Right Knowledge For The Full Foundation of American Law! by Chef JeM

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Right Knowledge for the Full Foundation of American Law! by... https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fmp.asp?


Right Knowledge for the Full Foundation of American Law! by Chef JeM .....
Freedom of choice in American Law

Date: 7/9/2015 4:27:16 AM ( 9 y ago)

May 18th of 2024 - "You might think -

that law schools would acknowledge long-standing traditions in legal thought and try to tie
together the modern with the ancient.
But you would be wrong.
What we are about to delve into – the foundations of law –
are essentially things never taught in law school.
There are a number of reasons for this,
but these will have to be dealt with elsewhere."[53]

"Man ... must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator.. This will of his Maker is
called the law of nature.... This law of nature...is of course superior to any other.... No human
laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their
force...from this original." - Sir William Blackstone (Eminent English Jurist)

"The Founders DID NOT establish the Constitution for the purpose of granting rights. Rather,
they established this government of laws (not a government of men) in order to secure each
person's Creator endowed rights to life, liberty, and property. Only in America, did a nation's
founders recognize that rights, though endowed by the Creator as unalienable prerogatives,
would not be sustained in society unless they were protected under a code of law which was
itself in harmony with a higher law. They called it 'natural law,' or 'Nature's law.' Such law is
the ultimate source and established limit for all of man's laws and is intended to protect each
of these natural rights for all of mankind. The Declaration of Independence of 1776
established the premise that in America a people might assume the station 'to which the
laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them..' Herein lay the security for men's individual
rights - an immutable code of law, sanctioned by the Creator of man's rights, and designed
to promote, preserve, and protect him and his fellows in the enjoyment of their rights. They
believed that such natural law, revealed to man through his reason, was capable of being
understood by both the plowman and the professor. Sir William Blackstone, whose writings
trained American's lawyers for its first century, capsulized such reasoning:

'For as God, when he created matter, and endued it with a principle of mobility, established
certain rules for the...direction of that motion; so, when he created man, and endued him
with freewill to conduct himself in all parts of life, he laid down certain immutable laws of
human nature, whereby that freewill is in some degree regulated and restrained, and gave
him also the faculty of reason to discover the purport of those laws.'

and '...as man depends absolutely upon his maker for every thing, it is necessary that he

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Right Knowledge for the Full Foundation of American Law! by... https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fmp.asp?i=2264670

should in all points conform to his maker's will.

This will of his maker is called the law of nature'"[54]*

Also see two new additions: "Under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence"

May 10, 2024 - Truly American and Unincorporated! -

"Two thieves arguing over the spoils is not the same as the actual owner showing up, and by
factual definition the actual owner is and has to be: (1) American and (2)

May 8, 2024 - Under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence -

"...our Union of States does not exist 'because of or under' any Constitution; it exists
because of and stands under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, instead.

Simply observe that the Union of our States predates the existence of the Constitutions by
more than a decade, though there is a lot more evidence than that."[49]

A crucial question to be asked: "Is it only just the 'Union of States' that stands under: 'The
Unanimous Declaration ...' or is it also the States individually as well?" .........

May 18th - Continuing with this thought in mind:

"I did not consider it a part of my charge to invent new ideas,” Thomas Jefferson later wrote
about writing the Declaration, “but to place before mankind the common sense of the

Speaking of "common sense" consider: Thomas Paine: "A government of our own is our
natural right:"[52]

May 6, 2024 - "The (American Assembly) situation in Michigan" -

Re: "It is the responsibility of the Federation of States and our member States as the
Principals signing the American side of the Constitutions -- as contracts -- to enforce the
provisions of those contracts."[47]

As true as this may be the fundamental problem with: "the Constitutions -- as contracts" is
that (according to Ed Rivera) these constitutions were never actually adopted![48]

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April 25, 2024 - Applying The Knowledge -

This blog is dedicated to certain knowledge for the purpose of aligning with the spirit of
America that this writer agrees along with other Americans is imbued in the Organic Laws -
primarily based on the first Organic Law commonly known as: The Declaration of

He offers a simple way of thinking about this "alignment" in three steps. These three steps
Come fully home to where Americans live;
Be connected with all that truly supports us;
Always Remember who and what we are in our alignment in this spirit!

Each of these steps can be accomplished in various ways according to the individual,

This writer works with many different systems for each step. His systems for "Remembering"
includes "the stars" as part of his languages of light (also posted in another CureZone blog).

February 5, 2024 - The Sub-Foundations of American Law - The Law of Grammar and
Mother's Kitchen Table -

"one of the most important original requirements for political participation: ... know how to
properly read and write, and uniformly understand what is written and read" - plus: "the
family Mother's Kitchen Table ... the most powerful political desk in the World!" -

"The Congress in Philadelphia was introducing what is now known as the great American
Republican Experiment. They were attempting to create a new, untried, but often thought of
style of natural Republican State government that was truly in the hands of the People who
controlled their own culture, not the King or his corporate Representative Agents, and that
would provide peace and harmony for the People and their Culture (land and water), free
from 'manly republics and democracies corporate' that had been tried and failed. Hence, a
new coined word: 'Nation'.

In order for us to fully understand the highly significant and unique elements of this Great
American Republican Experiment, we must first be aware of one of the most important
original requirements for political participation: one must know how to properly read and
write, and uniformly understand what is written and read. This may sound too basic for you,
but be patient and hang in there - it's worth it.

