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Helping Hands, Anytime

"Get your home sorted with just a few taps - download our online home helper
app today!"

Contact Us:

0423-5923534, 0315-0412479

WhatsApp Number: 0322-1481790
Home Helper Application 2

1 Legitimate Engineering Business Idea ....................................................................................... 5

1.1 Idea Passion of our teammate ................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Brainstorming ........................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Idea Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Protection of Idea ..................................................................................................................... 7

1.4.1 Patents .............................................................................................................................. 7

1.4.2 Utility Patents .................................................................................................................... 8

1.4.3 Design Patents .................................................................................................................. 8

1.4.4 Copyright ........................................................................................................................... 8

1.4.5 Trademark ......................................................................................................................... 8

1.4.6 Trade Secrets .................................................................................................................... 8

1.5 Help from Government Agency ................................................................................................ 8

1.5.1 Intellectual property registration ........................................................................................ 9

1.5.2 Legal assistance................................................................................................................ 9

1.5.3 Education and outreach .................................................................................................... 9

1.5.4 Enforcement actions.......................................................................................................... 9

1.5.5 International cooperation ................................................................................................... 9

2 Product Prototype ........................................................................................................................ 9

2.1.1 Feedback Survey Form ..................................................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Product Size and Market Size Judgment ........................................................................ 14

3 Feasibility Analysis .................................................................................................................... 18

3.1 Product Feasibility Analysis ................................................................................................... 18

3.2 Industry or Target Market Feasibility ...................................................................................... 19

3.3 Organizational Feasibility Analysis......................................................................................... 20

3.4 Financial Feasibility Analysis ................................................................................................. 20

3.4.1 Activity Break Down Diagram (Human Resources Cost): ................................................ 20

3.4.2 Activity Break Down Diagram (Physical Resources Cost): .............................................. 23

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3.4.3 Sales Projection .............................................................................................................. 25

3.4.4 Revenues ........................................................................................................................ 29

3.4.5 Breakeven point .............................................................................................................. 29

3.4.6 Return on investment ...................................................................................................... 30

4 References .................................................................................................................................. 31

List of Figures
Figure 1 Feedback Survey Form ......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 Willing to Pay ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 3 Area of Difficulty .................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 Help Duration ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 5 Effective Cost ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 6 Survey for market.................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 7 Gender .................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 8 Area Recognization............................................................................................................... 17
Figure 9 Product feasibility Analysis ................................................................................................... 19
Figure 10 Target Market Analysis ....................................................................................................... 20
Figure 11 Cost Analysis Diagram For Human resources .................................................................... 23
Figure 12 Cost Analysis Diagram for physical resources .................................................................... 25
Figure 13 Role of online Home-helper Application in different sectors ................................................ 27
Figure 14 Potential Revenue over the years ....................................................................................... 28

List of Tables
Table 1 Ideas developed during Brainstorming ..................................................................................... 6
Table 2 Survey .................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 3 Result of survey for market size judgment ............................................................................. 15
Table 4 Conception of Legitimate Business Idea Table ...................................................................... 21
Table 5 Converting the Legitimate Business Idea to a Viable Product/Service Table ......................... 21
Table 6 Converting the Product/Service into a Business Table .......................................................... 22
Table 7 Turning the Business into a Financially Sustainable Business ............................................... 22
Table 8 Conception of Legitimate Business Idea (Physical Resource Table) ..................................... 23
Table 9 Converting the Legitimate Business Idea to a Viable Product/Service (Physical Resource
Table) .................................................................................................................................................. 23

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Table 10 Converting the Product/Service into a Business (Physical Resource Table) ....................... 24
Table 11 Turning the Business into a Financially Sustainable Business (Physical Resources) .......... 24
Table 12 Sales Projection Table ......................................................................................................... 28

 Tahir Khan (2021-ME-53)
 Muhammad Asher Ud Din Qazi (2021-ME-93)
 Ibrahim Ahmed (2021-ME-94)

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Home Helper Application 5

1 Legitimate Engineering Business Idea

1.1 Idea Passion of our teammate
Our group consists of three members and we have been exploring various business ideas for starting
a new business. After many sessions of discussion, one of our group member Ibrahim identified that
has a particular passion for addressing household services issues. Keeping this in mind, he proposed
the idea of developing a app named “Online Home Helper”. This report discusses the idea, including
the potential market and competitive analysis. The reason for selecting this idea is that there is no such
application in Pakistan that is currently working on the same idea. The purpose of the business is to
develop an online application that provides the services to manage home. It will provide services in
every field regarding the home. For instance, home cleaning services, home care services, babysitting,
laundry services, electricity fixing, plumber services, driving services, lawn management services,
kitchen services, maid providing, security services etc.
People who need assistance in home cleaning can engage themselves in the app and the app provides
part time or full time maid that will manage the cleaning of home. Similarly, if someone needs assistance
in care taking of their old parents or disabled relatives and they are unable to give them time due to
busy schedule, such people can seek assistance from the app. The app will provide person that will
assure care taking. Similarly, if a working women need someone to look after her baby, the app could
be used. Laundry services are also available to wash clothes. If there are some electrical issues, the
app will provide electrician. If there is some issue with piping or sanitary, assistance of plumber could
be taken. If a part time or full time driver is required, then the app will provide trustworthy driver. If
someone wants to fix his lawn, lawn management services can be taken. If someone is having difficulty
in cooking, cooking services are also provided. If someone wants a trusted and expert maid that can
help a house wife in her works, maid can be provided through the app. If someone wants to be secure
and he is afraid of robbers, security guards and cameras can be provided through the app.
In conclusion, the proposed business idea of starting online home helper application is a unique and
promising idea. Keeping in mind all these factors, we decided to develop an app that provides all the
above listed services. It will be launched all over the country. Posh areas and cities in which almost all
persons of the family are busy in jobs or education needs assistance from the apps. Initially, faults
would be examined through the feedback of the users and modification in the app would be time to
time. People can enjoy better services through updating the app 1.

