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a order 2010 wodor eof uido SMO SSL Geter Spy : 3 woodfl } [Quigg wAs@uedrsi : 300 Sands qrong uplersiiecpest Speed Bee KouenoTs Lg dseys poo padlu siplajeay set 10. 1. 12, soi] Bier olang Cerguy HE Cogopauw ss vsspog)s GavairGereng. Epita; Vpm med Crngdio Aarg@srelaus Poseoug sokeraefiurent aap camps Cogeapaus Jnéos ony. AAMPASTELEOUs Mpsehugurer Goins sckareaiiureh Kose Guopa cr Cuogunpder anguosas sceurs AS\sgs Binds CaeOd. spdnier Caciaarse ceruclisap Ogm sso. Dbe aeons Qsrecy 200 SHerrsaaerd GanainVetongs. shor AerssesGd Seoussoid, cher Serseepb sourer wAiGuakrac Garam ona. AMSEBoOLU Uflo| TaitOGR Opi vsbéler mg Gnd crawls siphGaan senvigcter Br bee Bhsct a Epp CarcinGid. aun ceogud Sarg OprEnIs eps ong. eaLamss EHS aL cor, Se serc Ga rkserhe sabreoreniunenrd sahurog BILUOD. Ser.sprefler ype udsp slo aAseroru ipl cain, Cuiut ppd Bac Geter oSugkisarcr Biot ces CaciiOb: seuplemne aang So ssret Qederspr said. adegpeoLu ufley cor, Gptagerot coir CpSunpeEpyd Seogeraficr Qrammd udapple POMBE Houosgcion Gish fad seg soew fy eoymLW Ubsaremeni Cuamaland 6HEGS omL Casini. Copscin cSupisme alen_spreMe Suact esgs arcs paplenrd 2decr So ggrot Csoarssr acu. QaGaure aferrayd (A), (B). (C) wppd (D) sar prere ceramed Ganaineterg.. Shsct Seasche @8y gE efunen SeLews Eptai Geig cm_sgsrefld ePpge onc. GnicinOir. PASS Copulr sflurer ese GE Cactlag Qeneras agplans fist det eflurergs serpy sengd segAStaGorn S56 Soeow cen perchle EHdgd sm. CucinGd. elqurdguid 9G Cosidlag G8) GG eo_euperar GpisQsGSe CrrainOd. 2 deer@u Corgp oPU@uarae hiact Seogerche ePege ord efuren San ser catretiserscruts Gurpbs os. Sor.gerehld giGang Caco cainrachide efile (Al, [B). [Cl wppo [D] ser grene, Ae. GacLhect eeterer. G6 Gactdse Seoulne fuser ofiuer seg Smou gr 96 Sar sc gPe wc Od ubgi erent Guamdenrd Esp amr CuaOd. GuGaTG CacrSoeb 9G Soong CstiOsO5g clo gered eflas CucinOid. ge Cactdag Qarpse SwpuLr Sarupsrd a6 Seo ganrangrs sesiuGd. egryamons fuss (B) ccrusg ofluren So.urss seers Hos IerasoTy EHS ps ami CactrOd. {Al MB(c) (Dd) faser Seons Oargudler abg0 usssopyd Sso@on shag APsoour omg. Gpitoy Copséler Dis Hern Sprewlresur shop Ser serererGur Gera oni seors LG Oech Obst Dedmdonimg. Corey wxbeier Sisct 2 toer@u Seo serene seivaraniveronthl> Oar Obgi AL GrsinGd. Piles Qerenleors ate, waders Susct shane sOsge Geseerio. Bopacia. alec rogunaip EPleind stanoerud wE@AGhGb Gam hrarere actors SpAGH cox sPapssLuQMpg. Rpidlo argo Gar Gasacur Geter @Piyachpnedr epyeurengn gi ears Apres Seo cow EPik.Gerr, GPK GS sme. Gaur sang. SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKLET FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS ARE ASKED TO DO SO ‘COVER OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU sSlemng Aprende @irCogieopeow sarenamuurent apib vengiler APie& saigs DO NOT TEAR THIS: x : 3 aS S g @ 1 t ' t t t t It ' t 1 4 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 t 4 } ' { Turn over 3 PGEO Uctaugo sadpace scusrgslo Garate + L UQA UTEDEEsS Hasse Fong GPU gerey sr Agid sereno Sipleid aetengy. pap UTeopABne Hodpy Fey SHUI syoneSpe oLbgid seroow a. Sopars wetengy. Th. 2Gvrilu uresprse Posey Sor EAUILL seray spgid Sereno Bgiome: e_chengy. IV. unenpsciier germomu Gurpsg, Hodsy st ePir syoray BL bgaugs Sleo.urgs. Bedorst : A) 100. Q0 efturengs B) Lipid Il efluresrencu ©). Hwppib Ul efurerenas D) semenggid eflureneneu. Consider the following statements : Ll n Specific conductance of groundwater {s high in sedimentary terrain Specific conductance of groundwater is low in igneous terrain Hil. Specific conductance of groundwater is moderate in metamorphic terrain IV. Specific conductance of groundwater is not related to nature of rocks. Of these statements : A) Lalone is correct B) Land Il are correct C) ‘1, Mand If! are correct D) all are correct. [2904] 19000 [Turn over PGEO 4 2. Fpsergpuid cursAwtisener seus + Gaol (A): Hoseafleow GQeuy *Haqb GuTg QuyrsvewenuG oppo says olergpis’ sreantiu@dlpgi. anqenmb (R): Hassle @Gs@id eouenq. sfiflesr warahanesde Guarév 6006 LWpHIb sdi4Al& oulevorrs Fengeueodipg. Epssr gpd GHuiige eflurer Seow CstbOgs@ + A) A) wp RM) QyainGd ofl, Cogyid (R) eerug (A) Me sfures Slenéeid B) (A) whpr R) G\yadn@b ofl, Coogi (R) cresrugs (A) Side efluren adlersewoee CC) Ash gems sup D) A) paup gyenre (R) afl. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) During processing of coal deposits ferrous sulphate an sulphuric acid are often found Reason (R): Pyrite present in coal decomposes to ferrous sulphate anc , sulphuric acid in the presence of water. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) ts the correct explanation of (A) B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) ts not the correct explanation of (A) C) — (A)is true, but (Riis false D) (A)is false, but (R) is true. 3. Fpdscirawbper eflure QurGs soul gi ogi 7 A) Qurturéluid - BrsGarACasv B) wef Au - sréveneu. CO) srédwin - SIUC BD) ey - Coders. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) Potassium _ Orthoclase B) Magnesium - Calcite C) Calcium _ Apatite D) Iron - Magnesite. [i804] [18000] 5 PGEO 4. , prere BpiBler guafiast Doge gfe aetergi. sjeneu ffl actor syeraysefle SHLUOL I pie aufero eaggse : A) 'B) oO D) Gurcimbusis, wdefAui, srduid, Cemgui GCemguid, srdSluid, wdc Au, Gum Pui wéeofAub, Camguio, srédlusd, uri Suid areSlu, Camywid, QumwmAuio, w&eof Sui. We serve four cations in groundwater. Arrange them in decreasing order of abundance : A) Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium B) Sodium, calctum, magnestum, potassium ‘C) Magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium D) Calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium. 5. flogsy Siler acugdroow Plassey fife sage 2teus OurEssosei A) @Certe7Q 100 gm/L Cod flagsy Sd Gossrd acy serenvenw : Gangseo : B). @ELG7L 100 gm/L Cow fogssy filed Qebare setiuren sereowenw sib CC) Gureindiud acuygscroncu Hossa 656 GerOseo D) s&Gut. 500 gm/L God fassy sid Qobsrd sey screoweu CanOsed. Salty taste of groundwater is due to A) chloride in excess of 100 gm/L causes a salty taste B) water containing nitrate more than 100 gm/L ts bitter taste ©) potassium imparts salty taste to groundwater D) | water containing sulphate above 500 gm/L imparts bitter taste. 1904 19000 [Turn over PGEO 6 6. srg eappsensr seuenpslir @esretes : L Pogpg ifler amgy Slopgsler Gwe aetren ififler aweng, oD. wybleid. I. Qurgs St sphle Feir@h Pogsyse Gedgu Ft Ranhse wary spoisb wl Gio Il. verpurd Plage bt Saini GatsscuGdlog IV. flagsy St enpprs GeusiGuppiuddps. Geudpst : A) ToL@b eflurengs B) I wppib I eflureneneu C) 1, Wp pb I efluranenas D} smonggid eflurenancu. Consider the following statements : 1. The age of groundwater is older than surface water ii. The annual replacement rate of groundwater amounts only three per cent of total water circulation I. The groundwater is recharged by precipitation IV. The groundwater is discharged in the form of spring. Of these statements : A) I alone ts correct B) I and Il are correct C) 1, Wand Ill are correct D) all are correct. 7. SpSscinouppsst eflurs, OurGessUUcr gi org 7 AD umtdly shu - Grande pout QerpsEb Fp B) gwdapp St gud — * saftveior CC) gagneres St @LLD - Oulu greurpisct D) — dombpers sr sgid abe ~ Alu gueungiiser. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? -A) Darcy's law - Reynolds number is less than one B) Turbulent flow - Clay C) Laminar flow - Large pores D) Low hydraulic conductivity = — Small pores. [904 | 19000 } 7 8 dpbsam Lepper ofure Gurebpluls g ap 7 A ysiiow piater gener Busy — + Giain_miflencs gienenesch : ( gieunpiiser ) B) Qiyainmib Blane gicdngimen @ué1y — eppduflanes gimersict ( giangheet ) C) Goudamits abr gener Qusy — urenpder geurgiinesis, : ureapilerargd senepgib 2 ster abst D) Yyuteoapagepmb gimstact — | GL USOsrcteHd Smsure git aotergy. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) Primary porosity — Secondary interstices B) Secondary porosity — Original interstices C) Effective porosity — _ Ratio of to interstices total volume of rock D) Supercapiliary intensities — Water is held by adhesive forces. 