With this in mind, the Law of Grammar, which in turn prevails over the written Law of Statute,
where certain precise words are needed to be specifically defined before anyone can fully

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Right Knowledge for the Full Foundation of American Law! by... https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fmp.asp?i=2264670

understand what's to follow. ... Please bear with me and join me in respecting the true
Latin/English/Latin origins of the words I use here (as they were applied and understood
primarily by the Candid peoples of the World at the time the Declaration of Independence
was written), and at least temporarily, resist your temptation to argue about word meanings
as they may relate to any particular dictionary (old or new), of which we know there are
numerous versions. ...this will allow me to more clearly communicate with you.

And one last thing: unlike the English language, Latin is expressed in either masculine
singular or feminine plural gender terms that are precise, depending if translated in the
positive or negative. Knowing the difference is essential for proper communication,
especially for examining the 'flow of government'. For example, in excess of one-third (1/3)
of America's organic (original) written framework remains in the original Latin. I will address
a number of familiar word definitions, as I have applied, as follows for your convenience.

Democracy: Anglicized singular male expression from original Latin 'demos + cratios'
meaning 'Upon the Majority of anything, including Men (People)'. The 'flow', or the 'res', is

Republic: Anglicized singular male expression from original Latin 'res + publicus', meaning
'For all Men (People)'. The 'flow', or 'res', is singular.

Republican: Anglicized plural-feminine expression from original Latin 'res + publicae' to 'res
+ publicanus', meaning 'Of, By, For, From, and To all Men (People)'. The 'flow' is not only in
the plural, but also 'plenary' in nature as in the natural Family Unit free of any corporate
influences. Hence 'natural plenary checks & balances' that circulate around the 'Heart' (the
Mother) to and from her husband to and from her offspring, to and from their father!

Indeed, the family Mother's Kitchen Table is considered to be the most powerful political
desk in the World! Some learned writers and jurists on American History and Government
often refer to America as 'A Mother's Government' for this reason; and I wish to take the
liberty to extend that courtesy to the Mothers of the entire World in their natural Republican
State. In a manner of speaking one could probably applaud the American Mothers' kitchen
tables as the real source of the American Republican State Revolution, called 'home
schooling' today."[46]

January 24, 2024 - "Inhabitant" in "The Constitution for the united States of America" -

Article I, Section 2, Clause 2 Qualifications -

"No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five
Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when
elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen."

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Section 3, Clause 3 - "No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age
of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States and who shall not, when
elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen."

Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 - "The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote
by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state
with themselves."

Amendment XII (1804) - "The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot
for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the
same state with themselves..."[45]

Inhabitant Defined -
“…the terms ‘resident’ and ‘inhabitant’ have … been held not synonymous, the latter
implying a more fixed and permanent abode than the former, and importing privileges and
duties to which a mere resident would not be subject.” - Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st edition.

September 25, 2023 - The United States Code is about corporations -

"...living people are never defined in US CODE because US CODE is about


August 4, 2023 - No American Sovereigns! -

In response to Dr. Ed Rivera's reply (posted below on August 2md) this blog-writer
researched the claims of personal sovereignty which led him to comment at an article by
James Belcher as follows:

This statement: "you became free sovereigns as a result of the Revolutionary War"[42] was
not verified or referenced here! Law in America is written and although the first Organic Law
is directly pertinent to "the Revolutionary War" (and is a verifiable document) it does not
include this quoted statement or anything that comes close to it! IMO - these are facts that
leave the quoted statement simply as a belief. Nevertheless I warmly invite a presentation of
a verifiable reference that can show otherwise."[43]

August 2, 2023 -

Over the course of these last eight years this blog-writer has made over thirty entries (just at
this site - one of several on this subject matter) largely pointing to and/or related to the four
Organic Laws for The United States of America (unincorporated). Today he reaffirms the

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necessity for understanding these most fundamental American Laws as a vital prerequisite
for obtaining "Right Knowledge for the Full Foundation of American Law!"

Why? .....
For many reasons:
Firstly - Virtually no one is taught American Law in any school!
How can this writer say such a thing when we have attorneys?!? .........

Attorneys are essentially taught legal procedure and Federal code (and the like which is
separate from Organic Law). Attorneys learn what they need to know so they can be
effective in "court rooms" and essentially work with the "judges" to divide the spoils of the
convictions that occur within that commercial operation.

Consequentially the American people generally do not have actual knowledge of American
Law! Instead they are conditioned to obeying "the authorities" typically under duress. If
people truly knew the Law they would know to what extent fraud is being committed under
the color of law. They would realize what usurpation is. They would know their rightful
superior position as creditor. They would have the "Right Knowledge" for their Lawful

More could be said as to "Why?" and hopefully what has been said so far points to the
necessity. The last thing to be said now is: there is absolutely no substitution for
understanding American Law other than understanding the four Organic Laws!

The best source I know of to gain this understanding is by becoming a student of the premier
professor of the Organic Laws for "The United States of America" - (unincorporated): Dr. Ed
Rivera of the Organic Laws Institute.[11]

Sent the above to Dr. Ed Rivera who replied on Wednesday, August the 2nd:
"I hope that I have taught one principle of American law that there are no sovereigns in any
place in America. In Britain, a sovereign was just enthroned as king. No American became a
sovereign when King George III and his Navy and Army were defeated.

An American is free to the extent of his knowledge of the law.