1.2 Brainstorming
Our business idea of developing a one-stop solution app for household services, called Online Home
Helper. So, we go through many points during brainstorming here are some potential business ideas
including our idea which were discussed during brainstorming:

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Home Helper Application 6
Table 1 Ideas developed during Brainstorming
Does it solve a
Does it belong to Does it fill some
specific problem
a specific gap in existing
and if yes what
Idea environmental market? If yes
exactly is the
trend and if yes what exactly is
value you are
which one the gap that it fills
Websites such as olx etc. Exchanging things are not
Online reselling are working with the same encouraged on previously New exchange policy will
initiative thus there is trend existing apps so it will be be introduced
present introduced
Social Media influencers
Each type of printing will Will provide a single
T-shirt printing and other public awareness
be available at a single online platform without
committees uses different
platform according to the demanding the presence of
and unique type of printed
desire of the customer the customer
Providing a trustworthy
No, because no such
Online Home NO. People feel insecure to helper for home
application is present
Management trust an online app management is not
introduced yet
No need to appoint or
Consultants belonging to
People often need search consultant from
any field will be available
consultants to get advice in different websites as all
Online Consulting the areas of life in which
at a single platform and
consultants would be
one can seek them without
they are not expert available at a single
moving to them
Some medicines are
People need instant short in a specific
availability of medicine area. By indulging Assures the
Medical Courier Service in certain conditions wide range of availability of rare
which is assured by pharmacies most of medicines
such services the medicines can be
made available
People belonging to same
Rideshare driving No. because no such
NO. It’s a difficult task and institute can share ride
no one had yet worked on it which is beneficial for both
application is yet
driver and rider made
People working from
home are often
Online business On time delivery will
Drop shipping seeking for an
persons need to assure a good
economical delivery
deliver their product on customer and seller
service that can
time to the customer environment
deliver their product
on time safely
People are searching
for good food in lunch
Quality food is desire
Quality food will be time at overcrowded
Owning a food truck of every bachelor and
provided to persons at hubs. Food trucks can
family person and if
the hubs of offices or drive to such hub and
available at walking
universities provide them with
freshly prepared
hygienic food

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Provide the
Contract based visual companies a chance
employees can to get rid of highly paid
Online Bookkeeping No. Companies are
manage the work accountants and on
interested in hiring an
without occupying a the other hand also
employee physically
system and would provide easy and
prove less costly comfortable jobs to
visual accountants

1.3 Idea Foundation

The reason for selecting this idea is that there is no such application in Pakistan that is currently working
on the same idea. The purpose of the business is to develop an online application that provides the
services to manage home. Another main reason behind the idea are the working people who are too
much engaged in their business and jobs that they have no time to manage their home. Moreover,
there are a huge amount of people that need assistance to take care of their parents because they are
busy in their work. The most important reason is that people need a trustworthy person to allow him to
enter their home. They people that are engaged in the app will be secure and their background will be
known. Moreover, an assurance certificate attested from the security department will be taken from
them before engaging them in the company. After considering the various factors, we have decided to
create an all-in-one household services app called "Home Helper". The app will offer a wide range of
services, including cleaning, laundry, gardening, cooking, driving, security, and home repairs. It aims
to cater to busy individuals who struggle to manage their household chores due to their busy schedules.
The app will provide access to a variety of service providers with verified profiles and ratings to ensure
high quality and reliable services. It will also feature an easy payment system, customer support, and
a feedback mechanism to continuously improve the user experience.
Our plan is to launch the app across the country, focusing initially on posh areas and cities where
people have busy lifestyles. We will use user feedback to identify any issues and make regular updates
to the app to ensure it provides the best possible experience for our customers.

1.4 Protection of Idea

Human develops business idea which is basically its product and it has value in market. The most
important factor is the protection of a business idea which is developed. It can be protected through
patents, copyrights, trademarks, logos, trade secrets. So our business idea which is online home helper
is protected on the basis of following factors:

1.4.1 Patents
Patents are most frequently used to protect inventions. With a patent, you have the right to take legal
action against anyone who uses or sells your inventions without your permission. To get a patent you

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Home Helper Application 8

must have an invention that is new not a modification, so check thoroughly before you apply for a
patent. There are two types of patents: utility patents and design patents.

1.4.2 Utility Patents

It may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of
manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement.

1.4.3 Design Patents

It may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of
manufacture. In general, a design patent is obtained for the aesthetically appealing features of a
product. It gives the owner the right to prevent others from making, using, or selling a product that so
resembles the patented product that an “ordinary observer” might purchase the infringing article,
thinking it was the patented product. An example of a famous design patent is Coca-Cola’s unique
bottle shape2.

1.4.4 Copyright
Copyright protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works,
such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect
facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are

1.4.5 Trademark
A trademark is a word, phrase, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods of one business
from its competitors. A right in a trademark is acquired by use, but registration with U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO) makes it easier to enforce such right.

1.4.6 Trade Secrets

Trade secrets are a specific form of confidential information that is commercially valuable, treated as
secret (or known to a small group of people) and gives the owner a competitive advantage.
Probably the most famous examples are the recipes for Coca-Cola and KFC. However, trade secrets
include innovative technologies, secret formulas, technical know-how, source codes, algorithms, sales
methods, manufacturing processes, and customer records.

1.5 Help from Government Agency

There are several ways that a government agency can help protect our app idea. Here are a few

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Home Helper Application 9

1.5.1 Intellectual property registration

Many countries have government agencies responsible for registering and enforcing intellectual
property rights, such as patents and trademarks. You can file an application for a patent or trademark
with these agencies, and if granted, you can enforce your rights against anyone who infringes on your
intellectual property.