9 ucgUd TQ UqUe aie GuTGssl, Mop Gar GsacucGerar gPUIGaenerd Qarein® shure leo cniis CetbOs@ : uLiguiéo I utque I a) AG GLg& ueny 1. ampCorecd ues) db) uGurev it 2. Sit DePleys uss ) ae élu sir 3. gpgWlery Spmiast USS 4d) aden epmb sir 4. Queclw eqbdutibs ug. GBUipect : a b ce a A 1 2 3 4 Bol 2 4 3 Oo 4 3 2 1 D) a io (ise {Turn over PGEO 8 Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below : a) “by e) a Codes : a A B) 1 Oo 4 DD 2 List I Phreatic surface Vadose water Hygroscopic water Capillary water enn o 1 ve oe da. 4 3 1 3. List 1 Zone of aeration Zone of saturation Capillary zone Thin film of moisture. 10. ucgud Ig ucgue eis: Gurgédl, Hp GanGsacuc Geter SPGacrend Geraing sfluren Seren CstbOSO : ucigud I ureopyer Cement goaienanc Sit Yea Lrahss ft erfliosoeo sft a) b} od qd emuipasi : a Al By). a D) (see ey On oe Foy on ene en 19000 uc. wéo 1, 688 goin gianer ft 2. S86 RE pbBe 2 ctor UTED Gpbysehear sir 3. ureap @pbyseMe udu bi rerergy syadr_ Sle amGGase 4. gypSloourg, Urenp SpdyscMesr Sir. 1. 9 PGEO Match List I correctly with List If and select your answer using the codes given i ‘below : List 1 List 1 . a) Connate water 1. Fossil interstitial water b) _ Juvenile water 2. Magmatic water from great depth ©) Plutonic water 3. New water of magmatic of cosmic origin d) Volcanic water 4. Magmatic water from shallow depth. Codes : , a bd c da ‘yo 2 3 4 Bool 3 2 4 co 3 2 38 2 D4 #4 «4° 3 wevCaracu. owan sits soflnid page chs urenpild Aen shlong 7 A) Aevl B) ome Cc) Agne@en D) @wévee. The muscovite mica deposit of Nellore occurs in which of the following host rocks ? . A) Schists B) Gneisses - ) Granite D) Pegmatite. 2. Gueng Uggser ast UTeapEchad Fen sdlerper 7 A) 66086 Banas. B) — Qeutoustefl ecerarnmibiyba6s OC) sréupdit Gea D) Garexdprem Coe. Baryte deposits occur in A) Gulcheru quartzites B) — Vempalle limestones ©) Tadpatri shales D)- Kolamnala shales, 1904] [79000] {Turn over PGEO 10 13. 19008 BL.LUT GuGsUuTEODUGS SSH UG ThE UTEXOUOSGESet Ligibgictoran 2 A) WAGsiocsfluseds CuctvGuocer B) stgre Osred) O) srant dé Osredl D) uésd Ogres). ‘The Cuddapah supergroup of rocks are overlain by A) Precambrian basement B) Kurmool group (| Kaladgi group D) _Pakhal group. Stiteurt uTeopHener OIL. sFlewrs a wadihubn urrenpacit A) 6 Genre Agence B) ust Quwettid enpev ©) ettandt Aeiwe. D) Qeubpist arginSldanon. ‘The rocks which shows a relatively higher degree of metamorphism than the Dharwar fs A) Closepet granite B) Fundamental gneiss ©) Sargur schist _ D) None of these. abe fener cueneta, sides soCiorenen., 2c geri umenpuG&dle eter YsAuoren QpraguwiGyéscaenrs 2 cteren 7 A) evBacoud wippid Lifleneor. B) Liflene wppyd sjnenGerdigev C) semenCerdljeu wppid cvs. D) Gleneu synengguo. ‘The uncoiled ammonite characteristics of Uttattur formations are A) scaphites and turrilites B) _ turrilites and anisoceras C) — anisoceras and scaphites. D) all of these. Ybous actor OLssre usrdlyer sSepdaAtSer gab saaGdgos wg ere 2 A) 30 - 40 Badckuctt axgimiect B) 60 - 65 HadSudr ugimaet C) 50 - 55 Heuer ugetiect D) — Qlaubpiet erginyldvonen. ‘The radiometric age of the Deccan basait that flows from Mumbai is A) 30-40 milllion years B) 60 - 65 milllion years C) 50 - 55 million years D) none of these. ll PGEO 17. Quésrer ygmider Ad ceriuGio semhuTeop srsygr, uSwWd ws Puss ssl SHES SOL UTEOD HOSGRAA gemobgietergs 2 A) &p CareinQeurant B) Gow CancinQeurenr oO Om dls D) - Quppier erginpBlevence. Sills of the Deccan traps which are noted in Satpura area of Madhya Pradesh are present in A) lower Gondwana formations B) upper Goridwana formations C) Jurassic formations D) none of these. 18. AGCyyMuch-#Curdler chads Gariyeo @esoo Hoes AMG Awe AsragriSysein og 2 . A) gytdumini ev Sigur By smhecir G—pedheSGpiniee C) AL Gyrame. CaaS D) Qleubpst eginpblorere. The index fossil of Cretaceous-Eocene boundary which occur in Trichy Cretaceous formations is A) Orbitoides media B) — Cardita jaquinott ©) Siderolites calcitrapoides D) _ none of these. 19. Groflucr sraggler G\bdlug gnc acim ssler GHUILOS OerdguiCysat A) Qeeing.geSeonr B) Gymyoodv CO) smheciun Sywredong. D) gtuteeSenr. ‘The index fossil of Danian on the Indian subcontinent is A) Lenticulina B) — Robulus ©) Cardita beaumontt D) — Operculina. 1804 [19000] {Turn over PGEO 12 20. e@ddifypp ure@pselad gad vppd sad ugmasecr 21, 22. 