July 17, 2023 - Re: Democracy -

Comment includes an assessment of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. posed at Mercola,com[41]



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May 18, 2023 - A Good Beginning -

"That a people living under a free government which they have themselves originated should
be well acquainted with the instrument which contains it, needs not to be proved. Were the
system, indeed, very cumbrous and extensive, running into minute detail, and hard to be
retained in the memory, even this would be no good reason why pains should not be taken
to understand and to imprint it upon the mind; but when its principles are simple, its features
plain and obvious, and its brevity surpassing all example, it is certainly a most reprehensible
negligence to remain in ignorance of it."[40]*

Comment: "The Pocket Catechism on the Constitution of the United States" was "Originally
published in 1828" and the problem today in regards to "... the system ..." is that it has
enlarged itself since the 1860s and in fact substituted itself by way of subcontracting
services to agencies that are not ordained by the People!

Re: "principles" this is actually still true when we realize that the principles are the same as
they were when the original Organic Laws were written (and most especially the first two
Organic Laws).

May 5, 2023 - Message to Dinesh D'Souza -

Who wrote in his: "The Big Lie": "The American Revolution was characterized by three basic
freedoms" that he claimed included "constitutional democracy." This Blog-writer asked if he
would be willing to provide references for that statement in any of the four Organic Laws or if
not then at least an agreement by the American People during the American Revolution to
such. Anyone who understands the four Organic Laws and the American Revolution knows
that there is no reference for substantiating this statement! If there ever might be a revised
edition of "The Big Lie" then that statement if unsubstantiated deserves to eliminated! This
writer believes that Dr/ Ed Rivera, Anna Reitz and all the "Founding Fathers" would agree! ;

April 22, 2023 - Additional Clarification on Essential Terms -

An article published today gives additional clarification on the essential terms included in the
comment posted here on April 20th. Following is an except from the article:

"...today, we are going to take a direct quote from 'Theft by Deception' and I am going to
annotate it, so that you can read it and know who is doing what and make sense of what is
being said.

Start by realizing that wherever you see the words 'the United States' the Author is talking

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about a foreign commercial corporation which is a Subcontractor of our American


Wherever you see the words 'the United States of America' the Author is talking about
another foreign commercial corporation Subcontractor of our American Government, which
sometimes acts as a rival of 'the United States' Incorporated.

Since the 1870's both these foreign Service Vendors have been operating as incorporated
entities, and their business has been overseen by the members of the District (Territorial)
Congress acting in two separate capacities.

As the District Congress, what you are familiar with as 'Congress' today, they oversee the
District of Columbia Territorial Government, organized as a commercial corporation in the
business of providing government services-- that is, the United States of America

As the Municipal Congress, the same members put on a different hat and serve as the
plenary government of Washington, DC, and serve the interests of a different commercial
corporation: the United States (Incorporated).

Throughout the following except from 'Theft by Deception' the entities being described are
these corporations and actions undertaken by Members of Congress acting as their
respective Boards of Directors.

Always remember that the actual American Government is unincorporated. Also remember
that only incorporated entities can go bankrupt. So our American Government is not and
never has been bankrupted, sold to anyone, or merged with any other corporation at all."[39]

April 20, 2023 - A Highly Essential Conversation -

Here is a highly essential interview on a most critical subject matter![38]

It includes needed questioning regarding: "Laws, Codes, Acts and Statutes." This need has
a foundational criteria that must be brought to light. These items come from a legal
corporation that is foreign to Americans and: "The United States of America"
(unincorporated) and it has a limited proprietary-based jurisdiction that only applies to those
who have volunteered into that jurisdiction (either by becoming a resident upon the property
under exclusive legislative control over that property -OR- by entering an agreement with
this "foreign legal corporation").

Understanding this distinction between America/Americans and the legal fictions that
supposedly are offering governmental-type services to Americans will allow one to have a
perspective regarding all the: "Laws, Codes, Acts and Statutes" and then be able to discern
whether or not these things truly apply to them.

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April 19th, 2023 - Our Most Important Document of Law -

Continuing with "The Premier Professor of The Organic Laws" -

On page 35 of his annotated edition of "The CONSTITUTION of the United States ..." Ed
says: "The Declaration of Independence is our most important document of law. It is found in
Volume 1, page 1 of the Statutes at Large.[36] All the rights declared in the great
document[37] result from the Duty of mankind to be free of tyranny."

April 17, 2023 - The Premier Professor of The Organic Laws for "The United States of
America" - (unincorporated) -

As of 6:40 PM (Pacific) Google search says:

"No results found for 'The Framers were well aware that the citizens of the states that
constituted the confederacy could not also be citizens of that organization of states'."

The quote regarding: "The Framers" is from Dr. Ed Rivera[34] whom this blog-writer
considers to be "the premier professor of The Organic Laws for 'The United States of
America' - (unincorporated)."

The fact that before this writer posted this quote it did not exist online underscores the
impulse of this writer to begin broadcasting it here.

Comment: As this writer has been presenting here (since July of 2014) - there is an
undisputed order to The Organic Laws for: "The United States of America" -
(unincorporated). Within this order we find "the articles of Confederation" as the second
Organic Law "... adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777."[35]* and that
constituted the first "constitution" for a "confederacy" known as: “The United States of
America.” The true and Lawful nature of: "Citizens of the states" was clearly based upon the
land and soil of the actual land and soil states, i.e. "Newhampshire, Massachusetts-bay,
Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia" -
quoting this Organic Law.

"The Framers were well aware that": there is a true and Lawful difference between a Lawful
land and soil-based entity (i.e. a state or a man/woman) and a legal fiction (whether
incorporated or not) such as: an "organization" whether it is: "that organization of states" or
any other legal fiction.

