Chapter-3 Final

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This chapter presents the methods used, the environment of the study,

participants, instruments, the data gathering procedure used and the data analysis

employed in the study.

Research Method

To understand and obtain the online reviews on customer booking perception

and decisions at Hotel Dulceé. A mixed-method research approach can be employed.

Initially, the research objectives must be defined, focusing on how online reviews

influence customer perceptions and actual booking behaviors. The research design

incorporates both quantitative and qualitative methods. Surveys are distributed to past

customers to gather quantitative data on their perceptions and decisions, using Likert

scale questions and demographic information are gathered for detailed analysis.

Research Environment

The study was conducted at Hotel Dulceé located in Cayam City of Naga Cebu.

Hotel Dulceé is the first business hotel in the growing industrial city of the south, City of
Naga xCebu that will provide hospitality services to both locals and tourists. It is the best

option for travelers looking for affordable and modern style of accommodation. Hotel

Dulceé is available for business trips, family vacations, and staycations. A six floor

building that consists of a rooftop and 31 rooms overall. Hotel Dulceé also offers a

function hall for meetings and activities and a restaurant that is open from 6:30 am to

10:00 pm. The study focused on this specific area to determine which instructional

delivery is best suitable for diverse guests in their own perception.

Research Subject and Respondents

The research subject and respondents for the study would be the Past Guests of

Hotel Dulceé which comprising individuals who have previously stayed at Hotel Dulceé

and experienced its services firsthand. The research respondents are 30 participants. They

will provide valuable insights into their perceptions of the hotel, their satisfaction levels

based on their stay experience, and the role online reviews played in their decision to

book a room at Hotel Dulceé. As we get the answers of the participants in the hotel

located in Cayam City of Naga, Cebu. By gathering data from past guests, the study can

comprehensively examine the impact of online reviews on customer booking perception

and decision-making at Hotel Dulceé, providing valuable insights for the hotel

management to enhance their online reputation management strategies and improve

customer satisfaction. It indicates the Likert Scale which is 1-Strongly Disagree, 2-

Slightly Disagree, 3-Slightly Agree, 4-Strongly Agree, to the following 30 respondents.

Research Instrument
This study will use a research-made survey questionnaire to gather data. The

participant will be the past guest of Hotel Dulceé. The respondent will be answer

according to what is evaluated and their stay experience in Hotel Dulceé. The researcher

will be using rating scale type of questionnaire that will be answered. The respondents

will answer question using the following 4-point likert scale: 1- Strongly Disagree, 2-

Slightly Disagree, 3-Slighty Agree, 4-Strongly Agree.

Data Gathering procedure

The study will be conducted at Hotel Dulceé, and will be considering the

following technical procedures.

The researcher will present a letter of approval to the Program chair of the

College of Hospitality Management of St. Cecilia’s College – Cebu Inc. to conduct a

study outside the school Premises. Before starting the data gathering procedure, the

research tool will be subjected to a validity and reliability test to ensure that the quality of

data that will be gathered from the respondent is accurate. The questionnaire will be

validated by our Program Chair and research professor. A letter will also be sent to

significant authorities in Hotel Dulceé asking permission to conduct the study.

Before administering the tool, the respondent will be oriented about the

questionnaire that they will answer and will be informed the purpose of the study. The
researcher will also emphasize that their identity and privacy will be ensured and their

answer to the questionnaire will be confidential to others. After the data has been

collected, it will be statistically treated, analysed and interpreted.

Ethical Standard

This study will be conduct with the utmost consideration for moral and ethical

principles of respect, integrity. Specifically, the researcher will ask for permission from

the Hotel Manager to conduct a survey during working hours. The researchers will also

provide a letter of consent that includes sufficient information and assurances to allow

respondents to understand the implications of their participation. Furthermore, to avoid

plagiarism, which is the unethical practice of using ideas from other authors, the

researchers will give credit to the authors the link and citation in the reference, which will

be attached to this study to acknowledge the credibility of the information from the

sources. In addition, consider potential biases and conflicts of interest and strive for

transparency and integrity in reporting the findings. Researchers will assure that the

repondents responses will be treated with privacy and confidentiality.

Appendix A

Ms. Elly Jane Facturan

Hotel Operation Manager

Hotel Dulceé

Cayam Brgy, City of Naga, 6037 Cebu

Dear Ms. Elly,

Pleasant day!

The students studying a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management at St. Cecilia's College
Cebu Inc. are introduced in this letter. We’ll be conducting research entitled “Obtaining the
Impacts of Online Reviews on Customer Booking Perceptions and Decisions in Dulce Hotel”. To
accomplish our research's objective, we researchers are asking your kind permission if we may
conduct a survey to the past guests in your most honor hotel and with full assurance that the data
that will be obtain will be kept in confidentiality and will be used in Academic purposes only.

I appreciate all of your help and collaboration. May God always bless you!

Respectfully yours,

Group Leader

Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved by:
OIC, College of Hospitality Management

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