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Lirhrostice wlan Cir ho ce i be, ; cpiy gosh ht Bha ver Ug Co BY. OP ep the ek UME, BCLS ia Slenn pgrret ugley lene octet 2007 Os Ss lasue SQUoP satu Oeror Spr : 3 ot J Bl [Quonds wSluGiueineet : 300 err. 5 & lr be cp cir Fipé erect BENET GAICTIOM BL shu siflacor sch 1 Gon Sains QErecy HG Gogiapau Qs uvsssoop\s GanainGcieng. Spta, Vm keb Bpybhe lovbQarectoub Doseoim sasoreniturart apd. senile paws fipkab any. SlersOpre30.6 spdodugurer Goins, sczoradiiunah Deby Cuppa st Gogumpder Rompres comers Abu dnse Guehod. spent Cadaingnse slenradions Ldiseond, Gb eng Ogre 200 cen dacomrd GanainGetergs. Sher SlenrsoensGid cleo_usllascys, cher Sem esend sworen o~iOuetract Gan ekr coo. Some Osmecy [A]. [B]. dog [D} car prere aflsoaetid oS Ue Geter). QPS 6; Coa ror 8 Guat.) Slade Ses prot cuten ether Ri sspccer omonpster bse epoge atenien Gaceon he erm PEN 9} gnjeoors GG Soiamcupnyt ecigun clans Apreiy Guphlessrd skut sop SOL Sor pgsrefler Qyakr mid udsbélho AS sraerIiggetoreungy Ford .gisv« sGew fp soem w bpd Gumoand obese once CaseGs. as IB) (CIT{D] 5. cheese Udly cainman QAEU udspPler cng God qpodld mpbCaer semohgicrer Br she Beast ops Ceusin Gio, Coupy cangusd clams Qprents «ees sung. 6. Sersmend GPbge ori cor, Sergored Garp char sarorefiiurensrs safurap 27%uGi. Sen spreflar po Uds Ao a haenoru ugloy cdr, Lunt opps Gac Geter Skizdeenar Basct ces CanGd. saBlans ekaorg Son.sarct GsdserggrsscuHD. 7. sheer u ud sats Gpterberst eats cgssiunibepub sence efi Byoinmd uBsase OUGHT HOoigca isso Fad sang seo Hp amoyew Usgerane Sicaredanns soign sree SMe Gabacin, oh suetoet Sen pews Busd oBeee arb safer 2dset Sen Ssret Qadansgréc.0d. 8. gaGang ceaney> (A) (B). (C) bpd {D) eer sree ssocgees Dercineg. fuss use 9S afer «Sen_enuy Geig Sa gsreile efegs oni CrcisOb. Sooke Bole ures seed ge deacbee Seiwa cose Punch dad ofr en Sen cage sogiidiaGan obs cle aw alopecia ePbge arti SeichOd. a ge Seaiciae Fe i g : ‘Blanc a 5 Gouckt@. 2. Lu @ror Quai eet df Shak ne teen das woe 9. Seorggrcd gaGeng Cacia sabrenhpein «fifi (Al, (BI, (C] opp {[D] car prove alan boc Laeeh astern, G6 Cackclbe Senuclias finch sficuer segio Seo.ou 67 BS Seo bc hb 9°99 UsB ererd Cuamradarro ofp snc. CorsG: prOane, Geet cee 0 ex ub Gei8ORGen cle bores opto GuciOe go Gadcshe genbe Gupte Doiucipprd ss Sor sapragrs sGESUG. epijesors Fuest (B)acums efurer SoLunsd sEAeaiTs Kop Ueosory EHLBE arr CosckrgD. (Al Mc) tp) 10. Stic Slerrs Cpr gitar apd udsgeogsyb SseCast soog APleoCour sing. Gata Cpr bAe Qb5 ams Gereiioadur ody clo gerererGun Gptad a foe cI-D Cassy Obes wenaarg. Geta coahales dust a uneaeno cim formas ‘sabtoncatlcasrerfi_b OsrOB6 chk, GaveeGe, Gules Oprocienens Gory coabene or fame! ahaa. a1 cObgs Cwmoerb. 11. Copscin aMfachd congurcug Pern Careuroncenais op4uQsob PagenscereG acterre GaAGd ser sHapssorOS\ps). 12. gad agedd Gan Géscu Gore ePiyscignc Haarergred. 13, Sets Qgreinié Sen ow GH Gar, 6PuK-Gs once Gaur sang ‘SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKLET FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS +73 oe [Turn over 3 BCLS Yas Ypdd WWorrert UNipPleou Campencr Geigy UTiigs segue A) geaanSur sdigyrfl B) orerigus sdgmf CC) GieeAiGenmiso dog D) Gyre sagri. Which of the following colleges experimented user education for the first time ? A) Ohio College B) Montieth College ©) Iltnots College D) Rosary College. 1910 94 gain USEsrii UdsMAdspsEHdS seopSsUULe greet wnt 2 AY Lidl. Guaritoér B) gg. gadlerec ©) g. ured) D) —D. emteoev. Who is the Librarian invited by Punjab University in 1910 ? A) W. Borden B) A. Dikinson C) A. Pannizi D) P. Charles. Qeog. dgmIssiucr gain® A) 1920 B) 1910 ©) 1930 D) 1933. ILA was founded in A) 1920 B) 1910 c) 1930 D) 1933. Fpsscr_auppe NsSureorereng sain Gig saoy + A) gyymbsd) grosmesi B) Game gop grestect OC) altess grevstisct D) Gg8u grresiisct. Identify the different one among the following : A) Research Librartes B) Industrial Libraries C) Business Libraries D) National Libraries. {Turn over BCLS 4 QsHurala ge worplow .... . wife eoow gresb/presitiscncns Psraing Ged. A geo B) @yain@ Cc) perp D) ue. Astate in India has ............ state central library /libraries. A) one B) two C) three D) many. BHUS THUG HG A) Uscudsems so) B) acteurs soy Cc) ustugsdw s7ay D) = g~beUGsens S70). Information is a/an A) rawdata B) input data ©) processed data D) _ unorganised data. sriyflew sLiggslauy spsmer gra Ngdlact Codlu Caiflirxy grassdoe Oar Gsstur CarcinGd 2 A) Qyein® B) veg C) preg D) abs. As per the Copyright Act, each publisher should deposit ... the Natfonal Depository Libraries. A) two B) three Cc) four D) five. Uciugd Agsohpsu orplowsct grosé sLissincr CopGanan® Suis) UGApg. sowmBlewseen cuflereiiGsB sowssayd. A) ably ordled, sOppr®, stem sb, Caren B) sSipar@, abO7 wrBend, exter sid, Cayerid OC) atpriab, spend, abHy wrflexd, Gagemb D) stpriab, silppr@, Cagend, aybSly wrplend. The following states in South India had enacted Ubrary acts ; identify the order in which they were formed : A) Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kamataka, Kerala B) ‘Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala C) Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala D) Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh. 5 BCLS 9. Epsarairuersupple gree afl Gdears wmblevid agi 7 A) ybsly wmflenb B) wapryreigg yi C) stems D) sidlpar@. Which of the following states does not have library « ess ? A) Andhra Pradesh B) Maharashtra Cc) Karnataka D) TamiI'Nadu, 10. gras slid Qéers wnBled ag 7 A) wasiyit B) Garou CO) Sam D) wanryreing yw. ‘The state which does not have library legislation is A) Manipur B) Goa ©) Bihar D) Maharashtra. Ll. gresgPler sug cueuren spdstaeh Tonos 2 A) Upped, ameait, UGA gO B) Usps, ansait, sigyeuortect C) Ad), Qur@st, sigieeit set D) Gurget, UGE FOaer, QedPlsgrrotact. What are the basic components of a library ? A) Books, readers and journals B) Books, readers and staff ©) Money, material and staff D) Material, journals and newspapers. 12. Quiigréy Gung gross sib CarcinGeuyoulL eo A) 1948 B) 1947 ©) 1949 D) 1950. ‘The Madras Public Library Act was passed in the year A) 1948 B) 1947 oc) 1949 D) 1950. [701] [Tum over BCLS 6 13. 15. 16. +) Ydso Sa PycvGuiut BSL” SOME abs Qo A) 1897 B) 1867 Cc) 1905 D) 1947. ‘The Books and Newspapers Act was-ehacte? in the year A) 1897 B) 1867 ©) 1905 : D) 1947. Qurg gros Gerctenseus suriss Ppssusord A ohgy. B) Quer C) y@endvGar D) Gains. Public Library Manifesto was prepared by A) FID “ B) IFLA ©) UNESCO D) DESIDOC. MPLQ cy SeyeTdO GOB’ TSdEG ceryorors src Oetong 7 A) Qurgi greed B) @fliysal greed OC) abudl gros Dy. Apeny grove. ‘British Council Library’ is an example of A) Public Library B) Reference Library ©) Embassy Library D) Special Library. QOesurcl yss ysl gros esos QudPu wrBlerd AD apa B) sttpm_ei ©) @apagrungs D) sidlppr. ‘The first state in India, that passed Library Act is 4) Andhra Pradesh B) Kamataka ©) Hyderabad ) ~~ Tamil Nadu. 17. 18. 20. 7 BCLS Goifus groad scien; senpsstuQelng 2 A) wrdle greveid B) aagmbe dl pyreveid ©) Gs Au grovei D) Apty grove. Imperial Library is known now as A) State Library * B) Research Library ©) National Library D) Special Library. Brdser whHbd GeiSssreiact Qdumrioye slr sevOurag POL QEDUUGS SHULL g 7 A) 1950 B) 1952 co 1954 D) 1958. Delivery of Books and Newspapers Act was enacted in A) 1950 B) 1952 © 1954 D) 1958. Qecrenenie 2 ctor sczetogr Gros HB A) Aptnj grove B) Gurg grees C) adel grevsid D) qymbédl Grassi. Connemara Library in Chennat is A) Special Library B) Public Library ©) Academic Library D) Research Library. amine aL slog, ud iuremtact grdsener Hive sei Gl A) Gp élu grevsid B) —wmflev cow grove ©) wrae grew D) Alene grrevsib. As per the Copyright Act, the publishers should deposit books at A) National Library B) State Central Library ©) District Library D) Branch Library. [ror] [ Turn over BCLS 8 21. Fpdscis_ouppict eflurs GurGbers georgia 2 A) QgmPle grovo, - Gp du gireveio B) —ustefl groves - 56008) gyrovesi> ©) Aymo Mens gros = — Gur gs grew D) smtiuGge gress - seflumi grave. In the following which is not correctly matched ? A) Industrial Library - National Library B) School Library - ‘Academic Library ©) Village Branch Library — Public Library D) Corporate Library _ Private Library. 22. aurestaese Gros UdiPA Gar@iug! AL ange gyybusdle B) ase aged CO) age sGaie D) Qbs snendgs UGastiscfignd. . ‘Training for academic users is given during A) _ beginning of.academic year B) end of the academic year C) middle of the academic year, D) all of these periods. 