterns and population growth continued at the
same high rates, the earth would strike its limits within a century.

What is social ecology?

Social ecology studies relationships between people and their environment, often
the interdependence of people, collectives and institutions.

what is resource depletion? explain the causes of resource depletion

Resource Depletion occurs when the renewable and non-renewable natural

resources are consumed faster than they can recover.
Air Pollution, water pollution, solid wastes, greenhouse effect and global
warming, ozone depletion, improper resource utilization and deforestation are
some of the main causes of depletion of natural resources

Q2. DIFFERENCE between advertising and publicity?

Advertising is marketing as well as a promotional tool in the hands of the

company which tell us about the company or a product to their audience.
Publicity is something different; it is based on reality because it is not under the
control of any company or its representatives.
Q3. WHAT IS MEANT OF COERCE? How dose measuring the chance of

Liability claim
Liability claims occur when an individual states that you are
responsible for damage to property or injury to another person.
Then you have to pay for their loss is liability claim

Define Eco-feminist and social ecology.

Ecofeminism is a branch of feminism and political ecology. Ecofeminist

thinkers draw on the concept of gender to analyses the relationships
between humans and the natural world.

Social ecology studies relationships between people and their environment,

often the interdependence of people, collectives and institutions.

Define the social cost’s view of manufacturer's duties to consumers.

How it has become criticized

According to this third theory a manufacturer has a duty to assume the risks
of even those injuries that arise out of defects in the product that no one could
reasonably have foreseen or eliminated. The theory is a strong version of the
doctrine of caveat vendor: let the seller take care.
The major criticism of the social costs view of the manufacturer’s duties is
that is unfair. It is unfair, the critics charge, because it violates the basic
cannons of compensatory justice.
Social cost theorists counter by pointing out that, in reality, the costs of
consumer liability suits are not large. Less than 1% of product-related injuries
result in suits, and successful suits average only a few thousand dollars in any
A third argument against the social the social costs theory focuses on the
financial burdens the theory imposes on manufacturers and insurance

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