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3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012

New control method to increase power regulation in a

AC/AC quasi resonant converter for high efficiency
Induction cooker

Vittorio Crisafulli, Cristiano Vito Pastore

line Whrilpool Europe srl, Italy,
Cassinetta di Biandronno(VA), Italy

Abstract— Quasi Resonant (QR) converters are widely used as heat is due to the eddy currents generated in the pot’s bottom
AC current generators for induction. These converters are layer. In literature several topologies have been presented, but
particularly attractive because they use just one solid state switch the most used are the topologies which contain resonant tanks.
and only one resonant capacitor to generate a variable Fig. 1 shows the Common block structure of an inverter for IH,
frequency/variable amplitude current to feed the induction coil. which is composed by a filter, the resonant converter and the
When properly designed and matched with their load, these coils. The main requirements for IH converter are:
converters are known to operate in ZVS at turn on and ZCS at
turn off. For that reason QR converters are considered the best • High frequency switching (more than 20 kHz)
compromise between cost and energy conversion efficiency.
However, when the power being regulated exceeds a given limit, • Power factor close to unity
the resonating voltage across the solid state switch exceeds its • Ability to handle wide load range
maximum rating, leading to instantaneous and irreversible
damage of the switch itself. On the other end, operation at light The main advantage of resonant converters consists in their
load implies the loss of ZVS at turn on. Those two limitation lead ability to operate in at high switching frequency with very low
to a relatively narrow regulation range defined as the ratio of power losses. Several control techniques, like zero current
maximum achievable power and the minimum achievable power. switching (ZCS) or zero voltage switching (ZVS), can be used
In particular, when the output power being regulated falls below to reduce power loss in resonant converters [1]. The reduction
a given limit, the inverter fails to operate in soft switching mode, of switching loss and the continual improvement of power
leading to a dramatic and unmanageable increase in thermal switches allow the switching frequency of the resonant
losses and Electromagnetic interference. In this paper a new converters to reach hundreds of kHz. Consequently, magnetic
control algorithm to increase the power regulation ratio in component sizes can be reduced and the power density of the
AC/AC QR converters for induction cooktop is presented. The converters increased. Quasi-resonant (QR) converters [2]-[5]
method described in this paper substantially increases the are the best compromise between cost and energy conversion
regulation range of QR converters with no penalties in efficiency
efficiency. The amplitude of the power deliverable by a QR
and preserving soft switching operation. Furthermore, this
converter can be adjusted between two limits (the regulation
method does not require any additional hardware circuitry or
component but relies only on special SW modulation techniques. range). The amplitude of this range is a characteristic for each
Simulation and experimental results confirm the benefits of this converter of the QR topology and is commonly defined
method compared a standard control, improving power through the ratio between the maximum achievable power,
regulation, and achieving a power increases higher than 20 % for which is limited by the maximum admitted voltage across the
a typical domestic induction heating load switch terminals/junctions, and the minimum settable power,
which is limited by the loss of the Zero Voltage Switching
Keywords-component; Induction Heating, Resonant Converter, condition (also named as ZVS or Soft-Switching mode). A
Control; particular difficulty arises for instance when trying to regulate
the average power delivered by the converter to a value below
the minimum selectable power. As will be shown in the next
I. INTRODUCTION paragraphs, the main factors that affect the mode of operation
Induction Heating (IH) appeared in the Domestic market in of QR converters (Soft vs. Hard Switching) are the power
the early ’80s, and ever since it has become the most appealing output and the loading conditions. In particular, it is known
technology in cooking applications. Basically, an Induction that, for a given converter, supplied with a given dc-bus
cooker transfers electrical energy by induction from a coil of voltage, there is a minimum output power below which the
wire into a pot made of material which must have high inverter will fail to soft commutate at turn-on [14]. The most
magnetic permeability. The heat generated is analogous to the common workaround for this effect is to not operate the
unwanted heat dissipated in an electric transformer; most of the inverter at power lower than that value, which of course is a

978-1-4673-2023-8/12/$31.00/ ©2012 IEEE 628

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012

Fig. 1: Common block structure of an inverter for Induction Heating.