23. gG wnflashe Gurg BrossAdS Grd Cottey elu sPlongo wri ectergi 7 A) BpSw grove B) — wmfle eniow gireveid C) wre emu gyreveid D) dlenet grevsib. ‘The book selection authority for public libraries is A) National Library. B) State Central Library C) District Central Library D) Branch Library. +a] 24, 25. 26. 9 BCLS Golly Grosksehe greet CoBiugler smyecorid A) gréset sired Cursing BO6e B) GG BTL ger splay cuentédleou QsNigs Qereier C) Gali grossa APlow Hsscuioes D) ener semensgiid. Depositing of books in depository libraries is required A) to avoid loss of books B) _ to know the literary output of a country C) to save the cost of deposit libraries D) all of these. Quirg gresiischa EzenailiGio gravest stone 7 A) ume grass B) senmbscrgsFutact ©) GpBlemg sot D) Qa snersgid. Which of the following types of books are required in public libraries ? A) Text books B) Encyclopedias ©) Directories D) Alllof these. Shp cums Grosusle genp Gresbisc Feowug 7 A) Gurg grestisct B) Ldsmedssps Greatest ©) 27% grostest D) _ustell grresmect. Which libraries do not have departmental libraries ? A) Public Libraries B) University Libraries C} Government Libraries D) School Libraries. BCLS 10 27. Fpssco_oasoe APupAepg Gullugrs sDssoy + ecrenar Hay Brevsid, HrdG, Geer, sWiporO-grovaid. A) Gedioner nay grosb, sper pres, meds, Gide B) BD pErG gresib, Qecheen peg Gresib, meme, Ger CO) Qadg, Quan, Qedrnar ga growl, sBippr@ greed. D) silppn@ gras, Qecrnen pay gros, Quan, grog. Arrange the following in the order of increasing size : Chennai City Library, ILA, IFLA, Tamil Nadu Library. A) Chennai City Library, Tamil Nadu Library, ILA, IFLA B) Tamil Nadu Library, Chennai City Library, ILA, IFLA ©) ILA IFLA, Chena! City Library, Tamil Nadu-Library D) Tamil Nadu Library, Chennai City Library, IFLA, ILA. 28. Fpascin_euppld CaupiucGQerorengs sedr Guy deny. A) wmfles eoiou groves B) Sleaor greed C) ‘uote girensid D) wren. gresib. Identify the odd one. A) State Central Library B) Branch Library ©) School Library D) District Library. 29. Epbscio A|pmentadla ahs gery Qurg grosksaer ashaApg 7 A) SAL y6y Badu greed B) y@andvar Cc) ata. D) ges. Which one of the following institutions supports Public Libraries ? A) British Library B) UNESCO c) FID D) ALA. 30. Qyrge prbCorser pmb semoty obs Grossoas gshedlps 7 A) Gpdlu grees B) Gung grea C) Udsenmdayps prereid D) usta greveib. Raja Rammohan Roy foundation supports A} Natlonal Library B) Public Library ©) University Library D) School Library. 31. 33. 11 BCLS Curg grossslbe ysconn HS Cuppa A) cow wlan HP 2 gal B) Qurgunéacr OD C) sce asf D) pres oufl, ‘The main source of income for public library 1s. A) Central Govt. Grant B) Public Money C) Education Cess D) Library Cess. seredlogm Gungs Greve rebrugs A) @ibdu Cedu gros B) sipspdler CoAu gros CC) sdipasglen wre ou grenio D) — gsymumsPleor wrible cow grrersid. Connemara Public Library Is the A) Nationa! Library of India B) National Library of Tamil Nadu ©) State Central Library of Tamil Nadu D) State Central Library of Hyderabad. Epascn acacia Quregsuraians 10g T9556. A wr gif Brees eLLib — 1962 B) Gg8u greed — 1902 C) GGa gra ugiygep — 1876 D) Garectr ugtiqpenp Gags upiny — 1886. In the following which ts correctly matched ? A) Model Library Act — 1962 B) National Library — 1902 co) DDC — 1876 D) CC 6th Edition — 1886. x{703] (torse acer BCLS 12 34. 35. Sflurorengs TOSS TCOgIE. 1 Qurgi gras @@ s09 ennui I. Gung gras g© prefs enouid I. Qurg grea GG seer ewwurd IV. Gurg gros ge GuragGuré¢ sou. A) 10C Ob eflurengy B) Lop I sflurerenes C) 1, Hp IM efuretencs D) — gmang gid sflureneras. Pick out the correct one from the following : I. Public Library is an educational centre I. Public Library is a cultural centre Il. Public Library ts an information centre IV. Public Library is a recreational centre. A) Yalone is correct B) and Mare correct C) 1, Mand Il are correct D) Allare correct. FpssramumouId shurs Gurepsuystereng sm Os. A) Apia gresi — — séreflogm grove B) seal gread — — Slap gresid ©) Gumg: girevain = Oscirencr UdscoMss ips Gresid D) Gs4lu GQureet gresid — = Cgdlu wesgicu Breed. Which one of the following 1s correctly matched ? A) Special Library — Connemara Library B) Academic Library — Prison Library ©) Public Library — Madras University Library D) National Subject Library ‘National Library of Medicine. * 36. 