Ed continues in his commentary saying: "After the Civil War, Congress created a
government for the District of Columbia and the federal begins nation building." "Nation

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building" requires people to inhabit/constitute that nation. Hence the so-called 14th

February 23, 2023 -

Although opinion appears to be pandemic and Truth seems essentially obscure the actual
foundation of American Law is clear and certain if one can only allow their eyes to see what
is plainly written! However, relying upon the knowledge taught in governmental education is
insufficient, even if one had attended "Law School"! Why? ......... Because the "Full
Foundation" for American Law is essentially skipped over! The first Organic Law for The
United States of America (unincorporated): the "Unanimous Declaration" deserves at least a
full year of lessons. Why? ......... Because it refers to self-evident truths - which are not part
of the present day "legal system." To truly penetrate and fully understand the
"independence" referred to in the 1st Organic Law will take some time. There are many
layers of conditioning (from schooling and from the rest of society) that are layered over
one's potential for true union with "self-evident truth." Time is needed to adapt ways of
penetrating the truth other than the ways taught in schools. Time is needed and the time to
begin is now while there is still time!

December 13, 2022 -

"...Ignorance of the law may be no excuse, but the lack of disclosure and fraud ... is such
that people have not known the law. This ignorance is not of their own making. It is the result
of deliberately engendered deceit and obfuscation, an admitted 'Cloak of Secrecy' ..."[32]

December 7, 2022 - Have you "adopted" the first Organic Law - known as the Declaration of
Independence? .........
If not then please read the following post.
After all - it is The Law!

October 29, 2022 - Written Law Is Just Law For Government -

By the time a Student completes the Basic Course in Law and Government, that Student will
be able to prove that all written law is law for government. Once people are recognized to be
free, as happens in the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, written laws have no
power over them. Recall the line from the Declaration of Independence: “WE hold these
Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of

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The Declaration of Independence is the first of the Organic Laws of the United States of
America, which is binding on all the governments of the United States of America, however,
as governments necessarily make laws for citizens, a person must cease being a citizen, if
he or she is to be free.

The second Organic Law of the United States of America binds the States to recognize the
rights of free inhabitants of each of the States ...

The four Organic Laws of the United States of America: Declaration of Independence of July
4, 1776, Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777, Northwest Ordinance of July 13,
1787 and Constitution of September 17, 1787 were all signed by men in their capacities of
delegates or representatives of governments. None of these signatories were representative
of individuals at the time they signed nor could they bind persons other than themselves,
therefore, the Organic Laws of the United States of America can only be binding on

As the Organic Laws are the fundamental laws of the government of the United States of
America, the Statutes at Large and the United States Code is limited to the United States
and government of the United States.

This is why all written law is exclusively law for government.[31] - Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera,
Professor of The Organic Laws.

September 21, 2022 - American Law is Written law! -

There are two fundamental forms of law: the written law and the unwritten law (i.e. natural
law/common law). American law and most especially all of the four American Organic Laws
are exclusively written laws. Therefor – any understanding of fundamental American Law
must be harmonious with the written law. Any other “understanding” does not and can not
alter the written law.

I see nothing in any of the four Organic Laws that supports the idea that “all are to be subject
…”! It does not matter if there was conversation “in the creation” of the “Constitution” that
leads one to believe “all are to be subject …” because that idea never made it into written
words where it became law![30]

July 23, 2022 - If You Want True Freedom -

If you want to realize/actualize your true God-given freedom as an American -

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(like it is indicated in the Declaration of Independence) -

then you absolutely must know the four "Organic Laws" for "The United States of America" -
and know them better than virtually all the attorneys - for two quintessential reasons.

Firstly - The United States Government relies upon a legal system that is based on
codes/legalese and legal terms that all must be defined congruently with the Organic Laws.
If you don't know the Organic Laws then you have nothing to decipher the codes with!

Secondly: Attorneys and all the other graduates of every Law School do not get the Organic
Laws in their curriculum. Therefore it's up to you and only you to know the Organic Laws in
order to be able to know your most lawful freedom that government was actually created to

July 21, 2022 - The "Organic Laws" -

The "Organic Laws" are still listed on the "front" pages of the United States Code:

This fact in American Law underscores that all "laws" enacted by Congress must conform to
the Organic Laws and as such must be viewed from the perspective of the four Organic
Laws. In order to have and exercise this perspective one must know the Organic Laws in

Knowing the Organic Laws is a matter of your freedom! -

"...for most Americans, the freedom for which America is well known is extremely elusive. A
formal education in law does not teach the basic truths of America’s great freedoms."[29]*

Continuing: "Contained herein is an analysis of each of the four Organic Laws of the United
States of America, presented in chronological order, in addition to an analysis other major
events which impacted the formation of those organic laws. From the analysis contained
herein, the following items will be shown to be facts.

1)There are four Organic Laws which contain the fundamental principles of the United States
of America system of governments: the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of
Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787, and the Constitution of September
17, 1787."[29]

July 20, 2022 - American Organic Law -

“… The organic laws reveal that the federal government has been secretly operating under
the Articles of Confederation since the First Congress convened on March 4, 1789.

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Contained herein is an analysis of each of the four Organic Laws of the United States of
America …”[29]

June 26, 2022 - A Just Society -

"Cicero's compelling honesty led him to conclude that once the reality of the Creator is
clearly identified in the mind, the only intelligent approach to government, justice, and human
relations is in terms of the laws which the Supreme Creator has already established.

The Creator's order of things is called Natural Law.

