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2010 SANSKRIT ‘Time Allowed : 3 Hours | ( Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This Booklet has a cover ( this page ) which should not be opened till the invigilator gives signal to open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal is received you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. ‘This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks, You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. 5. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Invigilator to mark the answers. You ‘must write your Name, Register No.” and other particulars on side 1 of the Answer Sheet provided, failing which your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. 6. You will also encode your Register Number, Subject Code etc.. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fall to encode the above information. your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. 7. Bach question comprises four responses (A), (B). (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case. choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. 8. _ In the Answer Sheet there are four brackets {A118 [C | and | D ] against each question. To answer the questions you are to mark with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket of your choice for ‘each question. Select one response for cach question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong, @.9. If for any item. (B) is the correct answer. you have to mark as follows : [Al Micl (D1 9. "You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet oul of the Examination Mal} during the examination. After the examination is concluded. you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. 10, Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you Hable to. such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion, 11, Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question Booklet, 1906 19000, . [ Turn over KEDTODOSO | Tearhere 3< Tear here [po NOP TEAR THIS COVER OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASI 4 3 PGSA 1, Afsana: gasratatr 2 Ay ae B) SoRATaTVS p oO “wie D) afc : 9 emma tar at sear: Bf? 3 a) 20 B) . 25 i oO 24 : D) 21 5 3. ¥ : 4, Cc) ¥ D) Aga 5. Swoftan sft wer deer: ? i A) rae a Wee co) wae dD) aedaeer | A) wee Ufa Brera dea b OC) afta afer D) wWaRa ash [1906] 19000, U Tum over. sha aedae ofa worse: aa? A 32 B) 36 CQ 42 D) «48. awedae aia wea: afr ? A) 4000 B) 5000 ©) 6000 D) 7000. Tveorert ea See] AM: ? A wae By RM agdeer Oya age - D) aedaeer OP safe: aeFe ? A Wa: . B) War: ow D . frre dare: afery suFrafe aa 2 A) wétafrafe BR oer Q D) Wee! . aed: Gard: Ha afer ? A) afadhiafrete B) tite wert fre _D orerararrafe 1 . eae His Sam: TEM: 7 A aaa: , By woaftfaf:” CC) srerfaafa: D) -wafeiera 1 14, ayes afr se: ? A ta C) saat 15. uforta faerai efa vette: ada ? Cc) 60 16, “amas ef qacns ata ? A) 1228 Cc) 1549 A. eae CC) wae 18. sar shay eer acer ? ‘Q) aeniacer 19. anifaféeyg ae: aqwatorn wat 2 D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) 19000 wm i 48. 1348 1626. i {Turn over PGSA 6 20. wage aia vette: aa ? _ A 51000 B) 53000 ©). 55000: D) . 56000. 21, ‘Fete! afar wa aed 2 , A war B) Fee “ott dD) faery 22. SAR: Bea ya: 2 A See B) whee Co) ifara: D) eRe 23. ‘afeefea aera aaefer 4 aaafad sfa' ge’ Weta wl we: ferafera: ? Ay Tar By FeTareaA, CQ etary D) URAC: | 24, IRAE Ba ae 2 A) Feniet . By) areata CO) seerTETyS D) wy ea 25, ‘frrarfttry’ ea arom sim: A TARR, B) FETT QW D) ways fea 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 7 Fagreraees sea: a: ? Ay TENET, - CO) afragerory, D) wey wa Goons ef ere? A) arredieher B) OQ track D) aaetaReeg yrorerenthy fi a sfeafray 2 A) wh: B) OQ sera * D) ‘regen! BR GT ca? A aragrt B) Oo faygrt >) sree: tae are fear 2 A BRAT B) Cc) Arba: D) saga dea wf ? A 18 B) O. 17 dD) 19000 Fel FM | areRTariey 1 agar | afar | waa { Turn over 32, ARR seca: fer A ada ? A WrraTTTe o) frogger 33. stifefaty mrerque fay ? A) RRR, O) Frageery 34, srifeafaty fr sagen ? AL aT, CO freq 35. Fed Se ery safe: 7 A Afremenafaen: OQ awe 36, efit seitfrigey fe a sary ? D) B) D) B) D) A For Tori wey, Fo TTB) ©) Fores cin: 37, seifftey sa aren Warsi 3 aaa? A) ano 1906 D) B) D) afererRTT 1 wafer 1 wear afi cee deere 38. THe eer ye: Taga sey 7 Qo we . D) wR 39. feted xt career we? a THT B) FETE ©) 3a arate D) aerh: wren: af ee 1 