37. 13 efluren cuflersulés eeter curdliny Qur@esefien cucnitéélenu oti bere Oe. A) sefoain aug.enb, uener genes, airAlgib, pedorougcub B) Umer gene, sefllocin asgcuid, arégib, pyedraugcuib C) ar dlgib, giedreug.euib, seflivain cugeui, Lenet gene D) — seflnain eugeub, ardlpib, uener gene, pietreuig.cul. Point out the correct order of development of reading materials. A) Clay tablets, Palm leaves, Paper, Microform B) Palm leaves, Clay tablets, Paper, Microform C) Paper, Microform, Clay tablets, Palm leaves D) Clay tablets, Paper, Palm leaves, Microform. Fporeioucuppe rg sflurras Quneps 2crengs 7 A) Opruity grreveid = Geren B) leer aygse6 — srbuty Cc) pLor@i resid / — — Sieur est) Leech D) Gugb ueiYy — — Apsy aumpses cugeorpy Bre. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) Contact Itbrary — Internet B) e-mail — Catalogue ©) Mobile library — Extension service D) Main entry — Special biogrephy. 8G Api greed Ceca sefliugs A) gmerdg aemsuren Ppuentisciid eter Sgiumtseree, B) Sbprospdler Apmucrsslgysion sgiucvtsenoe CO) uaggiule arestaenee D) g@ sei MMPgrucL ansstsaag. A special Ubrary offers services to A) B) °) D) staff of all kinds of organisation staff of the parent organisation widely distributed group of users people of that particular community. {Tum over BCLS 14 39. 40. 41. Fp Can Gsatuc Qeteroncude erg ofuren gy 7 Austell graeid — — wrexreut act B) settling gyreveid — ym Suerte C) Ldsmadaps groveid — Sphesect D) Alanp greeid - —' Gungwssct. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? * A) School Library — Students B) Connemara Library — Research Scholars ©) University Library — Children D)__ Prison Library — Public. Opdu CpFu grassAb|e Qsoyepurs apisvOupp Out A) Gung grea B) oomh® astevein groves ©) @jiifwe gree D) Ggdw greed. ‘The National Library of India was earlier known as A) Public Library B) Lord Curzon’s Library ©) Imperial Library D) _ National Library. Spsscin_arpHe gros Placid o, war Eg Bi 7 A) BL er curdigio grasafler caitadléans B) Gpyib CO) pre augtoy D) — ummsefcsr eupioy. Which of the following is not covered under Library Rules ? A) Number of books borrowed B) Borrowing time ©) Borrowing limit D) Borrowing subject. x(761] 42. 44, 45. 15 BCLS Fpsscor apple ogi gras aMGwle Cotsaeevancr 7 A gree Spyb B) pres aneairect C) gras sereur_ sect D) pres grd ser Qupisd. Which of the following is not considered in Library Rule ? A) Library ume B) Library member ©) Library furniture D) _ Library book borrowing. Glas si cag ens Qeidipg > A) gras slang qpenpesu B) Gurg grangéler Adleow C) Gung: graasfler walle sueréeog D) Glarou sneigensuid. Library Legislation ensures A) Mbrary authority B) __ funds for public library C) manpower for public library D) all of these. abs gros ofS ofl sigpurslonu sendeolsding 2 A) Qyainusnd of B) g@bemb alg) C) pretend ais D) perp allgl. ‘Which law initiates the open access to the library ? A) Second law B) Fifth law “c) Fourth law D) Third law. Ploy Qensgufleows oi @oueurpy oHlucugsipg.. A) pacud 2 flenns eli B) seh aennd sriginet C) saad 2flenwé eX Lib wpprd seflenw aflenné erpginet D) Qlardpist QeirpuBlerancs. Intellectual Property Rights are recognised as, A) Copyright B) Patent ©) Copyright and Patent <= None of these. aR {Tum over BCLS 16 46. FpsscireupHe obs ana Gros 2 grdentact Nenurgs 2 A) Agueriect B) se@fGuce eursastest ©) aed hpi Gucds D) opp Grostssi. Which of the following is not the category of library membership ? A) Institution * B) Individuals ©) Male and Female D) Other libraries. 47. Samia conus A) gra alptigd Hop B) gird auflens ule; qpop Cc} usty map D) ucquités qpenp. Newark ts a A) Book issue method B) Accession method ©) Classification method D) Cataloguing method. 48. grestsehe sgsmen Gre alPfGurs EQaet apissuGdlpg 7 A. Gyan B) wap Cc) preg D) _gaGane grossdipod Cupid. ‘The number of borrower library tickets ts A) two B) three ©) four D) varies from one library to other. 49. abs gros olf) Cpypap 2p) Geudlog 7 A) ype alls) B) Qyainm alg) C) yepr alls D) presamb.oSgh. Which law ensures the time aspect of user ? A) First law B) Second law ©) Third law D) Fourth law. ay] 17 BCLS 50. gird auflns ula Gigs, uplaysch euflersiuGSgid cpenp AL Pflug B) uginy crater Lig, OC) seedy ug D) gyre cuflens crater ung. Entries in Accession Register are arranged by A) Author B) Class number Cc Title D) Accession number. 