highly limiting factor for what regards the cooking food, resulting in perceivable power unevenness and possibly
performances when delicate cooking is needed. To actually in food spoilage. Another way to increase the regulation range
achieve ZCS/ZVS operation at turn on for QR converters is presented in [7], where the authors proposed a topological
several conditions have to be met. The conditions will be solution, which, however, increases the complexity and cost of
examined in the remainder of this paper. Unfortunately, not all the overall system.
the conditions are under the designer control. As a
consequence, QR converter cannot always be operated in soft- The method proposed in this paper overcomes the
switching conditions [6]. This not only nullifies the aforementioned drawbacks resulting in a substantial in-crease
aforementioned benefits, but it may also lead to the destruction of the regulation range of QR converters while maintaining the
of the inverter due to thermal causes. Moreover, when the use of soft switching operating mode and without introducing
converter operates in hard switching condition, the generated further limitations in the efficiency/reliability of the converter.
Furthermore, this method does not require any additional
EMI increases significantly, possibly exceeding the maximum
level set by standard. hardware circuitry or component because it relies on an novel
modulation technique.
This paper presents a method to increase the range of
regulation while maintaining the inverter in soft switching
operating mode.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the
state of the art and section III presents the proposed method. In
Section IV simulation results and in Section V experimental
results are presented.


The simplest mode for overcoming the aforementioned
limitation for QR converter is to operate the inverter in the so-
called burst-mode or ON-OFF mode (as shown in Fig. 2), Fig. 2: State of Art, Burst Mode operation mode.
consisting in operating the inverter for some amount of time
Tactive (during which several charging and discharging phases I. PROPOSED METHOD
occur) at the minimum power level adjustable according to
The method described in this paper gives a solution to the
ZVS conditions, and switching it off for another amount of
aforementioned issue, allowing a significant increase in the
time Tidle. By cyclically alternating over time the two phases,
regulation range of Quasi Resonant Converters (as shown in
the average power delivered to the load can be calculated by
Fig. 3) , with no penalty in the commutation losses, ensuring
multiplying the duty ratio Tactive/(Tactive + Tidle) by the minimum
that soft switching condition is always achieved.
power limit (the minimum settable power in ZVS mode). This
method has the disadvantage that the power is actually The method relies in the deliberate distortion of the mains
delivered to the load (and then ultimately to the food) in a current profile, by changing the TON period throughout the
pulsed and concentrated manner, instead of in a smooth mode. mains semi period, in order to both increase the average
Moreover, considering that the time period of the pulsed power maximum Power without violating the IGBT maximum VCE
is also bounded by regulatory standards (for instance the and decrease the minim power without incurring in the severe
IEC61000-3-3 flicker norm), the power pulsing period can loss due to ZVS at turn on.
hardly be made faster than the thermal time constant of the

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012

Fig. 3: QR scheme.



P e rio d




I D ra in -S o u rc e

15.0ms 15.1ms
T im e

Fig. 4: Typical waveforms of a QR converter.

TON ⋅ Vdc −bus

A. Method to increase PMAX Vres ≅ Eq. 4
Once a given loadin condition (L,R) and mains voltage is LC
set, and a given voltage rating have been chosen for the solid
state switch and resonant capacitor (i.e. 1200 V), it is known Assuming that TON is typically kept constant throughout the
from QR theory of operation that the limiting factor for the mains semi period and is limited to a value which keeps the
maximum power is given by the resonant voltage (Voltage resonant voltage safely below the switch damage voltage (say
across the parallel Cres//(Lres+RLOAD), see Fig. 4), which will 1000 V for a 1200 V device) when Vdc-bus is at its maximum, it
approximately reach the value: is evident that this choice of TON is too conservative whenever
Vdc-bus goes below its maximum, i.e. when the phase of the
2⋅ E mains is different from 90° or 270°. In other words, it can be
Vres ≅ Eq. 1 said that TON is upper bound by the maximum resonant voltage
C that is generated when the DC-bus voltage is at its maximum,
i.e. at 90° and 270° mains electrical degrees. The mains current
Where E is the energy stored into the inductive part of the peak, also obtained at 90° and 270°, is also upper bound by this
load during the TON phase mechanism.
1 The approach that this paper proposes is to increase TON in
E≅ L ⋅ I pk
Eq. 2 a way inversely proportional to Vdc-bus. This will cause the
mains current profile to depart from a sinusoidal profile, rather
the peak current is proportional to TON, Vdc-bus (Voltage assuming the flat top profile qualitatively shown in Fig. 5. The
across the capacitor CBUS, see Fig. 4) net effect of this distorted main current is to increase the input
power for a given maximum allowed peak current. The flat-top
I pk = TON ⋅ (Vdc −bus / L) Eq. 3 profile of the mains current is far from being perfectly
sinusoidal and so the harmonic input current emissions of the
so the resonant voltage Vres can be expresses in terms of TON QR would be worse compared with the constant TON
and Vdc-bus modulation. The idea is to define an optimized flat-top profile
of mains current that does not exceed the harmonic emissions
limits while, at the same time, allows the increase of the