2 poMlenrer sir Gdigén Bug A) | aged. udens, B) AR ICLQ Ugars C) aged. Acer Gens. D) Qa smenggib. In the case of deformed rocks the top and bottom of beds are determined with the help of A) current bedding B) . graded bedding ©) current ripple marks D) _allof these. Gaupur® utes 2uGurdléstuQd guyerACwecdr GHulQ Merouwid griw Se loninatien Chorgspiwreid + A) Gaumt.e, geranuc, QpiMdleir, senrirange B) Game, gydrooun, ApleMleir, gurener., srdrdloncut C) Game, gheour, qerrtenge, atsCerdCos D) coupé dlesrset, mylar Differentiation index used in variation diagram is the sum of normative A) quartz, albite, nepheline and anorthite B) quartz, albite, nepheline, leucite and kalsilite C) quartz, albite, anorthite and orthoclase D) __ pyroxene and olivine. adliivenp ufleomo cusntéAé obs Agrienarord EPI cuQAspg! 2 A) g@eaGorrdlgrere B) dlenensBendlgre_ ev ©) wr éyGarAgmisx.av D) @aubprst ergiawSeveoon. A graptolite showing the reversal of evolutionary trend is. A) Dicellograptus B) — Climacograptus ©) Dicranograptus D) none of these. ro (9008 13 23. ApriCLrmealQact apd uTenpseild sPlawrads sremiudslenpen > A) oi) woes puenp s@iy Cow B) D) eabroomminys urenp Qaudoiet argildraren. ' Graptolites are most common and abundant in B) D) limestone none of these. 24, gegBarreugd QyeainG ssds YRUTS SgYSSELET sagu Hermanas, A) _ sandstone ! C) black shales sree Guus 7 A) Algaflguio ©) Lyeentt B) D) Cgrevtgo Budpisr agiawlevooer. ' The two fixed cheeks together with the glabella in trilobites constitute the B) D) B) D) Shells with ammonite suture appear first in A) Cranidium ,C) Doublure * Qamresplugs 2 A) Gurtublusetr Cc) AGL aflucy A) Permian ©) Cretaceous 26. DisMiquredesr sre og ? 7) ° ‘The age of Cypridea is A) Cc (968) wOusresr @iGomélen Miocene Oligocene [iv600 ] B) D) B) D) B) D) Rostrum none of these. 25. SHoCoraan HHschld QGEEGd gus umerp smote HCUTg GOBaT Copel ig Gouratuesr Gaudpier ergiaylrener. Devonian none of these. Sef Gur les MoflevG_m Hear. Pliocene Pleistocene. [ Turn over PGEO 14 27. ig 2-curer ffl ampésagu Curgial@ugr A) Gymru B) evant C) ceSguid D) @iancu semen sgud.° ‘The brackish water formainifera is A) Rotalia B) ~ Discorbis ©) Elphidium D) all of these. 28. afaern Syed +AS Gg HArsrdgwICgsssengy Mss WEG 7 A) Gea By) Get CC) Blwdesfl D)- Qleubpist arginpSldvancs. Schulze's solution is used to separate microfossils from A) shale B) chert Cc) coal D) none of these. 29. Gar AsragwiGjéemaacr UASAsQss Dano syetoren suflssner obst LyquTEnile Qesg TOLUBH|S Merudp GoueinG 2 A) ABs Gos B) scfloainsé CC) sainomminy Cady D) Qaubpist erginpBldrsones. More rigorous techniques are required to free microfossils from A) __ Siliceous shale B) Claystone ©) Calcareous shale D) none of these. 30. QG UTeEple @uGuT@OLC Qobsre AI yey pri sewrsAGd Curg Mereugid Belin siSlawr eb A) Gumi undwid Qudodvurit B) deo, CC) Gourite D) — optusttetughetr. If biotite is present in the rock, there is an increase in which of the following minerals in CIPW norm ? A) Potash feldspar B) Albite ©) Quartz D) _Hypersthene. 1904 18600 31. 33. 15 PGEO Gbs UTEpschd Deragd ydoorG Ader sPlaflagd Cur@goerd Hed A) wbeef Fluid asener@ B) aredlu msenev@ C) Gurciméur gsenevg D) sigflefu gsencvQ. In general, which of the following oxides shows positive correlation with SiO , in rock suites ? A) MgO B) CaO ©) K,0 D) Al,O,. 8G Cine unenp Agreent. urenp aeter ugPleow emGgaierrd ePurei SAhobesch A) Crwbpid NM B) Kwppb Ba ©) COwppe Zn D) Zr wppxd Sr. The dolerite dyke intruding granitic country rock is richer in 4) Crand Ni B) KandBa ©) COand Zn D) Zrand Sr. Seragaucrdie egy eflura QurGsstiuicrene 7 ~ A) , Aguo urysGurg ued ugeird eednoug Gener@ Cols sacgr Bn amddersev B) yethiriy uesse — GCewi® smibtion&cv CC) Syab sedssrvd Bosse — @ovy Mss verde- Guana D) uray @pby sesse =| sttiurere ct. smbtendey. Which one of the following is is not correctly matched ? A) Flow differentiation — Zoned mafic-ultramafic complex B) Gravitational differentiate — Layered complex C) — Liguid tmimiscibility — Fe-rich basalt-rhyolite D) Magma mixing © +— — Carbonatite complex. 