51. dbs gree WjGash gers Meo iugy LOY Gros Cstéoscou Ufbs: Qematoug: I. gréecr ouflnevld wmppid A) Qyain® appsoend of B) QyenG mbdpseend eflucor ©) Taf, guoare H seugy D) I seup,, qonre Mei. ‘Open Access results in 1. _ to know the complete collection I. misplacement of books A) Both are correct B) Both are not correct C) 11s correct, but II is incorrect D) 11s incorrect, but II ts correct. 52. abs Gras ol) gros cuctitsAeow Qerodlpg 2 A) Qyetrimo of) B) perp alls C) preemi alg) D) ghamb af. Which law states the library growth ? A) Second law B) Third law ©) Fourth law D) ‘Fifth law. 53. FpdsciraupPle args gre Spray epee 7 A) um gréser B) uditumentssflesr uLig CC) Qaiidlsproract D) smmsacreSutinct. Which of the following is a book selection source ? A) Text Books B) Publishers’ Catalogue ©) Newspapers D) Encyclopedias. [Turn over BCLS 18 54. Ysa Ysers ‘Us ansat spa’ cerp ami sarsonu cugousospout writ 7 A) &.gn. giepmee B) Quaadle Goa C)urevet. D) g. nb. Gpmifiev. Who coined the term ‘Inttiation of Freshman’ first ? A) S.R. Ranganathan B) — Melvil Dewey ©) Foskett . D). . D. M. Noris. 55. Gt alley aidliig erigetargs 7 A) Buy Qe B) Gsrésger OO wbumt D) @screnes. Good Office Committee is located at A) New Delht . B) Kolkata ©) Mumbai D) Chennai, 56. QhEMd sLiuy Grosser SigLuEL Gurgetact A) ybseib, uesfurent, cursest wpprb Lee B) Yppab, Lenflurent, ames wpprd «gid -C) Uppaib, verfurent, curset oppo siflig, D) uss, uerfuremt, cursat wpb Gewese. The basic components of the brary according to the Fifth Law is A) Books, staff, reader and services B) Books, staff, reader and physical plant, C) Books, staff, reader and committee D) Books, staff, reader.and function. 5) 19 BCLS 57. Sparcduappe ops gery sflursd Curepsadeoene 7 A) prresid cuore sent — Brereug eid B) curestt ero 565% — premeug LL CO) gréscr ugtushee — yse sto D) presGare aot — Qyconreig ati. Which one of the following 1s not correctly matched ? A) Library is a growing organisation — Fourth law B) Save the time of the reader — Fourth law C) Books are for use — First law D) Every reader his / her book — Second law. EpsoncauapHe Quressurang og 2 A) grésct uucudsgingdS — yerpmb sib B) ens@amre pre = yee stLo OC area arab sega — preéremd el D) grgQs@are ayer — Qyeiond aL, Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) Books are for use — Third law B) Every reader his / her book — First law ©) _— Save the time of the reader — Fourth law D) Every book has its reader — — Second law. FpsarainueupPhe sflure Gungpél 2 creng gi 2 A) gyre 6c Coma — — upmoflseid Sila; B) gyre scirem A — Bre eupii@id Wiflay OC) gre uapgumigse = oblfleuréseits resell D) — Hlexpay a comrallcny vel — — @Pliy 2 geil Les. Which one is correctly matched ? A) Book lending service — Maintenance Section B) _ Book exhibitions —' Circulation Section ©) Mending books — — Extension Service D) Current Awareness Service — Reference Service. [Turn over BCLS 20 8 61. 62. EpssrarucupHle rg oflurs Qureps) actorgi 2 Ay ugag® — — OpAlpays gerono B) gress aQLb — Csresser ©) Gp 4u greed — Y 88 Plame goa D) «SDI — — @fliy gre Leah. Which one of the following 1s correctly matched ? A) Periodical — ‘Flexible B) Library Building — Kolkata o National Library — Primary Source of Information. D) SDI — Reference Service. Gres ~se ad) esiugi A) wou SWGHED odd JDbs sigMIEYoD B) Sipds wap C) gu SIE ye” D) aginlpetuce Apis seneEwop. The First Law of Library Science demands A) closed access and open access B) open access. ©) closed access D) limited open access. ‘Bobs SeMSyon’ carp ussOs Bros geopsSs oPlpstuOsPuast umi 2 A) Gg. y. UOeresr B) Ciletry. «8. 2, Govurtev CQ af. g. slut D) aev. St. Qytioprscr. Who introduced the term ‘Open Access’ system in libraries ? A) J.D. Brown B) W.C.B. Sayers ©) CA Cutter D) S.R. Ranganathan. 63. 