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Test I: Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Curriculum implementation comes after what curriculum development phase?

a. Creating b. Designing c. Evaluating d. Planning
2. Curriculum implementation implies the following, except:
a. Shift from what is current to a new or enhanced curriculum.
b. Change in behavior using new strategies and other resources.
c. Change which requires efforts hence goal should be achievable.
d. Change in knowledge, actions, attitudes of the persons not involved.
3. In the Force Field Theory of Kurt Lewin, what will happen if the restraining force overpowers the
driving force?
a. Change will occur b. Change is prevented c. Both A and B d. Nothing happens
4. Ms. Bless used a graphing calculator instead of using a graphing paper for Mathematics
teaching. What curriculum change is observed?
a. Alteration b. Pertubations c. Restructuring d. Substitution
5. Due to an unplanned extracurricular activity, the teacher has to shorten the time schedule as
per advised by the school principal. What curriculum change is observed?
a. Alteration b. Pertubations c. Restructuring d. Substitution

Test II: Fill in the blanks

1. When these two forces (driving force and restraining force) are equal, then the state is ___________.

2. As a process, the curriculum must be ____________ in the sense that it should generate multiple
perspectives, increase integration and make learning autonomous, create a climate of openness and
trust, and appreciate and affirms strength of the teacher.


Test III: True or False

Test IV: Essay

Direction: Explain curriculum change based on Lewin’s Force Field Theory. (5 points)


4-5 2-3 1
Content Contains relevant Contains few ideas The ideas lack
ideas that are that are somewhat relevance to the topic.
thoroughly explained explained based on
based on Lewin’s Lewin’s Force Field
Force Field Theory. Theory.
Organization Ideas are impressively Ideas are cohesive and Ideas are rambling .
cohesive and clear. clear.

Answer Key:

Test I:

1. B - Remembering
2. D - Analyzing
3. B - Evaluating
4. A - Applying
5. B - Applying

Test II:

1. Equilibrium/Balance- ????
2. Developmental – Remembering


Obj I- 2/6

Obj 2- 7/7 complete

Obj 3- 3/7

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