... to Cicero, the glue which holds a body of human beings together in the commonwealth of
a just society is love -- love of God; love of God's great law of Justice; and love of one's
fellow-men which provides the desire to promote true justice among mankind.[28]

June 25, 2022 - "Fundamental Principles" of "The Founders" -

Although the level of their formal training varied from spasmodic doses of home tutoring to
the rigorous regimen of Harvard's classical studies, the debates in the Constitutional
Convention and the writings of the Founders reflect a far broader knowledge of religious,
political, historical, economic, and philosophical studies than would be found in any cross-
section of American leaders today.

The thinking of Polybius, Cicero, Thomas Hooker, Coke, Montesquieu, Blackstone, John
Locke, and Adam Smith salt-and-peppered their writings and their conversations. They were
also careful students of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, and even though some did
not belong to any Christian denomination, the teachings of Jesus were held in universal
respect and admiration. Their historical readings included a broad perspective of Greek,
Roman, Anglo-Saxon, European, and English history. To this writer, (W. Cleon Skousen)
nothing is more remarkable about the early American leaders than their breadth of reading
and depth of knowledge concerning the essential elements of sound nation building.

Fundamental Principles - The relative uniformity of fundamental thought shared by these

men included strong and unusually well-defined convictions concerning religious principles,
political precepts, economic fundamentals, and long-range social goals.[28]*

Comment: Re: "Fundamental Principles" these generally-referenced principals appear to be

a "four-fold" approach to the "social order". If true then this blog-writer suggests it be
considered for the various approaches to self-government, i.e. intentionally-designed
communities, common law societies, etc.

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June 19, 2022 - Regarding citizenship -

The following comment was offered at the "Organic Laws Institute":

Thank you Ed!

What is very well presented in this article appears irrefutable and at the same time deserving
of some additional research. The point being both the true nature of "citizenship" as well as
the true nature of the several different jurisdictions beginning with:
the original sovereign independent states,
followed by: the "states of states" under the Articles of Confederation,
followed by: the temporary government for the territorial states,
followed by: municipal government of Washington DC under the Constitution of September
17, 1787,
followed by: the devolution of that government as of the 1860s when the Congress went
"belly up" after which came the so called "14th Amendment" of a wayward Congress of
foreign interest.

A lot of additional "territory" (no pun intended) that could possibly be covered on this subject

April 28, 2022 - Federal Codes - N/A -

"...When we delegated certain enumerated powers to our Federal Subcontractors, they

acquired the right and the duty to define how they were going to do their jobs. They do that
by posting new laws governing their own employees and officers and dependents on the
Federal Register.

If, which is rare, they create a code entry that impacts the General Public, they publish it on
the Federal Record.

...Federal 'laws' that aren't published on the Federal Record don't apply to Americans, and
those that are published on the Federal Record only apply to Americans when those
Americans are engaged in Federally regulated activities or entering Federal buildings,
military bases, etc.

Otherwise, none of the Federal Code and none of their affiliated State of State Statute Law
applies to us. It's literally foreign law. We are not obligated to know or obey it at all. See
Amendment XI."[26]


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April 26, 2022 - A Comment Offered at Children's Health Defense -

"...show me where I can find 'democracy' in the Organic Laws for The United States of
America. Or - trust me when I say you will not find it!

Secondly - for the sake of true Lawful original power 'of by and for the people' please review
the three preceding Organic Laws before attributing your notion of that to the United States
Constitution. Better yet - please consider taking the basic course in Law and Government
through the Organic Laws Institute.[i] It will elevate your message to the level of true people
power. Anything less than a Lawful-based knowledge will not make a difference my friend.

Thirdly - 'The American Enlightenment' is in a desperate sate of amnesia. Most all

Americans need to take the above mentioned course or they will be frantically grasping at
straws of quotations from dead presidents including the likes of dishonest Abe who did not
lawfully qualify to be 'President of The United States of America' because of his membership
with the BAR that violated the original 13th Amendment aka: 'Titles of Nobility Amendment'.

[i] https://organiclaws.org/
[ii] http://www.amendment-13.org/

April 13, 2022 - No American!

"...no American can be presumed to be allied with either Territorial or Municipal


March 5, 2021 - The Source and Foundation of Our Most Lawful American Government -

"We have thus far published the Enrollment of the States created during and after the so-
called American Civil War and the first American Public Law in over a hundred years, which
establishes punishments and prohibitions for corporations seeking to meddle with the natural
genome of individual people using nanotech and patented genetic materials to create the
basis to claim these same people are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) subject to
ownership by the patent holders. We have also published and re-issued, several years ago,
our renewed Sovereign Letters Patent and our recognition of The Declaration of
Independence of 4 July 1776 as the Source and Foundation of our lawful American

January 9, 2021 What Constitutes An American? -

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"...we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American
and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else,
for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or
origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and
nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he
is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one
flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English
language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American
people.” - Theodore Roosevelt 1907[22]

July 3, 2020 -

“... 'the US' has never been 'America'”[21]


June 30, 2020 - "Related to the Ongoing Covid-19 False Flag" -

"... We, for our part, demand peace on our shores, the return of our purloined assets, and
scrupulous adherence to the Constitutions owed to the American States and People by the
Pope and his Subcontractors. All of them, including the Subcontractors of the

That includes the end of phony 'live exercises' and media propaganda related to the ongoing
Covid-19 False Flag on our shores and the correction of all State of State Governor
franchisees, and the correction of all Alphabet Soup Agency Subcontractors, telling them to
stand down and mind their own business. Obey their respective Constitutions."[20]

September 26, 2019 - A Golden Nugget -

Morning Session with David Straight

By Anna Von Reitz

We got off to a great start. David is every bit as coherent and easy to listen to in person as
his YouTube presentations. (Some other speakers aren't as smooth in the free-flow of live
audience presentations-- but David delivered a 100%).