21 BCLS Veraugeucreuppisr obs gern QupSwcdler edi cadrexnra, 2 cheng 7 A) 510 B) 530 ©) 620 D)- Glarbpist a gusleranes. Which one of the following is a class number of Physics ? A) 510 B) 530 ©) 620 D) None of these. Grascdudder gbg aMdlact abs gein® Coeur g 7 A) 1928 B) 1955 ©) 1931 D) 1945. Five laws of Library Science was published in the year A 1928 B) 1956 ©) 1931 D) 1945. Gites 2 Went sc coon A) chor Grostisefguio Gy ordiflurs cterg: BB) Grasiiscie sglawrs 2 crengy OC) Brestiseld Geneve 2 ctorg D) = grasédloe groaad orpudspg. ‘The library membership fee ts A) uniform in libraries B) high in libraries: C) low in libraries D) vary from library to library. Gurgiars gros yore Saugwsst Bros garghact, OsmPlogiu ved upprd a Berens Alwenes. A os B) vesflurent co) aureett Ue D) usiGaudeet. ‘The Ubrary statistics usually covers information about brary resources, technical services and A) finance B) staff ©) user's service D) registers. {Turn over BCLS. 67. 70. 22 OG Grasse smog, slob coiug A) pres sLLemb B) apiient sie ©), Apiy sLLend D) usseb Sed) stg) AGU Qegsgiashsrer sl. cmb. Overdue in a library means A) Library fees B) Membership fees C) Special fees D) Fine for returning the book after due date. Lain SKOUTEDS KEOpsCUGSDS! 7 A) Qur@enet Cups Qurapg! OC) Yar git Gaius Quang: Invitation of tenders is done at the A) supply receiving work ©) pre-order work B) D) B) D) BLT Gein Quregs: et gytLit Csind Gurapgy. order placing work post-order work. Apiy prosisase HH chAebg Heo sdpg 2 A) gree afl ©) asirusefieny Special libraries get their funds from A) Utbrary tax ) donation stay og bE UUETUBADgs 7 A) BGaId Gad C) LUBA usloy Kardex is used for A) Abstracting ©) __ Registration of periodicals B) D) 8B) D B) D) B) D) Bros wLLewid ar Po mensAAGdg. Mbrary fee parent body. Bre Eptay ueoy. Book selection Classification. nn. 72. 74. 23 BCLS UTE USSD TH UeOBUTET 6LenioLi@L eUGuTAssem 7 A) Ggré st Lenty B) ser a Lemoiny OC) gexfl aL emdy D) andl oem s.emty. What type of binding is used for text books ? A) Leather binding B) Spiral binding ©) Cloth binding D) _Paper board binding. GIA Honore sflumitiuig Best Qpord 7 A) udldumenflesr ui. B) ofl Gurdluurenfler uti. C) une gra&@grene D) gy Aifust Grd@grans. The price of a book is verified from A) Publishers’ catalogue B) Distributors’ catalogue C) Subject Bibliography D) Author Bibliography. YsEe 2056 ULGWee UTiTéedsGeg woul A) gree uexiurenit eet B) aumesitect ©) unttancuusrent eet D) aigmbbeSlurenitsct. Access to shelf list is for A) staff B) users C) visitors D) researchers. HOS aujay-Geans HU ears, A) Bucy Cle-cvey Bir cous B) sity Msuraing dt Qeova) CC) Qa1G soca D) arg qeingen ajay ean soming. Library budget means A) an estimation of expenditure in a financial year B) money spent during the financial year ©) annual report D) _ anestimation of revenue and expenditure of forthcoming year. {Tum over 75. 76. 77. Yootu@d sig ( Visible index) QuGbuTgd ephars uUéUuGAlDS) 7 A) UGal Qs power iPlay eles pe, B) GPs grower uslay Qelagshs C) Petorgp gradsener ugly Qeiiuspe D) YbBs Epitajse. Visible index is mostly used for A)___ recording periodicals B) recording reference books ©) __ recording electronic books D) _ book selection. QsHwu Ss4u grp@prens (INB) cfs geinG Gedo Geuofl_ouregs 2 A) 1954 B) 1956 c 1957 D) 1958. INB was first published in the year A) 1954 B) 1956 ©) 1957 D) 1958. MMAR Bpeyard GTHEpTENS” arg SS semew LGA Cvefl§ 7 A) args B) orenbef ©) sranein@ D) aigunbsrb. “British National Bibliography” is published A) weekly B) monthly ©) quarterly D) annually. 25 BCLS 78. Qbsw Cs4w grp@prensenu Spafiug, A) @pdu grea, Qeronger B) vsdu @Pliygal gros, Qsresser C) ° BlévGat D) previa. Indian National Bibliography 1s published by A) National Library, Kolkata B) Central Reference Library, Kolkata : C) NISCAIR D) _NASSDOC. 79, ‘grass @ipcy corug ahs GrassPle Ipgsren Glo yors asters 7 A) Las mMdH pS HOSE B) sag gresteer C) Gung grestiser D) Qeoa snonggid. ‘Loss of Books’ is major problem in. A) University Libraries B) College Libraries ©) Public Libraries D) alll of these. 80. BIAS auTey-Ceans sede chs sTOpPHE sunfldocrGslpgi ? A) geraufl - ig.ecbut B) gti - write CC) g®am - grat D) sGLmuit - ecu iburt. Library Budget is prepared for which of the following periods ? A) January — December B) April — March Cc) July —June D) October — September. [73] [Tum over BCLS 26 Bl. Fipsecion_eupihles orgy eludes 7 A) gre Catese ueopu grasses Crmaulud B) smangg Grostscild Bre Cets@d Ufa; 2a CO) Ag Corio gL Osese Grd Cetese CpmanSeroner D) GauehPlpmcniser gre Cats sa Caumasecn Qewdipgy. Which of the following is NOT correct ? A) Binding is required for old books B) All libraries have binding units C) Binding is not required for CD ROMs D) Binding 1s carried out by external agencies. 