1.5.2 Legal assistance

In some cases, government agencies may offer legal assistance to help you protect your intellectual
property rights. For example, they may offer advice on how to file a patent or trademark application, or
they may provide legal representation in court if your intellectual property rights have been infringed 3.

1.5.3 Education and outreach

Some government agencies may offer educational programs and outreach efforts to help individuals
and businesses understand the importance of protecting their intellectual property rights. This may
include workshops, seminars, and other resources that can help you learn more about the legal and
practical aspects of intellectual property protection.

1.5.4 Enforcement actions

In cases where your intellectual property rights have been infringed, government agencies may take
enforcement actions on your behalf. This may include seizing counterfeit products or taking legal action
against infringing parties.

1.5.5 International cooperation

In cases where your intellectual property rights are being infringed in other countries, government
agencies may work with international partners to help protect your rights. This may include coordinating
with foreign law enforcement agencies, engaging in diplomatic efforts, or participating in international
trade agreements that protect intellectual property rights.

2 Product Prototype
We have created a basic prototype of our Home Helper app that includes the following features:
 Home screen with options to select services
 Service provider profiles with ratings and reviews
 Booking system with available time slots
 Payment gateway
 Feedback mechanism
We will be sending this prototype to a select group of customers along with our concept statement to
gather their feedback.

2.1.1 Feedback Survey Form

We have designed a feedback survey form that includes the following questions 4:

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Figure 1 Feedback Survey Form

The above form was sent to people around us and their opinions were noted. The results obtained
through the survey are presented in the spreadsheet below;

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 11
Table 2 Survey4
Do you
Have you How often How What is the use
What are Do you what
ever hired a do you much most some
the use any Would you duration
professional experience would important other
household tools or be willing to you
cleaner or difficulties you factor to apps or
Time chores that apps to pay for an would
helper to in be you when it services
stamp you find manage online home want to
assist with managing willing comes to an to
most your helper have
your your to pay online home manage
challenging household application? helper
household household per helper your
to do? chores? with
chores? chores? hour? application? daily
2/20/2023 3-5
Cleaning No Yes Often Yes 70-80 All of these No
21:23:38 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning No Yes Rarely No 100+ All of these No
21:28:34 hours
2/20/2023 Lawn 3-5
Yes No Often Yes 70-80 Ease of use Yes
21:29:14 management hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cooking Maybe Yes Rarely No 50-60 All of these No
21:29:29 hours
2/20/2023 3-5
Cleaning No Yes Rarely No 50-60 All of these No
21:30:22 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning Maybe No Rarely Yes 50-60 All of these No
21:30:57 hours
2/20/2023 Lawn 3-5
Yes Yes Often Yes 70-80 All of these Yes
21:31:29 management hours
2/20/2023 3-5
Others Maybe No Rarely Yes 70-80 All of these No
21:32:04 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning Yes Yes Rarely No 50-60 Ease of use No
21:32:42 hours
Others Yes Yes Rarely Maybe 24 hours 50-60 All of these No
2/20/2023 1-2
Cooking No Yes Often Yes 50-60 All of these No
21:38:51 hours
Cleaning Maybe Yes Often No 24 hours 70-80 All of these No
2/20/2023 6-12
Cleaning No No Often Yes 80-100 All of these No
21:44:03 hours
Cooking No Yes Often Maybe 24 hours 50-60 Ease of use Yes
Cleaning No No Never Yes 24 hours 50-60 All of these No
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning No Maybe Often Yes 100+ Features No
22:14:24 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning No No Often Yes 100+ Ease of use No
22:27:02 hours
Cleaning Yes No Often No 24 hours 50-60 All of these No
2/20/2023 3-5
Cooking Yes Yes Often Maybe 50-60 All of these Maybe
22:58:44 hours
2/20/2023 3-5
Cleaning Yes Yes Often No 70-80 All of these Maybe
23:18:56 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning Yes Yes Often Yes 80-100 All of these No
23:30:32 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cooking No Yes Often No 50-60 All of these No
23:40:14 hours
2/20/2023 1-2
Cleaning Yes No Rarely Yes 70-80 Ease of use No
23:56:08 hours
2/21/2023 1-2
Cleaning Maybe Yes Rarely Maybe 100+ All of these No
0:12:25 hours
2/21/2023 Lawn 3-5
No Yes Often Yes 50-60 All of these Maybe
0:45:29 management hours

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2/21/2023 3-5
Cleaning Yes Yes Rarely Yes 80-100 All of these Maybe
8:30:31 hours

The major results were also shown by plotting pie charts and bar graphs. Following is a pie chart that
show the eagerness of people to pay to a online home helper application;

Willing to Pay

yes no may be

Figure 2 Willing to Pay

From the chart it is clear that a large percentage of people are ready to pay an online home helper app.
The blue portion in the chart represents the people who ticked yes in the survey when were asked that
they are willing to pay or not. The following graph the area of difficulty in which people need assistance;

Area of Difficulty

Cleaning Cooking Lawn Management Others

Figure 3 Area of Difficulty

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Home Helper Application 13

From the chart it is clear that most of the people need assistance in cleaning. A moderate percentage
of people also need assistance in cooking. So, in this way we are having a clear focus on the field I
which we have to work hard to provide better assistance. Following is a bar graph that shows the
response of people for the time duration of helper.

Duration of Help


1-2 hour 3-5 hours 6-12 hours 24 hours

Figure 4 Help Duration

From the graph we can see that most of the people are interested in having a helper with them for 3 to
5 hours of the day. But the difference in result for all options is not much enough. So, we have to focus
on all aspects. Finally, the most importantly, the cost per hour for the assistance of helper5.