This first morning session covered a lot of introductory information --including one of the
simplest guidelines to different kinds of law I have ever seen, and also a very useful way for
people to function well and in proper jurisdiction. I will try to describe this very briefly:

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L and = Common Law = Law of Property, Equity and Rights

A ir = Ecclesiastical and Canon Law = Law of Trusts

W ater = Admiralty and Maritime = Contract Law

This is basic to understanding the jurisdictions and kinds of law and what we are talking
about as opposed to "venue".

A venue is a place or level where a jurisdiction is being exercised. For example, right now
we have State, county, and Municipal courts all functioning under Contract Law. These are
different venues with different contracts but they are all functioning under the jurisdiction of
Admiralty / Maritime law.

Another vital point I found to be useful to everyone is that each jurisdiction has its own
language and that invoking and holding your jurisdiction involves first and foremost using the
language of that jurisdiction.

I have, of course, known this for a long time just as a matter of practical head bumping and
reading law, but never encountered just a simple yet correct explanation of it.

Gold nuggets aplenty besides this, but in terms of great and supremely useful insights that
help everyone understand things better, this is a sample.[19]

September 10, 2017 -

I'm fairly delighted to have received a reply from the Library of Congress to my inquiry
regarding dictionaries used by the Founding Fathers in 1776. One of several reference that
were provided to me follows:

"A Concise Guide to Using Dictionaries from the Founding Era to Determine the Original
Meaning of the Constitution" by: Gregory E. Maggs

“This is the fourth in a series of articles I have written on sources of the original meaning of
the Constitution. The three other articles are: A Concise Guide to the Federalist Papers as a
Source of the Original Meaning of the United States Constitution, 87 B.U. L. REV. 801
(2007) [hereinafter Maggs, Guide to Federalist Papers]; A Concise Guide to the Records of
the Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 as a Source of the Original Meaning of the
U.S. Constitution, 80 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1707 (2012) [hereinafter Maggs, Guide to the
Federal Convention]; and A Concise Guide to the Records of the State Ratifying
Conventions as a Source of the Original Meaning of the U.S. Constitution, 2009 U. ILL. L.
REV. 457 [hereinafter Maggs, Guide to the State Ratifying Conventions].”

Published in: George Washington Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Paper No.

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2014-17 GW Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-17

April 2014 Vol. 82 No. 2
page 358[17]

September 10, 2017 - Continuing "regarding dictionaries":

The need for reasonable certainty of the original intent of the "Founding Fathers", the
subsequent understanding of that intent by state ratifiers as well as the objective consensus
by the people on what words mean (only the last of which dictionaries may offer) is all just
part of the full-disclosure Americans need to know to fully realize their American Law. The
other parts of the "full-disclosure" re: "the original meaning of the Constitution" require
understanding the preceding three Organic Laws. The first Organic Law: "The Declaration of
Independence" and the second Organic Law: "The Articles of Confederation" not only
continued to be American Law they form the greater context for true understanding of the
"Constitution of September 17, 1787". The "greater context" is not a given if one's focus is
limited to constitutional semantics. IMO - context in this instance is greater than the
semantics. Although the terms of written Law require certain understanding - legal terms
should be better thought of as a collection of "code words" that are only in effect within
certain legal situations. It is these legal situations that require the greater light of "context"
that will illuminate our minds on the actual legal semantics. In conclusion - I would most
highly recommend comprehending the greater context of the four Organic Laws first before
attempting to understand the legal semantics of the "Constitution of September 17, 1787".

July 9, 2015 -

It is now the fifth day after the 239th anniversary[1] of July 4th, 1776 - the date of the first
"Organic Law"[2] (that still stands as Law throughout all of the United States of America) and
that is more commonly known as: "The Declaration of Independence".

Tonight I unexpectedly discovered a certain citation in a search result for "Cooked: A Natural
History of Transformation" By Michael Pollan[3] that I saw among my many search results
for Gastronomy"nourishing traditions". (The thing that caught my special interest with
Pollan's book was: "Neurogastronomy". A very quick search now for Neurogastronomy just
gave me "About 18,500 results"! I am genuinely amazed!)

The citation that I then pursued to considerable length was for an article entitled:

"Post-Pasteurian cultures: The micropolitics of raw milk cheese in the United States."

Before blogging about this at "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" I wish to comment on a single
point of view that I see presented in the article at the following paragraph:

"This article proposes a theoretical frame for understanding current debates over the
gustatory value and health and safety of raw-milk cheese in the United States, debates that

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open into what Sidney Mintz identifies as a conundrum of democratic capitalist societies:
'how to provide protection to the citizenry on one hand, yet maintain freedom of choice on
[the] other' (2002:27). I introduce the notion of microbiopolitics to call attention to the fact
that dissent over how to live with microorganisms reflects disagreement about how humans
ought live with one another. Microbiopolitics is one way to frame questions of food ethics and

Before I state my comment I also wish to reference the author's statement:

"Over the last 30 years anthropologists have added to our notion of culture practice, politics,
and ethics; so, too, do cheese makers incorporate these into their understanding of cheese
culture. As working with David Major taught me, the culturing of cheese happens through
webs of human and microbial practice suspended in market, governmental, and
microbiopolitical fields of power. Entering such fields successfully requires expert

I agree with the author that "expert knowledge" is required in regards to the governmental
fields of power.