1904 19000 { Turn over “PGEO 16 35. Epssrepid ane Aumesoor sovel : woop tA): ugod usslurd eedimrag S056 wmGuTe@psafid ST eal GAlp gs. srgcenb (R: gainTs QesGd uray Pyaugpd seflokisepbd gLuren LSP YL 2 ottoreor. Fpdsrepwd GHdLgd efuror Sarow GstbOsO : : A) (A) wbpid (R) Qyain@id aif, Gugyio (R) eeotugs (A) Sp| eflurer eSleréaid B) (A) wppib (R) QyainGio ofl, Giogyid (R) sesrugs (A) Did| sfluresr alendawere C) (Ajai penne (R) soupy D) (A) peupy gooey (R) aif. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A): Crystal fractionation 1s common in layered intrusions. Reason (R): The coexisting liquid and mineral have similar densities. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A} Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) “ ©) (Alls true, but (R) is false D) (A) 1s false, but (R) is true. UGE ug sioTBd Fisjpesgy A) Ealigi afgid Gasswreo Gurgy B) GelG@o ofgb GQogamsd C) 21965 sPlawvTe@d Gurg D) Qolursd sguensuser sPlsoreio Gung. Fractional crystallisation takes place when the A) rate of cooling is fast B) rate of cooling is slow ©) "pressure is high D) volatiles are in excess. (i808) ] 36. 37. 38. a 17 PGEO Pyar sedeireoo sreontuGib Servi A) gydvonu, syemmitenge, eo_umiene, B) umfeoeagt, gyrena, Seem OC) qy@oout., o_umiest, Sem D) Quon, grene_, Adam. Liquid immiscibility is found to occur in the system A) Albite—Anorthite—Diopside B)_Forsterite — Leucite — Silica ©) Albite — Diopside — Silica D) _ Fayalite — Leucite — Silica. Ba sSlevror spb 5sH uETdYs UTEEPSpby Ly sors Sb secflonisst A) sudleras why AenenBenr anugréAlesr B) HlonenGeon coups éles widguo siren C) gf Car enigrééer opp WBaghGur dias D) gSloSler wppid srddlud Hebs WGaglEur Aas. Under very high pressure basaltic magma crystallises A) spinel and clinopyroxene B) _ clinopyroxene and gamet ©) orthopyroxene and plagioclase -D)_olivine and calcic plagioclase. usudr Siu, Verugeusreuppld efurest ug + A) qbNGurd, gas UGaglurdes, K-Audsurt, eouBuneoc. B) srédub Nog hGurdiGeox, govlGurd, g6568 NaglurdiGes, euCuTeot COC) wéefAubd eugrevdler, goa srdéud Nag leur Aas, gd0Gure, K-Quasumit D) gBoulGura, qadac8, srdAud MCogQhCurdiGes, ouGurorct, goad AGagheurAers. iseq] (see) {Turn over PGEO 18 Which is the correct sequence of crystallisation in Bowen's reaction principle ? A) B) Cc) D) Amphibole — alkall plagioclase —- K-feldspar — biotite Caleic sodic plagioclase — amphibole — sodic plagioclase — biotite Mg-pyroxene — alkali-calcic plagioclase — amphibole — K-feldspar Amphibole — alkali-calcic plagioclase — biotite —- alkali plagioclase. MeruGid uréAumschle sae, qeorisogse, outers. evr isle saute : A) B) c) D) Gag CurdGadv, o_umioa. senisoms QE TdeowsCon@ SMéSpg QBoou wHpd wLwrims® sefwwact gerCpr@irapg Cetby ug sor deer 15% eourions® 85% IGagheur Aas ( ga/siern ) Couglud sew Ajo 1375°C SOL. Curgy uy Kid 2 Geurdlog 15% en_uriins® 85% ICaghGur ACs ( aa/syenr ) Cauglud ant Goo Ajai ugswresgs 1216 Cd wesdiogs. Which one of the following statements is not correct for the system Albite- Anorthite-Diopside ? A) B) c) D) 1904 Boundary curve separates the fields of plagioclase and diopside Albite and diopside have eutectic relationship The liquid with 15% diopside and 85% plagioclase ( Ab, An ) first crystallises at 1375°C A liquid with 15% diopside and 85% plagioclase ( Ab, An ) completes crystallisation at 1216°C. “4 40. Al. 42. 19 PGEO GarainQeurant Agregiou Qyan® Gifleurs Siiggeut 7 A) urevGam B) C.S, uréev ©) GwrSlam. D) Seve. Geir. ‘Two-fold classification of Gondwana was proposed by A). Pascoe B) .C.S. Fox C) — Meddiicott D) _Festmantle. Uereugareuppist agi sflure Qurep dusters. 2 A) gaint esau - Apsrdyooryg, B) — wevenent. — + @aidleen. gmoév wanes ©) erirusnesteo — ara @eerpEsH D) Geren. — — Aanosoe. Which one of the following is correctly matched ? A) Anorthosite - Sittam Pundi B) Syenite - St. Thomas Mount ©) Carbonatite - Chalk hills D) Dunite - Stvamalai. HOsoHod urepse Fpdsargpid wepsclo g@sgid gq amalld 2 Gamsoslvenc. sg! Hi ? A) setresrmby Urenpiler satu 2 GG so B) ureaps GpoIG voter snpsPer wrQuce smarsslenrad 2 Gare C) usr s ureopiepioy, engrgem ugsorscllesr orpuTLTs 2 Gourgse D) — aury wmpurt® wppsd Gauls sevsond. 19060 [Turn over PGEO 20 43. 