Effective Cost


50-60 70-80 80-100 100+

Figure 5 Effective Cost

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Home Helper Application 14

People are willing to pay every range of cost when we ensure them best service. However, most of
the people are interested in less cost. Suggestions
 Easy login procedure
 Zoom call by helper
 The helpers age and its qualifications and their experiences should be up to the mark
 Smooth and user-friendly interface
 Helper should be honest and punctual
 Should not take interest in our personal matters
 A feature that enables the user to hire a professional helper for a longer period of time
 Helper should be professional
 Add longer duration contract option

2.1.2 Product Size and Market Size Judgment

We conducted another survey to judge our market size a product demand. We have added the following
questions in our survey;

Figure 6 Survey for market

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Home Helper Application 15

The results and response we get for this survey is shown in the excel spreadsheet below:
Table 3 Result of survey for market size judgment
Do you
Is there any
How What is the feel
What is From difficulty
What is What What is likely are main secure
Time your which area that
your is your your you to reason for to hire
stamp monthly do you prevents
gender? age? occupation? use our using this an
income? belong? you from
app? app? online
using app?
11:45:40 20-29 To save
not to Teacher 40-80 K Other Yes No
pm Years time
To get
20-29 assistance
6:34:59 am Male Student 1-40 K Very likely Other Yes No
Years with home-
related tasks
20-29 Cost
6:36:03 am Male Student 1-40 K Very likely Posh Area Yes No
Years effective
7:20:49 am Female Teacher 80-120 K Very likely Convenience Posh Area Maybe No
2023/02/21 Prefer
20-29 Somewhat Small
7:21:40 am not to Student 1-40 K To save time Maybe No
Years likely village/town
GMT+5 say
20-29 Somewhat To access
7:31:05 am Female Student 1-40 K Other Maybe Yes
Years unlikely services
20-29 Somewhat Small
7:31:11 am Female Student 1-40 K Convenience Yes No
Years likely village/town
To get
20-29 Somewhat assistance
7:37:44 am Female Student Other Maybe Yes
Years likely with home-
related tasks
20-29 Somewhat To access Small
7:55:06 am Female Student 1-40 K No Yes
Years likely services village/town
20-29 Very To access
8:04:07 am Female Student 1-40 K Other Maybe No
Years unlikely services
8:04:19 am Female Student 1-40 K Very likely To save time Other Yes No
20-29 To access Small
8:06:30 am Female Student 40-80 K Very likely No No
Years services village/town
20-29 Very
8:45:05 am Female Student 1-40 K Convenience Posh Area Yes No
Years unlikely
9:00:32 am Male Student 1-40 K Very likely To save time Posh Area Maybe No
20-29 Very
9:17:48 am Male Student 1-40 K To save time Posh Area Yes Yes
Years unlikely
To get
20-29 assistance
9:38:47 am Male Student 1-40 K Very likely Other Yes No
Years with home-
related tasks

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 16
20-29 Somewhat Small
9:39:46 am Male Student 40-80 K To save time Maybe Yes
Years likely village/town
To get
20-29 assistance
9:40:43 am Male Student 40-80 K Very likely Posh Area Yes Yes
Years with home-
related tasks
20-29 Small
9:41:13 am Male Student 1-40 K Very likely To save time Yes No
Years village/town
To get
20-29 assistance
9:42:08 am Male Student 80-120 K Very likely Posh Area Yes No
Years with home-
related tasks
10:09:26 20-29 Somewhat Cost
Male Student 1-40 K Posh Area Yes No
am Years likely effective
2023/02/21 To get
10:16:38 20-29 assistance
Male Student 1-40 K Very likely Other Maybe No
am Years with home-
GMT+5 related tasks
10:17:56 20-29
Male Student 1-40 K Very likely To save time Posh Area Maybe No
am Years
2023/02/21 To get
10:19:06 20-29 assistance Small
Male Student Very likely Yes Yes
am Years with home- village/town
GMT+5 related tasks
2023/02/21 To get
10:19:24 20-29 assistance Small
Male Student 1-40 K Very likely Yes No
am Years with home- village/town
GMT+5 related tasks
10:19:52 20-29 Small
Male Student than 150 Very likely To save time Yes No
am Years village/town
10:19:54 20-29 Very To access
Male Student 1-40 K Other Maybe Yes
am Years unlikely services
Prefer More
10:20:26 20-29
not to Student than 150 Very likely Convenience Posh Area Yes Yes
am Years
say k
2023/02/21 To get
10:20:46 20-29 assistance Small
Male Student 40-80 K Very likely Yes No
am Years with home- village/town
GMT+5 related tasks
10:21:25 20-29 Somewhat
Male Student 1-40 K To save time Other Yes Yes
am Years likely
2023/02/21 To get
10:42:46 20-29 assistance
Male Student 1-40 K Very likely Other Maybe Yes
am Years with home-
GMT+5 related tasks

Some graphs and charts were plotted to highlight the main results which are shown below

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Home Helper Application 17


male female not prefer

Figure 7 Gender

So from this chart we can made our vision that our customer is from both the gender. There is no
gender distinction. The following graph tells us our area of customer.

Area Recognization

posh area small village average society

Figure 8 Area Recognization Suggestions
 The helper provided should be secure and expert in their work
 Make the app login procedure in assistance with other social media accounts
 User Friendly Interface
 The helper should be expert in their work
 Make it more easier to use

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Home Helper Application 18

 As I will be using this kind of service for the first time so I am not sure that will it be safe or not?
That is the only thing bothering me. You can include something in your app which assures that
this service is safe to use for example approval of tour business from a recognized government
security sector etc.