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012

Fig. 5: Voltage and Current line in normal operation mode (a) and with the new control method for increase the maximum power range

convrter’s output power. The control of the QR converter the proposed control method and performing the required
based on the aforementioned idea can be done in 2 ways as analyses.
shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The first way, shown in Fig. 7, is
based on standard power-set closed-loop control that also The control algorithm has been implemented using an
contains a specific algorithm that calculates the variable TON Embedded Matlab Function inside a Simulink model (as shown
modulation vs. time at each main half wave starting from a in Fig. 6).
constant TON value, which is calculated by standard PID control The power stage has been simulated using PSPICE (the
for supplying a constant power set target. PSPICE model is shown in Fig. 9) and the control loop has
The other way is based on a closed-loop control whose been implemented in Matlab/Simulink.
input is the error between instantaneous mains current and Fig. 10 , Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 present the simulation results.
target flat-top mains current profile (it is actually a mains As can be seen the proposed control method allows a further
current closed loop instead of the standard one based on a EMI reduction when compared to the traditional control. This
power target). The flat-top mains current profile is calculated effect is due to the fact that applying the proposed method
from the power set target and the mains voltage RMS value. causes frequency modulation, thus spreading the conducted
The aforementioned controllers can be either implemented in emission energy harmonics energy over a larger spectrum, as
analog or in digital form. Should the digital form be preferred, shown in Fig. 12.
the modulation of TON will be done at discrete time intervals,
and with discrete amplitude resolution. In particular the upper
bound for TON time-pace may be determined by the mains
standard about harmonics for home appliance, which are
typically given up to the 50th harmonics, while the lower bound
is typically just limited by the computational performance of
the digital controller being used. Computer simulations on the
gain in power output obtainable by this method, using flat-top
profiles have shown that a 1.25x power increase is achievable
without violating the harmonic emission level allowed the
European Norm on Current Harmonics (IEC 61000-3-2).
Higher power gains are possible with time varying current
modulation strategies, exploiting the higher limit allowed by
the standard for fluctuating harmonics.

II. SIMULATION RESULT Fig. 6: Matlab/Simulink Control Model

Using PSPICE and Matlab simulations, the validity of the
proposed method was confirmed, and several characteristics
were measured and analyzed (Electrical quantities on the
converter, stability of the control loop Harmonic distortion). A
versatile simulation tool has been developed to allow testing

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012

Fig. 7: IH Power-set closed-loop control

Fig. 8: IH Main current-set closed-loop control

Fig. 9: PSPICE model

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012





0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05





0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05




0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05

Line Current


0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05

Fig. 10: Waveform from the simulation using the proposed control method
Line Current






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
x 10
Fig. 11: Waveform from the simulation using the proposed control method



Fig. 12: Comparison of Spectrum obtained with a standard control (red) and the proposed method (blue).

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
x 10

Fig. 13: Line current of a IH converter and Prototype picture

output power achieved with the proposed method was 2680 W
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT with a maximum voltage stress on the switch of 1100V. With
A QR inverter has been used to test the proposed control the standard control, with the same voltage stress constrain, the
scheme (The lab prototype is shown in Fig. 14). A normative output power was 2190 W.
210 mm pot and a 210 mm coil have been used. The test has
been carried out implementing the flat top profile control IV. CONCLUSION
method, obtained by adding the 3rd harmonic to the line current
profile. Measurements have been carried out with a digital In this paper a new control method to increase power
oscilloscope and power analyzer. The switching device was a regulation in a AC/AC quasi resonant converter for high
1200 V, 40 A IGBT with antiparallel diode. A can be seen in efficiency induction cooker has been presented. The proposed
Fig. 13, the line current shows a flat top profile , due to the flat
method is based on a voluntary distortion of the line current,
top profile control. which allows an increase of the power regulation compared to
the standard method.
Experimental measurements show the increase of power
regulation achievable with the use of the proposed method. Fig. The proposed method has been verified trough
15 shows that, using the proposed method, the maximum experimental tests on an induction heating test bench.
available output power is in-creased by more than 20 percent Experimental results confirm the expected benefits of this
over the standard control. The maximum method compared to a standard control: improving power
regulation and achieving a power increases higher than 20
percenta typical domestic induction heating load. The proposed
method does not require any extra hardware components and it
can be implemented directly into the controller of the IH power
Normalized Maximum Power available Standard control versus the new
control method

[ 1,2
a 1
w Standard Control
m New control
i 0,6 method
r 0,2

Control strategy

Fig. 15: Normalized Maximum Power available Standard control

Fig. 14: Prototype picture versus the new control method

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2012

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