My comment:
If people knew that the "laws" of government can only pertain only to the proprietary-based
jurisdiction of the "United States" and thereby acknowledged just how limited the true lawful
scope of the "government field" is - then I would not be commenting on this article's
paragraph now.

However, it is because of the govern-mental educated ignorance (there is no better phrase

that I know of) that has allowed the Federal government to exceed its Lawful authority, by
extending the force of its own law (via "Act of Congress"[5] i.e. through the creation of the
FDA), that I have something to respond to. I've previously responded to this particular issue
for a number of years (even before becoming aware of the severity of the "war against raw
milk"[6]) as the video I produced: "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" will indicate.[7]

If no power/authority was ever granted to the Federal government (actually written in any of
the Organic Laws) to provide "protection to the citizenry" just as it is referred to in this article
then there is no real legal foundation for engaging in any "debate" with the Federal
government regarding "health and safety of raw-milk cheese in the United States".
Government isn't entitled to claim that it has a right, an interest, a "necessity" or any other
basis for extending the force of its law over any individuals who are not within its Federal
"field" (and distinct from the fields of any of the fifty "Free States" of the first Union).[8]

Congress can only have what the States have explicitly given to Congress. Most of the
powers delegated to Congress are listed at Article I, §8, clauses 1-16 [9]

If the delegated power is on this list then Congress may make laws about it and execute
those laws within it's lawful jurisdiction - a jurisdiction that is a proprietarily-based. In other
words Congress can make laws for it's property - what it actually "owns", i.e. Federal lands,

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Federal Territories, Federal buildings, etc. But if the subject matter is NOT on the list then
anything that Congress does against either the Free States or the "free inhabitants"[10]
amounts to a usurpation of power & all its acts are unlawful. Agriculture is not on "the list"!
Food is not on "the list"! Health is not on "the list"! These subject matters are not powers of
Congress (not to mention duties of the president).

However, the Federal government is "locked in" to its "usurpation adrenaline rush" and will
continue with what can be understood as a serious addiction (because it is the nature of this
beast)! What people have believed is "their government" is actually a commercial business
that is dependent on sources of revenue to stay alive. It's the way "the business" was set up
from the very start.

The trail can be traced to two events; the first inauguration of George Washington and what
he said in the "oath" (that took place on April 30, 1789) and then distinguishing the true legal
nature of that from the legal nature of his election on February 4th, 1789. That is an
advanced study in government law and most people will require the guidance of a law
professor to point out the hidden facts. Not every law professor is able to do this. Fortunately
there is at least one![11]

My conclusion is: stop feeding governmental "usurpation"! Firstly stop feeding it your
ignorance and instead do your due diligence to gain the right knowledge of the full
foundation for all American Law (that you never got in public schools) and that can be found
only in the four Organic Laws. As soon as you understand what the first two Organic Laws
gave the American people and distinguish that from what was formed with the second set of
Organic Laws you will be able to stop feeding the fear (the lies underneath the ignorance) as

A "theoretical frame" is not necessary when we know and sufficiently understand the Law.
Why theorize when a more sure understanding of our "freedom" is available to each of us
without compromising what is truly and rightfully ours?

October 27th -

The following is a review that I just submitted at Amazon on a book that perpetuates the
false belief about the context of the Constitution of September 17, 1787.[12][13]

[I've changed the footnote numbers to letters to distinguish them from the footnotes in this

Although there is no description included here at Amazon the following is at the Walmart

Here, in a single volume, are the two most important American documents ever written: the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.[A]

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The Declaration of Independence was the promise of a representative government;[B] the

Constitution was the fulfillment of that promise.[C] Together, these documents form the
foundation of American democracy.[D]


[A] "the two most important American documents ever written" is at best half right but in this
context half right is a great error! Without any doubt the Declaration of Independence is the
first (of the four Organic Laws) of the most important American documents. The
"Constitution" is more rightly counted as "fourth" in importance as it applies to the property
owned by the United States of America consisting of the "District", lands, territories, and the
other sites listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of September 17, 1787 all of which
is known as the "United States".[13] It is possible to say that the Constitution of September
17, 1787 is the most important document for the "United States" but not for America!

[B] "The Declaration of Independence was the promise of a representative government": No

such promise was ever made in that document! On the contrary this document declared the
God-given, Natural Right to be free from all government!

[C] "the Constitution was the fulfillment of that promise": Since there never was a promise
made "the Constitution" can not be the fulfillment.

[D] "Together, these documents form the foundation of American democracy.":That

statement is in great error at the least or a damnable lie as there was never any intention
expressed in any of the four Organic Laws for a so-called "American democracy". At best
the intention was for a Constitution Republic; quite distinct from any form of democracy. One
hundred years ago and before Americans knew this. Now the government education system
has white washed American history of the most essential truths by omitting the second and
third Organic Laws from study.

December 30, 2016 -

(Just re-read my [A], [B], [C], [D] footnotes above and laughed at [D] Phoohie - Walmart!)

Dane Rudhyar speaks truth:

"... we can be individually free only if we have emerged from a subservience to the collective
meanings and values which our race, culture and tradition have imposed upon us."[14]

August 15, 2017 - Continuing on the overarching theme of this blog: "How the Constitution
Got In the Way of Your Freedom"[15]

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Got inspired to search "unadopted constitution" while viewing Ted Nugent & Sheriff

January 30, 2018 - The "Constitution" as a Trust Indenture - Posted by Adask

"... I see the “Constitution” is a trust indenture wherein We the People are the grantors, “The
United States of America” is the beneficiary and the “United States” is the fiduciary. A
principle duty of the fiduciary/”United States” is to administer the territories and Washington
DC which had been acquired and/or created prior to adoption of the Constitution, but for
which there was no proviso in the Articles of Confederation."