3 Feasibility Analysis
Feasibility analysis is a process of evaluating the viability and potential success of a proposed project
or business venture. It involves analyzing various factors such as market demand, competition, financial
viability, technical feasibility, legal and regulatory requirements, and environmental and social impact.
The aim of feasibility analysis is to determine whether the project is feasible and whether it is worth
investing time, effort, and resources.

3.1 Product Feasibility Analysis

Product feasibility analysis is an essential process that helps determine whether a product is viable or
not. The market for our app is promising, as there is currently no such application in Pakistan that offers
similar services. The increasing number of working professionals and busy households in Pakistan
means that there is a growing demand for the services we offer. The app's ability to provide trusted and
reliable service providers also sets it apart from other similar apps.
Our app's technical feasibility depend on the quality of the development team and resources available
to them. The app need to be user-friendly and responsive, with an efficient payment and booking
system. It also require a reliable database to store user and service provider information.
The financial feasibility of our app depend on the revenue generation potential and the costs of
development and maintenance. To generate revenue, we need to charge a commission on the services
provided through the app. The costs associated with app development and maintenance, such as
salaries, infrastructure, marketing, and maintenance costs, need to be considered.
The operational feasibility of our app depend on the ability to efficiently manage the services provided
through the app, including service provider verification, payment, customer support, and feedback
mechanisms. An effective customer support system required to ensure user satisfaction, and the
feedback mechanism need to be utilized to continuously improve the app's performance.
Legal feasibility depend on the legal requirements and regulations surrounding the services provided
through the app. We need to ensure that service providers are registered and authorized to provide the
services they offer. We also need to ensure that we are complying with relevant laws and regulations
regarding data protection and privacy. In this regard we conducted a survey the result of survey shows

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 19

Effective Cost


50-60 70-80 80-100 100+

Figure 9 Product feasibility Analysis

People are willing to pay every range of cost when we ensure them best service. However, most of
the people are interested in less cost6.

3.2 Industry or Target Market Feasibility

The household services industry is rapidly growing as more people have busy lifestyles and seek
convenience in managing their homes. The Home Helper app has the potential to be successful in
Pakistan's market, as it offers a one-stop solution for a variety of household chores, which is not
currently offered by any other app.
The app's target market would be working professionals, families with young children or elderly
relatives, and individuals who want to outsource their household chores. The app would appeal to those
who value convenience, efficiency, and quality services, and are willing to pay for it. Moreover, the
app's security features would appeal to people who prioritize safety and reliability.
There is a potential for high demand in posh areas and cities where people have busy lifestyles and
disposable income to spend on such services. However, the app may face challenges in less developed
areas where people may not have access to mobile devices or internet connectivity.
The success of the Home Helper app would depend on various factors, including effective marketing
strategies to attract potential users, the ability to provide reliable and high-quality services, and
competitive pricing. The app's ability to handle user feedback and continuously improve its services
would also be critical to its success.
Overall, the Home Helper app has the potential to be successful in Pakistan's market, provided it
addresses the specific needs and preferences of its target market, and ensures the quality and reliability
of its services.

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Home Helper Application 20

Area Recognization

posh area small village average society

Figure 10 Target Market Analysis

This graph shows that many people from average societies are more interested than posh areas so our
two main markets of app are posh areas and average society7.

3.3 Organizational Feasibility Analysis

Our app seems to have a good potential market, as there is a growing trend of people leading busy
lifestyles and struggling to manage their household chores. Additionally, the absence of a similar app
in Pakistan gives you an edge in the market.
Developing a multi-service app like ours would require a considerable investment of time, resources,
and skilled personnel. It require a team of developers, designers, quality assurance, and support staff.
However, with the right technology stack and cloud infrastructure, the app can be developed with ease.
Our app is expected to generate revenue by charging a commission fee on each service provided. The
financial feasibility of the app depends on the demand for its services and the cost of developing and
marketing the app. An initial investment in marketing and promotional activities may be required to
make the app popular among users.
Our app's success depend on how well it can handle the user's demand for services and manage
service providers' availability. It will require a smooth workflow, timely payment processing, and a
dedicated support team to handle any issues that may arise 8.

3.4 Financial Feasibility Analysis

3.4.1 Activity Break Down Diagram (Human Resources Cost):
The Activity Breakdown Diagram is a valuable tool for breaking down complex projects or objectives
into smaller, more manageable activities. By doing so, it provides a visual representation of the various
tasks needed to accomplish a specific business goal, enabling project teams and managers to focus
on critical areas and allocate resources efficiently. This structured approach to project management
assists managers in tracking project timelines, resources, and budgets, ensuring that projects stay

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 21

within scope and budget. It also ensures that each team member comprehends their responsibilities
and the particular tasks they must complete to achieve the project's overarching goals.
The Activity Breakdown Diagram enables businesses to identify potential roadblocks or issues that may
arise during a project, allowing them to plan contingencies proactively. By identifying critical path
activities and dependencies, businesses can prioritize tasks and allocate resources accordingly,
optimizing resource usage and ensuring that projects are completed within the given time frame.
Overall, the Activity Breakdown Diagram is a useful tool for businesses looking to achieve their goals
by effectively planning and managing projects. It assists teams in identifying key activities, allocating
resources, tracking progress, and managing budgets, ultimately ensuring project success9. Total cash required sheet:
Table 4 Conception of Legitimate Business Idea Table10
ACTIVITIES e Prec Human Cost
hrs./ Weeks
eden Resource of Total Physica Cost of
23/03/ 30/03 week required
ce Required human l Physica
23 /
Resour Resourc l
Conception ce e Resour
of Require ce
Legitimate d
Business Online
Observation 5hrs/ $ $
Idea 11:00 1:30 2 Group 2 weeks 5/hour and
of trends week 5 -
4hrs/ $ $
Idea Incubation 1:30 3:55 2 Group week 2 weeks 5/hour 40 Internet -
Idea 10hrs/ $
3:55 6:00 1 Patents week 10 weeks 10/hour 3,800 Filing 250-350