44. The alkaline rocks are not formed by which one of the following mechanisms ? A) Assimilation of limestone ‘ B) Differential movement of the magma ©) Simple crystallisation differentiation of basaltic magma D) Gaseous transfer and thermodiffusion. AS san Popapr A|ycuuser 2 Geur@d srgeswect A) als Cau 2 65h Dp» GMPUNSS 2.G5d B) als sss wppid sAOatu 2 Gace C) sls HSE 2.G56 Hd Gop Gaul 2. Gao D) Gmpucss GopGawy .Gae. Silica undersaturated liquids are formed under the conditions of ‘A) higher degrees of melting and low pressure of melting B) high pressure and high degrees of melting C) "high pressure of melting and low degrees of melting D) _low pressure and low degrees of melting. SI ETTEOOTS, Gag sPlowrs sifu cuss seMiokiscser GerairQehor uTeopsSpidy A) smtuGerrot B) aptitévutens.@ Cc} Miouitena@ D) Qeudeugenn@. Magma that commonly has anomalously high contents of various exotic incompatible elements is A) Carbonatite B) Harzburgite C) Kimberlite D) Websterite. 2804 45. 47. 21 PGEO YMCoCaried Ks slows sremsuG gemtpperet urenp evens Ciogyid Odsra amstuPsgisAe su.jeirLd cumsumnrs MOBO SEUUCL UTEHp 7 A) whip efluenw urenpacties exrcomtu(Gi> SSMITPSOA| oa GGodect B) Queiise Pomsgin sient spans act ©) 2046 cme seartbpenet Gach D) GwAlcots auenss gemmigsene_Qact. ‘The most abundant variety of anorthosite in the earth’s crust, which is earlier classified as Adirondack type, is ‘called A) anorthosite inclusions in other igneous rocks B) anorthosites of oceanic setting C) layered type anorthosite D) massif type anorthosite. Qala IGepAhGurdGordv Parphs uray cueneier uur. A), gemmtépener. GatGyr B) Gains seri gsgener. ©) BatiGgr D) CGyréCLrenen. ‘The rock types which are richer in olivine-plagioclase are known as A) Anorthositic gabbro B) Gabbroic anorthosite €) | Gabbro D) —Troctolite. BMaser Qadorg Cuesen ger Guu, A grfeut B) @pieSaneon. OC) GurGpreneu, D) @L avenge. Olivine-free basanite is called as A)! Leucitite B) _Nephelinite ©) Phonolite D)_Tephrite. 1904 19000 [ Turn over PGEO 22 48. 49. 50. [as08] umtuTeo7gé Suurenpscher Giedroslu ugaseiesr seMomect qedtgiser Glen cunt éAyLeor sre@niucLrd siger Cuut A) Aprafl ni B) AgGerr Sent ©) Aigregyenent D) AymI6 Agena. Porphyritic igneous rock in which the ground mass minerals are micrographically intergrown is called A) Granitoid B) Granophyre ©) Granulite D) Graphic granite. UGergHleurAGeréy wppio apmitenMensin. enw efloeracds urenp A) gsing.coe_ BY) Gimet ©) Govan, D) CL Ggena. A volcanic rock containing plagioclase and hornblende is called A) Andesite B) Dacite ©) Latite D) Trachyte. Ths UT@EpPsSpby, eTHoaadSepoy Gaygsseler Curg AUFyumar 2oursehpg A) shsmoer BY &Quadls CO) Gove D) seorgr@ncils. Which type of magma is more likely to produce obsidian in a lava flow eruption ? A) Alkaline B) Felstc C) Mafic D) —_Ultramafic. 51. 23 PGEO Lmbesre. 2401 errr gpeirety 9,09 5 a souey crops A) @Geur @Bymonys Sueneroyesett B) gGeurdlut Cc) GwarGura D) — Qubpier aginporener. Point of emergence of optic axes is called A) Isochromatic curve B) _Isogyre ©) Melatope D) _ none of these. aheCorerd Aduspdgich QGseo cheCoram yoleae actor ugiysefler aatnemacos, - A 5 B7 a 6 D) 12. 53. The number of classes in hexagonal division of hexagonal system is a 5 B 7 o 6) Dy 12. 4/m 32/m aenp crtucr organ EHUD Vergo igs ugUYsele geirp 916i A) B@erQweMes Sev pple engngam asin B) gGerQuihs Avge ouAlGr@iye argcy C) Ger Gwefls Aw shler Oc or@ryeH ugiy D) GLty Garena Aévisslar srgngosn cel. 1904 19000 { Turn over PGEO 24 The Hermann-Mauguin notation 4/m 32/m belongs to A) normal class of isometric system B) __pyritohedral class of isometric system C) tetrahedral class of isometric system D) _ normal class of tetragonal system. Verugd goatee gap prorafls yp_degesrs 2 uGuTAssvugD auligPlenet adiprgs A) (011) B) (112) Cc) (1ii) D) (012). Which one of the following poles falls outside the circumference of the graduated circle used for gnomonic projection ? A) (011) B) (112) . o (1) ; D) (012). Fpdongprd eum Ausisscoen sous : Sep) (A) : GG GorGerrAleehs ugagseng Ale Spytisefle Qumd gtsymbNe san easpeomib, arom (R): Ge Seo Conan dlchleles gassed arc 90° 46 @iesadenG. Epsorgprd eGuiiyd sfurar Seneu Cetsas@ = A) (A) wppid (R) QyeinGid aif, Glogyd (R) retrugi (A) DG eflurren aSleréeid B) (A) wbpid (R)@yainGid off, Gugyid (R) cara (A) Side efuran eSerssndre OC Aah gare Reup D) A) seup genre (R) ofl 1908 19000. : 25 PGEO Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : A crystal of monoclinic system may sometimes be termed as pseudo-orthorhombic. Reason (R): In some monoclinic crystals as c may be 90°. ‘Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) “oO : (A) is true, but (R) is false D). (A)is false, but (R) is true. Metreugio aturé-orevier eplgaal ee vsslw sucur® schenang 56. eplsderpgs 2 A 1 B) 6 a, 4 Dp. 1. Which one of the following Hermann-Mauguin notations indicates centre is present ? Ae 1 B) 6 oO, 4 Dp 1. 