I found the above especially interesting and logical!



[1] http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/02/us/declaration-of-independence-unknown-facts/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_law


[4] http://web.mit.edu/paxson/www/articles/microbiopolitics.pdf

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_Food_and_Drug_Act


[6] http://www.realmilk.com/national-updates/fda-wages-secret-war-on-raw-milk-farmers/

[7] http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1301129

[8]"... Free and Independent States":


[9] http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2252051

[10] See Article 4, Section 1 at: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llsl&

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[11] https://organiclaws.org/

[12] This review is from: We the People (The Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution of the United States of America):

[13] http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f8e38d415be497134eee68415&

[14] http://www.khaldea.com/rudhyar/aad/aad_c1p3.shtml

[15] Your access to the following link may require becoming a member of "The Organic Laws
Institute" or at least a subscriber, either of which is most highly recommended!:


[16] Blogged here: http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1891022

[17] This paper can be downloaded free of charge from the Social Science Research

[18] November 24, 2012 in "The State" vs. "this state", Definitions, U.S. vs The U.S.A.,
Venue, Zip Code:

[19] http://www.paulstramer.net/2019/09/morning-session-with-david-straight.html

[20] "Summarized":

[21] http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/07/chinese-elders-yeah-right.html

[22] https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sole-loyalty/

[23] See Item 18.: http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/03/public-international-notice-notice-


[24] http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/04/we-are-not-at-war-they-are.html

[25] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/reclaim-power-corrupt-global-corporatists/

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[26] http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/04/a-quick-edited-retort.html


SEPTEMBER 17, 1787" Posted on May 29, 2012 by Ed

[28] Skousen, W. Cleon (2007). The "5000 Year Leap: 30 Year Anniversary Edition" with
Glenn Beck Foreword (Kindle Locations 458-473):

[29] https://sedm.org/forms/11-Research/American-Organic-LawGovernment.pdf

[30] In a comment posted at:


[31] Originally Posted on June 23, 2010 - https://organiclaws.org/why-written-law-is-just-law-


[32] http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/12/practical-banking-issues-that-everyone.html

[33] Unanimous Declaration INDEPENDENCE, Passed in the United States Congress, by


WHEN in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the
political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers
of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God
entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare
the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL; that they are
endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among
men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety
and happiness. ...:

[34] Stated as a "comment" (following Article II Section 2) in his reproduction copy of: "The
CONSTITUTION of the United States ..." published by: "the Commission on the Bicentennial
of the United States Constitution Washington, D.C."

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[35] https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/articles-of-confederation

[36] https://www.loc.gov/resource/llsalvol.llsal_001/?sp=124

About this Collection -

The United States Statutes at Large is the collection of every law, public and private, ever
enacted by the Congress, published in order of the date of its passage. These laws are
codified every six years in the United States Code, but the Statutes at Large remains the
official source of legislation. Until 1948, all treaties and international agreements approved
by the Senate were also published in the set. In addition, the Statutes at Large includes the
text of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, the Constitution,
amendments to the Constitution, treaties with Indians and foreign nations, and presidential

[37] "The rights declared in the great document include: "We hold these truths to be self-
evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain
unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

[38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSpRnrIGjds

[39] http://www.paulstramer.net/2023/04/how-to-read-theft-by-deception.html

[40] file:///Users/user/Downloads/151162807-Pocket-Catechism-on-the-Constitution.pdf

[41] https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/07/16/who-global-tyranny.aspx

[42] http://annavonreitz.com/issuesofsovereignty.pdf

[43] http://www.paulstramer.net/2017/03/issues-of-sovereignty-by-james-belcher.html
Posted at "August 4, 2023 at 2:45 AM (Mountain Time)"

[44] http://www.paulstramer.net/2023/09/as-we-join-together-tribe-or-nation.html

[45] https://www.alphaadv.net/jagranger/usacon.html

[46] Chapter 3, Part 3, A-1 of "Emergence from Illusion - A Memoir of Ricardo Johansson"
pages 70-71.

[47] http://www.paulstramer.net/2024/05/a-life-review.html

[48] See: https://organiclaws.org/office-of-president/

Linked from: https://archive.is/GQJiF

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via search result for: "The Constitution of Misdirection"

[49] http://www.paulstramer.net/2024/05/it-was-even-worse-than-informer-imagined.html

[50] http://www.paulstramer.net/2024/05/international-public-notice-dear-donald.html

[51] https://classroom.monticello.org/view/middle/74646/

[52] https://loveman.sdsu.edu/docs/1776ThomasPaine.pdf

[53] https://lonang.com/commentaries/foundation/framework-of-law/text/

[54] https://www.laits.utexas.edu/poltheory/blackstone/cle.int.s02.html


July 4 1776, Declaration of Independence, Post-Pasteurian cultures, micropolitics, raw milk

cheese, Truth, war against raw milk, Organic Laws, jurisdiction, proprietary, Congress,
usurpation, Food, Health, George Washington, American Law, freedom, free inhabitant,
Original Meaning of the Constitution, American, American Organic Law, Unanimous
Declaration, Theft by Deception, democracy, unincorporated


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