Table 5 Converting the Legitimate Business Idea to a Viable Product/Service Table 11

Start End
time Tim
MODULES e Human Cost
hrs./ Weeks E
Resource of total
wee require SUFFICIEN
Required human
k d CY
Physic Cost of
23/02/ 30/02/ rce
al Physica
23 23
Resou l
rce Resourc
Requi e
Concept 5hrs/ $ $
statement 11:00 1:30 1 1 Person week 1 weeks 5/hou 50.00 comput 500.00
r er
Convertin 4hrs/ $ $
Prototype 1:30 3:55 2 group week 1 weeks 5/hou 40.00 comput 500.00
g the r er
Legitimate Market 3hrs $ WBS/G $
Business 3:55 6:00 3 Group 1 weeks 10/ho
segmenta / 90.00 rid 100.0
Idea to a ur
tion wee Analys 0
Viable k is
ervice Segmen 2hrs Comp $
2:00 4:00 4 2 Persons 1 weeks 5/hou 180.0
t specific / uter -
r 0
survey wee Webs
k ite

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 22
5hrs/ $ Survey $
Feedback 1:00 3:00 5 Group week 1 weeks 5/hou 70.00 forms -
8hrs and $
Data 5:00 7:00 6 Group 1 weeks 5/hou 550.0
/ physica 50.0
analysis r 0
wee l 0
k Dat
Improveme online
nts in the 1hrs $ and $
7:00 9:00 7 Group 1 weeks 5/hou
porotype / 35.00 physica 50.0
based on wee l Data 0
findings k collect

Table 6 Converting the Product/Service into a Business Table12

Start End
time Time RESOURCE
ACTIVITIES Precedence Human Cost of
Resource human total
week required Physical Cost of
25/02/ 28/02/ Required Resource
Resource Physical
23 23
Required Resource
Production Advertise 15hrs/w $
Converting 11:00 1:30 3 12 weeks 5/hour 900.0 nill
facility ment eek -
the Product/ 0
Service into a Arranging raw $ computer
11hrs/w $
Business materials/ 1:30 3:55 1 1 Person 2 weeks 5/hour 110.0 and
eek 1,000.00
supplies 0 Software
3hrs/we $ $
Sales/marketing 3:55 6:00 2 1 Person 3 weeks 5/hour Computer
ek 45.00 500.00

Table 7 Turning the Business into a Financially Sustainable Business13

Start End
time Time Human RESOURCE
hrs./ Weeks
e human total
week required Physical Cost of
23/03/ 28/03/ Require Resource
Resource Physical
23 23 d
Required Resource
15hrs/w $ Free $
Sales 11:00 1:30 3 Group 6Months 5/hour
eek 5,700 Lancing -
11hrs/w $ $
Marketing 1:30 3:55 1 g 6Months 2/hour Nill
eek 2,260 -
Turning the Agency
Business into Production Remote 40hrs/w $ Modern $
3:55 6:00 2 6Months 5/hour
a Financially optimization workers eek 3,335 Equipment 1,500.00
Sustainable $
40hrs/w $
Business Cost reductions 4:00 6:00 5 Group 6Months 2/hour 14,44 None
eek -
Quality Software 4hrs/we $ 20-
4:30 7:00 4 6Months 5/hour and
enhancement provider ek 192 50/Design
5hrs/we $ $
Accounting 5:55 7:30 6 Group 6Months 5/hour and
ek 1,800 -
Financial 20hrs/w $ $
Finance 6:50 8:00 7 6Months 10/hour and
Analyst eek 3,600 -
Total 78,500.00

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 23 Total Human Resources Cost

From the above cost sheet, the activity breaks down diagram for human resources is shown below:

Figure 11 Cost Analysis Diagram For Human resources

3.4.2 Activity Break Down Diagram (Physical Resources Cost):
Table 8 Conception of Legitimate Business Idea (Physical Resource Table)14
ACTIVITIES Precedence Human Cost of
hrs./ Weeks
Resource human Total Physical Cost of
23/03/ 30/03/ week required
Required Resource Resource Physical
23 23
Required Resource
Conception Online and
Observation of 5hrs/ $ $
of Legitimate 11:00 1:30 2 Group 2 weeks 5/hour physical
trends week 50 -
Business resources
Idea 4hrs/ $ $
Idea Incubation 1:30 3:55 2 Group 2 weeks 5/hour Internet
week 40 -
Idea Protection 10hrs/ $
3:55 6:00 1 Patents 10 weeks 10/hour Filing 250-350
Strategy week 3,800
Table 9 Converting the Legitimate Business Idea to a Viable Product/Service (Physical Resource Table)15
Star End
MODULES time e Human Cost of
hrs./ Weeks total SUFFICIENC
Resourc human Y
wee require
e Resourc Physica Cost
23/02 30/02 k d
Require e l of
/ / d Resourc Physica
23 23
e l
Required Resource
Convertin Concept 5hrs/ $ $
statement 11:00 1:30 1 1 Person week 1 weeks 5/hour 50.00 computer 500.00

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 24
g the 4hrs/ $ $
Prototype 1:30 3:55 2 group week 1 weeks 5/hour 40.00 computer 500.00
e Business Market 3hrs/ $ WBS/Grid $
segmentation 3:55 6:00 3 Group week 1 weeks 10/hou 90.00 Analysis 100.00
Idea to a r