40. meres sn a FA? A) fas: B) safer o 7: Dp) efaera: | 41, nba fan Fd ami fm? Ay rameter, B) warefersrary, ©) wererafteay D) araadt faera: 1 42. mec: Fen arr fo? A)‘ arendfare: By Ngfiye: oO “anfaye Db) faye: 1 43. sprferreen Herel Hh 7 AL tase, Raq By Fae, TET 1906 19000 { Turn over PGSA 44, Tada af sity fe yerar ada 2 A lo aiy rgd: B) OQ l9sty aide: D) 45, salary area fey 2 A arafay, Sheeran, B) OQ terry, TIT D) 46. separ qeaied are * A) Beg we Paftiom, B) OC) ant dep fer, seq srarofafing D) 47, wrAaer sat #: 2 A argh: B) OQ aremn: D) 48, Ages Heras aH fig 7 A) atarmnfi: B) Q waa D) 49, wrTaterrareres Fat F: 7 A) tr: B) ©) ware: D) [1906] [i900] 1eaty yaa: 20 nity dda: 1 qeafeny , referer, qeaftay , Tr eh errata aa 1 snr: wash arreata: | 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Farrage? fas afotery 2 A andre ayrarernfa: ©) famanfra: wei go, sfgamreres areata 75 Far? A) trearerae Cc) Tae: afgqrera wari eel fer? A) Taga weTHTETRTOTY, ©) wfraremetnestay aresarea at fara afeta: 2 A Poy sect: B) D) B) D) B) D) B) CQ Fear Fa Rereaearcafis: dD) area &: free: sey? A Wen: ©), Sara: B) D) arate qrerey wal qarcera; & eft waa? 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Sep: Bes were Stare: ? A) Fuge OC) Atfeerrarey 72, waqderes weinen fa ? OQ 153 73, Caer! Fer TEL AIT ATT? OQ FART 74, faoritatarn: ter faaete: A) faverna: owe: 75, wafer ofa stget tan 2 A) WER OC) wea 1906 14 B) D) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) 19606 wry a emf | fremarrene 1 wg 3 wena | 253 353. eraraacraes | THe: MIRA: | ae | 76. ‘arate! aa tary ? A) faeeria B) fagayator OQ wees D) TARA 77. TRS weal wera ferfiaat 2 A) dep By WEIHraTar _O) stavierererar: D) tga were | 78. craved fea en ? A) fares . B) fayaxator Q wR D) Feat 79. Ig: wea wees sare: ? A heifer B) tear ©) teereaf: D) tha freer 80. aifaeaera widen wit ? oO 15 | D) 19. 81. ahasal: gen um a ? “Oot pb) aarti [Turn over 82. yt: gia: a? A SRT arte 83, THATS Teer What FH: 7 A) Fak: ©) TR: 84, deprressmia asrtfte aed fry 2 A) fancier CO) Faery, 85. weed wha ag: / gh / BT: ? Aol Q 3 86, yael aa areata wie fauna 2 Aol Q 4 B) area D) Safar. By waa D) aRrrmgfafe + By) wieett D) ARR BR 2 ' Dd) 4. BS D) 6. 87. sfanrrenea Taam &: ? Ha sea AH: 7 A owe: — arm: © ated: — wt: 88. Ware STU: B) oo aifecre: — ae: afar 1 a5 / B 6 Cc 7 ‘ D) 4. 90. mE Wes wis srg: ? : A 7 B) 8 "Oo 5 dD) 6. A Wert: By eR: “¢) wma: : D) Rat @2. dercaqeica aed 3 cay ? a By aerate Co) weatty Dp) TARA 93. een aifera: sf ae stat AH? 9 afr B) Fire ‘a ears D) | TyTeT | 94, TerTener ak am fry ? ' A Taravitery, B) israftay OC wpAea by are 1 95. wAsafasmerin: a waa: ? a arrears By arearerdo, 3 thera Db) Seer | 1908 (3860) {Turn over 96. sere Tataa F: ? 97. are afa arg: 2 98. amin afey aes afr 2 A) sayfa: oO A OW: oO A Trefeamifatrt Cc 99. aeitéek wert ta: 100. Uy a Taya: Fla: wafer 2 A renin 101. 102. Fare4 fafaay seared fry, ? Ay erareite: A) TER: Qo CQ “eatrrn arerer' Hey fad: Faq? A Bae: co] “o 1906 TTA: B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) aga: | wi wae | ae 1 setae | arreatarard: wet arom: 1 103. Biferreth aia vicar: aha ? A 8 BR) 5 Qo 9 D) 10. 104. aH Frog — 1 we, te; aR: Re, wae: H. @e:, FEM: Te, a, waa: I, We: FEI: SR: de: wa: IV. , OR: BVI: Te: WAH: A | at Bou a m1, Dov. 105, saara: waa: FA wafer: 7 A defen Bey oO eee Dy) aaa 106. Afrary: wea weer Zara: 2 A BTAgRATTA: B) tke HOMIES OQ were dD) Feet 107. ‘arama fers, 2 A fara B) RAT Care D) aaah 11906 18000, { Turn over 108. “fgerea aft ant: 2 109. WERT Free sft ase: 7 110. WHE sremeTg vein: ht? 111, TeereTaeaia: BE Wey CAST: 7 112. aRTaTEM: wer a frefaa: 2 20 D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) 19000 24 22. 600. war RRA I 21 PGSA 14, ferences ae: A afirrne: B) SPR: \, feeqe: . D) feng: 115, sferrerpred fag: ara fay ? |» afayR: B) afeeqa: OQ qaeqa: D) wy 3 fafa) 116, Fae ea wea ITT ? A Tire By ATEqNEy o afrrenyTes D) aire) 117. SRR ada ei: werafagy’ — sé er vier are ? A wR B) afeagey ‘g wee D) wWaeer 118. TARwE: wer sft: 7 ‘ A WEE B) We "oO vine . D) ays went 1 119, BHAA wie veto: Faera, 2? A) 5000 B) 6000 be 7000 D) 8000. > 120, Sreawerenca eter Fa tram ? ta eae . BR waa “c) eR D) Gaya Safe (i806) (76065) . [Tum over ' . 121, cree: aft ? A 18 Bo © 10 dD) 6. 122, eeara: wf? A 5 B 6 co 10 D) 9. 123, fargraetqen: cafam #2 A rats dtfera: ‘B) arty ug: OQ) waste: Dy setfan

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