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Inquiry Process Document

Criterion A: Inquiry focus (This section has a recommended 300 words does not include headings,
subheadings or bibliography entries.)
Inquiry question
Statement of the Inquiry question.

Connection: The real world example and the Inquiry question

Description of a specific, relevant real-world example and an explanation of its connection to the Inquiry

Context: Connection between the Inquiry question & specific relevant real world example
and the related Context in the DS Guide
Explanation of the connection between the inquiry question & specific real-world example to specific
Context (topics) in the DS Guide. Include DS Guide topic number, subtopic and statement from the DS
Guide in the explanation ie 2.2 Expression /2.2A Topic.}

Content: Connection between the Inquiry question & specific relevant real world example and
the related Content in the DS Guide
Explanation of the connection between the inquiry question & specific real world example to specific
Content (topics) in the DS Guide. Include DS Guide topic number, subtopic and statement from the DS
Guide in the explanation. Include DS Guide topic number, subtopic and statement from the DS Guide in
the explanation.

Concept(s): Connection between the Inquiry question & specific relevant real world example
and the related Concept(s) in the DS Guide
Explanation of the connection between the inquiry question & specific real world example to specific
Concept(s) in the DS Guide. Include DS Guide topic number, subtopic and statement from the DS Guide
in the explanation. Include DS Guide topic number, subtopic and statement from the DS Guide in the
Criterion B: Claims and perspectives
(Recommended 1200 words does not include headings, subheadings or bibliography entries.
Maximum of 3 sources. Additional sources beyond 3 sources will not be considered.
This section does not require any introductory statement.)

Note: resources for Evaluating Sources: General Guidelines

Place bibliographic entry for source 1 here

Any formal bibliographic format is accepted as described in Effective Citing and Referencing
( Also
include this bibliographic entry in the List of resources.

Paragraphs 1-2 discusses the claims and perspectives for the source and includes a clear
justification for their usefulness in the inquiry.
The following Paragraph evaluates the source and its relevance to the inquiry.
These paragraphs can be stated in either order.

Note P60 The discussion for each source should justify why and how the source supported the
inquiry and student understanding as well as addressing of the source’s origin and purpose,
meaning and methods as well as corroboration and use.

Place bibliographic entry for source 2 here

Same statements as for source 1

Place bibliographic entry for source 3 here

Same statements as for source 1
List of references
Place the bibliographic entries below under the appropriate headings. Any formal bibliographic format is
accepted as described in Effective Citing and Referencing.

Include all resources used to create the Multimedia Presentation.

Note DS Guide (p60) All sources and materials used in the inquiry as well as the construction of the
presentation must also be included in the list of references.

Sources used for the inquiry (IPD, Multimedia presentation)


Artificial Intelligence tools

Note the Academic Integrity document, Appendix 6: Guidance on the use of artificial
intelligence tools of the IB Academic Integrity Policy including the tool and prompts used to
solicit the response.



Video and image sources

Audio sources

Interviews (primary research)

surveys (primary research)

Sources used in creating the multimedia presentation

Applications /online tools used to create the multimedia presentation

Help pages/tutorials/templates

Candidates should include the items such as those listed below in the appendices:
 Evidence from primary research (ie transcript from an interview, survey and results etc)
 Examples of surveys used to gather data
 The script for the multimedia presentation

Candidates are advised to:

 include the script for their multimedia presentation. This would help examiners who are not
working in their mother tongue.
 record the multimedia presentation in a quiet place. Examiners will find it more difficult to assess
this content if there is background noise.

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