57. cédv-a6lt oLOgeGLe iLife erg seflodsald gery gGemume DuGurdserd ong 7 A) wredingenid B) pmDgi Cc) @eby D) Laser. In X-ray diffractometer which one of the following elements is not used as anode ? A) ,' Molybdenum B) Copper ©) “Iron D) Tungsten. [Hood] - 19000 (Turn over PGEO 26 8 59. HBisgroIer Osreguler ergy cor eugiisesr ert oreuler GUID A) 4/m2/m2/m B) 2/m2/m2/m Cc) 2/mm D) .mm 22. ‘The Hermann-Mauguin notation for normal class of orthorhombic system is A) | 4/m2/m2/m B) 2/m2/m2/m ©) 2/mm D) «mm 22. QteCenqrddé Ganeside actor Sipdige Usskect voter auger A) aouss HSCaromnb B) QetiGamonr eps Geranerin CO) BG s0uds M&Carennid D) svCaAGancuens (wsGarannd. The faces of pyramid in orthorhombic system is a/an A) equilateral triangle B) right angled triangle C) isosceles triangle D) sealene triangle. 60. Fpdacirmupfld GG saflud, OLjCanend srediiler ugswreugerencr A) Gaus aSlucnen By gumidmne CC) Boim@enge D) Gapwact. Which one of the following minerals does not crystallise in tetragonal system ? A) Vesuvianite B) Apophyllite ©) Octahedrite _D) Hematite. 61. wu ssoeud QerrtVgerdy ULid .... eC Co CarshiuiGSscuOdpg. A) ConGonrdlaiaes B) opt eCpnpmbSe Cc) gengdlefes, D) Gime gmeng gud. Biaxial interference figures are shown by minerals crystallising in A) monoclinic system B) orthorhombic system C) triclinic system D) all of these. 1904 . 19000 27 PGEO argrig) yoatussile sainQent cad Mss 20y Garnet serpy Goreng espe 2 A) “Byquad agard sim0ty B) , prbyset Cure angered sienoby ©). Ken7gQLe eugare syem0ty D) QysLriget agend soul. Salt domes which may indicate oil fields are indicated in aerial photos as A) radial drainage B) dendritic drainage °) ‘braided drainage D rectangular drainage. curgortg) why CeupasdsGarct utsefla UTED SHSE5Oe ScbrQ Ger ain® Fpacin_ abs Haren syHwermo 7 A) ail @ pig. ugey ureop Ugesbisst B) dGereut iii ©) Ayranut. D) Dsercing. Demarcation of stratigraphic units on aerial photos and satellite images may lead to identification of which one of the following ? A) Syngenetic sedimentary deposits B) Placer gold ©) ~~ Graphite D) ‘Pitch biende, 1904 ‘19000 [Turn over PGEO 28 64. 65. 1904 16000 Loopu plo sfiiysst wdpid sLUGAUE Doge, Garam Gopuriy Plosast curgpritd) natu gslé Fpacin_eubper sraupenp sein Su 2 goyhlerpen 2 A) pied B) aefloeén C) ade GGiby wpb uTseret. D) aw bpaD. Identification of old erosion and weathered surfaces in aerial photos helps in exploration of which of the following deposits ? A) Gold B) Clay ©} Residual tron and bauxite D) Sulphur. ergrig) uLdesflé sreotuGb MILTET asad sow Fpsacincuppst TOE GPSGid 7 A) syenoret wasnpurenn ~ By vere C) — Dasayio Qurélew Quop Qumecr D) Gaye ugeutsei. Coarse drainage texture on aerial photographs may signify A) compact sandstone B) basalt ©) _ highly permeable material D) _ shaly formation. argrts) yostur psa OgseiuGid ugsscQset Curerp augcutisct Merougecrasppicr cong Gsm ex 7 A) UGsens Carian UGens ascn_e B) — smbeuren weerburenp ppd Gayds ©) aeirerormioy urrenp Dd) Adu. A step-like topographic expression in aerial photographs indicates A). interbedded horizontal sediments B) inclined sandstone and shale Cc) —Umestone D) schist. 29 PGEO 67. Ka Guaii® Gyiat yooiuitiach 68 simocflns Nerugauaabpe ams Getthsencu 2 A) 0-75 Geu8 wpb 1-1 Ge aeog B) 1-1 Ge. Cage 1-67 eS cummy CC) 1A Ese 18 euooy D) = 30 6.8 (se 100 Ge8 suey. Ka band ini radar images is characterised by a wavelength of A) 0-75 cmto l-lem B) . 