Product/Ser Segment 2hrs $ Compute $

v ice specific 2:00 4:00 4 2 / 1 weeks 5/hour 180.0 r -
Persons 0
survey wee Website
5hrs/ $ Survey $
Feedback 1:00 3:00 5 Group week 1 weeks 5/hour 70.00 forms -
$ online
Data analysis 5:00 7:00 6 Group 8hrs 1 weeks 5/hour 550.0 and $
/ 0 physical 50.0
wee Data 0
k collect
Improvement online
s in the 7:00 9:00 7 Group 1hrs 1 weeks 5/hour $ and $
porotype / 35.0 physical 50.0
based on wee 0 Data 0
findings k collect

Table 10 Converting the Product/Service into a Business (Physical Resource Table)

Start End
time Time RESOURCE
ACTIVITIES Precedence Human Cost of
Resource human total
week required Physical Cost of
25/02/ 28/02/ Required Resource
Resource Physical
23 23
Required Resource
Production Advertise 15hrs/w $
Converting 11:00 1:30 3 12 weeks 5/hour 900.0 nill
facility ment eek -
the Product/ 0
Service into a Arranging raw $ computer
11hrs/w $
Business materials/ 1:30 3:55 1 1 Person 2 weeks 5/hour 110.0 and
eek 1,000.00
supplies 0 Software
3hrs/we $ $
Sales/marketing 3:55 6:00 2 1 Person 3 weeks 5/hour Computer
ek 45.00 500.00

Table 11 Turning the Business into a Financially Sustainable Business (Physical Resources)16
Start End
time Time Human RESOURCE
hrs./ Weeks
e human total
week required Physical Cost of
23/03/ 28/03/ Require Resource
Resource Physical
23 23 d
Required Resource
15hrs/ $ Free $
Sales 11:00 1:30 3 Group 6Months 5/hour
week 5,700 Lancing -
11hrs/ $ $
Marketing 1:30 3:55 1 g 6Months 2/hour Nill
week 2,260 -
Turning the Agency
Business into Production Remote 40hrs/ $ Modern $
3:55 6:00 2 6Months 5/hour
a Financially optimization workers week 3,335 Equipment 1,500.00
Sustainable $
40hrs/ $
Business Cost reductions 4:00 6:00 5 Group 6Months 2/hour 14,44 None
week -
Quality Software 4hrs/ $ 20-
4:30 7:00 4 6Months 5/hour and
enhancement provider week 192 50/Design

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 25
5hrs/ $ $
Accounting 5:55 7:30 6 Group 6Months 5/hour and
week 1,800 -
Financial 20hrs/ $ $
Finance 6:50 8:00 7 6Months 10/hour and
Analyst week 3,600 -
Total 78,500.00

Figure 12 Cost Analysis Diagram for physical resources

3.4.3 Sales Projection
A sales projection is a prediction of the expected sales revenue of a business over a specified period
of time. It is an essential component of a business plan because it helps the business owner or
management team estimate how much revenue they can expect to generate and plan accordingly for
future growth.
It takes into consideration a variety of factors, including past sales data, market trends, industry
analysis, and the overall economic climate. It may be based on historical data, market research, or a
combination of both. It is usually broken down into specific time periods, such as months, quarters, or
years, depending on the needs of the business. It may also include different product lines or geographic
regions, depending on the complexity of the business. A sales projection is important because it helps

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 26

a business plan for future growth and set realistic goals. It can also help a business identify potential
problems and take proactive steps to address them before they become major issues.
Here are a few more things to keep in mind about sales projection:

 Sales projection is not an exact science. There are many variables that can impact sales.
Unexpected market changes, new competitors, and shifts in consumer behavior can all impact
 Accuracy is important. While sales projection is not exact, it's important to strive for accuracy as
much as possible. This will help you make informed decisions about hiring, inventory, marketing,
and other areas of your business.
 Sales projection can help you plan for growth. By understanding your expected sales revenue,
you can plan for future growth, including hiring additional staff, investing in new products or
services, and expanding your marketing efforts.
 It's important to update your sales projection regularly. It should not be a static document.
Instead, you should update it regularly based on actual sales data, changes in the market, and
other factors that impact your business.
Different businesses require different sales projection methods. There is no one-size-fits-all approach
to sales forecasting. Depending on the type of business you have, you may need to use different
methods to forecast sales, such as regression analysis, trend analysis, or customer surveys17. Sales Projection for Online Home-helper Application
The online home helper application market is predicted to experience significant growth in the upcoming
years, primarily due to the surge in smart home adoption and the widespread use of IoT devices.
Statista's report projects the global smart home market to reach a substantial market size of USD 13.5
billion by 2027, with an anticipated CAGR of 11.6% from 2023 to 2027.
Our target market for the online home helper application comprises households with elderly or disabled
family members who require assistance with their daily tasks. Allied Market Research's study shows
that the global home healthcare market, which includes our target audience, was worth USD 28.18
billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2021 to 2028. This growth is largely
attributed to the aging population, offering us a lucrative opportunity to serve this growing market by
providing valuable support to those in need. Online home helper application can play its role in different
sectors according to its demand:
 Individual households
 Small businesses
 Healthcare facilities
 Education institutions
Helping hands, anytime.
Home Helper Application 27

 Government offices
 Large corporations
Following is a pie-chart showing the percentage of role played by the application in different sectors:

Role in Sectors




Individual households Small businesses Healthcare facilities

Education institutions Government offices Large corporations

Figure 13 Role of online Home-helper Application in different sectors

market size for our app is USD 121.4 million, capturing 0.12% of the market initially would result in
potential revenue of:

Revenue for the first year = 0.12% * USD 121.4 million = USD 145,680

To calculate the potential revenue for the next 5 years, we need to take into account the increase in
market capture and market size18.
Assuming that the market size increases by 5% each year and the market capture increases by 0.1%
each year, the potential revenue for the next 5 years would be:
 Year 1: USD 145,680 (0.12% market capture)
 Year 2: USD 349,795 (0.22% market capture, 5% market size increase)
 Year 3: USD 594,966 (0.32% market capture, 10% market size increase)
 Year 4: USD 906,738 (0.42% market capture, 15% market size increase)
 Year 5: USD 1,309,395 (0.52% market capture, 20% market size increase)