82. Bird Qety sflurtsse pon Guys: A) gai@are wrsqd B) gaGaine aang C) Gye yarose gE Yor D) VSD AGES HG Yop. Stock verification is conducted A) every month B) every year ©) every two years D) every three years. 83, grascr sLroumiGi send AY 9G aunyib B) Qype aumpuect O ge urgo D) 96 GrastéAdSd, opp groasAdob Caryudd. The borrowing time of a book is A) one week B) two weeks ©) one month _D) varies from one brary to other library. x [Fou] 84, 27 BCLS Bre Aprons cenug, A) YBaron awe Bred B) Qyetaum aseos grav CC) paipmid sens gyre D) Qa senorggi. Bibliography is A) __ primary source B) secondary source ©) tertiary source D) _alllof these. Epasatorauppea ag Gro Qo sflurtss uwesiGslpgs 2 A) gre Getéans udIGaud B) pres ug OC) Gras gaing aHloce D) gree penpsy usloy. Which of the following is used for stock verification ? A) Accession Register B) Library Catalogue ©) Library Annual Report D) Library Gate Register. seinastt. OBEY wbpid walled yPucneu grrovsislesr A Beyourent ect B) adifiser CO Gamptact D) — ueedureniteet. Fire, water and human beings are the ... .. of braries. A) supporters B) enemies C) friends D) staff. 87, madr@L dev 2 uGUTELUGSSILOAUB A) 5 G55 UGA GeuohiFO B) gh Gata OC usu gQsei usher D) usdy Yan. LINEDEX is used for A) abstracting B) book selection C) recording of periodicals D} classification. x [or {Tum over BCLS 28 AsrPlagicud Malad GeLujd Camasener sg cuflensvldr sigs sm_Ge. A) B) o D) Ysssddler Udshsemer cobgnEe, UGLY Gop wppid grpUcgud SUTASSO, QupSwe Qetapenp, Grd ames ancugsse UGLY Yop whpd groutyue sunfgse, Yssadsler Usshisenrcr ca gDIEe, QudSud Cetignenp, gre sm Filer eraugsser Ussobdler udstiscen cangpse, QupSud Geigpanp, usiy qe wppid Broucguad sumhsse, veolilercr sm Aide crouse Ysssssle Usshsmer cabtgISS, UGLY Gap wdpd gTpULGud surhiés6, QupSiud Geiinenp, uarfivlenar smsiie eneubpd Identify the correct order of work carried out in Technical Section. A) B) ° D) Book collation work, Classification and cataloguing, Physical processing, Display of book Classification and cataloguing, Book collation work, Physical processing, Display of book . Book collation work, Physical processing, Classification and cataloguing, Display of work Book collation work, Classification and cataloging, Physical processing, Display of work. EpuguarupHhe efurs QurGpPSwystong eg 2 A) B) °) D) Bresso sg Hue — gett euigeutd Grd apsGd Cap — — OgmPlageu uslGau@ SOSSU UE GW = Bot efturtsse Cudrenurcr GOure aoe uTBETEEe — Gethens uslGaud. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) B) ° D) Basic record in the brary — Microform Book charging system — — Technical records Shelf ist — Stock verification. Preservation of fragile materials — Accession register. 29 90. Fpsaradrumeule ag sflurs Gurepsuystorg 2 A gre sidr 7 B) pity aSleuy Ceencu = C) gre Heoplugegise - D) steowty Lesh _ pm Pleogru flay Bre aupiiei Silay expel Goeoas Slo, upmofity SIfley. ‘Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) Loan of Books = B) Current Awareness Service — ©) Book Processing work - D) Binding work - 91. “Gor@gréGan sLLenoty seaugi A soy Care sLLedy B) ©) sid 6 Lamotny D) ‘MOROCCO’ binding is known as A) _ half leather binding B) ©) paper binding D 92. perp aL drenp aEdE UWETLOADg 7 A) gmbutig B) ©) sooo uiques D) Three cord system is used for A) Cataloguing B} ©) Shelf ust D) Technical Section Ctreulation Section Reference Section Maintenance Section. peel aL emotny HYSouren Ssre sLenoiLy. cloth binding full leather binding. wey Luge @ppect apes. Classification Circulation of periodicals. 93. Qyseprsd sutsch Coaraioweu aspera LEglecttan Uflegistennt 7 AD 2 B) ao 4 D) 3 8. Ranganathan has divided the functions of the management into ‘ A) 2 B) ao 4 D) 3 7 BCLS 30 94. 95. 96. sourA UG 65S LMeUOSSOUGSB 2 A pre @eoy efurtssa B) CC) uséea D) Shelf list n the library facilitates A) __ Stock verification B) ©) Classification D) UGLY crecsreodesr LusstUT® A) Brdseor sain Gilg.da B) C) grasesr sO6GU5HG D) Call number helps in A) __ locating a book B) C) arranging of books D) Ajay agro «glo EPsaturgGsed > A) UGUY crete B) C) gre asflens erator D) Year of publication is mentioned in A) Class number B) ©) Accession number D) uLquiés pire Cgitay. Cataloguing Book selection. Grosener CsGuUBHS Gloras sonar gi gib. searching a book all of these. Bre erator BIO Cot dens coda. Book number Collection number. 