1-1 cm to 1-67 cm c) Immtolm D) 30 cmto 100 cm. 68. agit a8IGr acter MGAUsd Ystoflacoor Qmamsgb Can@act Caigs Claretenio BEd. A) srainnéc. ysiefl B) (sere ystefl CC). pGer-Osert D) &Guréad ystefl. The lines connecting the opposite fiducial marks intersect at A) contact point B) principal point C)_— tsocentre D) ~ focal point. 69. Vagounren usters ere angmits ynai sBld seupeop @Hsdlenpen 7 A) vem wpb Ayres B Aa OC) Aa wip selva D) se@tresormiby uTenp. V shaped gully sections observed in aerial photographs is characteristic of A) ‘sand and gravel B) silt ©) | silt and clay D) _Umestone. 1904 19000 (Turn over PGEO 30 70. aungomitd) ymsturtisafies 60% CopsalsANGsGd UGS! Gup, gq yoatuLsslo 71. B) c) D) % YaCarhnb Q\Gsa Coucdr®d. Yorotinr gpleer Plor getaSer 60% Yorsi gBler Blo setaleo 40% Yeostir gBlesr Blor sjeradle 20% QyaAG Yyorstursiscfled lev syoraeo 40%. For a 60% overlap in gerial photographs, the ground separation or advance per photo is given as A) 60% of length of ground covered by each photo B) 40% of length of ground covered by each photo C) 20% of length of ground covered by each photo D) 40% of length of ground covered by two adjacent photos. Wcsreugib sabpiscrar seucorpsléo Clarmetes : L YUeMertsd Coenruld prare Seach ochergs. Tl. yeflasted Gnawa ensGyrevGamnie CoeGur® Cetis bg RTE GPSEUOUDD uve 2 etergs. Il. yeflauteds Coord QyainG sarremms sengsGererid 2 cheng. IV. Yeileuteds Cre. us Qnamscner gigs 2 saelpg. @iubpet = A) [pC Qo eflurongy B) © Twbgyb I efurenenes C) 1, Hwbpib IN efurenecu D) — smensgub eflurencncu. 1904 19000 72. 31 PGEO Consider the following statements : 1, Universal stage has four axes. Il, Universal stage has five graduated circles including the stage of microscope. I. Universal stage has two glass hemispheres. IV. Universal stage 1s used for studying twinning. Of these statements : A) alone is correct B) ‘land Il are correct o% ©) 1, Mand I are correct D) _ all are correct. Dyoim_etr smibuedler syenoiny apie, Sipser Cpstenu AL orbs Gopiy Conamsdipgo sownre shy CoueinQo B) 45° sp GeuctrQb C) arts Geptry CorangApGo sPlowrs ap CoucdrGid D) amb empty ConemsDideb Gmpairs ahp CucinOd. ‘The rule for setting the Brunton compass Is to rotate the dial A) _ through an angle equal to the magnetic declination B) through 45° C) through an angle greater than the magnetic declination D) through an angle less than the magnetic declination. 19000 [ Turn over PGEO 32 73. 74. 75. UTOD LOSES Qoawwrs FGsrGqwo svycogs eraler Qe aes .. 4e0. A) Qe@enr Bora B) ude Sera CC) Sitéambe Senoy D) — crest-srdleurreét Seto. A variety of strike fault that is parallel to the bedding is known as A} parallel fault B) bedding fault ©) longitudinal fault D) _ enechelon fault. siflorend ghulL gt Copupcny, madres epLtin®, syqiler acter umenpuller Cod Coens ecamtsere, og ++ BED. A) Qa Ghed srain rs B) . prob-werdoumtMlg C) * GuplierGpagesr D) WGlersi geracirSoumtlg. A surface of erosion which is covered by residual soil and lacks sharp contact with sub-surface rock is called A) intrusive contact B) _non-conformity C) _ peneplanation D) _ blended unconformity. Pbdeosutaodler ( gracSourindy ) Qe vsssSlgid uTeapact Gnamwre Qeomod ower, 21g) A) qevactrsoumitly, B) yuqoomt sbrecirSourtiblg, CO) prer-sein South, D) Qludgier erginpledrencn. When the rocks on the opposite sides of an unconformity are noi parallel, then it is known as A) disconformity B) angular unconformity C) _ non-conformity D) none of these. 1904 76. 77. 78. 33 PGEO Qudmailer Qeupurisenrd 2 GaurdssoucG, argmtd yoatutale Gang Cure sremiuGaug A) oSBlut B) SfluGuoeine C) ohflGuessr D) Alc gang. A line resulting from natural processes and may represent a fault in an aerial photograph is A). linear B) lineament C} lineation D) ridge line. Dongs GULL 5001.4 paitoy oppo ugla CeiuiuLG @euugs A) oeGorenpe. B) dudl@scranst. 21956 CC) @Gumrdlenet D) wag. ‘The last or latest movements along a fault is recorded’in A) Mylonite B) — Slicken-sided layer ©) Pseudotachylite D) Gouge. Harper God gerprer Alu Toraysct senpsocnueugs A) Gyque Werey . BY eret-erBleuret Seroy ©) Qu&@uye leroy D) Gopsciibflgagid Senay. Relatively short faults that overlap each other are called A) radial faults B) _ enechelon faults peripheral faults D) overlap faults. i908 18000 . (Tum over

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