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 28

Table 12 Sales Projection Table

conservative Total market Market share
Year revenue
growth rate(%) size(USD) captured (%)

1st - 10.5 billion 0.12% USD 145,680

2nd 5% 11.03 billion 0.22% USD 349,795

3rd 5% 11.58 billion 0.32% USD 594,966

4th 5% 12.16 billion 0.42% USD 906,738

5th 5% 12.77 billion 0.52%

Potential revenue (USD)






200,000 349,795
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Figure 14 Potential Revenue over the years

It is important to note that these sales forecasts are based on several assumptions and market
conditions can fluctuate, leading to variations in actual sales figures. However, these estimates can
provide a rough idea of the potential market size and revenue for our predictive maintenance service
in the manufacturing sector19.

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 29

3.4.4 Revenues
To calculate the revenue of our "Online Home Helper Application," we need to estimate the number of
customers who will use the app and the average amount they will pay for each service. Here are the
steps we can follow:
 Estimate the potential customer base:
Conduct market research to estimate the demand for our services, the size of the target market,
and the number of potential customers who may use your app.
 Determine the pricing strategy:
Decide on the pricing strategy for our services. We can charge a fixed price for each service,
offer package deals, or charge a commission on each booking.
 Estimate the number of bookings:
Based on our market research and pricing strategy, estimate the number of bookings we expect
to receive per day, week, or month.
 Calculate the average revenue per booking:
Multiply the estimated number of bookings by the average amount we expect customers to pay
for each service.
 Calculate the monthly revenue:
Multiply the average revenue per booking by the estimated number of bookings per month.

For example, if we estimate that we will receive 500 bookings per month, with an average payment of
$50 per booking, our monthly revenue will be:
500 x $50 = $25,000
Remember that our revenue will be affected by various factors such as competition, marketing efforts,
customer satisfaction, and seasonal fluctuations. So, it's essential to keep track of our revenue and
adjust pricing and marketing strategies accordingly20.

3.4.5 Breakeven point

To conduct a break-even analysis for the online home helper application business, we need to
determine the level of revenue that would be required to cover all the fixed and variable costs of the
business and result in a profit before tax (PBT) of zero7. The break-even point (BEP) can be calculated
using the following formula:
BEP = Fixed Costs / (Price per Service - Variable Costs per Service)
Assuming that the online home helper application has fixed costs of USD 1 million per year and variable
costs of USD 100 per service provided, and that the average price per service is USD 200 (as we
assumed earlier), we can calculate the BEP as follows:

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 30

BEP = USD 1 million / (USD 200 - USD 100)

BEP = 10,000 services
Therefore, the online home helper application business would need to provide at least 10,000 services
to break even, which would generate a total revenue of USD 2 million per year. This revenue would
cover the fixed costs of USD 1 million and the variable costs of USD 1 million (i.e., USD 100 x 10,000
services), resulting in a PBT of zero. To calculate the BEP in terms of profit after tax (PAT), we can use
the following formula:
BEP (in terms of PAT) = (Fixed Costs + (PAT / (1 - tax rate))) / (Price per Service - Variable
Costs per Service)

Using the fixed costs of USD 1 million, the PAT of USD 390,000 that we calculated earlier, the tax rate
of 21%, the average price per service of USD 200, and the variable costs per service of USD 100, we
BEP (in terms of PAT) = (USD 1 million + (USD 390,000 / (1 - 0.21))) / (USD 200 - USD 100)
BEP (in terms of PAT) = 13,905 services
Therefore, the online home helper application business would need to provide at least 13,905 services
(rounded up to the nearest whole number) to break even in terms of profit after tax, which would
generate a total revenue of USD 2.781 million per year. This revenue would cover the fixed costs of
USD 1 million, the variable costs of USD 1.3905 million (i.e., USD 100 x 13,905 services), and the tax
expense of USD 741,900 (i.e., USD 390,000 x 0.21), resulting in a PAT of zero 21.

3.4.6 Return on investment

The formula to calculate return on investment (ROI) is:
ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment
ROI is a measure of the profit or loss that is generated on an investment relative to the initial investment.
To calculate ROI, we need to determine the total gain or loss that has been generated by the investment
and subtract the initial cost of the investment. Then divide this result by the initial cost of the investment.
ROI can be expressed as a percentage or a decimal value. A positive ROI indicates that the investment
generated a profit, while a negative ROI indicates that the investment resulted in a loss.
This formula could be used in the context of an online home helper application. When launching this
business idea, we need to make certain investments, such as website development, marketing, salaries
for employees, and other overhead costs. After the application is launched, we would start generating
To determine whether our business is profitable, we would need to calculate the ROI by comparing the
total gain from the application to the total cost of investment. We could also use ROI to compare the

Helping hands, anytime.

Home Helper Application 31

effectiveness of different marketing strategies or to evaluate the performance of various features within
the application.
In summary, ROI is a useful tool for measuring the profitability of investments, and it can be applied to
any business venture, including an online home helper application22.

4 References
1. Business Idea: Sources and Criteria for a Good Idea - Penpoin. Accessed January 24, 2023. to generate better ideas for your business - MaRS Discovery
2. District. Accessed January 24, 2023.
3. Business Plan: What It Is, What’s Included, and How To Write One. Accessed January 24, 2023.
4. Important Components of an Effective Business Plan | Accessed January 24,
5. What is a Business Model with Types and Examples. Accessed January 24, 2023.
17. Financial Services
20. Accessed March 7, 2023.
22. Statista. (2021). Smart home market size

Helping hands, anytime.

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