97. Camacr UGLY Cpenpild ‘se Lb’ Ur_aSume EHsGo EHUD A Ss B) oO yY D) T Zz In colon classification, the subject Law is denoted by A Ss B) Qo yY D) T Zz. 98. 99. 100. 101. 31 BCLS GGa USL Geopde shaouwid sssenrer UGSlsett 2 otteren 7 A) 2 B) 3 Q 4 D) 5. How many volumes of DDC has in the recent edition ? A 2 B) 3 Cc 4 D) SS. Caras LEty Cpmpde 656) Meus GHbGb GMD og 2 A) ayengts ysiref B) péamp siefl C) usttefl D) Gapsne.Gi sengtiystefl. What is the notation to denote energy in CC ? A) Semicolon. B) Colon Cc) Point D) _ Inverted comma. cA Erer GUL cratrsencn ois usu Cpenp Clamain@erengs.2 A) Gamer USL B) GG ugiy CO) Qeaartzain@id D) Qlauble eguBleoaner. Which classification system has simple notation ? A) Colon classification B) Dewey classification C) Both of these D) None of these. BLL Gre crated LMELOSsOUAug 6g) 7 A) ump B) gy éifuit CO) agen D) Gera soorsgid. Which of the following is used for Cutter Book Number ? A) Subject B) Author Cc) Form D) All f these. »(703] (Tur over BCLS 102. 103. 104, 105. ste @ Hui G sredor 32 A) Garocr ugiy Yenild WeUOSSLUGAlDS) B) 6a manne uueuoSsscuOAps! C) Qyadong gui UmsrUdSsUOApg D) Qyedong. gud UWeTLO SELL oDevencr. Point notation is A) used in CC C) used both in DDC and CC BCai gerbe people gyre craior A) stifles gyre credo ©) GGeu gre craier The book number for DDC is A) Cutter Book Number ©) Dewey Book Number B) D) B) D) B) D) GGa sembs uBLY Herp EPseranp coir A) 96 Qads cain C) Epsiip Gorse casrect In DDC the main number is A) one digit ©) three digits B) D) B) D) BCa USLY Conpild eredt 500 g |@AOUgL A) ape iflaSue C) GsmPla sHeSud opp grueswe D) The number 500 in DDC denotes A) Social Sciences ©) Applied Sciences and Technology —_D) x [70x used in DDC not used in both. Qyeeprser gyre crain Gea seers gi. Ranganathan Book Number all of these. Qyaing Qads cainsct BITE Gloss craic. two digits four digits. sBloSiuds Geshu. ‘Sciences Literature, 106. 107. 108. 33 BCLS UGLY crairache gre coir sPpacioePugs A) Qyiiepnger B) gGa CO) gaa D) ‘gaa9. Book number in classification s introduced by A) Ranganathan B) Dewey oma D) ALA. Fpascir ughy cabrseen Curg-~|EPliy enpule alrsiuGsseyd + G2 :2-44,G:3-44,G 2-44, G-44 A) G-44,G 2-44,G:3-44,G2:2-44 B) G-44,G:3-44, G 2-44, G2: 2-44 C) G44, G2: 2-44,G: 3-44, 62-44 D) G44, G2: 2-44, 62-44, G: 3-44. Arrange the following call numbers from general to specific : G2:2.44,G:3-44,G 2-44, G44 A) G44, G 2-44, G:3-44,62:2.44 B) G44, G: 3-44, G 2-44, G2: 2-44 C) G44, G2: 2-44,G 13-44, G 2-44 D) G44, G2: 2-44, G 2-44, G: 3-44, Spescin_aupHled ag) siqgduenr Mlaseher usd) soe 7 A) Gates B) Qum@sr Cc) 66s D) gro. Which of the follwing 1s not a part of the Fundamental categories ? A) Property B) Matter c) Energy D) Space. BCLS , 34 109. ‘0’ QwsdwsPlyicton sig trier usAder Hrs Ueo.seorer auflensiiGSge. A) ay éiflut, Gon, Bersoe, asens —B) Gof, evens, dl fhuit, Barenos OC) aes, Gump, aéifut, Game D) - Guompl, aéifiut, Gasene, asss. Identify the correct order of the four facets of Basic Class ‘0’ Literature. A) Author, language, work, form BB) _—_Language, form, author, work C) Form, language, author, work D) Language, author, work, form. 110. DDC yak nag sEbsbS sbpeen Day actors 7 AF 10 epperenn Uifleyseit B) 100 appetrenn flac C) 1000 wppctrann iflaysset D) 10008 Gi Cwerren angstrom Mfleysct. In DDC, 2nd summary consists of A) 10 main divisions B) 100 main divisions C), 1000 main divisions D) more than 1000 main divistons. LLL. Carecr UGty Cpenpdlgueter bg sq tUEL Mflajsefler efluren cuflenseoug CatbOsOse eugis. A) Gurgeirenn, sepenw, 66d), Qi, ered B) g@ann, s6 A), Gunga, @Lib, serio C) Been, Gung, #58), Quid, srevid D) B@Gou, GurgGatranw, @Lb, eds), sed. Identify the five types of Fudamental Categories in Colon Classification in the correct order. A) Matter, Personality, Energy, Space, Time B) Personality, Energy, Matter, Space, Time ©) Personality, Matter, Energy, Space, Time D) Personality, Matter, Space, Energy, Time. +)

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